31 research outputs found

    L\u27ethnocentrisme, les tendances autoritaires et la religiosité: les relations sur un échantillon d\u27étudiants zagrébois

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    U ovom su radu prikazani rezultati istraživanja kojim se nastojala utvrditi prediktivna važnost različitih autoritarnih tendencija (tradicionalne rodne uloge, autoritarna poslušnost, konformizam) u pogledu izražavanja etnocentrizma čija struktura stavova upućuje na nacionalistički sentiment. Drugi cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj deklarativne religioznosti na latentnu konfiguraciju etnocentrizma i varijabli autoritarnih tendencija. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku studenata prve godine Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (N = 223). Homogenost mjernih instrumenata provjerena je faktorskom analizom uz varimax-rotaciju, a njihova pouzdanost izračunata je Cronbachovim koeficijentom. U daljnjoj multivarijantnoj obradi podataka upotrijebljene su faktorski ekstrahirane dimenzije. Rezultati regresijske analize pokazali su da su tradicionalne rodne uloge (patrijarhalizam) i konformizam značajni prediktori etnocentrizma. Oko 31% varijance etnocentrizma objašnjeno je prediktorskim varijablama. Rezultati kanoničke diskriminacijske analize pokazali su značajan utjecaj deklarativne religioznosti na latentnu konfiguraciju etnocentrizma i autoritarnih tendencija. Struktura kanoničkog faktora upućuje na postojanje obrasca stavova i vrijednosti višeg reda, nazvanog »društveni konzervativizam«. Relativno mali postotak varijance (oko 12%) u skupu ispitivanih varijabli može se pripisati razlikama u deklarativnoj religioznosti, što upućuje na razmjerno skromno značenje religioznosti u predikciji društvenoga konzervativizma. Premda su rezultati istraživanja u skladu s drugima provedenima u Hrvatskoj na uzorcima opće populacije, autor je na primjeru Vojvodine pokazao da međuodnosi etnocentrizma, autoritarnih tendencija, konformizma i religioznosti nisu jednoznačni u društvu s drugačijim kulturnim naslijeđem i političkim kontekstom u kojem se živi.This paper presents the results of research through which an endeavour was made to establish the predictive importance of various authoritarian tendencies (traditional gender roles, authoritarian obedience, conformism) in relation to expressions of ethnocentrism, whose structure of attitudes indicates nationalistic sentiment. The second objective of the research was to determine the influence of declarative religiosity on the latent configuration of ethnocentrism and the variables of authoritarian tendencies. The research was conducted on a sample of first-year students at the University of Zagreb (N = 223). The homogeneity of the measuring instruments was checked by factor analysis with a varimax rotation, and their reliability was calculated by the Cronbach co-efficient. In further multivariate data processing, factor extracted dimensions were used. The results of regression analysis showed that traditional gender roles (patriarchalism) and conformism are significant predictors of ethnocentrism. The approximately 31% ethnocentrism variance was explained by predictor variables. The results of canonical discrimination analysis showed the considerable influence of declarative religiosity on the latent configuration of ethnocentrism and authoritarian tendencies. The structure of the canonical factor indicates the existence of a pattern of attitudes and values of a higher order, called “social conservatism”. A relatively small percentage of variance (around 12%) in the examined variables set can be attributed to differences in declarative religiosity, which points to the relatively modest significance of religiosity in the forecasting of social conservatism. Although the results of research comply with other researches conducted in Croatia on samples of the general population, the author shows, on the example of Voyvodina, that the interrelations of ethnocentrism, authoritarian tendencies, conformism and religiosity are not uniform in a society with people living in a different cultural heritage and political context.Dans ce travail on donne les résultats de l\u27étude dont le but était d’établir l\u27importance prédictive de différentes tendances autoritaires (rôles de genre traditionnels, obéissance autoritaire, conformisme) à l\u27égard de l\u27expression de l\u27ethnocentrisme dont la structure des attitudes indique l\u27existence d\u27un sentiment nationaliste. Un autre but de la l\u27étude était d’établir l\u27influence de la religiosité déclarative sur la configuration latente de l\u27ethnocentrisme et les variables des tendances autoritaires. L\u27étude a été menée sur un échantillon d\u27étudiants de la première année d\u27études à l\u27Université de Zagreb (N = 223). L\u27homogénéité des instruments de mesure a été vérifiée par l\u27analyse factorielle avec la rotation varimax, et leur fiabilité a été calculée par le coefficient de Cronbach. Dans l\u27analyse multi¬variée des données qui a suivi, on a utilisé les dimensions extraites de l\u27analyse factorielle. Les résultats de l\u27analyse de régression ont montré que les rôles de genre traditionnels (le patriarcalisme) et le conformisme étaient des prédicteurs significatifs de l\u27ethnocentrisme. Environ 31% de la variance de l\u27ethnocentrisme a été expliquée par les variables prédicatrices. Les résultats de l\u27analyse discriminatoire canonique ont montré une influence significative de la religiosité déclarative sur la configuration latente de l\u27ethnocentrisme et les tendances autoritaires. La structure du facteur canonique indique l\u27exis¬tence d\u27un modèle d\u27attitudes et de valeurs d\u27ordre supérieur, appelé « conservativisme social ». Un pourcentage relativement bas de la variance (environ 12%) du groupe des variables examinées peut être attribué aux différences de la religiosité déclarative, ce qui indique que la religion est d\u27une importance relativement modeste dans la prédiction du conservativisme social. Bien que les résultats l\u27étude soient conformes à ceux d\u27autres études menées en Croatie sur des échantillons de population générale, l\u27auteur a montré sur l\u27exemple de Vojvodine que les relations mutuelles de l\u27ethnocentrisme, les tendances autoritaires, le conformisme et la religiosité n\u27étaient pas univoques dans une société où l\u27héritage culturel et le contexte politique dans lequel on vit sont différents


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    U ovom smo istraživanju nastojali utvrditi distribuciju socijalnoga konzervativizma u srbijanskoj populaciji te povezanost njegovih latentnih dimenzija sa sociodemografskim karakteristikama i stranačkim preferencijama. Ispitivanje je provedeno na uzorku od 1.172 punoljetna građanina na teritoriju Republike Srbije (izvan Kosova i Metohije). Veličina unutarnje pouzdanosti mjere socijalnoga konzervativizma izražena koeficijentom Cronbachove alfe (0,89) dopuštala je njezinu standardizaciju. Visoki stupanj socijalnoga konzervativizma prisutan je kod jedne trećina ispitanika. Faktorskom analizom izdvojeno je pet latentnih dimenzije kojima je objašnjeno 67,59% varijance. To su: (1) autoritarnost, (2) antieuropski sentiment, (3) kolektivizam, (4) tradicionalizam, i (5) patrijarhalni sindrom. Utvrđene su statistički značajne ali niske pozitivne korelacije između dobi i obrazovanja i dimenzija socijalnoga konzervativizma. Rezultati kanoničke diskriminacijske analize pokazali su kako je utjecaj dimenzija socijalnoga konzervativizma značajan i kako se njima može objasniti otprilike 41% ukupne varijance stranačkih preferencija. Diskriminacijske funkcije derivirane na temelju stranačkih preferencija upućuju na to da u srbijanskom biračkom tijelu postoje tri latentne političke opcije. Prva opcija je radikalno-konzervativna i za nju je karakterističan antieuropski sentiment i autoritarne tendencije. Druga je demokratsko-liberalna i čini suprotni pol prvoj opciji. Treća je tradicionalistička opcija koja je proeuropski orijentirana.The aim of this article is to discribe the distribution of social conservatism in the Serbian population and the association of its latent dimensions with sociodemographic characteristics and party preferences. The research was carried out using the sample of 1,172 full aged participants from the territory of Republic of Serbia (without Kosovo and Metohia). Internal reliability of the measure of social conservatism (Cronbach alfa=0.89) allows for the standardisation of the scale. About one third of the examinees express a high degree of social conservatism. A factor analysis yields five latent dimensions explaining 67.59% of the variance. The factors were labelled authoritarianism, anti-European sentiment, collectivism, traditionalism, and patriarchal syndrome. Statistically significant but low correlations were found among age and education and dimensions of conservatism. Results of canonical discriminative analysis prove a significant influence of social conservatism and could interpret about 41% of the total variance of party preferences. Discriminative functions derived on the basis of party preferences show the existence of the three latent political options among the Serbian voters. The first option is labelled the radical-conservative, characterised by anti- European sentiment and authoritarian tendencies. The second is labelled the democratic-liberal that makes the opposite pole of the first option. The third is labelled the traditionalistic option accompanied by pro-European orientation

    Occult Practices, the Demonic Syndrome and the Dark Triad of Personality

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    U ovom smo istraživanju nastojali empirijski utvrditi (a) povezanost između okultnih praksi i demonskoga sindroma te (b) povezanost između mračne trijade ličnosti (makijavelizma, narcizma i psihopatije), okultnih praksi i demonskoga sindroma. Istraživanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku punoljetnih Hrvata u Vojvodini (N = 189). Radi ovoga istraživanja konstruirane su skale za mjerenje okultnih praksi i demonskoga sindroma. Mračna trijada ličnosti mjerena je upitnikom SD3 (Jones i Paulhus, 2014). Utvrdili smo da se okultne prakse i demonski sindrom nalaze u supstancijalnoj korelaciji (r = 0,57) te da se sve tri dimenzije mračne trijade nalaze u znatno većim pozitivnim korelacijama s okultnim praksama negoli s demonskim sindromom. Izgleda da demonski sindrom ima drugačiju psihopatološku pozadinu koju valja istražiti u budućim istraživanjima.This research is the first attempt to investigate empirically (a) the link between occult practices and the demonic syndrome and (b) the link between the Dark Triad of personality (Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy) and occult practices and the demonic syndrome. The survey was carried out on a random sample of Croats (N=189) living in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Republic of Serbia). The scales measuring both occult practices and the demonic syndrome were developed for the purpose of this research. Factor analysis showed the construct validity of the scales that were proven to be reliable and homogenous measuring instruments. The Dark Triad was measured by the Short Dark Triad (SD3) (Jones & Paulhus, 2014). It was found that occult practices and the demonic syndrome were substantially correlated (r=0.57). All three dimensions of the Dark Triad were in much stronger correlation with occult practices than the demonic syndrome. We found that the existence of mental disorder manifested in the subjective feelings and experiences of a demonic presence, influence, and control is a result of dabbling in the occult. Manipulativeness, egocentricity and lack of empathy are the traits of a person inclined to engage in occult practices. It is supposed that there are different and more serious mental disorders underlying the demonic syndrome

    L\u27ethnocentrisme, les tendances autoritaires et la religiosité: les relations sur un échantillon d\u27étudiants zagrébois

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    U ovom su radu prikazani rezultati istraživanja kojim se nastojala utvrditi prediktivna važnost različitih autoritarnih tendencija (tradicionalne rodne uloge, autoritarna poslušnost, konformizam) u pogledu izražavanja etnocentrizma čija struktura stavova upućuje na nacionalistički sentiment. Drugi cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj deklarativne religioznosti na latentnu konfiguraciju etnocentrizma i varijabli autoritarnih tendencija. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku studenata prve godine Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (N = 223). Homogenost mjernih instrumenata provjerena je faktorskom analizom uz varimax-rotaciju, a njihova pouzdanost izračunata je Cronbachovim koeficijentom. U daljnjoj multivarijantnoj obradi podataka upotrijebljene su faktorski ekstrahirane dimenzije. Rezultati regresijske analize pokazali su da su tradicionalne rodne uloge (patrijarhalizam) i konformizam značajni prediktori etnocentrizma. Oko 31% varijance etnocentrizma objašnjeno je prediktorskim varijablama. Rezultati kanoničke diskriminacijske analize pokazali su značajan utjecaj deklarativne religioznosti na latentnu konfiguraciju etnocentrizma i autoritarnih tendencija. Struktura kanoničkog faktora upućuje na postojanje obrasca stavova i vrijednosti višeg reda, nazvanog »društveni konzervativizam«. Relativno mali postotak varijance (oko 12%) u skupu ispitivanih varijabli može se pripisati razlikama u deklarativnoj religioznosti, što upućuje na razmjerno skromno značenje religioznosti u predikciji društvenoga konzervativizma. Premda su rezultati istraživanja u skladu s drugima provedenima u Hrvatskoj na uzorcima opće populacije, autor je na primjeru Vojvodine pokazao da međuodnosi etnocentrizma, autoritarnih tendencija, konformizma i religioznosti nisu jednoznačni u društvu s drugačijim kulturnim naslijeđem i političkim kontekstom u kojem se živi.This paper presents the results of research through which an endeavour was made to establish the predictive importance of various authoritarian tendencies (traditional gender roles, authoritarian obedience, conformism) in relation to expressions of ethnocentrism, whose structure of attitudes indicates nationalistic sentiment. The second objective of the research was to determine the influence of declarative religiosity on the latent configuration of ethnocentrism and the variables of authoritarian tendencies. The research was conducted on a sample of first-year students at the University of Zagreb (N = 223). The homogeneity of the measuring instruments was checked by factor analysis with a varimax rotation, and their reliability was calculated by the Cronbach co-efficient. In further multivariate data processing, factor extracted dimensions were used. The results of regression analysis showed that traditional gender roles (patriarchalism) and conformism are significant predictors of ethnocentrism. The approximately 31% ethnocentrism variance was explained by predictor variables. The results of canonical discrimination analysis showed the considerable influence of declarative religiosity on the latent configuration of ethnocentrism and authoritarian tendencies. The structure of the canonical factor indicates the existence of a pattern of attitudes and values of a higher order, called “social conservatism”. A relatively small percentage of variance (around 12%) in the examined variables set can be attributed to differences in declarative religiosity, which points to the relatively modest significance of religiosity in the forecasting of social conservatism. Although the results of research comply with other researches conducted in Croatia on samples of the general population, the author shows, on the example of Voyvodina, that the interrelations of ethnocentrism, authoritarian tendencies, conformism and religiosity are not uniform in a society with people living in a different cultural heritage and political context.Dans ce travail on donne les résultats de l\u27étude dont le but était d’établir l\u27importance prédictive de différentes tendances autoritaires (rôles de genre traditionnels, obéissance autoritaire, conformisme) à l\u27égard de l\u27expression de l\u27ethnocentrisme dont la structure des attitudes indique l\u27existence d\u27un sentiment nationaliste. Un autre but de la l\u27étude était d’établir l\u27influence de la religiosité déclarative sur la configuration latente de l\u27ethnocentrisme et les variables des tendances autoritaires. L\u27étude a été menée sur un échantillon d\u27étudiants de la première année d\u27études à l\u27Université de Zagreb (N = 223). L\u27homogénéité des instruments de mesure a été vérifiée par l\u27analyse factorielle avec la rotation varimax, et leur fiabilité a été calculée par le coefficient de Cronbach. Dans l\u27analyse multi¬variée des données qui a suivi, on a utilisé les dimensions extraites de l\u27analyse factorielle. Les résultats de l\u27analyse de régression ont montré que les rôles de genre traditionnels (le patriarcalisme) et le conformisme étaient des prédicteurs significatifs de l\u27ethnocentrisme. Environ 31% de la variance de l\u27ethnocentrisme a été expliquée par les variables prédicatrices. Les résultats de l\u27analyse discriminatoire canonique ont montré une influence significative de la religiosité déclarative sur la configuration latente de l\u27ethnocentrisme et les tendances autoritaires. La structure du facteur canonique indique l\u27exis¬tence d\u27un modèle d\u27attitudes et de valeurs d\u27ordre supérieur, appelé « conservativisme social ». Un pourcentage relativement bas de la variance (environ 12%) du groupe des variables examinées peut être attribué aux différences de la religiosité déclarative, ce qui indique que la religion est d\u27une importance relativement modeste dans la prédiction du conservativisme social. Bien que les résultats l\u27étude soient conformes à ceux d\u27autres études menées en Croatie sur des échantillons de population générale, l\u27auteur a montré sur l\u27exemple de Vojvodine que les relations mutuelles de l\u27ethnocentrisme, les tendances autoritaires, le conformisme et la religiosité n\u27étaient pas univoques dans une société où l\u27héritage culturel et le contexte politique dans lequel on vit sont différents

    Attitudes toward the Church and Value Orientations as Predictors of Interest in the Occult

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    U ovom smo istraživanju nastojali utvrditi doprinose li i u kojoj mjeri anticrkveni stav, procrkveni stav, orijentacija na bogatstvo, moć i slavu te prosocijalna orijentacija u predikciji interesa za okultno koji u svojoj psihološkoj pozadini predstavlja predispoziciju za bavljenje okultnim praksama i sklonost sotonizmu. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na prigodnom uzorku punoljetnih građana hrvatske nacionalnosti (N = 558). Rezultati regresijske analize pokazali su da se u pozadini interesa za okultno nalaze crkveno–religiozne konfuzije i dezorijentiranost materijalističko hedonističke orijentacije te poremećeni odnosi u socijalnoj interakciji.The aim of this research was to determine whether and to what degree an anti Church attitude, a pro–Church attitude, value orientation to wealth, power, and glory and prosocial value orientation contribute to the prediction of an interest in occult practices and satanism. The survey was carried out on a sample of Croatian citizens (N=558) in eastern Croatia. Factor analysis was performed to establish the construct validity of all measures applied in this survey. The results of multiple regression analysis revealed that a conflicting attitude towards the Church, i.e. the simultaneous existence of both anti–Church and pro–Church attitudes, and the value orientation to wealth, power, and glory underlie an interest in the occult, whereas a prosocial value orientation pointed in a negative direction away from an interest in the occult. It was discovered that a Church–religious severe attitudinal and perceptual confusion and disorientation, a longing for a materialistic hedonistic life–style, and disordered relations in social interactions underlie an interest in occult practices and satanism. Such Church religious cognitive dissonance may motivate individuals to dabble in the occult in an effort to reduce the psychological discomfort and tension that any cognitive dissonance produces. However, an interest in th e occult may generate a Church–religious cognitive dissociation as the possible result of demonic influence, leading some of the faithful to „diabolic confusion“


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    Autor istražuje povezanost “socijalističke ideologije” i antizapadne orijentacije na primjeru Vojvodine. U istraživanju provedenom na području Subotice, posebno se ispituje utjecaj nacionalne pripadnosti, školske naobrazbe, migracijskih obilježja i sudjelovanje obitelji ispitanika na strani partizanskog pokreta na latentnu konfiguraciju određenih političkih orijentacija (subdimenzija “socijalističke ideologije”) i antizapadne orijentacije. Autor drži da postoje četiri razmjerno nezavisne latentne dimenzije “socijalističke ideologije”: (1) Jugonostalgija, (2) Kolektivističko- etatistička orijentacija, (3) Militarističko-etatistička orijentacija, i (4) Egalitarizam. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je antizapadna orijentacija, u osnovi, jedna od komponenti socijalističke ideologijske matrice. “Militantnu antizapadnu orijentaciju” pokazuju Srbi koji su se doselili u Suboticu od Prvoga svjetskog rata pa sve do ratnih sukoba na području bivše SFRJ. Osim kod Srba, za razliku od ostalih nacionalnih skupina, “militantna antizapadna orijentacija” vidljivija je kod dijela bunjevačkih Hrvata koji su se nacionalno očitovali “samo” kao Bunjevci. Uz to, istraživanje je pokazalo da je “socijalistička antizapadna orijentacija” obilježje nižih socijalnih slojeva. Antizapadnu orijentaciju, koju autor naziva “jugonostalgičnom antizapadnom orijentacijom”, pokazuju oni ispitanici čiji su članovi šire obitelji bili na strani partizanskog pokreta.Using the example of Vojvodina, the author looks into the connection between the “socialist ideology” and the anti-western orientation. The survey, conducted in Subotica, focuses on the influence of ethnic origin, education, migratory history and the participation of a respondent’s family in the Partisan resistance movement on the latent configuration of certain political orientations (subdimension of “socialist ideology”) and the anti-western orientation. The author claims there are four relatively independent latent dimensions of “socialist ideology”: (1) Yugo-nostalgia, (2) Collectivist/statist orientation, (3) Militarist/statist orientation, and (4) Egalitarianism. The study has shown that, basically, the anti-western orientation is one of the components of the socialist ideological pattern. The “militarist anti-western orientation” is demonstrated by the Serbs who moved to Subotica between World War One and the recent war on the territory of the former SFR Yugoslavia. Apart from these Serbs – and unlike the other ethnic groups – this “militarist anti-western orientation” is also noticeable in a fraction of Croats from Bačka (Bunjevci) who have stated as their nationality “only” – Bunjevci (Bačka Croats). Besides, the study has shown that lower social classes harbour a kind of “socialist anti-western orientation”. The anti-western orientation, which the author labels as the “Yugo-nostalgic anti-western orientation”, is held by those respondents whose relatives were involved in the Partisan movement

    Dimensions of Aggressiveness as a Psychological Background of Political Orientations and Ethnocentrism: a Comparison of Different Sociodemographic Groups in Vojvodina

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    U ovom smo radu nastojali utvrditi nalaze li se specifični sindromi agresivnosti u psihološkoj pozadini određenih dimenzija političkih orijentacija i etnocentrizma i utječu li sociodemografska obilježja ispitanika u značajnoj mjeri na latentnu konfiguraciju dimenzija političkih orijentacija, etnocentrizma i agresivnosti. Na temelju biračkih popisa općine Subotice formiran je sistematski slučajni uzorak uz korak od 200 jedinica. Faktorskom analizom ekstrahirane su latentne varijable političkih orijentacija, etnocentrizma i agresivnosti koje su bile korištene u daljnjoj multivarijantnoj matematičkostatističkoj obradi podataka. Pod modelom kanoničke korelacijske analize dobivene su dvije statistički značajne kanoničke korelacije. Na temelju poznavanja pojedinih dimenzija agresivnosti moguće je objasniti 24 posto varijance zajedničkog pojavljivanja određenih dimenzija političkih orijentacija i etnocentrizma. Dubljom analizom rezultata struktura parova kanoničkih faktora može se govoriti o postojanju triju ideologijskih obrazaca: nacionalizma i sociopatije, etatizma i nesocijaliziranosti, te obrambenog etnocentrizma i frustriranosti. Rezulati kanoničke diskriminacijske analize ukazuju da dob i nacionalna pripadnost ispitanika značajno utječu na latentnu konfiguraciju dimenzija političkih orijentacija, etnocentrizma i agresivnosti.The author begins with the supposition (1) that specific dimensions of aggressiveness provide a background for various political orientations and ethnocentrism, and (2) that different traits among respondents influence notably the latent configuration of dimensions pertaining to political orientations, ethnocentrism and aggressive behaviour. A sample of 628 adults was derived in a logical manner from the electoral lists of the commune of Subotica. Factor analysis revealed latent variables pertaining to political orientations, ethnocentrism and aggressiveness. Canonical correlation analysis was carried out in order to determine, on the one hand, the relations between the group of variables constituting the area of political orientations and ethnocentrism and, on the other hand, the group of variables constituting the area of aggressiveness. The model of canonical correlation analysis produced two statistically significant canonical correlations. The canonical correlation between the two groups reached 0.49, meaning that − based on knowledge of the different dimensions of aggressiveness − it is possible to explain 24% of the variants in regard to the joint appearance of certain dimensions of political orientations and ethnocentrism. The author postulates the existence of an ideological model that he calls "national exclusiveness and an anti-Western militarist-statist orientation", the background of which includes sociopathological aggressiveness. He also postulates the existence of another ideological model, which he calls "anti-Western militarist-statist", which is not based on sociopathological aggressiveness, but is primarily determined by asocial behaviour in childhood. The author likewise highlights the existence of a relationship between affective national attachment and the need for national homogenising through a certain type of aggressiveness with neurotic characteristics (impulsiveness, egocentrism, absence of empathy). The results of discriminational canonical analysis show that the gender and age of respondents are not variables that influence the latent configuration of dimensions of political orientation, ethnocentrism and aggressiveness. The ideological model, labelled in the text "anti-Western socialist orientation and nostalgia for Yugoslavia", the background of which includes deficient socialisation of the individual, marked by asocial behaviour in childhood, was most present among respondents with a lower level of schooling. The ideological matrix entitled "antiWestern militarist-statist orientation" was most frequently present among Serbs, Yugoslavs and those members of the Croat ethnic body that declared themselves to be exclusively "Bunjevci". The psychological background of the "anti-Western militarist-statist orientation" does not show sub-levels of aggressiveness, so we could conclude that a thus structured ideological cognitive component prevails in it. The "nationalist syndrome", the background of which includes a sociopathological stucture of personality, is more present among Serbs and Hungarians, than among Croats, Yugoslavs and Bunjevci. The initial hypotheses of the study are, therefore, entirely confirmed.L\u27auteur part de la supposition (1) que les dimensions spécifiques de l\u27agressivité figurent dans la toile de fond psychologique des diverses dimensions des orientations politiques et de l\u27ethnocentrisme, et (2) que les différents caractères sociodémographiques des enquêtés influent sensiblement sur la configuration latente des dimensions des orientations politiques, de l\u27ethnocentrisme et de l\u27agressivité. Un échantillon de 628 personnes majeures a été déterminé de façon raisonnée à partir des listes électorales de la commune de Subotica. A l\u27issue d\u27une analyse factorielle sont mises en lumière les variables latentes des orientations politiques, de l\u27ethnocentrisme et de l\u27agressivité. Une analyse corrélationnelle canonique est menée afin de déterminer, d\u27une part, les relations entre le groupe de variables formant l\u27espace des orientations politiques et de l\u27ethnocentrisme, et d\u27autre part le groupe de variables formant l\u27espace de l\u27agressivité. Le modèle d\u27analyse corrélationnelle canonique fournit deux corrélations canoniques statistiquement significatives. La corrélation canonique entre les deux groupes de variables atteint 0.49, ce qui signifie qu\u27en se basant sur la connaissance des diverses dimensions d\u27agressivité, il est possible d\u27expliquer 24% des variantes d\u27apparition conjointe de certaines dimensions d\u27orientations politiques et d\u27ethnocentrisme. L\u27auteur détermine l\u27existence d\u27un modèle idéologique qu\u27il intitule «exclusivisme national et orientation militariste-étatiste anti-occidentale» dans la toile de fond de laquelle figure l\u27agressivité sociopathologique. L\u27auteur détermine également l\u27existence d\u27un autre modèle idéologique qu\u27il intitule «orientation militariste-étatiste anti-occidentale» dont la toile de fond ne présente pas d\u27agressivité sociopathologique mais qui est surtout déterminé par un comportement asocial dans l\u27enfance. L\u27auteur met également en lumière l\u27existence d\u27un rapport entre l\u27attachement affectif national et le besoin d\u27homogénéisation nationale avec une certaine sorte d\u27agressivité à caractère névrotique (impulsivité, égocentrisme, absence d\u27empathie). Les résultats de l\u27analyse discriminationnelle canonique montrent que le sexe et l\u27âge des personnes interrogées ne sont pas des variables influant sur la formation de la configuration latente des dimensions des orientations politiques, de l\u27ethnocentrisme et de l\u27agressivité. Le modèle idéologique intitulée «orientation anti-occidentale socialiste et nostalgique de la Yougoslavie» dans la toile de fond duquel figure une socialisation insuffisante de l\u27individu, signifiée par un indicateur de comportement asocial dans l\u27enfance, est plus largement présent parmi les personnes enquêtées possédant un niveau scolaire plus bas. La matrice idéologique intitulée «orientation militariste-étatiste anti-occidentale» est plus largement présente chez les Serbes, les Yougoslaves et les membres du corps national croate s\u27étant déclarés «uniquement» comme Bunjevci. La toile de fond psychologique de l\u27 «orientation militariste-étatiste anti-occidentale» ne présentant pas de sous-dimensions d\u27agressivité, nous pouvons conclure qu\u27il y a dominance de la composante cognitive pour un modèle idéologique ainsi structuré. Le «syndrome nationaliste», possédant dans sa toile de fond psychologique une structuré sociopathologique de la personnalité est plus largement présent chez les Serbes et les Hongrois que chez les Croates, les Yougoslaves et les Bunjevci. Les hypothèses initiales de cette étude sont donc entièrement confirmées

    Dimensionen des Ethnozentrismus und nationale Zugehörigkeit

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    Cilj je ovoga rada bio utvrditi (1) nalaze li se pojedini stavovi prema vlastitoj i tuđoj naciji u takvim međusobnim relacijama da na latentnoj razini formiraju interpretabilne, relativno neovisne dimenzije etnocentrizma i (2) razlikuju li se značajno međusobno Hrvati, Mađari, Jugoslaveni, Srbi i ispitanici iz hrvatskoga nacionalnog korpusa koji su se nacionalno izjasnili samo kao Bunjevci s obzirom na stupanj internalizacije pojedinih dimenzija etnocentrizma. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku odrasle opće populacije (N=396) u Subotici. Konstruirali smo skalu Etno-1 (26 čestica) i primijenili faktorsku analizu koja je ukazala na postojanje tri latentne dimenzije etnocentrizma: nacionalnu zatvorenost, nacionalnu afektivnu vezanost i mentalitet nacionalnoga opsadnog stanja. Kanoničkom diskriminativnom analizom utvrdili smo da se pripadnici različitih nacionalnih skupina međusobno razlikuju s obzirom na stupanj internalizacije pojedinih latentnih dimenzija etnocentrizma. Interfaktorske korelacije su takve veličine da ukazuju na postojanje mogućnosti konstruiranja skale neke vrste generalnoga etnocentrizma.The aim of this paper is to determine (1) whether certain attitudes towards one\u27s own and somebody else\u27s nationality are in such mutual relations that on a latent level they form interpretable, relatively independent dimensions of ethnocentrism, and (2) whether Croats, Hungarians, Yugoslavs, Serbs and examinees from the Croatian national corpus who have only declared themselves nationally as Bunjevci (Ba~ka Croats), significantly differ among themselves with regard to the degree of internalisation of certain dimensions of ethnocentrism. The research was conducted on a sample of general adult population (N=396) in Subotica. The scale ETNO-1 (26 items) was constructed and factor analysis applied indicating the existence of three latent dimensions of ethnocentrism: national restrictedness, national affective commitment, and the mentality of national state of emergency. Canonic discriminant analysis established that members of different national groups differ among themselves with regard to the degree of internalisation of certain latent dimensions of ethnocentrism. The interfactor correlation values are such that they indicate the possibility of constructing a scale of a kind of general ethnocentrism.Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde versucht, folgende Fragen zu beantworten: (1) Stehen bestimmte Einstellungen zur eigenen Nation sowie zu anderen Volksgruppen solchermaßen in Zusammenhang, dass unterschwellig verschieden interpretierbare und relativ unabhängige Dimensionen von Ethnozentrismus ausgebildet werden? (2) Gibt es, hinsichtlich des Ausmaßes, in dem einzelne Dimensionen von Ethnozentrismus internalisiert werden, große Unterscheide zwischen Kroaten, Ungarn, Jugoslawen, Serben und kroatischstämmigen Bevölkerungsteilen, die sich als "Bunjevci" (Bezeichnung für Kroaten, die in der Batschka angesiedelt sind – Anm. d. Übers.) deklarieren? Eine entsprechende Untersuchung wurde unter erwachsenen Einwohnern (N = 396) der nordserbischen Stadt Subotica durchgeführt. Es wurde eine Skala mit 26 Einzelelementen konstruiert (“Etno-1”) sowie eine Faktorenanalyse angewandt, welche auf das Bestehen dreier latenter Dimensionen von Ethnozentrismus verwies: nationale Verschlossenheit, nationale affektive Verbundenheit und "Mentalität des nationalen Belagerungszustands". Anhand einer diskriminativen Analyse stellte man fest, dass sich die Mitglieder der einzelnen Volksgruppen hinsichtlich des Internalisierungsgrades einzelner latenter Ethnozentrismus- -Dimensionen unterscheiden. Interfaktorielle Korrelationen wiederum verweisen auf die Möglichkeit, eine Skala zum Phänomen eines generellen Ethozentrismus zu erarbeiten

    Confirmatory factor analysis of the scale of nationalistic syndrome (sns-1)

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    U ovom smo istraživanju nastojali utvrditi nalaze li se nacionalna afektivna vezanost, ksenofobija, antisemitizam, percepcija nacionalnomanjinske prijetnje i mentalitet nacionalnoga opsadnog stanja u takvim međusobnim relacijama da na latentnoj razini višega reda formiraju homogen i unutarnje koherentan stavovski konstrukt nacionalističkog sindroma. Istraživanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku od 368 studenata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Da bismo utvrdili dimenzionalnsot i konstruktnu validnost Skale nacionalističkog sindroma od 15 čestica (SNS-1), primijenili smo eksploratornu i konfirmatornu faktorsku analizu. Eksploratornom faktorskom analizom ekstrahirana su tri faktora nazvana ksenofobija i antisemitizam, percepcija prijetnje nacionalnoj sigurnosti i nacionalna afektivna vezanost. Konfirmatorna faktorska analiza je pokazala da trodimenzionalni model nacionalističkog sindroma nije posve zadovoljio postavljene kriterije pristajanja, ali ga ne treba u potpunosti odbaciti, jer se komparativni indeksi slaganja nalaze na graničnim razinama prihvatljivosti. Na razni faktora drugog reda model nacionalističkog sindroma ima zadovoljavajuće indekse pristajanja uz dopuštenu razinu standardne pogreške (SRMR= .06, RMSEA EA = .09, GFI= .88, AGFI= .84 CFI= .95, NFI= .95). U tom je smislu potvrđen teorijski model nacionalističkog sindroma kao unutarnje koherentnog sustava (1) etničkog ekskluzionizma, (2) percepcije prijetnje, i (3) snažne nacionalne afektivne identifikacije ili vezanosti. Visoka pouzdanost cijele skale SNS-1 (alfa=.89) pokazala je da se skala može koristiti kao korisna i pouzdana mjera nacionalističkog sindroma u različitim istraživanjima u području sociologije i političkih znanosti. Visoka pouzdanost faktorski ekstrahiranih subskala pokazuju da se one mogu koristiti kao zasebne mjere nacionalističkog sindroma.T he aim of this research was to find out whether national affective attachment, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, threat perception posed by some ethnic minority groups, and national siege mentality are correlated to such a degree that on the latent level of higher order they form a homogeneous and internally coherent attitudinal construct of nationalistic syndrome. The research was carried out on a random sample of students at the University of Zagreb (N=368). In order to establish dimensionality and construct validity of the Scale of nationalistic syndrome consisting of 15 items (SNS-1), exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed. The EFA yielded three factors labeled a three-factor Anti-Semitism and xenophobia, Pperception of threat to national security, and Nnational affective attachement and self-sacrifice. CFA that did completely meet the established criteria for goodness-of-fit indices. However, the first-order-factor model of nationalistic syndrome should not immediately be discarded because the comparative fit indices were on the borderline level of acceptability. A second-order-factor model of nationalistic syndrome had all the acceptable goodnes-of-fit indices and and acceptable range for standard error (SRMR= .06; RMSEA EA = .09; GFI= .88; AGFI= .84, CFI= .95; NFI= .95). The theoretical model of nationalistic syndrome as an internally coherent system of ethnic exclusionism, threat perception, and strong national affective identification or attachment is confirmed. A high reliability of the scale SNS-1 (alfa= .89) proved it to be an economic and useful tool for assessing nationalistic syndrome in sociological and political science. High reliability of factorially extracted subscales of SNS-1 indicated that they can be used as specific measures of nationalistic syndrome

    Anomie, Depressiveness, and Anti-Western Orientation

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    U ovom smo istraživanju nastojali utvrditi (1) doprinose li i koliko depresivnost i antizapadna orijentacija predikciji rezultata na dimenziji anomije i (2) utječu li spol, školska naobrazba roditelja, subjektivna procjena životnog standarda i deklarativna religioznost na izražavanje anomije, depresivnosti i antizapadne orijentacije. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku studenata prve godine Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (N=223). Faktorske analize skala za mjerenje anomije, depresivnosti i antizapadne orijentacije rezultirale su jednofaktorskim solucijama. Faktorski izolirane skale pokazale su visoku pouzdanost mjerenu Cronbachovim koeficijentom. Rezultati regresijske analize su pokazali da su depresivnost i antizapadna orijentacija značajni prediktori anomije. Veličina parcijalne korelacije između depresivnosti i anomije upućuju na postojanje sindroma anomičke depresije. Rezultati analize varijance faktorskih bodova nisu potvrdili pretpostavku o utjecaju obrazovne razine roditelja na stupanj izražavanja anomije, depresivnosti i antizapadne orijentacije. Subjektivna procjena životnog standarda nalazi se u negativnoj korelaciji sa svima ispitivanim varijablama. Ispitanici koji procjenjuju životni standard iznadprosječnim izražavaju manji stupanj anomije, depresivnosti i antizapadne orijentacije. Utjecaj deklarativne religioznosti na izražavanje anomije i depresivnosti nije potvrđen u ovom istraživanju. No uvjereni vjernici koji prihvaćaju sve crkvene doktrine u većoj mjeri izražavaju antizapadnu orijentaciju. Spol se pokazao značajnim prediktorom depresivnog raspoloženja; ženski ispitanici u većoj mjeri izražavaju depresivni sindrom. Autor naglašava da rezultate istraživanja treba uzeti s rezervom jer je riječ o strogo selekcioniranom uzorku i razmjerno malom broju ispitanika, sugerirajući da nalazi do kojih se došlo u ovom istraživanju opravdavaju daljnja reprezentativnija, pa i opsežnija istraživanja istog predmeta mjerenja na općoj ili nekoj od specifičnih populacija u nas.The aim of this study was to find out (1) whether and to what extent depressiveness and anti-Western orientation contribute to prediction of results on the dimension of anomie, and (2) the effect of sex, parents\u27 educational level, subjective estimation of living standard, and declarative religiosity on anomie, depressiveness, and anti-Western orientation. The research was conducted on a sample of first year students at University of Zagreb (N=223). Factor analysis of the scales applied to measure anomie, depressiveness, and anti-Western orientation yielded one-factor solutions. Factorially isolated measures showed high reliability computed by Cronbach coeficient. The results of regression analysis have shown that depressiveness and anti-Western orientation are significant predictors of anomie. The magnitude of partial correlation between depressiveness and anomie indicated the existence of the anomic depression syndrome. The results of the analysis of variance did not confirm the assumption that parents\u27 educational level does effect the degree of anomie, depressiveness, and anti-Western orientation. The subjective estimation of living standard is negatively associated with all the examined variables. The participants who estimate their living standard as above-averaged express a lesser degree of anomie, depressiveness, and anti-Western orientation. The effect of declarative religiosity on the expression of anomie and depressiveness is not confirmed in this study. However, committed believers who accept all the Church doctrines express to a greater extent an anti-Western orientation. Sex proved a significant predictor of depressiveness; females are more inclined to depressive mood than males. Author emphasizes a need the results of research be considered with caution and reserve, because the research was carried out on a very selective sample with relatively small number of participants. However, the results obtained justify conducting further, more representative and complex study of the same measures on a general or specific population in Croatia