23 research outputs found

    Preliminary results of research into dragonflies (Odonata) in Međimurje, Croatia

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    Iako je za Hrvatsku zabilježena 71 vrsta vretenaca (Odonata), za županiju Međimurje do sada podaci nisu bili sređeni. Sistematskim istraživanjem 1998. i 1999. godine, te fragmentarnim uzorkovanjem vretenaca do kraja 2005. godine sakupljeno je 59 ličinaka bentos mrežicom, 200 odraslih entomoloÅ”kom mrežicom i 9 svlakova rukom. Utvrđena je ukupno 31 vrsta vretenaca Å”to čini 43 % hrvatske faune vretenaca. Vrsta Sympetrum pedemontanum je po prvi put uvrÅ”tena u registar vretenaca Hrvatske. Prvi nalazi potječu od F. KoŔčeca i pohranjeni su u njegovoj entomoloÅ”koj zbirci u Varaždinu. Novo utvrđeno staniÅ”te za ovu vrstu je kanal Goričan. Osim toga značajni su i nalazi veće populacije vrste Coenagrion ornatum u obraÅ”tenom i protočnom melioracijskom kanalu MurŔčak kod DomaÅ”inca, te vrste Lestes dryas koja je stanovnik Ā«Husićeve grabeĀ» kod graničnog prijelaza Goričan, koja se povremeno isuÅ”uje. Obrađeni materijal pohranjen je u Hrvatskom prirodoslovnom muzeju u Zagrebu.Although 71 species of dragonfl ies (Odonata) have been recorded in Croatia, previously no data have been systematically collected concerning this genus in Međimurje. Systematic investigation in 1998 and 1999 and sporadic sampling of material up to the end of 2005 led to the collection of 59 larvae with a benthos net, 200 imagos with an entomological net and 9 exuviae by hand. All told, 31 species of dragonfl y were determined, equivalent to 43% of all dragonfl ies in the Croatian dragonfl y fauna. The species Sympetrum pedemontanum was established in the Croatian fauna for the fi rst time although the fi rst fi nding of this species is in the entomological collection of F. KoŔčec in Varaždin. In conjunction with a fi nding of the species on Gorican Channel / Canal, this paper is publishing for the fi rst time an earlier fi nd of a species from Varaždin, kept in the Franjo KoŔčec Entomological Collection in Varaždin City Museum. In addition to this, there are important fi nds of a quite large population of the species Coenagrion ornatum in the MurŔčak overgrown but fl owing channel, by DomaÅ”inec, and the species Lestes dryas, which inhabits HuÅ”ićeva graba (ditch) by the border crossing at Goričan, which occasionally dries up depending on weather conditions. The material processed is stored in the Croatian Natural History Museum in Zagreb

    Prilog poznavanju staklokrilki (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) u Hrvatskoj

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    New species members and updated check list of Croatian Sesiid fauna is given in the paper. Data was gathered by thorough review of published literature on this insect group and especially by taxonomical analysis of collections at the Croatian Natural History Museum in Zagreb and Entomological Department at the Municipal Museum of Varaždin. In this paper we have made a check-list of clearwing moths registered in Croatian fauna, their zoogeographical characteristics and distribution for species not so well known for Croatia.New species members and updated check list of Croatian Sesiid fauna is given in the paper. Data was gathered by thorough review of published literature on this insect group and especially by taxonomical analysis of collections at the Croatian Natural History Museum in Zagreb and Entomological Department at the Municipal Museum of Varaždin. In this paper we have made a check-list of clearwing moths registered in Croatian fauna, their zoogeographical characteristics and distribution for species not so well known for Croatia

    Rasprostranjenje hrvatske golupke Hemaris croatica (Esper, 1800) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) u Hrvatskoj

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    The Olive Bee Hawk moth, Hemaris croatica (Esper, 1800) is a day-flying moth described from Karlovac, Croatia, more than 200 years ago. From that time, only scattered data about its distribution in Croatia were known, without any systematic overview of its total distribution. To obtain a complete picture on the distribution of this species, literature and collection data from the two largest Croatian museums were examined. Also, recently collected data were added to create the first detailed distribution map that included 90 records in total, originating from 51 different localities. The majority of records cover the Mediterranean part of the country; regardless of this, the species has also been described from the continental region. We assume that records from the alpine and continental parts of the country can probably be assigned to the migratory activity of this species. It seems that its distribution is connected with the presence of one of its main larval host plants, of the genus Cephalaria, but further research is needed for confirmation.Hrvatska golupka je vrsta iz porodice noćnih leptira ljiljaka, izrazite dnevne aktivnosti, opisana iz okolice Karlovca prije viÅ”e od 200 godina. Od toga razdoblja pa sve do danas postoje tek sporadična publicirana opažanja ove vrste, bez sveobuhvatnog pregleda njezine rasprostranjenosti u Hrvatskoj. Radi distribucije hrvatske golupke prikupljena je i pregledana sva dostupna literatura te zbirke leptira dvaju najvećih hrvatskih prirodoslovnih muzeja. Podatci prikupljeni tijekom zadnjih godina pridodani su literaturnim i muzejskim, a radi pregleda prve detaljne distribucije ove vrste na području Hrvatske. Temeljem navedenih izvora, hrvatska golupka u Hrvatskoj je zabilježena 90 puta na 51 lokaciji. Većina nalaza ove vrste prikupljena je u mediteranskom dijelu zemlje, iako je vrsta prvi put bila opisana iz kontinentalnoga dijela. Činjenica da su nalazi u alpskom i kontinentalnom dijelu Hrvatske tek malobrojni i pojedinačni može upućivati na to da su posljedica migratorne aktivnosti ove vrste. Čini se da je distribucija ove vrste u Hrvatskoj povezana sprisutnoŔću jedne od glavnih biljaka hraniteljica za gusjenice roda Cephalaria, no za pravu potvrdu takve povezanosti potrebna su daljnja istraživanja

    Prilog poznavanju staklokrilki (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) u Hrvatskoj

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    New species members and updated check list of Croatian Sesiid fauna is given in the paper. Data was gathered by thorough review of published literature on this insect group and especially by taxonomical analysis of collections at the Croatian Natural History Museum in Zagreb and Entomological Department at the Municipal Museum of Varaždin. In this paper we have made a check-list of clearwing moths registered in Croatian fauna, their zoogeographical characteristics and distribution for species not so well known for Croatia.New species members and updated check list of Croatian Sesiid fauna is given in the paper. Data was gathered by thorough review of published literature on this insect group and especially by taxonomical analysis of collections at the Croatian Natural History Museum in Zagreb and Entomological Department at the Municipal Museum of Varaždin. In this paper we have made a check-list of clearwing moths registered in Croatian fauna, their zoogeographical characteristics and distribution for species not so well known for Croatia


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    Prvi popis vrsta potporodice Arctiinae (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) za Hrvatsku i nalaz Rhyparioides metelkana (Lederer, 1861), nove vrste za hrvatsku faunu pronađene u dolini Neretve

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    Present paper provides the first checklist of the subfamily Arctiinae with biogeographical features, and distribution area and reviews of certain interesting species of tiger moths found in Croatia. To determine the level of research into the subfamily Arctiinae in Croatia, comparison was made with the well-explored tiger moths fauna of Italy, Slovenia, Austria and Hungary. In addition, during September 1997 in the area of the lower course of the Neretva River five specimens of species Rhyparioides metelkana (Lederer, 1861) were collected for the first time for fauna of Croatia. Another six specimens of this species were collected in the same area in August 2012. This is the southernmost point of its distribution area in Europe, making this record faunistically very interesting. Nearest population of this species is found 400 kilometres north in Hungary.Ovaj rad daje prvi popis vrsta iz potporodice Arctiinae s biogeografskim značajkama i područjem rasprostranjenosti te daje kratak osvrt na neke zanimljive vrste medonjica u Hrvatskoj. Kako bi se odredio stupanj istraženosti potporodice Arctiinae u Hrvatskoj napravljena je usporedba s dobro istraženim faunama medonjica Italije, Slovenije, Austrije i Mađarske. Tijekom rujna 1997. godine na području donjeg toka rijeke Neretve prvi puta je sakupljeno pet primjeraka vrste Rhyparioides metelkana (Lederer, 1861) za faunu Hrvatske. Narednih Å”est primjeraka te vrste sakupljeno je na istom području u kolovozu 2012. godine. To je najjužnija točka rasprostranjenja ove vrste u Europi, Å”to ovaj nalaz čini faunistički jako zanimljivim. Najbliža populacija ove vrste nalazi se 400 kilometara sjeverno u Mađarskoj

    Novi nalazi livadnog moljca Euclasta splendidalis (Herrich-SchƤffer, [1848]) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) u Hrvatskoj s osvrtom na faunu Pyraloidea iz doline Neretve

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    In the following paper, new information about the occurrence of the pyraloid moth Euclasta splendidalis (Herrich-SchƤffer, [1848]) in Croatia is presented. Although this species from the microlepidopterous family Crambidae was presented as a new one in the Croatian fauna in 2012, three specimens were discovered during an examination of a large number of pyraloid moths collected by Mladen Kučinić in the 1990s. These specimens of Euclasta splendidalis were collected during several field trips to the Neretva Valley, south Dalmatia, in August 1996 and 1997 and are the oldest findings of Euclasta splendidalis in Croatia. Also, two specimens were collected during a field investigation in the same area conducted in 2016. These additional records suggest that this local and rare species has been present in the fauna of Croatia for quite a long time and that it has become permanently present in the fauna of Croatia. They also deepen the knowledge on the distribution of this species within the same area. Furthermore, a list of additionally recorded pyraloid species from the valley of the Neretva River is given.U radu iznosimo podatake o novim nalazima vrste livadnog moljca Euclasta splendidalis (Herrich-SchƤffer, [1848]) u Hrvatskoj. Iako je ova vrsta mikrolepidoptera iz porodice Crambidae 2012. godine zabilježena kao nova vrsta za faunu Hrvatske, tri su primjerka pronađena pregledavajući zbirku Pyraloidea dr. sc. Mladena Kučinića prikupljenih tijekom 1990-tih godina. Primjerci vrste Euclasta splendidalis su prikupljeni tijekom terenskih istraživanja u dolini Neretve, u južnoj Dalmaciji, u kolovozu 1996. i 1997. godine. Ovi nalazi predstavljaju najstarije nalaze ove vrste s područja Republike Hrvatske. Usto, dva su primjerka ulovljena tijekom terenskih istraživanja koja su izvrÅ”ena 2016. godine u dolini Neretve. Ovi dodatni nalazi ukazuju na to da je ta lokalna i rijetka vrsta duže prisutna u fauni Hrvatske, te da je postala stalni element hrvatske faune. Ovi nalazi također proÅ”iruju znanje o distribuciji vrste Euclasta splendidalis na istome području. Nadalje se u radu daje popis dodatnih vrsta Pyraloidea zabilježenih na području doline Neretve

    Nalazi nekih novih i zanimljivih vrsta tulara (Insecta, Trichoptera) u Hrvatskoj

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    The paper discusses the biological and ecological characteristics and distribution of 12 caddisfly species that have been ascertained to be rare, or even discovered for the first time, in Croatia: Rhyacophila palmeni, R. vulgaris, Glosossoma conformis, Wormaldia pulla, Hydroptila forcipata, Plectrocnemia geniculata, Micrasema minimum, Limnephilus graecus, Ceraclea riparia, Oecetis notata, Setodes punctatus, S. bulgaricus. Of these, the species that have been newly established for Croatia are: Plectrocnemia geniculate, Ceraclea riparia, Oecetis notata and Setodes bulgaricus, while the presence of the species Rhyacophila vulgaris, Micrasema minimum and Setodes punctatus has been established with confidence in the Croatian fauna for the first time (precise data of localities).U radu se daje osvrt na bioloÅ”ke i ekoloÅ”ke značajke te rasprostranjenost 12 vrsta tulara koje su utvrđene kao rijetke ili po prvi puta u fauni Hrvatske: Rhyacophila palmeni, R. vulgaris, Glosossoma conformis, Wormaldia pulla, Hydroptila forcipata, Plectrocnemia geniculata, Micrasema minimum, Limnephilus graecus, Ceralea ripariae, Oecetis notata, Setodes punctatus and S. bulgaricus. Po prvi puta u fauni Hrvatske utvrđene su sljedeće vrste: Plectrocnemia geniculata, Ceraclea riparia, Oecetis notata i Setodes bulgaricus dok je prisustvo vrsta Rhyacophila vulgaris, Micrasema minimum i Setodes punctatus potvrđeno po prvi puta sa sigurnoŔću u fauni Hrvatske (točni podaci nalaza)