4 research outputs found

    方位別大気浮遊粉塵収集装置の製作とその応用(B. 生活科学)

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    A microcomputer aided 4-directional airborne dust sampling appartus has been developed. The apparatus consists of three parts, 1) digital wind vane and anemometer for wind data sensor, 2) 4-head low volume airsampler mounted with millipore filters and 3) 8-bit microcomputer for wind data processing and controling electromagnetic valves of the sampler. Airborne dust were collected over four days for each measurement. The wind direction and speed data were sampled at every ten seconds and used to switch the active head of the airsampler. Mass concentrations were measured by weighing. Elemental concentrations were obtained by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Mass and elemental concentrations show significant dependences on wind direction

    住宅の内外における大気浮遊粉塵の挙動(B. 生活科学)

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    A filtrating function of a dwelling-house for airborne dust has been studied. The present experiment was carried out using two dwelling-houses of different structure and environmental conditions. Elemental concentrations and particle size distributions of airborne dust were measured simultaneously outside and inside a dwelling-house. It appears that filtrating effect is remarkable for coarse particles whose main components are terrestrial ones, however, is hardly observed for fine particles which contain many toxic elements of artificial origin. By using a micro-computer system, wind direction and wind speed were also measured automatically. The concentrations of airborne dust inside a dwelling-house were affected by the speed of wind

    住宅の内外における大気浮遊粉塵の季節変化(B. 生活科学)

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    Mass and elemental concentrations of airborne dust inside and outside of a dwelling house were measured at four seasons over a year. The airborne dust samples were collected by using low volume air samplers and the elemental concentration was determined by INAA method. The mass concentration varied remarkably over a year. On the other hand, it was found that the shielding factor (mass ratio of the outside to the inside) does not change. The elemental concentration showed same trend to the mass one. The shielding factor for individual element, however, was classified into two groups according to the size distribution of dust particles. These results indicate that the shielding function of a dwelling house depends mainly on the dust particle size. To obtain a correlation between wind and mass concentration, simultaneous measurments were carried out employing a computerised wind vane and an anemometer, as well as a piezobalance dust meter

    日本人青年の体表面積算出式について(B. 生活科学)

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate body surface area of japanese. 45 Japanese young adult subjects were measured. The body surface was divided into the anatomical regions. Measurements were conducted covering the body with small pieces of inelastic tape. It was found the following. 1) Signiticant difference was observed between partial rate of body surface area in relation to sex. There was a significant difference in relation to body forms. 2) Partial rates of body surface area were significant difference from the other measured studies by DuBois. Takahira and Fujimoto・Watanabe. 3) Single component calculation formula of body surface area, Height or Weight, gave higher error by height-weight formula. 4) The surface area calculated by S=100.315W^ H^ was very closer fit to the measured surface area. This formula was widely applicable to sex and body form. Modified DuBois height-weight formula was S=72.18W^ H^