93 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Fee-collecting Script Service System for Mobile Phone Based on PHP

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    根据中国互联网络信息中心的《第31次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示,中国手机网民规模在2012年12月底已经达到4.2亿。与2011年相比增加了6440万人。手机网民在2012年规模迅速增长,中国上网民众中使用手机上网的人群比例由2011年底的69.3%提升至74.5%,手机网民数量也在2012年年中超出使用台式电脑接入互联网的网民。手机网民基数的增加为手机游戏建立了发展的基础,手机游戏用户也在随着手机上网人群基数的不断增大而逐渐扩大。 而当前手机游戏存在着重复操作量大、内容单调、投入时间大等问题,严重影响了用户体验。手机脚本便成了解决重复内容的最佳方案。当前主流的手机脚本有IOS系统的...According to The 31st Handbook on Internet Development of China released by CNNIC, the population of netizens with mobile access as of the end of December, 2012 reached 420 million, representing an increase of 64.4 million compared with that of the end of 2011. The proportion of the netizen population in the use of mobile access increased from the 69.3% by the end of 2011 to 74.5%. Population and ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223105

    ‘Of Batik and the Chinese’: The Role of Chinese Entrepreneurs in the Indonesian Batik Industry during the Dutch Colonial Period (1850-1942)

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    本文主要通过论述华人在荷属东印度时期如何进入蜡染花裙布这一传统爪哇手工业,以及经营并逐渐在这一行业取得垄断地位,来分析华人在荷属东印度蜡染花裙布产业中的地位和作用。 本文除了绪论和结论以外,主要分为三章。绪论部分,阐明了本文的研究对象,回顾和评述了在蜡染花裙布研究领域的学术研究成果,列举了本文所运用的中西文档案和资料,并指出所应用的研究方法。本文第一章,作为历史背景的交代,分别介绍了蜡染花裙布在印尼发展的历史,华人在荷属东印度的经济地位以及华人开始涉足蜡染花裙布的特殊社会经济环境。第二章则从经营管理的各方面因素入手,描述华人在蜡染花裙布行业中的角色转变过程,从中间贸易商发展成为手工作坊主再到...Batik is known as the symbol of Indonesia together with Wayang shadow play and Gamelan orchestra. But the difference between batik and the latter two is that batik has continued to receive outer influences, while the others are totally indigenous. One significant influence comes from the Chinese. Therefore the aim of this paper is to examine the role of Chinese in the batik industry during the Dut...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:南洋研究院_专门史学号:2552007115168


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    印度尼西亚与我国有着长期的渔业合作关系,在渔业捕捞、养殖、渔港建设、水产品加工等领域已取得较佳的合作成果。2014年佐科·维多多(Joko Widodo)为首的印尼政府上台后,大力推广\"海洋强国\"\"全球海洋战略支点\"战略,并推出了多项海洋渔业相关政策,促进其渔业发展的同时,也给中国和“周边邻国海洋经济战略及中国发展海洋经济的对策研究”(14BGJ024)的阶段性成


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    雨天环境下的雨线导致图像内容被遮挡,严重影响人眼的视觉效果和后续系统的处理性能。目前主流的深度学习方法为了提升处理性能,均以复杂的网络结构和较大的参数量为代价,导致相关方法难以服务于实际应用。为此,文中提出一种新的深度邻近连接网络结构。它通过关注深度网络中所学特征图之间的关系,采用融合操作将邻近特征图进行连接,以获得更加丰富和有效的特征表示。实验数据表明,文中方法在三个公开合成数据集及真实有雨图像上的主客观处理效果、模型参数量和运行时间等相关性能参数都有所提升。在合成数据集Rain100H上的平均结构相似性( SSIM) 值达到0.84,在合成数据集Rain100L和Rain1200上的平均SSIM值分别达到0.96和0.91。在真实有雨图像上,文中方法在有效去除前景雨线的同时,能够保护更多的背景图像信息,从而获得更好的主观视觉效果。相比于同时期的深度学习方法JORDER,文中方法在保证相近的处理效果的前提下,模型参数量和CPU运行时间分别降低了一个和两个数量级。实验数据充分说明,通过将网络中邻近特征图进行融合,能够获取更加有效的特征表示。因此,虽然文中方法仅使用较少的模型参数和简洁的神经网络结构,却依旧能够实现较好的图像去雨效果,解决了现有方法模型参数量较大和网络结构较为复杂的问题。同时,文中网络结构设计方案也能够为相关基于深度学习的图像复原任务提供参考和借鉴。国家自然科学基金(61571382, 81671766, 61571005, 81671674, 61671309,U1605252

    Diatom assemblages in surface sediments from the South China Sea as environmental indicators

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    We studied diatom distribution from 62 samples from the uppermost 1 cm of sediment in the South China Sea (SCS), using grabs or box corers in three cruises between 2001-2007. Fifty six genera, 256 species and their varieties were identified. Dominating species included Coscinodiscus africanus, Coscinodiscus nodulifer, Cyclotella stylorum, Hemidiscus cuneiformis, Melosira sulcata, Nitzschia marina, Roperia tesselata, Thalassionema nitzschioides, Thalassiosira excentrica, and Thalassiothrix longissima. Most surface sediments in the SCS were rich in diatoms, except for a few coarse samples. Average diatom abundance in the study area was 104 607 valve/g. In terms of the abundance, ecology, and spatial distribution, seven diatom zones (Zones 1-7) were recognized. Zone 1 (northern continental shelf) is affected by warm currents, SCS northern branch of the Kuroshio, and northern coastal currents; Zone 2 (northwestern continental shelf) is affected by intense coastal currents; Zone 3 (Xisha Islands sea area) is a bat..

    First record of genera Rutilaria and Trigonium(Bacillariophyta) and 11 diatom taxa(species and varieties) in South China Sea

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    Diatom taxa in samples collected from the uppermost 1-cm sediment of the South China Sea(SCS) during cruises in 2000,2001,and 2007 were investigated.Among them,two genera,Rutilaria and Trigonium,and 11 marine taxa(species and varieties) were described for the first time in China.The 11 taxa,Rutilaria radiata,Asterolampra grevillei,Biddulphia turrigera,Cocconeis cyclophora var.decora,Cocconeis ocellata,Dictyoneis marginata,Entogonia davyana,Tryblionella campechiana,Plagiogramma kinkeri,Plagiogramma nankoorense and Trigonium cf.contumax,were mainly extant species,although Rutilaria radiata and Entogonia davyana are fossils.Available data show that these species are mainly present in the eastern and western Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean.A large number of taxa newly recorded in this study were previously reported in the Philippines.The presence of these taxa in both locations is likely a result of seawater exchange in the SCS through the Bashi Channel.Taxonomic descriptions,habitats,and distributions of each..