157 research outputs found

    Extensive Air Shower Radio Detection: Recent Results and Outlook

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    A prototype system for detecting radio pulses associated with extensive cosmic ray air showers is described. Sensitivity is compared with that in previous experiments, and lessons are noted for future studies.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, 7 figures, invited talk presented by J. Rosner at RADHEP-2000 Conference, UCLA, Nov. 16-18, 2000, Proceedings published by AIP. Some figures and text changed; one reference update

    Іноніми як носії європейських ментальностей на сторінках Франкового «Літературно-Наукового Вістника»

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    Пропонована стаття присвячена дослідженню проблеми інонімів, які, на думку автора, у вісниківському дискурсі І. Франка виконують функцію репрезентантів європейських ментальностей. Предметом аналізу стали грецизми. Зроблено висновок, що Франко-публіцист надавав давньогрецьким менталемам особливого значення у процесі європеїзації української мовної ментальності. Під час знайомства із запозиченими лексемами читачі «Літературно-Наукового Вістника» покликані були осягнути ментальні пріоритети давніх греків. (This article is devoted to the investigation of the problem of inonimies, that, according to the author, function as representatives of European mentalities in herald discourse of Franko. The subject of analysis was hretsyzms. It is concluded that Franko-publicist attached particular importance to ancient Greek mentalems in the process of Europeanization of Ukrainian language mentality. During the acquaintance with borrowed tokens the readers of «Literary-Scientific Herald» were designed to understand the mental priorities of ancient Greeks.

    A prototype system for detecting the radio-frequency pulse associated with cosmic ray air showers

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    The development of a system to detect the radio-frequency (RF) pulse associated with extensive air showers of cosmic rays is described. This work was performed at the CASA/MIA array in Utah, with the intention of designing equipment that can be used in conjunction with the Auger Giant Array. A small subset of data (less than 40 out of a total of 600 hours of running time), taken under low-noise conditions, permitted upper limits to be placed on the rate for pulses accompanying showers of energies around 101710^{17} eV.Comment: 53 pages, LaTeX, 19 figures, published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods. Revised version; some references update

    Німецька мовна ментальність у континуумі «Літературно-Наукового Вістника» львівського періоду (1898–1906 рр.)

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    У статті йдеться про особливості параметризації у вісниківському дискурсі І. Франка фрагментів німецької мовної ментальності, яку розглянуто в аспекті європеїзаційного впливу на мовну ментальність читача-українофона. (This article is about the peculiarity of parametrization of German language mentality fragments in the discurs of Ivan Franko as a member of Literary scientific circular movement. The parametrization is examined in the aspects of Europe influence over Ukrainian language mentality.

    Synchrotron Radiation at Radio Frequencies from Cosmic Ray Air Showers

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    We review some of the properties of extensive cosmic ray air showers and describe a simple model of the radio-frequency radiation generated by shower electrons and positrons as they bend in the Earth's magnetic field. We perform simulations by calculating the trajectory and radiation of a few thousand charged shower particles. The results are then transformed to predict the strength and polarization of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the whole shower.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astropart. Phys. Added pancake profiles (fig. 1

    Експресивний синтаксис вісниківських статей Дмитра Донцова

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    З’ясовано синтаксичні засоби апеляції до ментальності читачів часопису «Літературно-Науковий Вістник» («Вістник»). Здійснено спробу довести, що, актуалізуючи експресивний потенціал українського синтаксису, публіцист намагається стимулювати підсвідоме ввімкнення генетичної пам’яті реципієнтів інформації, а отже, зробити свою концепцію ближчою і зрозумілішою їм. (The organization of the communicative process in the herald’s articles has been done by Dmytro Dontsov with regard to the emotional atmosphere of the Ukrainian society, for the conceptualization of reality by means of the Ukrainian language is carried out in view of the accentuation of individualism and emotionalism. In spite of the negative attitude towards dominating mental features of the Ukrainianethnos, the talented publicist was able to efficiently use one of the most powerful tools of informational and psychological influence – the emotional and estimative imagery of Ukrainian people – presenting it in the herald’s narrative in a qualitatively modified way, however. The emotionality of Dmytro Dontsov is emphatic and expressive as well as filled with negativism. The process of expressivity is especially distinct in the syntactical system of the periodical. Dontsov as a publicist takes into account all national and syntactical traditions, while giving preference to those which are most of all characteristic of the ethnical peculiarities of the linguistic behavior of Ukrainian people. By means of certain syntactical constructions, the journalist creates an intense emotional background for delivering information. Herewith, due to their emotional and expressive function, parceled constructions stand out among others. Parceling is a parameter of the syntax of a free flow of perception characteristic of live colloquial speech. Due to their disharmonious nature, parceled constructions are most easily perceived by a common reader of journalistic information, for they reflect the process of unprepared, spontaneous communication. Moreover, in the herald’s opinion journalism of Dontsov, parceled constructions are bearers of a strong emotional and expressive stream. With their help, the journalist tries to activate one of the most dominant features of Ukrainian mentality – emotionality – so that the reader does not remain indifferent to the information generated in the communicative system of the «Literary and Scientific Herald» («Herald»). With communicative constructions, characteristic of live colloquial speech, D. Dontsov creates intense emotional support of communication. Moreover, with the help of «Question-Answer» constructions, D. Dontsov tried to stimulate the emotional memory of the herald’s readers and as a result – to reach his communicative purpose. The herald’s editor uses them to attach a conversational nature to communication, to enliven the narration, to enter into and remain in contact with the reader. He appeals to the mentality of the herald’s readers in a rather emotional way, which is supposed to engage their inherited memory and thus – to make the journalist’s conception closer and more understandable for the recipient of information.

    Probleme der Initiierung und Katalyse der Flüssigphasenoxidation von Cyclohexan und der Aldehyde

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    Die Flüssigphasenoxidation organischer Verbindungen mit Sauerstoffmolekülen ist ein wertvoller, eingehend untersuchter Prozeß mit Nebenprodukten, bei dem die Geschwindigkeit der Keimbildung im Anfangsabschnitt wesentlich geringer ist als die Geschwindigkeit von dem einen Zwischenprodukt zu den verschiedenen Produkten führenden Folgereaktionen. Zur Beschleunigung der Oxidationsreaktionen muß man deshalb zu Beginn des Prozesses freie Radikale mit einer hohen Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit erzeugen. Die jüngsten Erfolge auf dem Gebiet der Erzeugung von leistungsstarken Ultraschall-Wellen (US) ergeben Energiedichten von 10 hoch 3 - 10 hoch 6 W/qu.cm bei einer Intensität von 10 hoch 5 W/qu.cm. Diese Werte liegen um ein Vielfaches über den Energiedichten, die beim Einsatz anderer physikalischer Methoden zur Einwirkung auf Substanzen erzielt werden, wie etwa Radiolyse und Photolyse. Somit ist die Ultraschallkavitation eine der neuesten und vielversprechenden Methoden zur Initiierung der Oxidationsvorgänge organischer Verbindungen. Die hohe Initiierungsgeschwindigkeit, die zu Beginn des Prozesses erzeugt wird, stellt sicher, daß der Prozess im Gesamten schnell abläuft; der Ultraschalleinfluß wirkt sich jedoch im Wesentlichen auf das Initiierungsstadium aus und für die gewünschte Regulierung der Produktzusammensetzung und zur Steigerung der Selektivität des Prozesses muß man Katalysatoren und katalytische Systeme einsetzen. Am Beispiel der katalytischen Flüssigphasenoxidation der alpha-Alkylacroleine und von Cyclohexan wurde gezeigt, daß man in Gegenwart von Co(II)- und Ce(III)-Verbindungen, die sich in ihrer Aktivitität und ihren Koordinationseigenschaften stark unterscheiden, die Produktzusammensetzung durch Veränderung der Reaktionsweisen regulieren kann, was auch eines der Prinzipien zur Steigerung der Selektivität der Oxidationsvorgänge ist

    Comparison of common wheat and spelt by total lipids and fatty acid levels

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    Nowadays the interest of breeders, producers and consumers is going back to ancient wheat species, such as Triticum spelta, which are often considered as more valuable for healthy nutrition. In this light, we compared spelt cultivars and breeding lines with commercial common wheat cultivars by total lipid content, fatty acid levels and unsaturated/saturated ratio in grain. Lipids were extracted by Soxhlet procedure. Fatty acid composition was determined by gas chromatography. On average, the total lipid content was higher in the spelt cultivars than in the breeding spelt lines (3.04±0.24 % vs. 2.23±0.69 %, p  oleic >palmitic > linolenic > stearic > palmitoleic. We also detected trace amounts of 3 minor fatty acids: eicosanoic (arachidic), eicosenoic and behenic acids. Common wheat is not inferior to spelt in terms of unsaturated fatty acid levels, because the ratios of unsaturated acids to saturated ones in grain of T. spelta accessions were similar to those in commercial common wheat cultivars. The oleic acid content was higher in spelt accessions; though the linoleic acid content was higher in T. aestivum cultivars. Spring common wheat cultivar Heroinia had the most beneficial unsaturated/saturated ratio of 4.5. We detected no differences in unsaturated acid amounts between spring and winter hexaploid wheats. We observed no patterns in variability of fatty acid contents across the accessions under investigation, because the same accession can be characterized by a wide variability in one fatty acid and by a narrow range for another, and, at the same time, the same fatty acid can be very variable within one accession and little variable in another. There were no significant differences in the total lipid content and fatty acid levels between the study years for the same accession

    IRAP-analysis for evaluating the genetic stability of endemic and endangered species of the Western Caucasus flora in the collection in vitro

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    The characterization of genetic diversity is one of the main components of the genetic resources collection and management. Molecular markers are the most effective tool for characterizing and assessing genetic diversity in plant collections. IRAP (inter-retrotransposons amplified polymorphism) markers have proven to be some of the most effective for characterizing and evaluating germplasm, confirming the genetic fidelity of in vitro preserved cultivars and species. In this regard, the aim of this work is to test several IRAP primers to identify genetic polymorphism and study the genetic fidelity of three rare and endemic flora species of the Western Caucasus during in vitro conservation. Approbation of 16 IRAP-primers on the investigated species was carried out for Eryngium maritimum L., Galanthus woronowii Losinsk. and Campanula sclerophylla Kolak. The results made it possible to select the most efficient of them for genetic fidelity analysis of micropropagated plants. Out of 16 IRAP primers 8 amplified PCR products in Eryngium maritimum. In Galanthus woronowii as well 8 of 16 IRAP primers resulted in the amplification with the number of DNA fragments ranging from 2 to 12. In Campanula sclerophylla 9 of 16 IRAP primers amplified 1 to 11 fragments, depending on the marker. The results of the genotyping of regenerants were compared with data on stock in situ plants, which were the source of explants for in vitro conservation. In total, 60 regenerants for each species of the natural flora of the Western Caucasus were involved in the study. The results obtained demonstrated no genetic changes of the regenerants in all the studied species. These results were confirmed using ISSR analysis of an extended sample set of microplants for each species. The results obtained can serve as evidence of a low probability of genetic disorders during in vitro propagation and conservation of the species Eryngium maritimum L., Galanthus woronowii Losinsk. and Campanula sclerophylla Kolak