2 research outputs found

    山村における森林経営の実態調査 : 京都府天田郡夜久野町

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    本調査地区の林野面積は, 総面積の90.2%, 3,272.07町歩の広面積に及んでいる。耕地に利用しうる土地が限度に達しているこの地区では, 広面積を占める林野の利用を一層高度に進めることが, 土地産業として残されている唯一の途と考えられる。この林野面積は, 公有林34.4%, 私有林44.1%にわけられる。私有林は, その所有面積が零細で, 山林所有者数の76.3%が5町歩未満の山林所有関係にあり, このような零細な所有山林は, 営農資材の自給や, 家計の万一の場合に備えるために農業経営組織の一環として経営されねばならぬ。公有林は整理統一されたいきさつからも合理的経営によつて, 単位面積当りの生産量を高めて, 土地の高度利用の増大を図るとともに, できるだけ地元農民が公有林の恩恵に浴することがでるよう経営計画をたてることが大切である。In the district where this survey was made, forestland occupies 90.2% of the total area, reaching to as large as 3,272.07 chobu (3,245.04 hectare). Having a limited area for farmland which is already fully utilized, only way left to develop land productivity is considered to be in the more advanced utilization of the forestland. The forestland consists of the public forest which occupies 34.4% and the private forest 44.1%. The private forest is split into small individual ownerships. Of all the forest owners, 76.3% hold only less than 5 chobu (4.96 hectare) per person. These small forest owners have to use their forest as one of the elements of their farm projects, in such a manner as to obtain from these their farming necessities or to cover their financial needs at time of emergencies. In view of the circumstances under which the public forest have been renovated, it is imperative that effort must be direced towards the higher utilization of land by increasing the productivity of unit area through adequate maintenance, carried out on a scheme which enable famers in the district to profit on the public forest as much as possible


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    1)市町村有林野ならびに財産区有林野成立の沿革は, 旧部落有林野の収奪の歴史である。2)今次の町村合併に伴い旧市町村有林野の移動状況は, 全国移動市町村数延5,640のうち, 無条件新市町村移管45.7%, 財産区設定18.9%, 条件付新市町村移管16.9%, 残りの18.5%は旧市町村間の部落, 個人, 会社などの所有となつた。3)市町村有林野の現況は, 全国で林野所有市町村数3,610,その所有面積2,107千町, うち立木地81.3%, 無立木地18.7%, 一市町村あたり584町となつている。4)財産区有林野の現況は, 財産区のある市町村数は全国で656,その財産区数2,049,一市町村あたり3となる。所有面積646千町, うち立木地82.5%, 無立木地17.5%, 一財産区あたり315町となつている。1) History of the formation of municipal management forest and property ward management forest is a history of deprivation of hamlet forest. 2) As a result of recent merger of municipalties (cities, towns or villages), there has been a change in forest ownership as under; of 5,640 municipalties all over the country, unconditional transfer to the new municipalties 45.7%, establishment of property ward 18.9%, conditional transfer to the new municipalties 16.9% and remaining 18.5% fell into possession of hamlets, individuals, companies, etc. in the former municipalties. 3) Number of municipal ties own forests at present amount to 3,610 all ove the country, covering total area of 2,090,000 hectare. Of this, 81.3% is non-stocked land and 18.7% stocked land. Each municipalty has average 579 hectare. 4) All over the country, 656 municipalties have property ward which amount to 2,049 in number, averaging 3 per municipalty. Total area owned is 641,000 hectare, including stocked land 82.5% and non-stocked land 17.5%. Each property ward has average 313 hectare