53 research outputs found

    Awareness of Testicular Cancer Among the Male Population in the Republic of Croatia

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    Testicular cancer is the most common tumour in men of reproductive age. The incidence has increased in the last few years, both globally and in the Republic of Croatia. no studies have been conducted in the republic of croatia that show the level of knowledge about testicular cancer, so this study was conducted to examine the knowledge and attitudes of the male population about testicular cancer, to determine whether there are differences in knowledge and attitudes between members of the male population from rural and those from urban areas, and to examine how to increase the awareness of the male population about the prevention of testicular cancer. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 200 respondents from rural and urban areas of the Republic of Croatia. The study was conducted using an anonymous survey questionnaire. Knowledge of risk factors, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment methods, and self-examination was examined. The results did not show a significant difference in the knowledge and attitudes between participants from rural and those from urban areas. However, the overall level of knowledge about testicular cancer has been shown to be low and efforts need to be made to improve prevention programs to protect the health of the male population

    Everyday needs and activities of geriatric patients – users of home care

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    Care of elderly people at the primary health care level is usually performed by primary health care physicians, community nurses and nurses from home care facilities. The purpose of care is to assist older people in the community and to ensure the quality of life in their own home through measures of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Community health care is a medical social activity that implements specific health care in order to promote and preserve the health of individuals, families and communities. The main goal of nursing in the community is to provide care to beneficiaries outside health facilities; in their homes. It is particularly important to provide comprehensive care in the most vulnerable stages of life, such as illness, old age, infirmity, disability or poor social or economic condition. In order to solve various problems of elderly people regular cooperation of all the professionals that take care of an older person in their home is essential. Thus, in case of need for the implementation of health care, community nurse assesses the state of the user and determines the need for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures to be implemented in the user’s home. A nurse from the institution carries out approved home care services over approved time, lasting no more than 30 days. After 30 days, nurse reassesses the patient’s condition. This paper will show the duration of the continuous provision of home care services for patients. The objectives of the health care for the elderly people in their home are: to provide optimum conditions for better quality of life in their own home environment, implementation of measures and procedures for the preservation of health, implementation of measures and procedures aimed at disease control, implementation of measures aimed at identifying risk factors in the environment, integration of older users in the company and ensuring the quality of life, all of which will be presented in the paper

    Novosti u dokumentiranju postupaka zdravstvene njege u patronažnoj djelatnosti

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    Do sredine ove godine patronažna sestra postupke zdravstvene njege je prikazivala u pisanoj formi koristeći jednu jedinu oznaku/šifru iz „Plave knjige 92095 za sve izvršene intervencije unutar ciljanih skupina. Navedena zakonska regulativa o kvantitativnom prikazu obavljenih usluga onemogućavala je patronažnu sestru da svoje usluge prikazuje na osnovu vrste korisnika i oblika rada o čemu smo pisali u 33.broju HČJZ. Danas, sukladno odluci Hrvatskog zavoda za zdravstveno osiguranje koja govori o izmjenama i dopunama odluke o osnovama za sklapanje ugovora o provođenju zdravstvene zaštite iz obveznog zdravstvenog osiguranja(Narodne novine 38/13), patronažna djelatnost svoje postupke prikazuje kroz više šifri

    Relationship Between Functional Disabilities and Home Care Needs of Elderly in the City of Zagreb

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    The demographic profile of the Republic of Croatia is changing intensively. According to published research, it is estimated that soon every fourth resident in Croatia including the City of Zagreb will be older than 65 years. Increased number of the elderly also increases the need for elderly care. Long-term care services make people dependent on someone else\u27s help over a longer period. Help most usually involves satisfying basic daily activities such as feeding, bathing, dressing, moving, maintaining personal hygiene, doing housework, and other similar activities. The aim of this work was to determine the functional status of the elderly in the City of Zagreb, and to investigate whether there are differences in self-assessed personal quality of life and functional status depending on whether the health care in the home of the elderly is provided. The study was conducted on elderly of both sexes (N = 100) from the City of Zagreb divided into the group of those who receive health care at home and those who have no need for such care. Structured questionnaire with sociodemographic issues of WHOQOL-BREF and scale of Bartel\u27s daily activity index were assessed. The study showed statistically significant differences in functional ability between the observed groups. The elderly receiving home health care have grater functional disability compared to the group of elderly not receiving home health care despite no statistically significant differences between groups in self-assessed quality of life

    Relationship Between Functional Disabilities and Home Care Needs of Elderly in the City of Zagreb

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    The demographic profile of the Republic of Croatia is changing intensively. According to published research, it is estimated that soon every fourth resident in Croatia including the City of Zagreb will be older than 65 years. Increased number of the elderly also increases the need for elderly care. Long-term care services make people dependent on someone else\u27s help over a longer period. Help most usually involves satisfying basic daily activities such as feeding, bathing, dressing, moving, maintaining personal hygiene, doing housework, and other similar activities. The aim of this work was to determine the functional status of the elderly in the City of Zagreb, and to investigate whether there are differences in self-assessed personal quality of life and functional status depending on whether the health care in the home of the elderly is provided. The study was conducted on elderly of both sexes (N = 100) from the City of Zagreb divided into the group of those who receive health care at home and those who have no need for such care. Structured questionnaire with sociodemographic issues of WHOQOL-BREF and scale of Bartel\u27s daily activity index were assessed. The study showed statistically significant differences in functional ability between the observed groups. The elderly receiving home health care have grater functional disability compared to the group of elderly not receiving home health care despite no statistically significant differences between groups in self-assessed quality of life


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    Reorganizacija patronažne službe

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    Primarni cilj patronažne zdravstvene skrbi kao djela integralnog zdravstvenog sustava jest pružiti zdravstvenu zaštitu korisnicima izvan zdravstvenih ustanova, poticati ih na očuvanje i unapređenje vlastitog zdravlja, posebno u najosjetljivijim razdobljima života i u posebnim stanjima i okolnostima kao što su kronična bolest, invaliditet, starost ili loši socijalni status. Sukladno potrebama i društvenim promjenama napredna praksa (Advance Practice Public Health Nusring – APPHN), prepoznaje patronažnu sestru kao osobu sa visokim obrazovanjem kompetentnu za specijalizirano područje rada u zajednici za organizaciju i planiranje javnozdravstvenih programa za unapređenje zdravlja u zajednic

    Reorganizacija patronažne službe

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    Primarni cilj patronažne zdravstvene skrbi kao djela integralnog zdravstvenog sustava jest pružiti zdravstvenu zaštitu korisnicima izvan zdravstvenih ustanova, poticati ih na očuvanje i unapređenje vlastitog zdravlja, posebno u najosjetljivijim razdobljima života i u posebnim stanjima i okolnostima kao što su kronična bolest, invaliditet, starost ili loši socijalni status. Sukladno potrebama i društvenim promjenama napredna praksa (Advance Practice Public Health Nusring – APPHN), prepoznaje patronažnu sestru kao osobu sa visokim obrazovanjem kompetentnu za specijalizirano područje rada u zajednici za organizaciju i planiranje javnozdravstvenih programa za unapređenje zdravlja u zajednic

    Specijalistički diplomski stručni studij sestrinstva „Javno zdravstvo“

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    Javno zdravstvo je medicinska struka koja se bavi utjecajem društvenih činitelje na zdravlje i bolesti, te na organiziranje sustava zdravstvene zaštite. "Javno zdravstvo je znanost (nauka) ili umjetnost sprečavanja bolesti, produženja života i unapređenja zdravlja kroz organizirane napore društva" (J Epidemiol Community Healt). Težnja novog zdravstva je kreiranje novog, stručnog, društvenog i etičkog okvira djelovanja javnog zdravstva nužnog za suočavanje s izazovima 21. stoljeća. Teži povezivanju politike, ekologije i zdravlja, odnosno, kreira društvenu politiku zdravlja i povezuje zdravlje s vodećim problemima razvoja, novim ekološkim izazovima i mogućnostima znanosti. Temeljni principi politike novog javnog zdravstva usmjereni su na formiranje: društvene politike zdravlja stvaranju suportivne okoline razvoju osobnih vještina reorijentaciji zdravstvene službe drugačijem pristupu istraživanja edukaciji u novim oblicima komunikacije, te stvaranju povoljnih okolinskih uvjeta za zdrav život

    Usporedba temporalnog zadovoljstva životom studenata sestrinstva Republike Hrvatske i Republike Bugarske

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    Introduction. Temporal satisfaction with life can be defined as satisfaction of an individual with their past, present and future life. When conducting a classic study of satisfaction with life, the focus is placed on different periods in life in order to avoid a potential error in measuring satisfaction with life. Closely connected to the concept of satisfaction with life is the concept of happiness, which represents a momentary, passing experience. Although it is pleasant, it can last for a shorter or longer time period. Satisfaction with life is a much more complex concept. Many authors define it as a general feeling or opinion about the life of an individual. There are a number of factors from different areas of life that contribute to satisfaction with life. They include work, romantic relationships, relations with family and friends, personal growth and health, among others. The measures of satisfaction with life are generally subjective or they are based on variables that an individual considers especially important in their own life. Aim. The aim is to question and compare the differences in temporal satisfaction with life among nursing students in Croatia and Bulgaria. Methods. The study included 100 nursing students, out of which 50 students are studying in the Republic of Croatia and 50 in the Republic of Bulgaria. The study used a questionnaire as an instrument of research. The questionnaire was The Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale (hereinafter TSWLS), which was devised in 1998 by Pavot and associates. Results. A statistically significant difference was found in 9 out of 15 statements. Furthermore, a statistically noticeable difference is seen in the average evaluation of overall temporal satisfaction with life between Croatian and Bulgarian nursing students. Conclusion. The study determined statistically significant differences in temporal satisfaction with life amongst students of nursing from Croatia and Bulgaria.Uvod. Temporalno zadovoljstvo životom može se definirati kao zadovoljstvo pojedinca prošlim, sadašnjim i budućim životom. Kako bi se smanjila potencijalna pogreška mjerenja zadovoljstva životom, u klasično istraživanje zadovoljstva životom stavlja se fokus na različita životna razdoblja. Usko uz pojam zadovoljstva životom veže se pojam sreće koja predstavlja trenutačno, prolazno iskustvo; iako je ugodno, može se dogoditi da traje duže ili kraće. Zadovoljstvo životom, s druge strane, mnogo je kompleksniji pojam, odnosno brojni autori definiraju ga kao opći osjećaj o životu pojedinca. Postoji mnogo čimbenika koji pridonose zadovoljstvu životom s brojnih područja, uključujući posao, romantične veze, odnose s obitelji i prijateljima, osobni razvoj, zdravlje te mnoge druge faktore. Mjere zadovoljstva životom općenito su subjektivne ili se temelje na varijablama koje pojedinac smatra osobno važnima u vlastitom životu. Cilj. Ispitati i usporediti razlike u temporalnom zadovoljstvu životom studenata sestrinstva Republike Hrvatske i Republike Bugarske. Metode. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno ukupno 100 studenata sestrinstva, od čega 50 ispitanika studira sestrinstvo u Republici Hrvatskoj, a 50 u Republici Bugarskoj. U istraživanju se kao instrument ispitivanja primijenio anketni upitnik Skala temporalnog zadovoljstva životom (Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale, dalje u tekstu TSWLS), koju su 1998. godine osmislili Pavot i suradnici. Rezultati. Pronađena je statistički značajna razlika u ocjenama devet od 15 tvrdnji. Nadalje, statistički značajna razlika vidljiva je u prosječnoj ocjeni ukupnoga temporalnog zadovoljstva životom između studenata sestrinstva iz RH i RB. Zaključak. Istraživanjem su utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u temporalnom zadovoljstvu životom studenata sestrinstva iz Republike Hrvatske i Republike Bugarske