9 research outputs found


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    The modern big city is a space of visual signs. The key role is played by architecture, which, on the one hand, functions as reference points and guiding volumes, on the other hand, is able to influence the outlook and the state of the people passing by. In this connection, the question of how to identify the potential of architectural monuments as visual texts is important. The work is based on the method of philosophical and artistic analysis of works of architecture as a space of interaction of the viewer and the multifaceted World, presented by the features of external and internal construction of building and specifics of communication of a person with the building. The article presents the results of the philosophical and artistic analysis of the work of architecture - the mansion of P.I. Gadalov (currently the building of Krasnoyarsk Arts Museum, named after V.I. Surikov) in the city of Krasnoyarsk. With the help of the detailed artistic analysis and philosophical interpretation, the substantial potential of the monument is revealed as a visual text, perceived by a contemporary person. The conclusion is made about the possibility of communicating with the monument of architecture in its historical context as the former mansion of P.I. Gadalov, as well as in its current function as the building of Krasnoyarsk Arts Museum, named after V.I. Surikov

    Taymyr Reindeer Herding as a Branch of the Economy and a Fundamental Social Identification Practice for Indigenous Peoples of the Siberian Arctic

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    There are two factors affecting the way that Nenets and Dolgan people of Taymyr define their regional identity: 1) their traditional trade (reindeer herding); 2) ethnic art-making where the reindeer acts as an image and a symbol of ethnic traditions, touchstones, and values found among the indigenous peoples of Taymyr. Field research was conducted in Taymyr settlements (such as Nosok, Karaul, and Khatanga) from 2010 to 2014. The researchers interviewed Nenets and Dolgan people who belong to non-governmental organizations representing Taymyr indigenous peoples, run businesses or work in government agencies, schools, and other organizations implementing cultural policies. Indigenous peoples have very low economic and social activity. The Dolgans also have a very poor standard of living due to lack of reindeer. The Post-Soviet era has seen an income gap growing between the Dolgans and the Nenets and unequal economic groups being formed. Reviving reindeer herding is essential. Nenets and Dolgan reindeer herding is an economically inefficient subsidized branch of agriculture, but its role is symbolic rather than economic. Nenets and Dolgan reindeer herding is an ethnicity-forming and ethnicity-sustaining factor. Today’s reindustrialization of Taymyr may end up exterminating its indigenous peoples’ unique economic, environmental, and cultural practices. Taymyr’s political establishment must pay due attention to the threat of ruining these unique practices. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s5p22


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    The modern big city is a space of visual signs. The key role is played by architecture, which, on the one hand, functions as reference points and guiding volumes, on the other hand, is able to influence the outlook and the state of the people passing by. In this connection, the question of how to identify the potential of architectural monuments as visual texts is important. The work is based on the method of philosophical and artistic analysis of works of architecture as a space of interaction of the viewer and the multifaceted World, presented by the features of external and internal construction of building and specifics of communication of a person with the building. The article presents the results of the philosophical and artistic analysis of the work of architecture - the mansion of P.I. Gadalov (currently the building of Krasnoyarsk Arts Museum, named after V.I. Surikov) in the city of Krasnoyarsk. With the help of the detailed artistic analysis and philosophical interpretation, the substantial potential of the monument is revealed as a visual text, perceived by a contemporary person. The conclusion is made about the possibility of communicating with the monument of architecture in its historical context as the former mansion of P.I. Gadalov, as well as in its current function as the building of Krasnoyarsk Arts Museum, named after V.I. Surikov


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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.The oeuvre of the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch was influenced by the major tenets of Symbolism of the end of the XIX century and German Expressionism of the beginning of the XX century, which allowed the painter to express the depths of meaning of life through visual signs. The objective of our research is to determine the artistic concept of the paintings “Melancholy”, “Separation”, “The Dance of Life” by Edvard Munch as representants of his major cycle of works “The Frieze of Life”. The methodology of the research includes theoretic investigation of historiographic facts of the creative career of the painter, and description of the selected works, based on the methodic analysis of visual signs in their material, index and symbolic statuses. Methodic analysis of the pictorial works by Edvard Munch allowed us to formulate the artistic concept of each of the works under analysis. The existential emotion of melancholy is represented by means of sign-symbolic forms of the artistic image of a man, who is sitting on the edge of the shoreline, immersed in his thought. We found that this emotion is connected with self-analysis and the person’s trying to understand the development of his spiritual life. The artistic image of the painting “Separation” by Edvard Munch represents the spiritual understanding by a person of the basics of the sensual world (love, birth, death), leading to the inevitable separation as the vital stage of transition to the new level of development. The painting “The Dance of Life” completes the cycle “The Frieze of Life”, its artistic image generalizes the conceptual program of the whole cycle: life of a person, like nature, is, on the whole, influenced by the rhythm of its cyclic development with its necessary stages of youth, maturity, old age and death


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    of Gypsies (including their individual representatives) cause such violent surges of discontent that can be settled only by law enforcement authorities. For example, in August 2016 in Ukrainian village of Loschinovka there were pogroms of houses inhabited by Gypsy families, in response to the murder of a local girl by a Gypsy; in March 2016, in Tula village of Plekhanovo enforcement authorities were engaged in connection with the illegal tapping into the gas pipeline by the local Gypsies, etc. This paper studies public perception of Gypsies, forcing violent and abrupt reactions of other people to actions of Gypsies; it also investigates the causes of such perception, ways of their formation and possibilities of their change. The study is based on the discussion in the “Live journal” in August 2016, initiated by a Gypsy, in which young parents took part. The research method is narrative analysis. The contributing opinions to the discussion (more than 400), have been analyzed from the perspective of the image, the Russians have of Gypsies, and the features that are considered most typical. The following components of the image of Gypsies were analyzed in the study: appearance, places of settlement, types of employment, victims of Gypsies, techniques for resisting Gypsies, attitude to Gypsies, attitude of Gypsies towards Gypsies and non- Gypsies, ways to change the attitude towards Gypsies. The Gypsies are identified by the representatives of other ethnic groups primarily by their appearance, occupation and places of settlement. The victims of illegal actions of Gypsies are mainly women. The techniques to resist Gypsies are ignoring them, using their own methods, search for protection. Gypsies clearly identify people as their own kind and others, which they appear to do on the basis of blood relations. They actively and even aggressively protect people of their own kind; the attitude to others is bad. Gypsies believe constructivism is the means to change the attitude of other people towards them. Representatives of other ethnic groups believe that constructivism can be applied only on the basis of Gypsies’ modifying their own behaviour


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    of Gypsies (including their individual representatives) cause such violent surges of discontent that can be settled only by law enforcement authorities. For example, in August 2016 in Ukrainian village of Loschinovka there were pogroms of houses inhabited by Gypsy families, in response to the murder of a local girl by a Gypsy; in March 2016, in Tula village of Plekhanovo enforcement authorities were engaged in connection with the illegal tapping into the gas pipeline by the local Gypsies, etc. This paper studies public perception of Gypsies, forcing violent and abrupt reactions of other people to actions of Gypsies; it also investigates the causes of such perception, ways of their formation and possibilities of their change. The study is based on the discussion in the “Live journal” in August 2016, initiated by a Gypsy, in which young parents took part. The research method is narrative analysis. The contributing opinions to the discussion (more than 400), have been analyzed from the perspective of the image, the Russians have of Gypsies, and the features that are considered most typical. The following components of the image of Gypsies were analyzed in the study: appearance, places of settlement, types of employment, victims of Gypsies, techniques for resisting Gypsies, attitude to Gypsies, attitude of Gypsies towards Gypsies and non- Gypsies, ways to change the attitude towards Gypsies. The Gypsies are identified by the representatives of other ethnic groups primarily by their appearance, occupation and places of settlement. The victims of illegal actions of Gypsies are mainly women. The techniques to resist Gypsies are ignoring them, using their own methods, search for protection. Gypsies clearly identify people as their own kind and others, which they appear to do on the basis of blood relations. They actively and even aggressively protect people of their own kind; the attitude to others is bad. Gypsies believe constructivism is the means to change the attitude of other people towards them. Representatives of other ethnic groups believe that constructivism can be applied only on the basis of Gypsies’ modifying their own behaviour

    Ethnocultural Dynamics of the Indigenous Peoples of Yenisei Siberia in Research Works of 2010s‑2020s

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    В статье представлены результаты аналитической работы, в ходе которой были изучены исследования отечественных и зарубежных авторов, посвященные различным аспектам этнокультурной динамики коренных народов. Особое внимание было уделено публикациям, раскрывающим особенности этнокультурной динамики коренных народов Енисейской Сибири, проживающих на территории Республики Тыва, Республики Хакасия, Красноярского края. В результате было обнаружено, что в центре интересов научного сообщества находятся современные проблемы коренных народов, такие как игнорирование их прав, утрата традиционных форм хозяйствования и элементов традиционной культуры, в частности языка и менталитета, проблемы со здоровьем и образованием. На основе обзора статей, опубликованных в период с 2011 по 2021 гг., сделаны выводы о процессах, определяющих специфику этнокультурной динамики народов, проживающих на территории Енисейской СибириThe article presents the results of analytical work, during which works by domestic and foreign authors devoted to various aspects of the ethnocultural dynamics of indigenous peoples were studied. Particular attention was paid to publications that reveal the peculiarities of the ethnocultural dynamics of the indigenous peoples of Yenisei Siberia – the indigenous peoples living in the territory of the Republic of Tyva, the Republic of Khakassia, and the Krasnoyarsk Krai. As a result, it was found that the scientific community focuses on modern problems of indigenous peoples, such as ignoring their rights, losing traditional forms of management and elements of traditional culture, in particular, language and mentality, health and education problems. Based on the review of articles published in the period between 2011 and 2021 we make conclusions on the processes that determine the specifics of the ethnocultural dynamics of the peoples living on the territory of Yenisei Siberi

    The image of gypsies in the contemporary Russian society

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    The Gypsies are one of the most controversial ethnic groups. Periodically the actions of Gypsies (including their individual representatives) cause such violent surges of discontent that can be settled only by law enforcement authorities. For example, in August 2016 in Ukrainian village of Loschinovka there were pogroms of houses inhabited by Gypsy families, in response to the murder of a local girl by a Gypsy; in March 2016, in Tula village of Plekhanovo enforcement authorities were engaged in connection with the illegal tapping into the gas pipeline by the local Gypsies, etc. This paper studies public perception of Gypsies, forcing violent and abrupt reactions of other people to actions of Gypsies; it also investigates the causes of such perception, ways of their formation and possibilities of their change. The study is based on the discussion in the “Live journal” in August 2016, initiated by a Gypsy, in which young parents took part. The research method is narrative analysis. The contributing opinions to the discussion (more than 400), have been analyzed from the perspective of the image, the Russians have of Gypsies, and the features that are considered most typical. The following components of the image of Gypsies were analyzed in the study: appearance, places of settlement, types of employment, victims of Gypsies, techniques for resisting Gypsies, attitude to Gypsies, attitude of Gypsies towards Gypsies and non-Gypsies, ways to change the attitude towards Gypsies. The Gypsies are identified by the representatives of other ethnic groups primarily by their appearance, occupation and places of settlement. The victims of illegal actions of Gypsies are mainly women. The techniques to resist Gypsies are ignoring them, using their own methods, search for protection. Gypsies clearly identify people as their own kind and others, which they appear to do on the basis of blood relations. They actively and even aggressively protect people of their own kind; the attitude to others is bad. Gypsies believe constructivism is the means to change the attitude of other people towards them. Representatives of other ethnic groups believe that constructivism can be applied only on the basis of Gypsies' modifying their own behaviour

    The image of gypsies in the contemporary Russian society

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    The Gypsies are one of the most controversial ethnic groups. Periodically the actions of Gypsies (including their individual representatives) cause such violent surges of discontent that can be settled only by law enforcement authorities. For example, in August 2016 in Ukrainian village of Loschinovka there were pogroms of houses inhabited by Gypsy families, in response to the murder of a local girl by a Gypsy; in March 2016, in Tula village of Plekhanovo enforcement authorities were engaged in connection with the illegal tapping into the gas pipeline by the local Gypsies, etc. This paper studies public perception of Gypsies, forcing violent and abrupt reactions of other people to actions of Gypsies; it also investigates the causes of such perception, ways of their formation and possibilities of their change. The study is based on the discussion in the “Live journal” in August 2016, initiated by a Gypsy, in which young parents took part. The research method is narrative analysis. The contributing opinions to the discussion (more than 400), have been analyzed from the perspective of the image, the Russians have of Gypsies, and the features that are considered most typical. The following components of the image of Gypsies were analyzed in the study: appearance, places of settlement, types of employment, victims of Gypsies, techniques for resisting Gypsies, attitude to Gypsies, attitude of Gypsies towards Gypsies and non-Gypsies, ways to change the attitude towards Gypsies. The Gypsies are identified by the representatives of other ethnic groups primarily by their appearance, occupation and places of settlement. The victims of illegal actions of Gypsies are mainly women. The techniques to resist Gypsies are ignoring them, using their own methods, search for protection. Gypsies clearly identify people as their own kind and others, which they appear to do on the basis of blood relations. They actively and even aggressively protect people of their own kind; the attitude to others is bad. Gypsies believe constructivism is the means to change the attitude of other people towards them. Representatives of other ethnic groups believe that constructivism can be applied only on the basis of Gypsies' modifying their own behaviour