63 research outputs found

    Exploration and practice on the teaching of designing experiments

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    分析了海洋物理学科课程体系的特点,论述开发设计性实验的必要性及可行性,讨论设计性实验的项目选择、教学方法和考核方式等。教学实践表明:设计性实验改变了原有各实验课程教学内容相对独立、缺乏系统的状态,加强了相关学科之间的联系,使学生建立了系统的概念,同时较大地提高了学生的实践能力和创新能力,达到了良好的教学效果。This paper analyzes the characteristics and specialties of the curriculum system setting methods of Marine Physics,argues the necessities and feasibilities of designing experiments exploitation,and also discusses the project selections,teaching methods,and assessment methods of designing experiment exploitation.The paper eventually comes to some conclusions that,designing experiments have changed the situations that previous experimental courses were unsystematic and relatively independent.Moreover,designing experiments strengthen the links between related disciplines,therefore, it let students all have a scientific concept of Marine Physics,and also significantly improve students' practical and innovative abilities.Thus,the teaching of designing experiments is effective with good results.厦门大学“985”专项经费资助项

    Development of high-sensitivity preamplifier of surface photovoltaic spectroscopy

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    表面光伏技术可测量半导体材料的少数载流子的扩散长度、表面电荷等,能表征半导体微结构。采用静电计管作为信号的前置放大器具有电压增益低、体积大等缺点。介绍了一种表面光伏谱前置放大器的设计原理、设计方案和应用实例。该前置放大器具有灵敏度高、响应时间短、截止频率低等优点,并且体积小、使用成本低。The paper introduces the design and application of a new kind of surface photovoltaic spectroscopy preamplifier.This preamplifier has not only advantages of high sensitivity,low response time,low cut-off frequency,but also smaller size and lower price.厦门大学科技创新项目(Xdkjcx20061028)专利号(ZL00620156385.1


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    国家863计划818主题资助项目818 11 26

    Research Progress of Metal Material Liquid Forming Technology

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    随着汽车工业的迅速发展以及市场竞争对铸件质量要求的提高,推动了金属材料液态成型技术发展。从20世纪70年代压铸技术的广泛运用,到90年代挤压铸造技术的不断完善,随后挤压压铸技术不断创新,使液态成型技术向多学科渗透融合发展,应用领域不断拓展,铸件用量逐年上升。重点介绍了压铸、挤压铸造、挤压压铸这三种重要的成型技术发展以及取得的最新成果。With the rapid development of auto industry and the market competition on the increase of the requirement of the casting quality,the development of metal material liquid forming technology was promoted.From the extensive use of the die casting technology in the nineteen seventies to constant maturity of the 90's the squeeze casting technology,and then the continuous innovation of squeezing die casting,the liquid forming technology for multidisciplinary permeated and developed,application area continued to expand,and casting quantities increased year by year.The development and the latest achievements of three kinds of important forming technologies(die casting,squeezing casting and squeezing die casting) were mainly introduced.贵州省(贵阳市)工业攻关项目(黔科合GY字[2012]3004;筑科合同[2012101]2-13号

    The Analysis and Assessment of Groundwater Quality of Qinhuangdao

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    针对秦皇岛市地下水位下降,环境污染日益严重的现实,开展了以海水入侵区为主的地下水质综合评价与分析。在全市境内布设76眼监测井,用单因子法和综合法对地下水质量进行了评价,并对地下水水质变化趋势进行了分析。研究结果表明:Ⅰ类水只占5.3%,Ⅱ、Ⅲ水占14.5%,Ⅳ类及超Ⅳ类水占到80%以上,其中Ⅴ类水占40%。主要污染物有Fe、Mn、NO3-N、Cl、总硬度等。地下水质监测动态变化显示:总硬度、Cl-、矿化度、F-等呈上升趋势,其中总硬度和Cl-上升达75%,说明海水入侵的影响很大。To conter the situation of increasingly declining groundwater level and environmental pollution,the water quality assessment and analysis of sea water invasion district was studied.76 monitoring wells were laid,a single index method and the method of the comprehensive evaluation were used and the groundwater trends was analyzed.The results showed that the shallow groundwater of Qinhuangdao City meeting the Ⅰcategory water standard accounted for only 5.3%,Ⅱ,Ⅲcategories 14.5%,Ⅳ,Ⅴcategories more than 80%,40% of which wasⅤcategories and that Fe,Mn,NO3-N,Cl,total hardness were the major chemical components.The dynamics monitoring of underground water indicated that total hardness,chlorine,degree of mineralization,fluorine are becoming upward trend,especially total hardness and chlorine increased by over 75%, which means salt water intrusion on the larger impact.河北省自然基金项目(301165

    Successive modification of polydentate complexes gives access to planar carbon-and nitrogen-based ligands

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    以碳和氮为键合原子的多齿螯合物是配合物家族中非常重要的一类。具有更高齿数的平面构型NC螯合物实例相对较少,代表性的例子为四齿金属碳卟啉类化合物,这类螯合物以其独特的结构和丰富的物理化学性质引起广泛关注。然而平面五齿、六齿的NC螯合物由于几何构型“拥挤”导致合成难度高,该工作从含三元环内金属卡宾结构的CCCC型碳龙配合物出发,利用经典有机反应(炔烃对金属卡宾的插入反应),成功地实现了CCCCN/NCCCN型平面五齿螯合物的合成。这一研究为高配位型螯合物的合成提供了新思路并为平面五齿螯合物家族添加新成员。特别是,这些高配位型螯合物在可见光和近红外区域均有较好的吸收,表现出良好的光声成像、光热转换及声动力学性能。 该研究工作在张弘教授指导下完成,第一作者为iChEM博士后周小茜。该工作充分体现了多学科协同研究优势:相关化合物的合成、表征及理论计算工作由周小茜博士完成;声动力学性能研究由厦门大学公共卫生学院庞鑫博士及刘刚教授完成;光声成像研究由厦门大学公共卫生学院聂立铭教授完成。iChEM fellow卓庆德博士、博士生卓凯玥、陈志昕参与了部分实验工作。夏海平教授、香港科技大学林振阳教授和南京大学朱从青教授对研究工作给予了大力支持。【Abstract】Polydentate complexes containing combinations of nitrogen and carbon (N and C) ligating atoms are among the most fundamental and ubiquitous molecules in coordination chemistry, yet the formation of such complexes with planar high-coordinate N/C sites remains challenging. Herein, we demonstrate an efficient route to access related complexes with tetradentate CCCN and pentadentate CCCCN and NCCCN cores by successive modification of the coordinating atoms in complexes with a CCCC core. Combined experimental and computational studies reveal that the rich reactivity of metal-carbon bonds and the inherent aromaticity of the metallacyclic skeletons play key roles in these transformations. This strategy addresses the paucity of synthetic approaches to mixed N/C planar pentadentate chelating species and provides valuable insights into the synthesis of carbon-based high-coordinate complexes. Furthermore, the resulting complexes are the examples of organometallic species with combined photoacoustic, photothermal, and sonodynamic properties, which makes them promising for application in related areas.This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 21572185, 21561162001, and 81571744), the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (N_HKUST603/15), the Excellent Youth Foundation of Fujian Scientific Committee (2018J06024), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (20720170065).该工作得到国家自然科学基金委、香港研究资助局、福建省自然科学基金、厦门大学校长基金的资助

    Simple Combustion Production and Characterization of Octahydro[60]fullerene with a Non-IPR C-60 Cage

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    1. Xiamen Univ, State Key Lab Phys Chem Solid Surface, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 2. Xiamen Univ, Dept Chem, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 3. Xiamen Univ, Sch Life Sci, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R ChinaFor the first time an easier, operable combustion method is employed for the synthesis of non-IPR fullerene, and an octahydro[60)fullerene with a non-IPA C-60 cage (C-60 isomer C-#1809(60)) produced by combustion is isolated and characterized by MS, UV vis, IR, and NMR spectroscopies in combination with DFT calculations. This finding shows that, in addition to chlorine, hydrogen can be an ample cataloreactant for the production of non-IPR fullerene derivatives under such conditions as arc-burning and diffusion combustion.NSFC 20525103 20673088 20973137 20721001 20423002 21031004 973 projects 2007CB815301 2007CB81530

    The Underwater Acoustic Remote control System Based on Single-chip Processor

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    介绍一个由单片机控制的水声遥控信号检测系统 ,系统采用了时间相关积累和脉宽鉴别等信号处理方式 .实验表明 ,系统有较强的抗干扰、抗起伏性能 ,在速率较低和信噪比较高的情况下 ,该信号检测系统的检测概率趋近于 1,虚警概率趋近于 0 .同时介绍了系统的软件抗干扰和低功耗设计The underwater acoustic remote control system based on single chip processor is presented. The time correlation accumulating and pulse width discrimination are employed in the system. The experiments in Xiamen Harbor show that, under the low data rate transmission and the high S/N ratio, the system have excellent performances with the detection probability tending to 1 and the false alarm tending to 0. In addition, the design of soft anti interference and low power consumption are described.福建省自然科学基金资助项目!( A9910 0 0 1


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    针对奥利康(Oerlikon)制摆线齿锥齿轮成形法大轮齿形误差修正问题,使用矢量运算法建立了大轮齿面几何模型,对齿面进行离散化处理,计算了齿面各离散点的坐标及法矢;基于齿形误差修正原理,由实际齿面与理论齿面之间的齿形误差和反调参数敏感系数矩阵,建立了齿形误差修正方程组,使用吉洪诺夫(Tikhonov)正则化和L曲线优化算法求解线性方程组,得到机床调整参数的修正量;使用Fortran语言开发了齿面坐标计算及齿形误差反调修正软件。通过实验,验证了齿形误差反调修正算法的正确性,实验工件的齿形误差最大值由37.5 μm减小到5.2 μm


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    针对端面弧齿联轴节因存在齿形误差造成着色样式不合格时,难以快速识别问题根源、难以进行工艺参数调整的问题,提出一种端面弧齿联轴节数字化闭环制造技术。基于其加工原理,建立了理论齿面数学模型,通过齿面离散化处理,计算了各点的空间坐标与法矢。基于齿面数学模型,建立了齿面齿形误差的修正方法。运用Tikhonov正则化和L曲线的方法求解线性方程组,可得到修正齿形误差的机床调整参数和砂轮参数的修正量。结果表明,数字化闭环制造技术能够精确识别不合格工件的问题根源,并给出相应的修正量,试验工件的最大齿形误差值由14.3 μm修正到3 μm,着色接触区检测满足检验标准。该技术有效提高了齿轮副齿面精度以及加工效率,实现了制造过程的数字化、智能化