19 research outputs found

    Evidence Based Caries Prevention

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    Cohen's Pathways of Pulp

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    Resin infiltration as a minimal invasive esthetic treatment for a mild fluorosis case

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    Aim: The present case report aimed to describe a minimally invasive method to mask the white opaque lesions of enamel in a mild fluorosis case (Dean’s Index code 3) to improve its esthetic outcome. Summary: Dental fluorosis (DF) is a developmental disturbance of enamel caused by excessive ingestion of fluoride on ameloblasts during enamel formation. The clinical manifestations depend on the severity of fluorosis. In mild cases, there are white opaque striations across the enamel surface, whereas in more severe cases, the porous regions increase in size, with enamel pitting, and secondary discoloration of the enamel surface. Patients often suffer from the discoloration and the pitted surface of the teeth which are the major characteristics leading to an unaesthetic appearance. A minimally invasive treatment approach of in-office bleaching followed by a resin infiltration technique was applied to enhance the porous fluorosed enamel surface. The combination of the two techniques resulted in a perfectly satisfactory aesthetic outcome with a clinical follow-up for 12 months

    Oral Hygiene Habits and Awareness among Young Population

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    Aim and purpose: Optimum oral health depends on the individualoral hygiene practices. The aim of the present study was to evalu-ate oral care habits, attitudes and awareness of oral hygieneamong young population.Materials and method: A sample of 2,740 university students (agesbetween 19 and 22) from 5 different geopolitical zones of Turkeywere enrolled. 14-items structured questionnaire was conducted toevaluate oral hygiene practices and dental care service utilization.The data were analyzed using “SPSS 19.0 for Windows” softwareprogramme.Results: 2740 written questionnaires were analysed. 64.9% of thestudents reported brushing at least twice-a-day while 28% once-a-day. 38% stated to use mouthwash (72% randomly, 15% oncea day), 26.5% flossing after brushing while 4.7% additionallyusing interdental brush. Dietary regulation was also assessed andshowed that 45% were having regular 3 time-meals while 8.6%having snack meals in between the regular meals. 31.8% stated tochew sugar-free gums after meals. 19.3% reported having dentistvisit regularly once-a-year while 13.5% having visited only in caseof emergency. 51.6% were instructed professional oral hygienemotivation whereas 18.2% having professional cleaning once-a-year. 22.4% of students are smoking and 51.6% are complaint ofhalitosis beside 51.2% having gingival bleeding. Frequencies didnot differ significantly among the regions evaluated (p > 0.05).Summary and conclusions: Questionnaire results showed that apositive state of oral hygiene habits and behaviour improvementwas observed among the university students. Intellectual/educa-tional level seemed to have a positive impact on the awareness oforal health care among the young population


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    Background: According to "biomimetic approach", the changes in the formulations of new composite resin materials that imitate dental tissues, create differences in the reflection, absorption and refraction of light. Therefore, the correct determination of tooth color using new materials is an important step in the success of an aesthetic restoration. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the consistency of hue, value and chroma values ​​determined with a color scale under different lighting conditions.Methods: The color determination of right upper incisors of total of 100 patients (52 female and 48 male) who applied to Istanbul University Restorative Dentistry Department, were examined by 3 different observers with Vitapan 3D Toothguide Master color scale under different lighting conditions such as reflector light, daylight and Demetron Shade Light (Kerr). In addition, the results were converted into the Vita Classic color scale and evaluated as well. The data were analyzed in the SPSS program.Results: “Value”s ​​were found to be significantly consistent under reflector and Demetron lighting compared to other groups (p<0.05). Hue and chroma values ​​were found to be significantly consistent under daylight and Demetron lighting compared to other groups (p<0.05). Color evaluation results of all lighting conditions were found to be significantly more consistent in the Vita Classic color scale (11%) compared to the Vitapan 3D Toothguide Master scale (2%). While D3 color key was matched more in all groups, in the light colors, A1 color was matched almost all groups. The consistency in demetron and reflector lighting is mostly seen in dark colors (D3). There was no significant difference between light and dark colors in daylight / demetron and daylight / reflector groups (p>0,05). Conclusion: According to the results determined by the 3D Toothguide shade master under all 3 lighting conditions, the least success was achieved in determining the saturation (chroma) ratios of colors. In the color determination of the Vita Classic scale, dark colors were the most consistent. To conclude, the consistency in the color detection of the observers depends on the lighting condition and color scale. The spectrophotometer, which can obtain objective and numerical data, can be used along with other methods in color determination.Keywords: Lighting conditions, Tooth color, Color assessment, Color guide