40 research outputs found

    Remanufacturing and Advanced Machining Processes for New Materials and Components

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    "Remanufacturing and Advanced Machining Processes for Materials and Components presents current and emerging techniques for machining of new materials and restoration of components, as well as surface engineering methods aimed at prolonging the life of industrial systems. It examines contemporary machining processes for new materials, methods of protection and restoration of components, and smart machining processes. • Details a variety of advanced machining processes, new materials joining techniques, and methods to increase machining accuracy • Presents innovative methods for protection and restoration of components primarily from the perspective of remanufacturing and protective surface engineering • Discusses smart machining processes, including computer-integrated manufacturing and rapid prototyping, and smart materials • Provides a comprehensive summary of state-of-the-art in every section and a description of manufacturing methods • Describes the applications in recovery and enhancing purposes and identifies contemporary trends in industrial practice, emphasizing resource savings and performance prolongation for components and engineering systems The book is aimed at a range of readers, including graduate-level students, researchers, and engineers in mechanical, materials, and manufacturing engineering, especially those focused on resource savings, renovation, and failure prevention of components in engineering systems.

    Remanufacturing and Advanced Machining Processes for New Materials and Components

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    Remanufacturing and Advanced Machining Processes for Materials and Components presents current and emerging techniques for machining of new materials and restoration of components, as well as surface engineering methods aimed at prolonging the life of industrial systems. It examines contemporary machining processes for new materials, methods of protection and restoration of components, and smart machining processes. • Details a variety of advanced machining processes, new materials joining techniques, and methods to increase machining accuracy • Presents innovative methods for protection and restoration of components primarily from the perspective of remanufacturing and protective surface engineering • Discusses smart machining processes, including computer-integrated manufacturing and rapid prototyping, and smart materials • Provides a comprehensive summary of state-of-the-art in every section and a description of manufacturing methods • Describes the applications in recovery and enhancing purposes and identifies contemporary trends in industrial practice, emphasizing resource savings and performance prolongation for components and engineering systems The book is aimed at a range of readers, including graduate-level students, researchers, and engineers in mechanical, materials, and manufacturing engineering, especially those focused on resource savings, renovation, and failure prevention of components in engineering systems

    Remanufacturing and Advanced Machining Processes for New Materials and Components

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    "Remanufacturing and Advanced Machining Processes for Materials and Components presents current and emerging techniques for machining of new materials and restoration of components, as well as surface engineering methods aimed at prolonging the life of industrial systems. It examines contemporary machining processes for new materials, methods of protection and restoration of components, and smart machining processes. • Details a variety of advanced machining processes, new materials joining techniques, and methods to increase machining accuracy • Presents innovative methods for protection and restoration of components primarily from the perspective of remanufacturing and protective surface engineering • Discusses smart machining processes, including computer-integrated manufacturing and rapid prototyping, and smart materials • Provides a comprehensive summary of state-of-the-art in every section and a description of manufacturing methods • Describes the applications in recovery and enhancing purposes and identifies contemporary trends in industrial practice, emphasizing resource savings and performance prolongation for components and engineering systems The book is aimed at a range of readers, including graduate-level students, researchers, and engineers in mechanical, materials, and manufacturing engineering, especially those focused on resource savings, renovation, and failure prevention of components in engineering systems.

    Remanufacturing and Advanced Machining Processes for New Materials and Components

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    Remanufacturing and Advanced Machining Processes for Materials and Components presents current and emerging techniques for machining of new materials and restoration of components, as well as surface engineering methods aimed at prolonging the life of industrial systems. It examines contemporary machining processes for new materials, methods of protection and restoration of components, and smart machining processes. • Details a variety of advanced machining processes, new materials joining techniques, and methods to increase machining accuracy • Presents innovative methods for protection and restoration of components primarily from the perspective of remanufacturing and protective surface engineering • Discusses smart machining processes, including computer-integrated manufacturing and rapid prototyping, and smart materials • Provides a comprehensive summary of state-of-the-art in every section and a description of manufacturing methods • Describes the applications in recovery and enhancing purposes and identifies contemporary trends in industrial practice, emphasizing resource savings and performance prolongation for components and engineering systems The book is aimed at a range of readers, including graduate-level students, researchers, and engineers in mechanical, materials, and manufacturing engineering, especially those focused on resource savings, renovation, and failure prevention of components in engineering systems

    Seasonal variations of the digestive tract of the Eurasian beaver castor fiber.

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    Forage availability for wild rodents varies with season. In turn, the composition of food can affect morphometric parameters of the digestive tract. This study was performed in Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) whose population was close to extinction in most Eurasian countries, but has now increased. Due to the previous low number of studies, information about the effect of forage availability on the digestive tract morphology has previously been lacking. This study was performed using beavers captured from the natural environment during three seasons of different forage availability: winter, summer and autumn. It was found that the diet of the beaver varied during the year; in winter it was dominated by woody material consisting of willow shoots, whereas in summer the diet was primarily herbs, grass and leaves. Season also affected the mass of digested contents of the digestive tract. The digestive content increased in the caecum and colon in winter and autumn, when poor-quality food dominated the beaver's diet. The results indicated that the digestive tract parameters of beavers varied based on the composition of available forage

    Zmodyfikowany bilans energii dla tarcia i zużywania ustabilizowanego

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    The author's previous studies on tribological wear resistance maximization assumed the existence of characteristic temperature, corresponding to zero wear relatively infinite wear proper work, in other words infinite resistance to wear. The assumption was based on the popular belief, that: mechanical work can be limitless converted into heat. This being the case, it was acceptable to advance a thesis that during stabilized friction, sufficient cooling of friction pair would result in transferring energy equal to friction work in the form of heat to the environment. In such a situation, the wear, as the energy-consuming process will not be possible. The author's long time experimental research, introduced at the 9th International Tribology Conference in Pretoria in 2008, proved the existence of characteristic temperature in case of various metal friction systems. On each occasion though, increased, yet limited wear proper work was determined. In the course of time, it was reflected in more cautious definition of characteristic temperature, as thermodynamic parameter conditioning maximum (but not infinite) wear resistance.W dotychczasowych opracowaniach autora o maksymalizacji odporności na zużywanie tribologiczne przyjmowano istnienie temperatury charakterystycznej, której odpowiada zużycie zerowe względnie nieskończona praca właściwa zużycia, czyli nieograniczona odporność na zużywanie. Założenie to opierało się na powszechnym przekonaniu, że: praca mechaniczna daje się zamienić bez żadnych ograniczeń w ciepło. W takim przypadku wolno było postawić tezę, iż podczas tarcia ustabilizowanego dostatecznie intensywne chłodzenie pary tarciowej spowoduje odprowadzenie od niej do otoczenia energii na sposób ciepła równej pracy tarcia. Dzięki temu niemożliwe będzie zużywanie, jako proces energochłonny. Długoletnie badania eksperymentalne autora, przedstawione na 9. Międzynarodowej Konferencji Tribologicznej w Pretorii w 2008 roku dowiodły istnienia temperatury charakterystycznej w przypadkach różnych układów trących się metali. Zawsze jednak stwierdzano powiększoną, ale ograniczoną pracę właściwą zużycia. Znalazło to z czasem swoje odzwierciedlenie w ostrożniejszym określaniu temperatury charakterystycznej, jako parametru termodynamicznego warunkującego maksymalną (a nie nieskończoną) odporność na zużywanie

    Possibilities for reduction of the friction wearing

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    W pracy przedstawiono podstawy teoretyczne maksymalizacji odporności na zużywanie tribologiczne układów ciał stałych. Zaprezentowano metodykę badawczą i stanowisko do badania tarcia technicznie suchego metali. Ponadto przedstawiono wnioski z badań próbek metali w warunkach maksymalnej odporności na zużywanie tribologiczne. Stwierdzają one, że maksymalizacja odporności na zużywanie tribologiczne warunkowana jest zachodzeniem w systemie tribologicznym procesów stacjonarnych, gdy temperatura styku tarciowego jest zbliżona do temperatury charakterystycznej. Występuje wtedy równowaga między ilością rozpraszanej energii mechanicznej i energią odprowadzaną z systemu do otoczenia na sposób ciepła.Some theoretical background information is presented in the paper on the wearing of the solid materials caused by the friction process. A testing method and an experimental set-up for experiments with the dry metal friction is presented. Moreover some conclusions are included from tests of metal samples carried out in the conditions of maximum resistance against friction wearing. They say that the maximum resistance occurs when a stationary process takes place in the friction system at the rate temperature. Then the balance exists between the dissipated mechanical energy and the energy taken out from the system in the form of the heat

    Structural factors contributing to increased wear resistance of steel friction couples

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    Przeprowadzono badania odporności na zużycie w warunkach tarcia suchego i zużywania utleniającego. Stwierdzono, że zwiększona odporność na zużycie występuje, gdy temperatura strefy tarcia osiąga wartość równą temperaturze charakterystycznej dla danego układu a opory tarcia są stabilizowane. Towarzyszy temu przenoszenie materiału pomiędzy współpracującymi powierzchniami i obecność w strefie tarcia tlenków żelaza: FeO i Fe3O4, przy zmniejszeniu (do zaniku) ilości Fe2O3. W artykule przedstawiono badania odporności na zużycie dla dwóch par trących. Próbki wykonano ze stali C45 w dwóch stanach technologicznych. Przeciwpróbki wykonano ze stali 145Cr6. W celu identyfikacji składu i struktury powstałych podczas tarcia związków żelaza, a szczególnie tlenkowych struktur wtórnych występujących na powierzchni trących się ślizgaczy, wykorzystano analizę spektralną Mössbauera. Badania zużyciowe wymagały skonstruowania oryginalnego urządzenia badawczego, pozwalającego na pomiar zużycia w warunkach utworzenia i regulowania granicy izotermicznej, w ściśle określonej odległości od styku trących się ciał poprzez odbieranie (w wyniku chłodzenia) ciepła.Research into abrasive wear resistance in conditions of dry friction and oxidative wear have been carried out. It has been found that the increase of wear resistance of solid bodies appears where the temperature of a friction area is equal to the characteristic temperature and frictional resistance is stabilized. Increasing wear resistance of a system of bodies is effected by systems transfer of material between surfaces of rubbing bodies and presence of ferrum oxides: FeO and Fe3O4 and with decreasing share of Fe2O3 up to its disappearance. Resistance to abrasive wear in conditions of dry friction and oxidative wear was tested in two frictional systems. Specimens were made from steels C45 in two condition of heat treatment. Counter-specimens were made from 145Cr6. In order to identify composition and structure of the friction products and the types of ferrous compounds arising from friction, especially secondary oxide structures, present on the surface of rubbing components, Mössbauer spectral analysis was applied. The wear testing required construction of an original test device to measure wear in conditions of formation and regulation of the isothermic limit of temperature variation at a precisely determined distance from a contact of rubbing bodies by means of release (by cooling) of heat energy

    The stand for research of frictional interface system under conditions of increased their resistance to tribological wear

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    W referacie Badania maksymalnej odporności układów metali na zużywanie tribologiczne na zmodyfikowanej maszynie T-01, opublikowanym w Materiałach XXV Szkoły Tribologicznej, przedstawiono stanowisko badawcze do badań maksymalnej odporności na zużywanie tribologiczne. Obecnie wykonane zostało nowe urządzenie służące do badań odporności układów sprzęgających. W artykule omówiono jego konstrukcję oraz możliwości badawcze. Jest to zmodyfikowany układ typu trzpień–tarcza modelujący typowe warunki pracy tarczowego układu hamulcowego lub sprzęgłowego, ale z wymuszeniem temperatury strefy tarcia. Oprócz części mechanicznej stanowisko wyposażone jest w cyrkulator służący do ustalania i stabilizowania temperatury w strefie tarcia.In the article of Research on maximal resistance of metallic body systems to tribological wear on modified T-01 test stand published in the Proceedings of XXV-th Tribological School were introduced used till then testers attends to research conditioned extortions of the temperatures of the zones of the frictions. At present was made new device servants to research of the resistance of interface systems. In the paper, its construction and exploratory possibilities are discussed. This is the modified system of the type pin-disc modelling typical working conditions of the disc braking system or of a disc clutching system, but with the extortion of the temperature of the zone of the friction. Except the mechanical part the stand equipped is into the circulator the attend to the settlement and stabilizing of the temperatures in the zone of the friction. Constructional foundations of the new tester use the physical model putting on that the tribology system is in a position to exchange the energy and the substance with the environment, whereat the reason of all changes happening in the system and on his limits are the work of the friction. It causes the increase of the internal energy of the system and its dissipation after the manner of the heat compensating mechanical dissipation that is the waste energy