5 research outputs found

    Determining the volume of blood loss in cardiac patients by means of the hemoglobin balance and gravimetric methods

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    Objectives. To make a comparative analysis of determining the blood loss volume in patients, who have undergone open heart surgery by means of the hemoglobin balance and the gravimetric methods. Material and methods. A prospective non-randomized cohort study was conducted to determine the volume of intraoperative and perioperative (within 18-20 hours after surgery) blood loss in patients who had undergone cardiac surgery using the hemoglobin balance and gravimetric methods. A group of 30 patients was formed. The volume of blood loss was assessed by two methods in each patient. Results. The volume of circulating blood was calculated according to the Nadler formula. It made up 5050.8 (4597.1; 5663.3) ml. Intraoperative blood loss during cardiosurgery on an open heart with extracorporeal circulation (EC), calculated by the hemoglobin balance method, was 1357.9 ml (1202.5; 1756.0) or 26.9% of the total blood volume (TBV); calculated by the gravimetric method – 1015.5 ml (896.0; 1115.0) or 20.1% of the TBV (p<0.0002). Perioperative blood loss in patients when calculated by the hemoglobin balance method was 1554.4 ml (1375.8; 1922.4) or 30.8% of the TBV; when calculated by the gravimetric method, it was equal to 1360.5 ml (1249.0; 1446.0) or 26.9% of the TBV (p<0.01). Conclusions. Intraoperative blood loss calculated using the hemoglobin balance method exceeds blood loss measured gravimetrically by 25.2%. The volume of perioperative blood loss calculated by the method of hemoglobin balance exceeds the volume of blood loss measured by the gravimetric method by 12.5%

    The evaluation of clinical efficacy of bioplastic Collost material in the treatment of chronic wounds in patients with diabetic foot syndrome

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    Objectives. To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of the use of bioplastic collagenous material Collost in the treatment of chronic wounds in patients with diabetic foot syndrome (DFS). Material and methods. The study involved 35 patients with DFS having chronic wounds on the lower extremities accompanied by type 2 diabetes mellitus. Patients with DFS in the comparison group received standard treatment. In the main group, standard treatment was supplemented with local application of Collost collagen biomaterial in the form of a membrane of different size depending on the area of the wound surface. The mobile Wound Analysis application (USA) evaluated the quantitative characteristics of the wound surface. Results. On the 28th day of treatment, a significant difference between the groups (p0.05) from 1.59 cm2 to 1.03 cm2 (1.54 times) due to the cases of complete epithelization of wound surfaces, in the comparison group it increased (p>0.05) from 1.85 cm2 to 2.25 cm2 (1.21 times). Conclusions. The use of Collost collagen biomaterial in patients with DFS after 28 days of treatment leads to a more significant reduction 2.29 times in the total area of the wound surface of chronic wounds, 4.12 times decrease in the area of purulent-fibrin plaque, a three-fold increase in the frequency of cases of complete epithelialization of the wound. The use of collagen containing biomaterials in the complex treatment of patients with DFS exerts a positive effect on the dynamics of the wound process in chronic wounds

    The analysis of blood components consumption in the Mogilev region in 2017-2021

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    Objectives. To identify the peculiarities of blood components consumption by hospitals in the Mogilev region during five years and to determine trends in their use in connection with the pandemic of COVID-19 infection. Material and methods. Retrospectively for 2017-2021, the volumes of transfusion of erythrocyte blood components (EBC), fresh frozen plasma (FFP), the number of transfused doses of platelet blood components (PBC), cryoprecipitate (CP) in hospitals throughout the Mogilev region were studied depending on the number of treated patients, the number of bed-days spent by them in the hospital and the number of cases of COVID-19 infection. Also these indicators were analyzed in a single health care institution “Mogilev Regional Clinical Hospital”, in which in 2020-2021 care to patients with COVID-19 infection was provided. Results. Consumption of EBC, FFP and CP in 2017-2019 per 1000 inhabitants of the Mogilev region did not change statistically significantly, there was an increase in the use of PBC in 2019 compared to 2017 (p<0.05). In 2020, there was an increase in the consumption of blood components compared to 2017-2019: EBC by 31.7%, PBC by 35.2%, CP by 35.6% from the level of 2017 (p<0.05). In 2021, there was a statistically significant increase in the consumption of blood components compared to 2017-2019: EBC by 27.2%, FFP by 13.9%, PBC by 37%, CP by 23.1% from the level of 2017 (p<0.05). These changes are likely to be related to the 2020-2021 COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to significant changes in the structure of production and clinical use of blood components. Conclusions. The identified trends require to change the resource capabilities of the regional subjects of the blood service for planning and, if necessary, increasing the procurement of PBC, СP, dry one included, and creating a sufficient donor reserve

    Структурно–функциональные особенности нейтрофилов при гипероксии/

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    Изучено влияние гипероксии на фагоцитарную активность и состояние интерфазного хроматина нейтрофилов. Установлено, что использование гипероксических ингаляционных смесей при проведении лапароскопических операций вызывает снижение фагоцитарной активности нейтрофилов периферической крови, компактизацию эухроматина и разрыхление гетеро– и перигранулярного хроматина нейтрофилов. = The effect of hyperoxia on the phagocytic activity and the state of the interphase chromatin of neutro-phils was studied. It was found that the use of inhaled hyperoxic mixtures during laparoscopic surgery causes a decrease in the phagocytic activity of peripheral blood neutrophils, compaction of the euchroma-tin and loosening of the heterochromatin of neutrophils

    Structure and Functional Character of Neutrophils after Hyperoxia

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    Изучено влияние гипероксии на фагоцитарную активность и состояние интерфазного хроматина нейтрофилов. Установлено, что использование гипероксических ингаляционных смесей при проведении лапароскопических операций вызывает снижение фагоцитарной активности нейтрофилов периферической крови, компактизацию эухроматина и разрыхление гетеро– и перигранулярного хроматина нейтрофилов.The effect of hyperoxia on the phagocytic activity and the state of the interphase chromatin of neutro-phils was studied. It was found that the use of inhaled hyperoxic mixtures during laparoscopic surgery causes a decrease in the phagocytic activity of peripheral blood neutrophils, compaction of the euchroma-tin and loosening of the heterochromatin of neutrophils