45 research outputs found

    Theoretical Analysis and Practice of Multiple Derivative Suit

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    多重股东代表诉讼制度起源于美国,是判例法国家为了应对企业集团中出现的新问题而对股东代表诉讼制度的发展和改进;其突破了母公司的法律人格,在子公司或母公司怠于追究子公司董事不当行为责任时,直接赋予母公司股东对子公司堕落董事的诉权。在当前公司不可避免的集团化经营大趋势下,该制度是中小股东应对“错误董事”和“错误股东”的有利武器。出于完善我国企业集团中公司治理、保护中小股东利益现实需求的目的,我国有必要引入多重股东代表诉讼制度。但同时,因突破了多重公司人格,并天然具有着“滥诉”的可能性,该制度仍然受到了许多质疑。对此,本文通过四个部分的论述集中阐述了我国引进多重股东代表诉讼制度的必要性,同时需在制度的...Derivative suit originated in the United States, in order to dealing with new issues that have emerged in the Enterprise Group, case law has developed multiple shareholder derivative suit system. It broke through the parent company's legal personality directly entrusted to the parent company shareholders when subsidiaries、 parent companies failing to pursue directors' liability for misconduct subs...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_民商法学学号:1362015115094

    Effect of the trans - theoretical model of behavior based WeChat health education on self - management among patients with maintenance hemodialysis

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    目的 探讨基于行为转变的微信干预模式对维持性血液透析患者自我管理的研究效果.方法 选取60例维持性血液透析患者实施微信健康教育,健康教育方案是基于行为转变理论制订,包括血液透析专业知识、自我管理、科学饮食等方面内容.实施干预12周后,对患者的生化指标、自我管理水平及自我效能感得分进行干预前后比较.结果 干预后患者自我管理得分较干预前有显著提升,表现在情绪处理和自我护理方面,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).干预后患者的生化指标白蛋白、血钾、肌酐、尿素氮的差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).患者的自我效能感提升.结论 基于行为转变理论的微信健康教育可以改善维持性血液透析患者的生化指标,提高自我管理水平,帮助患者了解血液透析知识以及提升自信心,为今后改善血液透析患者自我管理提供一种新的干预模式.Objective To explore the effect of WeChat intervention model based on the trans-theoretical model of behavior(TTMB) on self-management of maintenance hemodialysis patients.Methods Sixty cases of maintenance hemodialysis patients were given WeChat health education,and the health education program was based on TTMB,ineluding hemodialysis expertise,self-management,scientific diet and so on.After 12 weeks'intervention,the biochemical index,the self-management level and the self-efficacy score of patients were compared before and after intervention.Results The scores of self-management of patients after intervention were significantly higher than those before intervention,which were expressed in terms of emotional management and self-care,and the difference was statistically significant (P 〈 0.01).After the intervention,the biochemical indexes diffences of albumin,serum potassium,creatinine and urea nitrogen of patients were statistically significant (P 〈 0.01).The self-efficacy of patients were elevated.Conclusion The TTMB WeChat health education can improve the biochemical indexes and the level of self-management of maintenance hemodialysis patients,and it helps patients to understand hemodialysis knowledge as well as improve self-confident,to provide a new intervention model for improving self-management of hemodialysis patients in the future.国家自然科学基金(71403232

    --1H-NMR Spectroscopy-based Metabonomic Research on Serum of Model Rats of Wilson's Disease

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    目的:以基于核磁共振(nMr)的代谢组学方法对WIlSOn病大鼠模型及正常对照组大鼠血清进行研究,分析血清中小分子代谢物的变化,从小分子代谢物层面上探讨WIlSOn病的内在机制,以更加清楚的认识本病。方法:22只雄性WISTAr大鼠,体重(180±20)g,随机被分为模型组(n=11)和健康对照组(n=11),采用铜负荷法制作WIlSOn病大鼠模型,以核磁共振(nMr)技术对大鼠血清进行检测。采用MESTrE-C 2.3软件及自编软件对谱图进行手动调相、基线校正和谱峰对齐。对样品进行分段积分,将积分数据归一化后构成数据矩阵,并利用PCA方法对数据矩阵进行统计分析。结果:相对于正常对照组,模型组大鼠血清甜菜碱(bETAInE)、氧化三甲胺(TAMO)、低密度脂蛋白(ldl)、极低密度脂蛋白(Vldl)、葡萄糖(gluCOSE)含量有显著降低,胆碱(CHOlInE)、胆碱磷酸(PHOSPHOrylCHOlInE)的含量有所降低,乳酸(lACTATE)、谷氨酰胺(gluTAMInE)、糖蛋白(glyCOPrOTEIn)有显著升高,肌氨酸+肌氨酸酐(CrEATInE+CrEATInInE),精氨酸(ArgInInE)有所升高。这些发生改变的代谢物可以作为Wd的小分子代谢标志物,为进一步研究Wd的内在代谢机制提供参考。Objective:Applying 1H nuclear magnetic resonance(1H-NMR)spectroscopy-based metabonomic approach to investigate the changes of small molecular metabolites in the serum from the rats of the model group of Wilson's disease contrasted with those of the control group.Exploring the pathogenesis of Wilson's disease from small molecular aspect.Methods:22 male Wistar rats[weight=(180±20)g]were divided into two groups randomly,the model group(n=11)and the control group(n=11),with the models established with excessive copper method.The serum was tested with 1H-NMR technology.The spectra were edited with MestRe-C2.3 and self-programmed software and then principal component analysis(PCA)was applied to differentiate the two groups.Results:Choline and phosphorylcholine concentrations were found to be lower and TAMO+betaine,LDL,VLDL and glucose were significantly lower in the serum of the model group.While creatinine and arginine concentrations were found to be higher and lactate,glutamine and glycoprotein were significantly higher in the model group.The small molecular metabolites above may contribute to the discrimination,and serve as references for further research on WD pathogenesis.“十一五”国家科技支撑计划分课题重大疑难疾病中医防治研究项目(2006BA104A02

    Consensus Problems of Second-Order Networks with Time-Delays

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    由于多自主体系统得到越来越广泛的应用,比如无人驾驶飞机,队列控制等,所以对这类系统的协调控制的研究是非常有意义的。在多自主体系统的协调控制中,最关键的是如何设计出比较合理的协议或算法。根据这个协议或算法,使得网络中各个自主体随着时间的演化都能达到同一状态,即实现一致。这个状态在物理上可以代表着位置,速度,温度等。 一致性思想的研究已有了很长的历史。在信息科学领域里,特别是自动理论和分布计算领域里已经得到了应用。通过分析比较现有的文献发现,根据应用领域的不同,一致性协议主要分为三大类:量子化的一致性协议,离散时间的一致性协议和连续时间的一致性协议。关于量子化的一致性协议,主要应用于负载平衡方面...The multi-agent systems have received much attention recently because of their wide application, such as unmanned aerial vehicles, queue control, etc. For a multi-agent coordination and control system, the most important thing is to design a reasonable protocol or algorithm under which the agents will reach the same state with the evolution of the time i.e., the network can achieve consensus. In p...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院自动化系_控制理论与控制工程学号:2322006115252


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    Consensus Algorithm of the Second-order Network with Multiple Time-varying Delays

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    研究了二阶动态无向网络的一致性问题,其采用的协议既考虑了时滞,又考虑了网络拓扑结构发生切换的影响.通过分析发现,当网络受到多个时变时滞或者同时受到网络拓扑结构发生切换的影响时,在一定条件下,该无向网络能实现一致.另外在频率域里,还求出了任意两个不同自主体之间通信所允许的一个共同时滞上界.这个上界是依赖于网络参数的,因此具有更低的保守性.This paper discusses the second-order consensus algorithm for the network with multiple time-varying delays.The studied protocol is affected not only by the time delays but also by the switching topologies of a network.The study shows that the network can achieve consensus if certain conditions are satisfied.The conditions are inferred by introducing a special Lyapunove function.Furthermore,we attain a common upper bound time-delays by discussing the problem in frequency domain.This implies that the network can achieve consensus,when the time delays generated by agent communication are lower than the upper bound time-delay.Moreover,the common upper bound time-delay is dependent on the parameters of the network which can reduce its conservatism.Finally,we also discuss the case of the switching topologies.In this case,the network can also achieve consensus.福建省自然科学基金(A0510002);厦门大学“985工程”二期信息创新平台项目资

    Ground characteristics detecting device used for snake shaped robot

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    Ground property tester for snake shape robot

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