2 research outputs found

    金属离子对鱼类的生理、生长影响效应研究——Zn2+ 、Mn2+、Se(IV)对幼年期真鲷的影响及其极谱附波连续测定

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    Simultaneous determination of trace Zinc, Manganese and Selenium by catalytic polarography

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    本文提出了在酒石酸盐-乙二胺-高氯酸-亚硫酸钠-高碘酸钾-EdTA体系中同时测定微量锌、锰、硒的极谱催化波,波峰敏锐,波形稳定。zn2+浓度在0.4~40μg/dM3,Mn2+浓度在1.6~80μg/dM3,SE(Ⅳ)浓度在0.02~3.0μg/dM3范围内浓度与峰电流呈线性关系。取天然水样平行12份测定,变异系数在10%以内。Simultaneous determination of the catalytic polarographic wave of Zinc,Manganese,and Selenium in tartrade-diaminoethane-perchloric acid-Sodium Sulphite-polassium periodidateEDTA system is given.The waves are sharp,and the wave shapes stable.When the concentration ranges within 0.4 -- 40μg/dm3 Zn2+, 1.6--80μg/dm3 Mn2+ and 0.02--3.0μg/dm3 Se (Ⅳ),the concentrations are linear with the peak current.The coeFFicients of variation are within 10%