118 research outputs found

    Interaction of Human Papillomavirus 16 Major Capsid Protein L1 with HnRNP H1 and its functions

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    流行病学和相关研究证实人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染与尖锐湿疣、宫颈上皮瘤样增生和宫颈癌的发生关系密切。HPV感染机体后各种病毒基因的表达是受严格调控的,尤其是晚期基因,在未分化的细胞中几乎不表达,随着细胞分裂,病毒基因组随子细胞上移到表皮上层后,晚期蛋白的表达才被启动。这种分化依赖的晚期蛋白表达调控机制尚不明确。在以往的研究中发现,晚期蛋白在转录后水平受多种负调节元件的控制,其中早期多聚腺苷酸化信号(pAE)在晚期基因的转录后调控中起到核心的作用,它能使mRNA的转录提前终止,在HPV16L2的N端有一个GU含量丰富的序列(GU-richsequence,GRS),是hnRNPH1蛋白结合位点,...It has been confirmed that the infection of HPV is associated with genital warts and various forms of cancer in men and women. Expression of viral gene, especially the late gene, is tightly controlled while these late gene will not expressed in less differentiated cells. Along with cell division, viral genome move upward to the most superficial epithelium layer, and that initiate the late gene exp...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2012005130209

    Design and Implementation of Video Monitoring Client based on Symbian Smart Phone

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    随着经济的发展、人们生活水平的提高,视频监控已经成为社会生活中的热点话题。目前大部分的视频监控系统是基于Web服务器的视频监控系统,监控终端为PC机,通过接入互联网实现远程视频监控。由于互联网接入地点的限制,无法满足用户随时随地获取监控信息的要求。移动通信网络和移动智能终端技术的飞速发展为这一问题的解决创造了条件。 本课题将传统视频监控系统与移动多媒体业务相结合,构建基于智能手机的移动视频监控系统。目前移动通信网络覆盖范围很广,使用手机作为视频监控系统的终端,几乎不受地点的限制,真正实现用户任何时间,任何地点的视频监控。同时手机作为最普及的移动终端设备,有利于移动视频监控向民用市场的推广。 ...Along with the development of economy and the improvement of people’s living standard, the video monitoring has becomed hot topics in social life. Now, most of video monitors are based on the web server, the terminal of video monitoring system is PC, it realizes remote video monitoring through Internet. Because the restriction of Internet accsss point, the requirement of getting the information of...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院通信工程系_通信与信息系统学号:2005130239


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    Design of handset software based on the J2ME in long-distance monitor system and its implementation

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    简要介绍了手机软件J2ME开发平台和开发工具,分析了手机远程监控的系统结构和功能实现,着重介绍了远程监控系统中基于J2ME手机客户端软件的编写,包括用户界面设计、网络连接、云台控制、图片显示几个部分的设计与实现,并给出了部分程序流程图及运行演示。This article briefly introduces the J2ME development platform and development kit for handset software,analyzes the structure and the function of handset long-distance monitor system,emphatically introduces the handset client software programming based on J2ME in long-distance monitor system,including the design and realizing of user interface,the network connection,camera control,and the picture displaying.This article also presents some flow chart diagrams and shows the result of program


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    利用重组戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)衣壳蛋白片段p239(368~606 aa)形成的类病毒颗粒作为亲和层析诱饵蛋白,HepG2为细胞模型,筛选与p239类病毒颗粒特异性相互作用蛋白。经过二维电泳分离,MALDI-TOF-MS分析鉴定得到GRP78/Bip,HSP90,alpha-tubulin及P43四个与p239有相互作用的候选蛋白。GRP78/Bip为热休克蛋白家族成员,体外免疫共沉淀实验结果证实,其与p239有特异性的结合。此研究结果为深入研究HEV的感染过程如吸附、入胞,以及HEV的致病机理提供了有益线索


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    制备具有氧还原(ORR)与氧释放(OER)双功能催化活性的特殊孔道结构电催化剂是锂氧电池研究的挑战之一。本文以氧化石墨烯、硝酸铁、硝酸镧、柠檬酸为原料,结合溶胶凝胶和水热合成方法,制备出还原氧化石墨烯(RGO)与铁酸镧(LaFeO)复合的双功能催化剂(RGO-LaFeO)。X射线衍射(XRD)、傅里叶变换红外(FTIR)光谱和Raman光谱分析结果确认该复合催化剂由纯相钙钛矿结构LaFeO和还原氧化石墨烯组成,扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察到LaFeO纳米颗粒均匀地负载在RGO片层表面。锂氧电池测试结果指出,相对于LaFeO纳米粒子(NP-LaFeO),RGO-LaFeO催化剂具有更好的ORR和OER催化活性,归因于RGO特殊的三维导电多孔结构与LaFeO纳米粒子的协同催化作用。以RGO-LaFeO作为阴极催化剂的锂氧电池在限1000 m Ah?g比容量、100 m A?g电流密度条件下,可实现36周稳定的充放电循环,展示出良好的应用前景。国家自然科学基金(21621091);国家重点研发计划(2016YFB0100202)资助项目~~

    Reduced Graphene Oxide-LaFeO3 Composite Nanomaterials as Bifunctional Catalyst for Rechargeable Lithium-Oxygen Batteries

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    制备具有氧还原(ORR)与氧释放(OER)双功能催化活性的特殊孔道结构电催化剂是锂氧电池研究的挑战之一。本文以氧化石墨烯、硝酸铁、硝酸镧、柠檬酸; 为原料,结合溶胶凝胶和水热合成方法,制备出还原氧化石墨烯(RGO)与铁酸镧(LaFeO_3)复合的双功能催化剂(RGO-LaFeO_3)。X射线; 衍射(XRD)、傅里叶变换红外(FTIR)光谱和Raman光谱分析结果确认该复合催化剂由纯相钙钛矿结构LaFe03和还原氧化石墨烯组成,扫描电子; 显微镜(SEM)观察到LaFe03纳米颗粒均匀地负载在RGO片层表面。锂氧电池测试结果指出,相对于LaFe03纳米粒子(NP-LaFeO_3),; RGO-LaFeO_3催化剂具有更好的ORR和OER催化活性,归因于RGO特殊的三维导电多孔结构与LaFeO_3纳米粒子的协同催化作用。以RGO; -LaFeO_3作为阴极催化剂的锂氧电池在限1000 mAh·g~(-1)比容量、100; mA·g~(-1)电流密度条件下,可实现36周稳定的充放电循环,展示出良好的应用前景。Development of electrocatalysts is one of the challenges in the development of the lithium-oxygen battery, especially the synthesis of catalysts with special pore structures and excellent bifunctional catalytic performance for both the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). In this article, a reduced graphene oxide-LaFeO3 (RGO-LaFeO3) nanocomposite electrocatalyst was synthesized by combining sol-gel and hydrothermal methods and using graphene oxide, lanthanum nitrate, ferric nitrate, and citric acid as raw materials. The prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. The results confirmed that the RGO-LaFeO3 was composed of pure phase LaFeO3 with a perovskite structure and RGO and that the LaFeO3 nanoparticles were loaded uniformly on the RGO layer surface. In comparison with a LaFeO3 nanoparticle (NP-LaFeO3) catalyst, RGO-LaFeO3 exhibited superior activity for both the ORR and the OER when it served as the cathode of a lithium-oxygen battery. The higher catalytic activity of the RGO-LaFeO3 is attributed to the synergistic effect of the special three-dimensional electronic conductive structure of RGO and the intrinsic catalytic property of LaFeO3. It was shown that the lithium-oxygen battery with the RGO-LaFeO3 cathode can be cycled stably up to 36 reversible cycles under conditions of a limit discharge depth of 1000 mAh.g(-1) and a 100 mAg(-1) current density for charge-discharge. The study illustrates that the RGO-LaFeO3 bifunctional electrocatalyst is a promising candidate for the cathode in lithium-oxygen batteries.National Natural Science Foundation of China [21621091]; National Key; Research and Development Program of China [2016YFB0100202

    Impacts of surface micro-topography on cellular biological responses

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