50 research outputs found

    Sustainable architecture: trends in higher professional architectures’ education

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    In the article we tried to investigate theoretical ideas concerning actual students’ reasons for education in the field of architecture in frame of the second level of higher professional education system. We present the results of survey that we conducted last year. We collected data about students’ reasons to enrol for architectures’ and others master programmes and their expectations of programmes’ content, programmes’ volume, curriculum structure, placement periods. We analysed the teaching methods, structure and trends in architecture’s master programmes that was legally introduced by government standards. As a result, we concluded that the changes of education standards mostly meet expectations of master programmes contenders. However, the contenders will succeed in higher school only if their motivation is enough strong and appropriate

    Taymyr Reindeer Herding as a Branch of the Economy and a Fundamental Social Identification Practice for Indigenous Peoples of the Siberian Arctic

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    There are two factors affecting the way that Nenets and Dolgan people of Taymyr define their regional identity: 1) their traditional trade (reindeer herding); 2) ethnic art-making where the reindeer acts as an image and a symbol of ethnic traditions, touchstones, and values found among the indigenous peoples of Taymyr. Field research was conducted in Taymyr settlements (such as Nosok, Karaul, and Khatanga) from 2010 to 2014. The researchers interviewed Nenets and Dolgan people who belong to non-governmental organizations representing Taymyr indigenous peoples, run businesses or work in government agencies, schools, and other organizations implementing cultural policies. Indigenous peoples have very low economic and social activity. The Dolgans also have a very poor standard of living due to lack of reindeer. The Post-Soviet era has seen an income gap growing between the Dolgans and the Nenets and unequal economic groups being formed. Reviving reindeer herding is essential. Nenets and Dolgan reindeer herding is an economically inefficient subsidized branch of agriculture, but its role is symbolic rather than economic. Nenets and Dolgan reindeer herding is an ethnicity-forming and ethnicity-sustaining factor. Today’s reindustrialization of Taymyr may end up exterminating its indigenous peoples’ unique economic, environmental, and cultural practices. Taymyr’s political establishment must pay due attention to the threat of ruining these unique practices. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s5p22

    Wooden Zodchestvo of Krasnoyarsk City as the Space for Forming Territorial and Ethno-Cultural Identity

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    The process of forming the persons identity of territorial and ethno-cultural character is complicated and diverse. The architectural space of the city is capable of becoming the city residents assistant in his/her self-identification. Modern conditions of life in the city organize the process of obtaining self-identification as maximum synthesizing various points of the persons self-identification, but it is the daily current life space that contributes to doing it with maximum efficiency. This article gives an overview of wooden sites of Krasnoyarsk zodchestvo from the point of view of their capability to become the means of the city residents identity formation.Процесс идентичности человека территориального и этнокультурного характера является сложным и неоднородным. Архитектурное городское пространство способно выступить помощником его жителя в самоидентификации. Современные городские условия жизни выстраивают процесс обретения своей идентичности как предельно синтезирующий различные грани самоопределения человека, но, тем не менее, именно ежедневно актуальное пространство жизни способствует его совершению с предельной эффективностью. Данная статья предлагает рассмотрение памятников деревянного зодчества Красноярска с позиции их возможностей выступить средствами формирования идентичности жителей города

    Protection and Development of the Indigenous Peoples Living in Circumpolar Territories: Cultural and Anthropological Analysis

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    Today culture of the small groups of indigenous peoples living in the North of Krasnoyarsk region goes through many transformations connected with globalization. Ethno-cultural groups of the northern peoples gradually lose their unicity and identity; their languages and traditional religion die. Active acculturation processes proceed. The Government of the Russian Federation and the administration of RF subject, the united Krasnoyarsk region, develop legal mechanisms connected with protection of traditional management of nature and unique culture of the northern ethnic groups. Cultural anthropology has vast instrumental, methodical, and methodological potentials for the study of culture of the peoples living in the North of Krasnoyarsk region. Evolutionism, diffusionism, structural functionalism, and structural anthropology could be applied to the study of that culture. Now Russian science has an active discussion concerning the social-demographic and cultural future of the small groups of indigenous peoples living in the North of Krasnoyarsk region. On the one hand, the researchers fix many socio-economic and socio-cultural problems connected with unemployment, low income, and specific diseases; on the other hand, cultural existence of the northern ethnic groups is impossible without original habitat and traditional ways of management of nature connected with reindeer-breeding, fishery, hunting, and herborization. The system model of reproduction of complex social systems (ethnocultural groups of the indigenous peoples living in the North and Siberia) can be formed through methodology of contemporary cultural anthropology oriented to applied research (including ethnographic field studies) and theoretical generalization of the empirically obtained data.Культура коренных и малочисленных народов Севера, живущих на территории Красноярского края, переживает в настоящее время целый ряд трансформаций, связанных с глобализацией. Этнокультурные группы северных народов постепенно теряют свою уникальность и идентичность, исчезают их языки, традиционная религия. Идут активные процессы аккультурации. Правительство Российской Федерации и правительство субъекта Российской Федерации - объединенного Красноярского края разрабатывают правовые механизмы, связанные с сохранением традиционного природопользования и уникальной культуры северных этносов. Культурная антропология обладает большими инструментальными, методологическими и методическими возможностями для изучения культуры северных народов Красноярского края. Эволюционизм, диффузионизм, структурный функционализм и структурная антропология могут быть использованы для изучения данной культуры. В настоящее время в российской науке идет активная дискуссия, связанная с социально- демографическим и культурным будущим коренных и малочисленных народов Севера Красноярского края. С одной стороны, исследователи фиксируют целый ряд социально- экономических и социально-культурных проблем, связанных с безработицей, низкими доходами, специфическими заболеваниями, а с другой стороны, для северных этносов невозможно культурное существование без традиционной среды обитания, без традиционных способов природопользования, связанных с оленеводством, рыбной ловлей, охотой, сбором дикорастущих трав. Системная модель воспроизводства сложных социальных систем - этнокультурных групп коренных и малочисленных народов Севера и Сибири - может быть построена с помощью методологии современной культурной антропологии, ориентированной на прикладные (в том числе полевые этнографические) исследования и теоретическое обобщение полученных эмпирических данных


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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.The oeuvre of the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch was influenced by the major tenets of Symbolism of the end of the XIX century and German Expressionism of the beginning of the XX century, which allowed the painter to express the depths of meaning of life through visual signs. The objective of our research is to determine the artistic concept of the paintings “Melancholy”, “Separation”, “The Dance of Life” by Edvard Munch as representants of his major cycle of works “The Frieze of Life”. The methodology of the research includes theoretic investigation of historiographic facts of the creative career of the painter, and description of the selected works, based on the methodic analysis of visual signs in their material, index and symbolic statuses. Methodic analysis of the pictorial works by Edvard Munch allowed us to formulate the artistic concept of each of the works under analysis. The existential emotion of melancholy is represented by means of sign-symbolic forms of the artistic image of a man, who is sitting on the edge of the shoreline, immersed in his thought. We found that this emotion is connected with self-analysis and the person’s trying to understand the development of his spiritual life. The artistic image of the painting “Separation” by Edvard Munch represents the spiritual understanding by a person of the basics of the sensual world (love, birth, death), leading to the inevitable separation as the vital stage of transition to the new level of development. The painting “The Dance of Life” completes the cycle “The Frieze of Life”, its artistic image generalizes the conceptual program of the whole cycle: life of a person, like nature, is, on the whole, influenced by the rhythm of its cyclic development with its necessary stages of youth, maturity, old age and death


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    of Gypsies (including their individual representatives) cause such violent surges of discontent that can be settled only by law enforcement authorities. For example, in August 2016 in Ukrainian village of Loschinovka there were pogroms of houses inhabited by Gypsy families, in response to the murder of a local girl by a Gypsy; in March 2016, in Tula village of Plekhanovo enforcement authorities were engaged in connection with the illegal tapping into the gas pipeline by the local Gypsies, etc. This paper studies public perception of Gypsies, forcing violent and abrupt reactions of other people to actions of Gypsies; it also investigates the causes of such perception, ways of their formation and possibilities of their change. The study is based on the discussion in the “Live journal” in August 2016, initiated by a Gypsy, in which young parents took part. The research method is narrative analysis. The contributing opinions to the discussion (more than 400), have been analyzed from the perspective of the image, the Russians have of Gypsies, and the features that are considered most typical. The following components of the image of Gypsies were analyzed in the study: appearance, places of settlement, types of employment, victims of Gypsies, techniques for resisting Gypsies, attitude to Gypsies, attitude of Gypsies towards Gypsies and non- Gypsies, ways to change the attitude towards Gypsies. The Gypsies are identified by the representatives of other ethnic groups primarily by their appearance, occupation and places of settlement. The victims of illegal actions of Gypsies are mainly women. The techniques to resist Gypsies are ignoring them, using their own methods, search for protection. Gypsies clearly identify people as their own kind and others, which they appear to do on the basis of blood relations. They actively and even aggressively protect people of their own kind; the attitude to others is bad. Gypsies believe constructivism is the means to change the attitude of other people towards them. Representatives of other ethnic groups believe that constructivism can be applied only on the basis of Gypsies’ modifying their own behaviour


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    of Gypsies (including their individual representatives) cause such violent surges of discontent that can be settled only by law enforcement authorities. For example, in August 2016 in Ukrainian village of Loschinovka there were pogroms of houses inhabited by Gypsy families, in response to the murder of a local girl by a Gypsy; in March 2016, in Tula village of Plekhanovo enforcement authorities were engaged in connection with the illegal tapping into the gas pipeline by the local Gypsies, etc. This paper studies public perception of Gypsies, forcing violent and abrupt reactions of other people to actions of Gypsies; it also investigates the causes of such perception, ways of their formation and possibilities of their change. The study is based on the discussion in the “Live journal” in August 2016, initiated by a Gypsy, in which young parents took part. The research method is narrative analysis. The contributing opinions to the discussion (more than 400), have been analyzed from the perspective of the image, the Russians have of Gypsies, and the features that are considered most typical. The following components of the image of Gypsies were analyzed in the study: appearance, places of settlement, types of employment, victims of Gypsies, techniques for resisting Gypsies, attitude to Gypsies, attitude of Gypsies towards Gypsies and non- Gypsies, ways to change the attitude towards Gypsies. The Gypsies are identified by the representatives of other ethnic groups primarily by their appearance, occupation and places of settlement. The victims of illegal actions of Gypsies are mainly women. The techniques to resist Gypsies are ignoring them, using their own methods, search for protection. Gypsies clearly identify people as their own kind and others, which they appear to do on the basis of blood relations. They actively and even aggressively protect people of their own kind; the attitude to others is bad. Gypsies believe constructivism is the means to change the attitude of other people towards them. Representatives of other ethnic groups believe that constructivism can be applied only on the basis of Gypsies’ modifying their own behaviour

    The Functional Model Approach to the Consulting for Vertically - Integrated Construction Group

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    Managerial decision making in the framework of functional modeling of the consulting process have a direct effect on other business - processes of vertically - integrated group of construction companies. As a result, the experience of consulting companies tends to be used for the making managerial solutions. Consultancy is known as one of the most complicated types of buisiness process. It requires a huge and deep examines and researches of targeting area, therefore need to be provided with special methodology, included internal standards of the consulting companies. Correct methodological support, planning process and implementation of managerial solutions should be based on the survey of the direct and inverse connections and interdependence of all group’s business – processes. Functional - process modeling of the vertically - integrated construction group could be considered as an instrument of examination and analysis of the issue how the managerial solution impact on the business-process for the construction group functioning. The main result of the research is the formalized process-oriented model – prototype of the business - processes of vertically - integrated group of construction companies

    Sustainable architecture: trends in higher professional architectures’ education

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    In the article we tried to investigate theoretical ideas concerning actual students’ reasons for education in the field of architecture in frame of the second level of higher professional education system. We present the results of survey that we conducted last year. We collected data about students’ reasons to enrol for architectures’ and others master programmes and their expectations of programmes’ content, programmes’ volume, curriculum structure, placement periods. We analysed the teaching methods, structure and trends in architecture’s master programmes that was legally introduced by government standards. As a result, we concluded that the changes of education standards mostly meet expectations of master programmes contenders. However, the contenders will succeed in higher school only if their motivation is enough strong and appropriate

    Культурно-антропологические исследования детства коренных малочисленных народов Красноярского края (на материале полевых исследований Сибирского федерального университета в 2010-2013 гг.)

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    The article describes the genesis of the social anthropology of childhood and reveals its basic concepts. A well-reasoned statement that preservation, translation and reproduction of a specific culture are directly connected with the topical cultural and anthropological state of childhood allows to consider the culture of childhood of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East, which have found themselves most vulnerable in the processes of global transformations of the 21st century. Children are a strategic subject able to preserve and develop the unique culture of indigenous peoples. At the same time, it is this category of population that is most vulnerable in terms of the sociocultural aspect, which is demonstrated on the examples of Chulym and Selkup ethno-cultural groups. Global transformations of the modern industrial society actively destroy the traditional culture of the indigenous peoples of Krasnoyarsk Krai childhood. In the nearest future, this culture will have only a virtual-information form or will disappear along with native languages of the cultural groupsВ статье происходит обращение к генезису социальной антропологии детства, раскрываются основополагающие для нее понятия. Аргументированное утверждение, что сохранение, трансляция и воспроизводство конкретной культуры напрямую связаны с актуальным культурно-антропологическим состоянием детства, позволяет сделать шаг к рассмотрению культуры детства коренных малочисленных народов Севера, Сибири и Дальнего Востока, оказавшихся наиболее уязвимыми перед процессами глобальных трансформаций XXI века. Дети являются стратегическим субъектом, который мог бы сохранить и развивать уникальную культуру коренных народов, но именно эта категория населения оказывается наиболее уязвима в социально-культурном отношении, что демонстрируется на примерах чулымской и селькупской этнокультурных групп. Глобальные трансформации современного индустриального общества активно разрушают традиционную культуру детства коренных народов Красноярского края. В ближайшем будущем эта культура будет иметь исключительно виртуально-информационную форму или исчезнет вместе с исчезновением родных языков данных культурных груп