14 research outputs found

    The battle of Nicopolis in the hagiography of Stefan Lazarević by Constantine the Philosopher

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    U radu se problematizuje informativna pozadina bitke kod Nikopolja (1396) u žitiju despota Stefana Lazarevića od Konstantina Filozofa. Način na koji je autor izvora pristupio opisu bitke odudara od načina prikazivanja i uloge Stefana Lazarevića u drugim važnim vojnim i političkim događajima. Konstantin Filozof ne navodi Stefanovo prisustvo u bici, koje je poznato na osnovu drugih izvora. Analizom unutrašnje strukture i sadržine izvora, kao i komparacijom sa drugim relevantnim izvorima zapadne provenijencije nameće se pitanje razloga Konstantinovog prećutkivanja Stefanove odlučujuće uloge u pobedi Osmanlija nad hrišćanskom koalicijom. Akcenat je stavljen na ratno-istorijski i politički informativni aspekt spisa, dok je njegova literarno-istorijska dimenzija samo delimično osvetljena.It has been a long time since Žitije despota Stefana Lazarevića (The Hagiography of Despot Stefan Lazarević) has been established in historiography as the paramount historic source regarding the period between the end of the 14th century and the first half of the 15th century. The abundance of data provided by it, not only on the life of prince and despot Stefan, but about the other persons, phenomena and events, exceeds the chronological and biographic frame of an only locally significant person's hagiography. The manner in which Constantine the Philosopher in his work depicted one of the most dramatic events from the end of the 14th century i.e. the Christian victimization at the Battle of Nicopolis in 1396, differs from his detailed descriptions of the other events that Stefan Lazarević took part in. A comparative display observation of the event within the very source, as well as by comparing it with the other relevant sources of the western provenience, the issue of the hagiography author's aim projections has arisen. The fact that Constantine the Philosopher described the battle in a reduced way, omitting Stefan Lazarević's crucial role in the Christian defeat against the Ottomans, brought along the question of self-censorship. Certain potentially compromising facts regarding Stefan Lazarević in Constantine's work are certain to have been left out. Those facts could have cast some doubt on the creation of his Christian cult. Having taken into consideration all the relevant factors, the time of its origin (the fourth decade of the 15th century) as well as the endangered position of the Christian states by the Ottomans, the inner analysis of the hagiographic contents and the comparison with the other available sources, we have derived the conclusion that Constantine the Philosopher, most likely led by the higher, Christian ideal, purposefully omitted Stefan's key role in the Battle of Nicopolis in which the conflict was resolved in favor of the 'infidels' and after which the persecution of the Christian captives took place. The other presumption according to which Constantine, although being very well-informed even on the events preceding the rule of Stefan such as the Kosovo Battle, had no clue of Stefan's role at the Battle of Nicopolis remains almost not plausible at all

    Les rapports entre le Prince Lazar et Vuk Branković à la lumière de documents Ragusains de 1387

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    Les documents délivrés par le prince Lazar et Vuk Branković aux Ragusains au début de l'année 1387 font depuis bien longtemps l'objet de l'attention des historiens. Ces chartes ont été le plus souvent traitées du point de vue de leurs caractéristiques diplomatiques dans le contexte de l'idéologie dynastique, mais aussi des rapports existant entre ces deux seigneurs. Le renouvellement des privilèges commerciaux et l'établissement des obligations des citoyens ragusains sur les territoires du prince Lazar et de Vuk Branković constituent une partie de l'utilisation de droits régaliens et une reprise à leur compte d'une partie de l'héritage national remontant au règne de la dynastie des Nemanjić. Etablis à une même occasion et dans un intervalle de quelques jours au plus, ces documents montrent, à travers certaines particularités, l'existence, à la veille de la bataille de Kosovo, de différences entre les deux seigneurs les plus importants de Serbie. Les différences diplomatiques ressortent de la façon très évidente à travers le caractère des documents mêmes, leur intitulé et la partie eschatocolaire. S'agissant des dispositifs, on ne relève que quelques divergences dont les formulations laissent toutefois transparaître une réelle différence dans les positions occupées par ses seigneurs serbes. Certaines clauses concernant les obligations des Ragusains dotés de patrimoines, tant sur le territoire du prince Lazar que sur celui de Vuk Branković, montrent l'existence d'une stratégie de défense commune des territoires serbes face à la menace osmanlie. L'analyse comparée de ces documents montrent, quand à elle, que les relations entre le beaux-père et le gendre ne sauraient être regardées exclusivement du point de vue de la diplomatique. D'un autre côté, les particularités relevées montrent l'existence d'une différence réelle quand à leur position, qui pourrait davantage être décrite comme une gradation hiérarchique au sein d'une même famille. Elles reflètent aussi une attitude à travers laquelle Vuk Branković manifestait un profond respect et un rapport particulier envers la prééminence familiale de son beau-père, le prince Lazar

    'The guilt' of Lord Vuk Branković in history and historiography: Methodological revision of one premise in historiography

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    U članku se raspravlja o problemu izdaje Vuka Brankovića iz ugla istoriografije. Iako je srpska kritička istoriografija krajem 19. veka došla do zaključka da Vuk Branković nije počinio izdaju u Kosovskoj bici, istoričari su se tokom 20. veka u više navrata vraćali toj temi pokušavajući da pronađu korene predanja u realnim istorijskim događajima i pojavama. Težište istraživanja stavljeno je na analizu i kontraargumentaciju revizionističkim stavovima pojedinih istoričara, te na utvrđivanje mogućeg uticaja određenih društvenih okolnosti na njihove stavove, ili aktuelizaciju same teme.The faction of Serbian historiography known as "critical" gained full recognition by deconstructing legendary narratives related to the Battle of Kosovo (1389) at the end of the 19th century. One of the most persistent of these narratives enclosed the alleged betrayal of Lord Vuk Brankovic, which is gripped only in legend and epic folk tradition. Although historian Ljubomir Kovacevic challenged this narrative already in 1888 using medieval sources, Serbian historians have repeatedly explored the issue of Vuk's treason during the second half of the 20th century. Their search for roots of the legend of Vuk Brankovic's betrayal was sought in real historical events and phenomena. The issue of Vuk's betrayal was instigated within the wider public framework in 1989 as a part of the commemoration of the six hundred years jubilee of the battle. At that time, a re-examination of Vuk Brankovic's role occurred. Some parts of academic circles reassessed the results of the Serbian "critical" historiography on the basis of which Vuk Branković was abolished from the stigma of traitor. Driven by a general atmosphere, some historians have even questioned Vuk's military role in the Battle of Kosovo, while his political betrayal in the aftermath had somehow become historically relevant. The betrayal of Vuk Branković was relocated from the battlefield to the sphere of politics, statehood and vassal relations. The historians who followed that trail found Vuk's betrayal in the conduct of an independent policy that was contrary to the pro-Ottoman policy of Lazarević. Another faction of Serbian historians has pointed out that there was no evidence or connection between Vuk's politics after the Battle of Kosovo with the betrayal of Lazar's political legacy. The argumentation of revisionist historians of Vuk's historical role was based on a simplified or selective perception of social and geopolitical circumstances in the Balkans. Additionally, it derived from the misapplication of historiographical principles in interpretation of phenomena belonging to epic tradition that should be studied by different methodology. With this in mind, the conclusion is that Vuk's alleged guilt should be viewed as a phenomenon within the framework of legend and folk epic tradition, while his historical role should be studied separately, based on postulates of historical methodology as a part of social sciences and humanities

    One aspect of relations between Serbian church and Lazarević principality at the and of the 14th century: Reviewing "the case" of duke Obrad Dragosaljić

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    U radu se razmatraju odnosi između gospodara Moravske Srbije, Srpske crkve i drugih relevantnih političkih činilaca krajem XIV veka. Balans moći između porodične vladavine Lazarevića i gospodina Vuka Brankovića posle Kosovske bitke u velikoj meri je bio oblikovan spoljnim uticajima, ali i podrškom Srpske crkve. Slikovit primer složenosti istraživanja vezanih za odnose svetovnih i duhovnih institucija predstavlja "slučaj" Obrada Dragosaljića, preko koga se prelamaju različite pojave iz političke, društvene i sfere crkve."The Case" of Duke Obrad Dragosaljić represents the complex historical convergence of regional political powers, the quest for the continuity of Serbian statehood, changes in social sphere and the decisive political influence of the Serbian Church and monks from Chilandar monastery at the end of the 14th century. The final phase that led to the conclusion of "the case" of Duke Obrad, took place between summer of 1392 and autumn of 1393, at the time when the Ottoman military campaigns to the Kingdom of Hungary, central Balkans and the Adriatic Sea were suspended or diminished, and the internal political stability in central Serbian principalities was partlyre-established. This phase involved the arrival of monks from Chilandar monastery to the Lazarevic Principality, the convocation of the State council, bringing the verdict in favour of the monks about the certain land properties and issuing of the charter. Regional political conditions that shaped the internal politics in the Lazarević Principality changed with the arrival of Ottoman ruler Bajazit I in the Balkan part of the Ottoman Empire during 1392. It was the first time after the Battle of Kosovo (1389) that Lazarević dynasty was able to make greater attempt to restore the political position, which was conditioned by the decline of their political rival and cousin lord Vuk Branković. The charter by which the confiscated heritage of Duke Obrad, transformed into pronia-feudal property, was finally given to Chilandar monastery as a donation from Lazarević family, shows the first indication of changes that, in forthcoming years, influenced the turbulent political setting in the central Balkans. By this donation Lazarević family attempted to restore their ktetor rights in Chilandar monastery, established during the rule of Prince Lazar, as well as to promote the ideological roots of the Prince Stefan's title as hereditary Nemanjic's regal traditions. The counselling support of the Serbian Church and Patriarch Danilo in the process of bringing political decisions was essential for restoring the reputation of Lazarević family and strengthening the political position of their Principality. With the political changes that took place in 1394, the attempt to restore Lazarevic's relations with Chilandar monastery was suppressed by other events, but the support of the head of Serbian Church to Prince Lazar's successors was indisputable

    The inscription on the fresco "St. Nicholas takes Basil from the house of emir" in the Church of St. Nicholas in Ramaea as a historical source

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    This paper explores the contents and historical context of the Cyrillic inscription written in old Serbian language with some Turkish words on the fresco "St. Nicholas takes Basil from the house of Emir" from the Church of St. Nicholas in Ramada. Based on an analysis of the historical circumstances and events that took place at the end of the fourteenth and the beginning of the fifteenth century on the Balkan Peninsula and especially in the Lazarevic Principality, it is assumed that the presence of Turkish words in the mentioned inscription implies the influences of Islamic heterodox dervishes in the Christian milieu. The dating of the fresco painting from the Church in Ramada can be narrowed down to the time of the reign of Stefan Lazarevic

    The historical perception of Sultan Bayezid I in the hagiography of despot Stefan Lazarević by Constantine the Philosopher

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    U radu se analiziraju i kontekstualizuju različite predstave sultana Bajazita I u hagiografiji Stefana Lazarevića od Konstantina Filozofa. Način na koji je hagiograf despota Stefana predstavio osmanskog vladara, kao sizerena i zeta srpskog vladara, u velikoj meri predstavlja i refleksiju političkih, vojnih, pa i ličnih odnosa koji su obeležili jednu epohu trajanja Moravske Srbije. Na osnovu izvedenih zaključaka istraživanja moguće je delimično rekonstruisati ličnost osmanskog vladara, ali i percepciju različitih istorijskih pojava i događaja koji su zabeleženi u delu Konstantina Filozofa.Exploring the image of the "other" and recognizing various narrative layers in historical sources is one of the most important methodological approaches in the multifaceted reconstruction of the past. The perception and presentation of historical persons, events or phenomena belonging to the category of the "other" are often shaped by stereotypes and notions immanent to certain cultural settings. The hagiography of despot Stefan Lazarević written by Constantine the Philosopher in the fourth decade of the 15th century as a unique narrative source for the life and reign of the Serbian ruler epitomizes the trustworthy exemplar for the research into the above phenomena. Among many historical persons that Constantine the Philosopher portrayed, the image of Sultan Bayezid I is probably one of the most vivid and controversial. The representations of Bayezid I could be comprehended as the literary vehicle for the contextualization and reflection on political, military, diplomatic and dynastic relations amid the Lazarević Principality and Ottoman Empire that defined the historical epoch between the Battle of Kosovo (1389) and the Battle of Ankara (1402). Contrary to the typical image of the "Turks", usually perceived as conquerors, perpetrators, infidels and villains, Constantine the Philosopher depicted the character of Sultan Bayezid I in various, occasionally contrasted shades. By portraying Bayezid I, Constantine the Philosopher tried to act more as a historian than hagiographer. He presented the Ottoman Sultan, the suzerain of Stefan Lazarević, in quite a balanced manner, showing both positive and negative aspects of his personality and political decisions. Sultan Bayezid I is described as a supreme sovereign with human face, feelings, conscience, but also attributes that show his dark, resolute, unrestricted and ruthless side of character. The reasons for stepping out of, at that time usual, stereotypical description of the "other" could be found in the nature and complexity of political and personal relations between Stefan Lazarević and Sultan Bayezid I. Taking into consideration the accounts Constantine the Philosopher embedde

    Charte de Vuk Branković aux Ragusains

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    Poveljom izdatom 20. januara 1387. u Prištini, Vuk Branković je potvrdio povlastice i prava koja su Dubrovčani uživali na srpskim teritorijama još od vremena Nemanjića. Samo jedanaest dana posle potvrđivanja povlastica od strane njegovog tasta, kneza Lazara i Vuk Branković je po istom diplomatičkom obrascu regulisao pitanje trgovinskih odnosa sa Dubrovčanima na teritoriji kojom je gospodario.Par cette charte délivrée le 20 janvier 1387 à Priština, Vuk Branković confirme les privilèges et les droits dont jouissent les Ragusains sur les territoires serbes et ce depuis l'époque des Nemanjić. Onze jours seulement après la confirmation de tels privilèges par son beau-père, le prince Lazar, Vuk Branković a lui aussi, par ce même modèle diplomatique réglé la question des rapports commerciaux avec les Ragusains sur le territoire placé sous son autorité

    Stories of Serbian-Turkish conflicts between the Serbs and the Turks and the 'fear of the Turks' in 1386

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    The "fear of the Turks" as a phenomenon of the Middle Ages, first recorded in Serbian sources after the Battle at the Marica, continued to dominate the life of the Balkan Christian population during the fourteenth century, and even in the fifteenth century. No section of society and no endangered region in the Balkans remained unaffected by a strong feeling of insecurity, anxiety and apprehensiveness. When the akinjis, is Ottoman raiders began to threaten the territory of Prince Lazar and the northern Serbian regions, the "fear of the Turks" became part of everyday life. The events of the great conquests of Sultan Murad I in 1386 left a deep impression on the contemporaries. The outcome of the encounter of the Serbian and Ottoman armies at Pločnik is not quite clear because the evidence in the available sources is conflicting and leaves scope for various interpretations. The Serbian sources are chronologically near to the event, but they are contradictory and provide meagre information, while the picturesque Ottoman accounts are considerably later, written by court historians of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and present a tendentious picture. The outcome of the battle at Pločnik was overshadowed by Sultan Murad's success in capturing the town of Niš, an important strategic stronghold of Prince Lazar, which lay on the main Balkan road, the Via Militaris. The details of the siege and of the fall of Niš must be sought in the unreliable Ottomans sources, which may contain at least some part of the authentic historical basis. The fall of Niš had repercussions even in Bosnia, and evidence of the measures taken for the strengthening of the defense of the Serbian towns has been preserved in the treaties which Prince Lazar and Vuk Branković concluded with the Ragusans in 1387. Prince Lazar's orders for the purchase of additional firearms and other weapons after the capture of Niš were a direct consequence of the loss of that town. Besides, they are a part of the complex picture of an age in which the deeply disturbing "fear of the Turks" reigned in the old Serbian lands. From the strategic point of view, the fall of the fortress of Niš represented an irreparable loss for the Serbian lands and an event which foreshadowed the drama of Kosovo

    Lettre des Ragusains adressée à Nikola Zojić

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    U pismu od 1. oktobra 1397. Dubrovčani se obraćaju srpskom velmoži Nikoli Zojiću od koga traže da se svojim uticajem i ugledom založi kod turskih vlasti, kako bi dubrovački trgovci koji obitavaju i trguju u njegovoj oblasti bili pošteđeni zlostavljanja i poslovnih gubitaka. Pismo donosi vesti i o sudbini trgovaca zarobljenih na teritorijama pod vrhovnom vlašću Osmanlija.Ce travail propose une édition critique et un commentaire d'une lettre adressé le 1er octobre 1397 par les Ragusains au puissant serbe Nikola Zojić pour lui demander d'user de son prestige et de son influence auprès des autorités turques pour obtenir que leurs commerçants qui séjournent et commercent sur son territoire soient épargnés de mauvais traitements et de pertes commerciales. Son contenu nous informe aussi du destin de commerçants capturés sur le territoire soumis à l'autorité des Osmanlis