437 research outputs found

    Sediment Nutrients Fluxes and Warming Effects across the Cascade Reservoirs of the Jiulong River

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    河流沉积物扮演着营养盐的“源”与“汇”的角色,梯级电站开发改变了河流水文和沉积动力,在气候变化(如气候变暖)的叠加影响下,沉积物营养盐的生物地球化学过程、释放通量发生变化,进而调整流域营养盐向海输出。本文以九龙江河流-河口作为整体研究对象,重点研究北溪中游梯级电站库区沉积物特征、释放通量和温度效应。通过野外观测,系统分析了河流-河口沉积物氮(N)、磷(P)、碳(C)的时空分布及其调控因素,利用2015年10月和12月三个梯级电站沉积物进行室内模拟,研究了温度升高对沉积物-水界面N、P、C释放通量的影响机制。主要结论如下: (1)九龙江沉积物N、P、C的空间分布主要受流域污染负荷和梯级电站的综...River sediment acts as source and sink for nutrients. The construction of cascade dams seriously changes the river hrdrological condition and sedimentary dynamics. And together with the dual influence of climate change (e.g. warming), they affect the sediment nutrient biogeochemical cycles and fluxes, then the watershed nutrient out-put to the sea. This study selected the Jiulong River-Estuary as ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境管理学号:3332013115176

    Explorations in Makespan and Energy- Consumption-Oriented Multi-Objective Workflow Scheduling Algorithms

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    在传统的多处理器调度系统当中,应用程序所追求的主要目标是该应用程序 的完成时间尽可能的少。然而近些年来,应用程序在执行过程中所消耗的能量越 来越引起人们的广泛关注。因此,在现代多处理器调度系统当中,以应用程序的 完成时间和能量消耗为目标多目标工作流调度问题就成为调度领域的热点前沿 问题。动态电压缩放技术(DynamicVoltageScaling,DVS)作为人们研究调度算法 的有效技术之一,更是受到人们越来越多的关注。DVS技术支持动态调节处理器 的电压等级值,这就为在应用程序的完成时间和能量消耗之间取得较好的平衡提 供了技术支持。因此,在本课题中,我们所研究的主要问题:如何将...Energy consumption has recently become a major concern to multiprocessor systems, of which the primary performance goal has traditionally been reducing execution time of applications. In the context of scheduling, there have been increasing research interests on algorithms using Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS), which allows processors to operate at lower...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_计算机科学与技术学号:2302012115294

    Design and Implementation of Remote Distributed IP Call Center Master Control Platform

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    新世纪以来,一些大型企业面对着越来越复杂的售后服务需求,充分借助信息化技术来实现对售后服务水平的提升已经成为了必由之路。很多大型企业都组建了自己的呼叫中心,利用语音通话的方式实现与市场客户的信息交互和对接,及时有效地解决客户的咨询、投诉等各类业务及问题,极大的促进了市场客户对企业的信任感和忠诚度。当今一些大型的企业中,为满足市场客户的需求,采取了异地分布式呼叫中心的部署方式,从而使得对企业整个呼叫中心的管理难度增加,在对各分布呼叫中心的服务器管理、坐席管理、业务监控等方面存在着不小的问题,出现了各呼叫中心各自为政的局面,难以实现企业呼叫中心的运维信息一体化管理,增加了企业的运营维护成本。 在...Since the new century, some large enterprises are facing more and more complex after-sales service needs, and it has become the only way to fully realize the after-sales service level with the help of information technology. Most large enterprises have set up their own call center, and realize the market customer information exchange by using voice call, timely and effectively resolve customer com...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323081

    An Empirical Study on the Price Discount and Long-Run Market Performance of Equity Private Placement in Chinese A Share Market

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    自从2006年5月定向增发制度被正式引入我国起,截至2007年年底,我国市场总共有将近200公司进行了定向增发,在证券市场上掀起了一股定向增发的热潮,时至今日定向增发已经发展成为我国上市公司再融资的一种重要形式。但是,目前对于我国市场定向增发的动因问题一直还存在较多的争论,相关的研究还主要集中在理论分析和案例研究方面,缺乏运用市场数据进行的实证分析。 本文选取《管理办法》颁布以后到2007年年底,进行定向增发的127家上市公司为样本,采用描述性统计分析法和事件研究法等方法,结合我国资本市场的特殊情况进行了实证研究,并得出结论认为:在考虑了我国市场存在的运用定向增发进行整体上市和向上市公司注入...Private placement was introduced into china on 8 May 2006, since then, a fever of private placement by public firms had appeared in china. Nowadays, private placement has already became the most important measure to refinance. However, the motivation of the private placement in Chinese A share market is still controversial, most of the relevant research focus on the theoretical analysis and case s...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院企业管理系_企业管理(含财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)学号:1762006115137

    Measurement of Biogenic Sillica (BSi) in Marine Sediment Cores from East China Sea and their Stratigraphical Application

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    沉积物岩芯中生物硅记录着水体中DSi的历史变化,能反映了硅质生物的生产力的时间和空间变化,是古气候学研究中的一种重要的替代指标。本文测量了东海的四个沉积物岩芯中烧失量(总有机质含量)、放射性核素和生物硅含量;采用210Pb过剩方法计算沉积速率并建立岩芯的年代序列;综合比较和分析沉积物的含水量、烧失量、放射性核素和生物硅含量等指标,反演沉积环境变化揭示其地层学和海洋学意义。 采用HPGe-γ谱方法测定了东海四个沉积物岩芯的放射性核素238U、226Ra、210Pb、228Th、228Ra、40K和137Cs的含量,利用210Pbex方法估算质量累积速率,推断沉积物岩芯的年代。S0508-1、S...As a proxy of paleproductivity and paleoclimatic, Biogenic silica (BSi) in marine sediments can record historical events of dissolve silica in sea water, and carry a valuable record of paleoclimatic changes. Water contents, ignition loss, radionuclides and BSi contents in four sediment cores from East China Sea, i.e. S0508-1, S0703-2, S0801-1 and S1004-1, are analyzed in the paper. Sedimentary rat...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋化学学号:20042701

    The Research on the Real Estate Tax to the Possessing of Personal Property

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    党的十八届三中全会在《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》中,提出“加快房地产税立法并适时推进改革”,曾经传闻的在个人房产保有环节开征房地产税已渐成现实。 本文阐释了我国房地产税制改革的研究背景与意义,通过对国内外有关理论的研究,以房地产课税的理论依据为切入口,对我国房地产税制现状进行了分析,并通过对国外房地产税体制的比较,结合中国国情,提出了房地产税收制度改革的立足点、目标及基本思路。 当前,房地产税已经在沪、渝两地试点推行四年有余,成绩与缺陷并存,接下来的房地产税改革并不意味着是将试点城市的经验进行简单复制或者修改,而是要在认识房地产税的基础上,通过立法,真正建立起现代化的房地...The 18th session of the central committee of the communist party of China submitted a new idea in “The central committee of the communist party of China comprehensively deepen reform certain major issue decision”, that they would accelerate reform of the real estate tax legislation and timely boost. The article has expounded the background, significance and research condition at home and abroad ...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392012115044

    Study on Index Volatility and Stock Market Effectiveness: Empirical Analysis of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Market

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    市场有效性是股票市场研究中的基本问题。股票市场的有效性直接关系到资本配置的效率,对于宏观经济的发展和稳定有着巨大的影响。从1990年底上海证券交易所的成立至今,中国股票市场经历了18年的发展历程。相比于历史悠久发展较成熟的英美市场,中国股票市场起步晚,受政策的限制也比较多,对于市场信息的反应还不够理性、灵敏,整体运作也不够规范。但如果仔细检视股票市场的发展历史,却不难发现中国股票市场的阶段性成长特征和在艰难中迅速发展的特点,因而非常有必要对中国股票市场的有效性进行研究。 相比于国外学者对于英美等国股票市场已经弱式有效的共识,国内学者对于中国股票市场处于有效性的何种阶段还存在分歧。有的研究认为...The market effectiveness is a fundamental question in the study of stock market, which is directly related to the efficiency of the allocation of capital and has a tremendous impact on the development and stability of macroeconomy. Since the establishment of the Shanghai Stock Exchange at the end of 1990, China's stock market has experienced 18 years of development course. Compared with the glorio...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院计划统计系_统计学学号:2005130075

    Estimation for IBNR Reserve Based on Nonlinear Regression Models

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    本文主要研究非线性回归思想在预测已发生未报案未决赔款准备金(IncurredButNotReportedReserve,IBNR)中的应用。首先通过两家保险公司的历史数据的三维图分析,确定选择使用指数模型的思想。然后通过研究每组数据方差和均值的关系,为了消除随机干扰项方差的非齐次性,分别提出了对数线性模型和加权双指数模型两个模型,主要揭示单位增量已报案索赔与进展单元之间的关系。由于在增量已报案索赔的数据列表中,每一个事故发生单元的IBNR都是一些缺失值的总和,因此在某一个评估时点上,总的IBNR就可以表示为所有预测的增量已报案索赔的加总。 首先,文章介绍了保险公司,特别是非寿险公司的经营性质...The paper mainly studies the application of Nonlinear regression models in predicting the Incurred But Not Reported Reserve(IBNR). Firstly, by analyzing the 3D Scatterplot of two historical data sets which will be used in this paper, we choose to adopt exponential models for our research. Then, we studies the relationship of variances and averages by groups. In order to exterminate the heterosceda...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_统计学学号:1542010115192

    Analysis of Papers Indexed by SCI-E in Cardiovascular Surgery Field from Chinese Mainland Authors in the Past Five Years

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    目的分析中国大陆作者发表的心血管外科学术论文,为今后相关文献的发表提供参考。方法在线检索WEb Of SCIEnCE数据库,收集2008~2012年我国大陆作者发表的心血管外科学领域论文,分别从发表年度、文献类型、载文期刊、作者等方面进行计量分析。结果共检索到中国大陆地区心血管外科学者发表的文章427篇,包括研究论文401篇,会议论文10篇,综述16篇。虽然自2008年开始呈现逐年递增的趋势,但近年来增长缓慢,且论文均较为集中在北京、广东、上海等几个具有较强学术研究能力的心脏中心,发表论文也较为集中在7种影响因子较低的心胸外科专业SCI期刊。结论中国大陆地区心血管外科学者应设计更为严谨、科学的研究,提高文章整体水平及引用频率。Objective To analyze the papers in cardiovascular surgery field indexed by SCI-Expended between 2008 year and 2012 year from the authors in Chinese Mainland.Methods We searched Web of Science database(2008-2012) on-line and collected the papers on cardiovascular surgery written by the authors in Chinese Mainland.The data of publication time, type of article, journal name, and author name were recorded.Results A total of 427 papers in cardiovascular surgery field were published from Chinese Mainland including 401 original articles,10 conference papers, and16 reviews.Although the number of papers has been increasing since 2008 year, the increase slowed down recently.Most of those authors came from few heart centers in Beijing, Guangdong, and Shanghai.Most of these papers were published in 7 journals in cardiovascular surgery field with low impact factor.Conclusions The authors in Chinese Mainland in cardiovascular field should design more scientific research and improve academic level of paper with high quote rate