43 research outputs found

    Land-Surface Hydrological Process and Scale Effect in Alpine Meadow Zone

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    水资源成为一种日渐匮乏的自然资源,需要提出新的科学而高效的管理方法,能够反映水资源的整体性,能够完整描述水分循环的陆地阶段、水质、水量和生态的信息。水文模型是真实世界的概化,目前它正从集总式向分布式方向发展。由于自然在地理空间上的变异性,同时因为观测数据的缺乏,而造成了水文模型的再现和预测水文过程的局限性。因此利用分布式水文模型研究水文过程是当前研究的热点,探讨水文过程发生、发展的空间变异性也是当前的难点之一。本研究选择开都河流域为研究区域,开都河是塔里木河的主要源流之一,它起源于尤尔多斯盆地,盆地垂直自然带以高山草甸带为主要特征,它地形复杂、局地气候多样,部分高海拔地区常年积雪,该区域对研究高山、高寒带的水文形成过程具有很好的代表性。本文结合流域单元的定点观测与小流域的水文观测信息,应用小波功率谱、非线性Volterra系统控制理论、小波变点理论、相关分析等,采用GIS(Geographical Information System)空间分析技术,分析了水在大气、地表、土壤等不同介质中的时空运动变化特征,并构建分布式水文模型,对不同空间尺度、取样尺度和参数尺度下的尤尔多斯盆地水转化特征进行了研究。通过研究得到了以下主要结论:(1)在研究区内,地形对降水量的分布具有重要影响,但它对径流量的影响不如降水量明显,同时对土壤中非饱和水的分布也影响不大。高海拔山区,大气都处于较高的能量状态,且对流和湍流过程较强,有利于降水的形成。(2) 降水和径流变化经Hinich检验均为非线性过程。利用Haar小波和Morlet小波分析降水与径流之间的非线性关系,结合功率谱方法分析二者的时空响应特征都具有较好的效果。运用非线性理论的二阶Volterra系统控制方法也可以较好的模拟降水与径流之间的非线性变化关系,通过该方法及相关因子关联分析,可以实现降水、水文地质参数等的有效空间化。(3)运用MIKE SHE/MKE 11的耦合模型模拟了三种空间尺度(7 km2、6 600 km2和22 000 km2)的水文过程变化,结果表明,地表水对地下水的补给变化与洪峰的出现相一致。地表坡面积水一般沿着沟谷的方向,而且平均地势低的地区高于地势高的区域。从补给量来看,盆地中央要高于四周高山。随着尺度的增大,表现为地表水向地下水的转化强度增大,地表水减少。(4) 应用变异系数对降水、径流的时间尺度,以及径流的三种不同空间尺度(7 km2、6 600 km2和22 000 km2)的稳定性进行分析发现,降水-径流的波动性都表现为小时>日>月>年的规律,这在一定程度上也说明了随着时间尺度的缩短,其线性性越弱。在空间尺度中,随着尺度的增大,径流的日波动性也随之增大,而在以月和年为单位的变化中,则没有这种变化关系。(5)研究区内,在400 m×400 m到2 000 m×2 000 m的网格尺度之间,随着网格尺度的增大(地表分辨率的降低),地表平均起伏度逐渐增大。土壤类型和植被类型具有随网格尺度增加而逐渐趋向均一化的趋势,即所占比例大的类型有随着网格尺度的增加而比例减少的趋势,所占比例小的类型有随着网格尺度的增加而比例增加的趋势。(6)随着网格尺度的增大,模拟的地表水流将逐渐增大,而地下水流将减少。随着时间步长尺度的增大,地表水流有逐渐减少的趋势,而地下水流将增加。当误差迭代控制参数大于0.001的时候,整个模拟结果明显偏大,从绝对误差值来看,当误差迭代控制参数等于0.005时,精度最高,而后随着精度的降低误差也明显增大。(7)在应用分布式水文模型水文过程中,运用均一化的地表参数可能低估地表径流量。 通过开都河流域的水文循环过程研究,揭示了高山草甸带山区的小流域水文过程转化规律,以及不同尺度之间的变异特征和转换手段,为进一步研究开都河下游径流动态具有重要意义。同时也为研究干旱区水文发生过程提供参考。With world water resources crisis, a new high-efficient , scientific management method need to be put forward, which could reflect the integrity of water resources, and describe the land stage of water circulation, water quality, water quantity and ecological information completely. Hydrology model is a kind of generalization of real world. It is developing from lumped parameter model to distributed parameter model. Reappearance and prediction of hydrology process are limited for the variability of nature in space. Now, hydrology process research with distributed hydrology model is becoming a hotspot of research. Meanwhile, one of the difficulties is researching the spatial variability of hydrology process during Occurrence and developing. We take Kaidu river basin as research area in this research. It originated from Youerdusi basin, which is one of main origin of the Tarim River. The distribution of the natural zone characterized mainly by alpine meadow zone. Due to complex terrain, various local climate and snow covered all the year round in some high altitude area, this area can represent the hydrology process in alpine belt and high frigid region primely. Space-time variabilities of water in atmosphere, surface and soil have been analyzed with wavelet power spectrum, nonlinear Volterra control theory, wavelet change point theory, correlation analysis and spatial analysis in geographical information system (GIS). Also, distributed hydrology model has been constructed to analyzed water transform in different space scale, sampling scale and parameter scale in Youerdusi basin. Some conclusions have been reached as follows: (1) The landform has a very important effect on precipitation, but faint on runoff and the water distribution in soil. The atmosphere in high altitude has high energy, convection and turbulence, and this makes for the formation of rainfall. (2) Both rainfall and runoff are non-linear processes through Hinich test. The wavelet generating function Haar and Morlet are effective in analyzing the non-linear relationship between rainfall and runoff, also, combining this with power spectrum, there is a better effect to analyze their spatio-temporal response characteristics. Otherwise, the two order of Volterra non-linear control theory can also be used to simulate the non-linear relationship between rainfall and runoff. The precipitation and hydrogeology parameters can be generalized in space effectively combining this method with the multifactor correlation analysis. (3) Based on the coupling model of MIKE SHE/MKE 11, we has simulated the hydrological process in three kinds of spatial scales(7 km2、6 600 km2 and 22 000 km2). The result shows that the changes of recharge between surface water and groundwater are in agreement with the appearance of flood peak. Overland flow is always along the gully, and the depths of low elevation areas are always higher than that of high elevation areas. To compare recharge, it is much higher in the center than the around. The seepage flow from saturated zone to overland would increase with scale, and the surface water would be reduced. (4) Analyzing the stability of rainfall and runoff with time scale, and three different spatial scale of runoff (7 km2, 6 600 km2, 22 000 km2) with variation coefficient, the result shows that the fluctuation of both rainfall and runoff obeys the rules of hour>day>month>year. To a certain extent, this can be explained that the linear becomes weaker with the time scale shortened. On the other side, the daily fluctuation of rainfall increases with space scale, but there is no this relationship in the monthly and yearly fluctuation. (5) The average surface relief increases gradually with the grid scale in the study area, which the grid scale is from 400 m×400 m to 2 000 m×2 000 m. While the type of soil and vegetation has the normalization tendency with grid scale increasing, that is to say, those types occupying larger proportion have the trend of decrease with grid scale increasing, and vice versa. (6) The overland flow would increases with grid scale, but the groundwater flow would reduce. The time step increasing would make the surface flow drop off in the simulation, on the other side, the groundwater added. When the iteration stop criteria are less than 0.001, the whole simulated results is on the high side obviously. To the absolute errors, when the iteration stop criteria are equal to 0.005, the error is least, from that on, the error magnifies with the iteration stop criteria. (7) On the process of simulating with distributed hydrological model, uniform surface parameters may result in underestimating the runoff. The study on the process of hydrological circulation of Kaidu river reveals the transform law of hydrological process of small catchment in the alpine meadow belt, and the variation characteristics and transform method among different scales. This is important for the further runoff dynamics study in the downstream of Kaidu river. Also, it can offer some reference to study the hydrological process in arid area


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    岩溶生态系统是一种脆弱的生态系统,植被类型与盖度成为岩溶环境中最重要、最敏感的自然要素。介绍了以重庆岩溶地区为对象,利用气象和NDVI数据,采用相关分析等方法探讨了植被对气候变化的响应。结果表明:(1)在多年平均水平上,气候对重庆岩溶植被生态系统起着比降水大的作用;在植被生长的年际变化方面,气温和降水对植被生长起着大致相反的趋势。(2)年际变化方面,气温和降水对植被生态系统的生长起着大致相反的作用。一般来说,气温与NDVI之间的关系为正相关。(3)植被指数的动态变化受气候波动的影响较大,近20 a来,总体呈增加的趋势。可为岩溶生态系统恢复和重建提供科学依据


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    利用回归分析、Kriging空间插值等方法分析了基于气温数据的气温的时空变化,并采用小波变换对未来的气温进行了预测,得出以下结论:(1)重庆岩溶区近40 a来年平均气温总体呈变冷趋势,变化速度为-0.004 3℃/a,其中20世纪80年代为最冷时期.这与全球80年代气温最暖的结论相反;(2)重庆岩溶区近40 a的气温变暖主要发生在渝东北,与此相反,在渝中和渝东南的岩溶地区都为变冷区.重庆岩溶区的气温变冷主要是最高气温的变冷而造成的;(3)重庆岩溶区未来8 a的气温从总体趋势上说呈上升的趋势.通过研究岩溶地区的气温变化及趋势的预测,可以增进气候变化与生态系统之间的相互作用的理解,并为岩溶生态恢复和重建提供科学依据


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