1 research outputs found

    Design and Realization of Customer Relationship Management System for Bank Based on J2EE

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    随着世界经济朝着全球市场一体化发展,商业银行竞争已经进入了客户关系管理(CRM)时代。资产规模小、客户忠诚度低让城市商业银行在竞争中处于下风。以客户为中心,为客户提供优质的、周到的服务,是城市商业银行的立足之本。CRM不仅可以使商业银行快速的,高效的吸引客户,防止客户流失,还可以提高客户服务的满意度,建立客户驱动的产品,服务设计和向客户提供更快捷、更周到的优质服务,以吸引和保持更多的客户资源。开发和设计一套贴合实际生产需求的客户关系管理平台,为客户关系管理方案及客户营销流程顺利实施提供有力支持成为目前商业银行IT建设的当务之急。 本文以某城市商业银行实施客户关系管理系统为背景,从CRM的起源...Along with the world economics toward the global market integration development, the commercial bank competition already entered the age of customer relations management (CRM). The property scale is small,the customer loyalty lets the city commercial bank be at a disadvantage lowly in the competition. To take the customer as the center and provide high quality, the thorough service for the custome...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200823015