3 research outputs found

    子守帯の快適性評価 : 官能評価と接触圧からの検討

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    In this study, to design comfortable baby carriers, we determined the burden on the wearer. Sensory evaluation and contact pressure were used to evaluate five types of baby carriers. The test subjects were three healthy adult women who carried a dummy approximate to a six-month-old baby. The subjects evaluated the fit of the baby carrier immediately after putting it on, and then after an activity. They also evaluated the sense of burden on different parts of the body when wearing the carrier. Contact pressure was measured with airpack sensors while the subjects were walking or resting. The results show that the type of baby carrier affected the contact pressure and the fit in the vertical holding position. A correlation, r, of 0.554 was obtained between the fit and the largest contact pressure immediately after the baby carrier was worn. Further, the correlation between the largest contact pressure during the entire activity period and the fit after the activity increased to r=0.669. While wearing the carrier, the fit at the focus area of contact pressure worsened after the activity. These findings show that, when designing baby carriers, stabilizing and distributing contact pressure points will effectively improve the fit. The findings also indicate the usefulness of the largest contact pressure as a means of objectively evaluating baby carriers

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