8 research outputs found

    Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Magnetic Properties of Iron Boride Nanoparticles with or without Silicon Dioxide Coating

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    Nanoparticles of iron boride (Fe2B, Fe2B coated in SiO2, FexCo2−xB coated in SiO2) were synthesized using the reduction of metal ions by sodium borohydride. X-ray diffraction confirms the amorphicity of the coated compounds and scanning electron microscope imaging revealed the nanoparticulated structure of all compounds. The splitting between zero-field-cooled and field-cooled temperature dependent magnetization curves point to the blocking of superparamagnetic particles magnetization. Magnetic hysteresis loops are however consistent with the combined effects of blocked superparamagnetic and ferromagnetic (multidomain) particles. The observed quite complex magnetic behaviour is in accordance with structural studies, where additional phases and broad distribution of particle sizes were identified

    Abdominalni parakordom – prikaz slučaja

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    We report a very rare case of abdominal parachordoma. Parachordoma is indolent in nature, grows slowly and it has occasional recurrence after 3 months to 12 years and rare metastases. A 70-year-old female presented to our Department complaining of abdominal pain. Clinical examination showed a tumor mass in the pelvis and abdomen. Surgery was indicated. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of resected tumor tissue confirmed the diagnosis of parachordoma with metastases in the sigma and omentum.Prikazujemo vrlo rijedak slučaj abdominalnog parakordoma. Parakordom raste sporo, rijetko metastazira, a recidiv se može pojaviti nakon 3 mjeseca do 12 godina. Sedamdesetogodišnja pacijentica primljena je na Odjel za ginekološko-onkološku kirurgiju Klinike za tumore KBC „Sestre milosrdnice“ zbog bolova u donjem dijelu trbuha. Kliničkom obradom dijagnosticirana je tumorska masa u zdjelici i trbuhu. Učinjen je kirurški zahvat. Histološka i imunohistokemijska analiza potvrdila je dijagnozu parakordoma s metastazama u sigmi i omentumu

    Abdominalni parakordom – prikaz slučaja

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    We report a very rare case of abdominal parachordoma. Parachordoma is indolent in nature, grows slowly and it has occasional recurrence after 3 months to 12 years and rare metastases. A 70-year-old female presented to our Department complaining of abdominal pain. Clinical examination showed a tumor mass in the pelvis and abdomen. Surgery was indicated. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of resected tumor tissue confirmed the diagnosis of parachordoma with metastases in the sigma and omentum.Prikazujemo vrlo rijedak slučaj abdominalnog parakordoma. Parakordom raste sporo, rijetko metastazira, a recidiv se može pojaviti nakon 3 mjeseca do 12 godina. Sedamdesetogodišnja pacijentica primljena je na Odjel za ginekološko-onkološku kirurgiju Klinike za tumore KBC „Sestre milosrdnice“ zbog bolova u donjem dijelu trbuha. Kliničkom obradom dijagnosticirana je tumorska masa u zdjelici i trbuhu. Učinjen je kirurški zahvat. Histološka i imunohistokemijska analiza potvrdila je dijagnozu parakordoma s metastazama u sigmi i omentumu