20 research outputs found


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    采用0.001MOl/lCuSO4+0.5MOl/lH2SO4溶液体系,在PT单晶球电极作循环伏安曲线,得到Cu存在欠电位沉积和本体沉积两个阶段,利用电化学扫描隧道显微镜观察到在欠电位下Cu在PT(111)面上为单层平面生长,本体沉积为三维岛状生长,并随过电位升高,Cu的成核数目增加.用反射电子显微镜法也观察到高过电位时在PT(111)面上的岛状铜.证实了Cu在PT(111)面上的STrAnSkI—krASTAnOV生长机理C-V curves of copper electrodeposition on Pt(111) showed that there were two stages of underpotential and bulk deposition For copper electrodeposition process.Single layer growth at underpotential deposition and three dimensional nucleation growth at bulk deposition had been in situ observed by electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy (ECSTM) at diFFerent potentials and times.The reFlection electron microscopy (REM) images also revealed three dimensional growth of Cu deposition at high overpotential.All of these results demonstrated Stranski-Krastanov growth mechanism of copper on Pt(111).国家自然科学基金!59471060;厦门大学固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室、中国科学院原子核分析研究室资

    Photoelectrochemical study of inhibition mechanism of PASP on copper

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    用光电化学方法研究了绿色水处理药剂聚天冬氨酸对铜的缓蚀作用,铜在硼酸-硼砂缓冲溶液(pH=9.2)中,表面的Cu2O膜显p-型光响应,添加适量缓蚀剂聚天冬氨酸(PASP)后,PASP吸附在铜电极表面成膜促使Cu2O膜增厚,体现在电位在负向扫描过程中Cu2O膜的p-型光电流增大。p-型光电流越大,缓蚀性能越好。当PASP浓度为3mg·L-1时,Cu2O膜的p-型光电流最大,缓蚀性能最好。Cl-的存在会阻止PASP在铜电极表面的吸附,使Cu2O膜暴露而受侵蚀,导致了PASP的缓蚀性能变差。The inhibition mechanism of polyaspartic(PASP)on copper electrode in a borax buffer solution was studied by the photocurrent response method.The copper electrode in a borax buffer solution showed p-type photocurrent response which came from Cu2O layer on its surface.The photocurrent response during cathodic polarization became bigger when inhibitor PASP which could be adsorbed on the Cu electrode and make Cu2O layer thicker was added.The bigger the photocurrent response,the better the inhibition effect.When adding PASP with a concentration of 3 mg·L-1,the photocurrent response was the biggest and inhibition of copper corrosion was the best.Cl- could prevent PASP from being absorbed and make Cu2O layer unprotected,resulting in worse inhibition.国家自然科学基金项目(20406009);; 上海市曙光计划项目(04SG55);; 上海市教委重点项目(06ZZ67);; 上海市科委科技攻关计划项目(062312045);; 厦门大学固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室开放课题项目(200512);; 上海市重点学科项目(P1304)~

    Inhibition Action of the Self-Assembled Monolayers of 3-Amino-1,2,4-triazole on Brass

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    3-氨基-1,2,4-三氮唑(ATA)是一种环境友好型金属处理剂,以其在黄铜表面制备了自组装单分子膜(SAMs),用电化学方法研究ATASAMs对黄铜的缓蚀作用及其吸附行为.结果表明,ATA分子易在黄铜表面形成稳定的ATASAMs,SAMs抑制了黄铜的阳极氧化过程,改变了电极表面的双电层结构,固/液界面双电层电容明显降低,有良好的缓蚀效果.研究结果还表明,ATA的吸附行为符合Langmuir吸附等温式,吸附机理是典型的化学吸附.The anticorrosion and inhibiting mechanism for the self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of 3-amino-1,2, 4-triazole (ATA) on the surface of brass had been investigated by electrochemical method, as well as its adsorption behavior. The results indicated that ATA was liable to interact with brass forming SAMs on the surface of brass. The SAMs changed the structure of the electric-double layer. The SAMs restrained the process of anodic oxidation and had well anticorrosion effect. It was in good agreement with the results by EIS and polarization curve methods. The results from electrochemical measurements indicated that the corrosion resistance for brass electrode was improved by the ATA SAMs. Adsorption of the ATA SAMs was found to follow the Langmuir′s adsorption isotherm, and the adsorption mechanism was typical chemisorption.国家自然科学基金(20406009、50371053);; 上海市曙光计划(04SG55);; 上海市教委重点项目(06ZZ67);; 上海市科技攻关计划(062312045);; 厦门大学固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室开放课题(200512);; 上海市重点学科建设项目(P1304)资

    Photoelectrochemical Study of Influence Factors on Corrosion Resistance of Cupronickel B30 in Simulated Water

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    用动电位伏安法和光电化学方法对模拟水中白铜B30耐蚀性影响因素进行了研究.白铜B30表面膜显示p-型光响应,光响应来自电极表面的Cu2O层,在模拟水溶液中表面膜的半导体性质会发生转变,由p-型转为n-型;在不同Cl-,SO24?浓度的模拟水溶液中,电位正向扫描时呈现阳极光电流,电位负向扫描时随着Cl-,SO24?离子浓度的增加,光响应由p-型向n-型转变,阳极光电流峰面积与阴极光电流峰面积之比增大,耐蚀性能降低;随着温度的升高,白铜B30的耐蚀性能降低;在pH=7~9之间,其耐蚀性能随着pH的升高而提高,当pH>9时,其耐蚀性能随着pH的升高呈降低趋势.Influence factors on semiconduction properties of oxide films on a cupronickel electrode in the simulated water was studied by cyclic voltammetry and photocurrent response method. The cupronickel electrode showed p-type photoresponse, which came from Cu2O layer on its surface. The photoresponse changed to n-type in the simulated water. The transition from p-type to n-type might be related to the doping of Cl- and SO 42? anions into Cu2O film. It did not show n-type photoresponse when the cupronickel elec- trode was immersed in the simulated water containing some sulfide. It was shown that the degree of corro- sion increased with the concentration of these anions and temperature. In addition, as the pH increased be- tween 7 and 9, the corrosion resistance of B30 was enhanced, while it lowered as the pH was beyond 9.国家自然科学基金(Nos.20406009,50371053);; 上海市曙光计划(No.04SG55);; 上海市教委重点项目(No.06ZZ67);; 上海市科技攻关计划(No.062312045);; 厦门大学固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室开放课题(No.200512);; 上海市重点学科(P1304)建设资助项目

    Catalytic Effect of Cl~- on Electrodeposition of Binary Zinc Alloys With Iron group Metals

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    在氯化物电解液中以定电量 (10C cm- 2 ) ,恒温 4 0℃电沉积Zn Fe族元素二元合金 .沉积产物用原子吸收光谱分析 .根据分析结果 ,作出相应的电流效率、百分含量及部分极化曲线 .镀层形貌采用扫描电镜 (SEM)观察 ,发现 :Zn Fe族元素合金的共沉积为异常共沉积 .Cl- 对铁族元素有催化作用 .随着Cl- 浓度的增加 ,降低了铁族元素的过电位 ,促进了铁族元素金属的沉积 .Zinc iron group metal alloys were deposited under coulostatic (10C.cm -2 ) at 40 ℃ chloride baths. The deposited alloys were quantitatively analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. The current efficiency, percent content and partial polarization curves were obtained by the results. The morphology of the deposits was observed by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM). We observe that the electrodeposition of zinc iron group metal alloys is one of the best known examples of anomalous codeposition. We found the catalytic effect of Cl - on the electrodeposition behavior of iron group metal. Overpotential of iron group metal droped abruptly at high Cl - concentration, while transition current density of Zn increased gradually.作者联系地址:上海大学理学院化学系!上海宝山,200436,上海大学理学院化学系!上海宝山,200436,上海大学理学院化学系!上海宝山,200436,上海大学理学院化学系!上海宝山,200436,上海大学理学院化学系!上海宝山,200436Author's Address: Shanghai Univ., Shanghai Bao shan, 200436,Chin

    Photoelectrochemical study of influence factors on corrosion resistance of cupronickel B30 in simulated water

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    Influence factors on semiconduction properties of oxide films on a cupronickel electrode in the simulated water was studied by cyclic voltammetry and photocurrent response method. The cupronickel electrode showed p-type photoresponse, which came from CU2O layer on its surface. The photoresponse changed to n-type in the simulated water. The transition from p-type to n-type might be related to the doping of Cl- and SO42- anions into CU2O film. It did not show n-type photoresponse when the cupronickel electrode was immersed in the simulated water containing some sulfide. It was shown that the degree of corrosion increased with the concentration of these anions and temperature. In addition, as the pH increased between 7 and 9, the corrosion resistance of B30 was enhanced, while it lowered as the pH was beyond 9

    Inhibition action of the self-assembled monolayers of 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole on brass

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    The anticorrosion and inhibiting mechanism for the self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (ATA) on the surface of brass had been investigated by electrochemical method, as well as its adsorption behavior. The results indicated that ATA was liable to interact with brass forming SAMs on the surface of brass. The SAMs changed the structure of the electric-double layer. The SAMs restrained the process of anodic oxidation and had well anticorrosion effect. It was in good agreement with the results by EIS and polarization curve methods. The results from electrochemical measurements indicated that the corrosion resistance for brass electrode was improved by the ATA SAMs. Adsorption of the ATA SAMs was found to follow the Langmuir's adsorption isotherm, and the adsorption mechanism was typical chemisorption

    Diffusion of Hydrogen at Iron Apply for Electrochemical Oscillating Permeation

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    应用电化学交流法测定氢在纯铁中的扩散系数 .证明对电解氢在试样中的非稳态扩散 ,按菲克第二定律所设定的边界条件符合实际扩散行为 ,并论证了该方法的可行性The diffusion of hydrogen in iron was measured using electrochemical oscillating permeation. Through the samples in the different frequencies, it was found that diffusion of hydrogen at iron is of linear relation with boundary condition, which is the key to Fick's diffusion equation amplitude in the liquor. We can exploit this line relation getting the diffusion of hydrogen at iron.作者联系地址:上海大学理学院化学系,上海大学理学院化学系,金山石化科技开发公司 上海200436 ,上海200436 ,上海200540Author's Address: 1. Department of Chemistry Shanghai University,Shanghai 200436, China; 2. Shanghai Jinshan Landification Scientific & Technical Co.,Shanghai 200540, Chin

    Effect of SCN~- on the Transition Current of Zn during the Electrodeposition Zn-Co Alloys

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     在硫酸盐电解液中的Zn_Co合金共沉积,存在着由正常共沉积转变成异常共沉积的Zn转移电流密度,该值随着电解液中所含SCN-浓度的增加而增加,pH值的增加而减小.这主要是因为SCN-降低了Co的析出过电位,但不影响Zn及H2的析出过电位之故.For co_deposition of Zn_Co alloys at sufphate baths with micro_concentration of SCN- the transition current of Zn was found with the deposition process changing from normal Co_deposition to anomalous co_deposition, and the value of transition current increased with increasing SCN- concentration, but decreased with increasing value of pH. The existence of SCN- decreases the evolution overpotential of Co metal, but has no effects on the evolution overpotential of Zn metal and H2.作者联系地址:上海大学理学院化学系,上海大学理学院化学系,上海大学理学院化学系 上海200436 ,上海200436 ,上海200436Author's Address: Shanghai University, Shanghai 200436 Chin

    Effect of Cl - on the Transition Current Density of Zn during the Electrodeposition of Zn-Ni Alloys

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    在氯化物电解液中Zn_Ni合金共沉积存在着由正常共沉积转变成异常共沉积的Zn转移电流密度 ,该转移电流密度随着Cl-浓度的增加而增加 ,而与溶液pH值基本无关 .这是由于Cl-的存在降低了Ni的析出过电位 ,并对Ni的析出有催化作用之故There exists a transition current density of Zn when the normal co_deposition of Zn_Ni alloys at chloride baths turns to anomalous type.The value increases with Cl - concentration, but is independent of pH, this is because the existence of Cl - decreases the evolution overpotential of Ni metal and has a catalytic effect on it.作者联系地址:上海大学理学院化学系,上海大学理学院化学系,上海大学理学院化学系 上海200436 ,上海200436 ,上海200436Author's Address: Shanghai University,Shanghai 200436,Chin