5 research outputs found

    Iancu Flondor (1865-1924). O viaţă în slujba dreptăţii

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    CLIOHnet – Reţeaua Europeană de Istorie

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    CLIOHnet is a Socrates-Erasmus Thematic Network formed to address the task of bringing the study of history and a critically founded historical perspective to bear on the challenges facing European society and education today. The Network utilizes the remarkable opportunities created by the swift expansion of contact between diverse European cultural and educational traditions to bring a supranational, diachronic and comparative approach to the study and teaching of history. It will create an association (HEKLA) for enhancing the historical perspective in European culture; it operates a website and a mailing list. It is now creating a pan-European directory of historical associations and bodies; it encourages publications relating to its objectives on the specialized press and in the media. It promotes the study on teaching and studying history in Europe today and will publish the results in book form, containing both an overview of the present situation and recommendations for action. CLIOHnet brings together historians, geographers, art historians, linguists, theologists, philologists, sociologists and philosophers in order to explore how differences, connections, conflicts and positive interaction have developed in the past and can develop in the future

    “From Beautification to Ennobling”: The Exterior Mural Mosaics from Suceava of the Socialist Era

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    The mosaic is one of the most durable monumental artworks, hence the belief in its permanence. It is resilient to shocks, abrasion, moisture, and frost, protecting, in turn, the walls it covers. These qualities made the mosaic one of interest to the communist authorities, who later considered it suitable for beautifying the exterior walls of various buildings. The article addresses the issue of the symbolic and identity aspect of art in the urban space. The authors discuss the exterior mural mosaics from Suceava, during the communist period, as an expression of the compromise between the ideological commands of the period and the neo-traditionalist and neo-folklorizing direction professed by the artists

    Rompant avec la tradition: le défi social et le renouveau d'Etat roumain moderne

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    In the context of the late 19th century, Romanians found themselves involved in all sorts of debates and confrontations regarding directions, models and tools that allow construction and development of their State. Modernization strategies imposed deconstruction of the old administrative organizational structure, and changing social and political mentalities. The disagreement between the country's development needs and existing opportunities, and the gap with the Western civilization affected the intellectual and political circles. This article focuses on the attempt of Romanian elite to synthesize and adapt the progressive ideas of European political horizon to the Romanian economic and social needs