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    Effects of Sintering Additives on the Liquid-phase Sintering of SiC

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    研究了以Al2O3、Y2O3、Al2O3-Y2O3、SiO2-YAG为烧结助剂时,SiC液相烧结行为以及烧结过程中发生的主要物理化学变化.与传统固相烧结相比,液相烧结使SiC陶瓷性能显著提高.通过对烧结体失重率、线收缩率及密度的测量和断面形貌的观察发现:Al2O3对坯体致密化的促进效果较差;Y2O3为助剂烧结时,由于高温下剧烈挥发,不能有效促进致密化;不同配比的Al2O3-Y2O3助剂能有效促进坯体致密,当配比满足形成YAG的化学计量比要求时,最有利于SiC的烧结.同时对SiC的液相烧结机理也进行了探索.Silicon carbide ceramics have been widely used in petroleum chemical,automotive,mechanical and aerospace industries because of their excellent resistance to thermal shock,high temperatures,oxidation and chemical corrosion.In this paper liquid phase sintered silicon carbide ceramics were prepared with A_2O_3、Y_2O_3、A_2O_3-Y_2O_3 and SiO_2-YAG as sintering additives respectively.Compared with solid state sintered silicon carbide ceramics,the liquid phase sintered one exhibits superior performance.The effects of different additives on the densification and microstructure were also investigated by the measurement of weight loss,linear shrinkage and relative density as well as X-ray diffraction(XRD) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM) analysis.It is found that A_2O_3 was not effective sintering additive due to its high evaporation rate at the sintering temperature.With Y_2O_3 as the sintering additive,large amount of Y_2O_3 from the powder bed diffused into the sample,but the materials did not densify,so Y_2O_3 could not improved the densification of silicon carbide effectively.However,different ratios of A_2O_3-Y_2O_3 significantly promote the sintering,and much improved densification were obtained.With the best result for A_2O_3-Y_2O_3 ratio right for the formation of YAG,the final density was 3.03 g/cm~3,and SEM showed the densification of this sample was highest.The liquid-phase sintering mechanisms of SiC were also studied.国家自然科学基金(50472056);; 福建省重大科技专项(200314007);; 国家“863”计划(2002AA305101)资

    Protonization of Amino Functional Groups Confined in Nanochannels

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    质子化过程是大多数酸碱理论的核心,也发生在许多生命过程中。因此,研究限域环境中分子或官能团的质子化过程将为进一步认识酸碱理论和阐述限域环境中生物分子的基本行为提供理论依据。本文提出了一种以荷电电化学探针检测多孔氧化铝阵列纳米通道内表面官能团质子化过程的新方法。该方法利用纳米通道表面官能团的质子化过程改变了表面荷电性质,从而调控荷电电化学探针在纳米通道中的传输行为。实验中以喷涂在阵列氧化铝纳米通道膜一侧的薄金膜为工作电极,检测通过阵列纳米通道荷电电化学探针的流量,以此获得纳米通道限域条件下的质子化过程。同时以多孔氧化铝阵列纳米通道为限域空腔,利用硅烷化反应将氨基修饰在纳米通道的内表面,通过检测不同pH值条件下铁氰酸根离子在纳米通道中流量的变化,获得了纳米通道限域条件下氨基质子化滴定曲线。结果表明,纳米通道限域条件下氨基官能团发生一步质子化,其pK1/2值为5.9。本文提出的方法适用于研究纳米通道限域条件下其它官能团或生物分子的质子化过程。Protonization process is the key step of acid-base reaction and occurs in many biological processes. Study of the protonization process of molecules and/or functional groups in confined conditions would assist understanding in the acid-base theory and confinement effect of biomolecules. In this paper, we developed a novel approach to study protonization of functional groups in porous anodic alumina array nanochannels by measuring the flux of electrochemical active probes using an Au film electrochemical detector sputtered at the end of the nanochannels. The protonization status of the surface functional groups in nanochannels can change the surface charges and further modulate the transportation of charged electroactive probes through nanochannels. The titration curve for the protoniation of amine groups in nanochannel confined condition is obtained by measuring the current signal of ferricyanide probe flowing through an anime-anchored PAA nanochannel array at different solution pH. Results show that the protonization of amino group in nanochannel occurs in one step with a pK1/2=5.9. The present method provides an effective tool to study the protonization processes of various functional groups and biomoelcuels.973项目(No. 2012CB933804),国家自然科学基金项目(No. 21035002),高等学校博士点基金(No. 200802840012)和江苏省自然科学基金攀登计划(No. BK2010009)资助作者联系地址:南京大学化学化工学院,生命分析化学国家重点实验室,南京 210093Author's Address: State Key Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry for Life Science, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China通讯作者E-mail:[email protected]