28 research outputs found

    Chemerin Effect on the Endometrial Proteome of the Domestic Pig during Implantation Obtained by LC-MS/MS Analysis

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    Chemerin (CHEM) is a hormone mainly expressed in adipocytes involved in the regulation of energy homeostasis and inflammatory response. CHEM expression has been demonstrated in the structures of the porcine hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, as well as in the uterus, trophoblasts and conceptuses of pigs. In this study, we performed high-throughput proteomic analyses (liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry, LC-MS/MS) to examine the influence of CHEM (400 ng/mL) on differentially regulated proteins (DRPs) in the porcine endometrial tissue explants during implantation (15 to 16 days of gestation). Among all 352 DRPs, 164 were up-regulated and 188 were down-regulated in CHEM-treated group. DRPs were assigned to 47 gene ontology (GO) terms (p-adjusted < 0.05). Validation of four DRPs (IFIT5, TGFÎČ1, ACO1 and PGRMC1) by Western blot analysis confirmed the veracity and accuracy of the LC-MS/MS method used in the present study. We suggest that CHEM, by modulating various protein expressions, takes part in the endometrial cell proliferation, migration and invasion at the time of implantation. It also regulates the endometrial immune response, sensitivity to P4 and the formation of new blood vessels. Additionally, CHEM appears to be an important factor involved in endothelial cell dysfunction during the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. The identification of a large number of DRPs under the influence of CHEM provides a valuable resource for understanding the molecular mechanisms of this hormone action during implantation, which is a prerequisite for better control of pig reproduction

    Mitochondrial Processes during Early Development of Dictyostelium discoideum: From Bioenergetic to Proteomic Studies

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    The slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum’s life cycle includes different unicellular and multicellular stages that provide a convenient model for research concerning intracellular and intercellular mechanisms influencing mitochondria’s structure and function. We aim to determine the differences between the mitochondria isolated from the slime mold regarding its early developmental stages induced by starvation, namely the unicellular (U), aggregation (A) and streams (S) stages, at the bioenergetic and proteome levels. We measured the oxygen consumption of intact cells using the Clarke electrode and observed a distinct decrease in mitochondrial coupling capacity for stage S cells and a decrease in mitochondrial coupling efficiency for stage A and S cells. We also found changes in spare respiratory capacity. We performed a wide comparative proteomic study. During the transition from the unicellular stage to the multicellular stage, important proteomic differences occurred in stages A and S relating to the proteins of the main mitochondrial functional groups, showing characteristic tendencies that could be associated with their ongoing adaptation to starvation following cell reprogramming during the switch to gluconeogenesis. We suggest that the main mitochondrial processes are downregulated during the early developmental stages, although this needs to be verified by extending analogous studies to the next slime mold life cycle stages

    Composition and function of the C1b/C1f region in the ciliary central apparatus

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    Motile cilia are ultrastructurally complex cell organelles with the ability to actively move. The highly conserved central apparatus of motile 9 × 2 + 2 cilia is composed of two microtubules and several large microtubule-bound projections, including the C1b/C1f supercomplex. The composition and function of C1b/C1f subunits has only recently started to emerge. We show that in the model ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila, C1b/C1f contains several evolutionarily conserved proteins: Spef2A, Cfap69, Cfap246/LRGUK, Adgb/androglobin, and a ciliate-specific protein Tt170/TTHERM_00205170. Deletion of genes encoding either Spef2A or Cfap69 led to a loss of the entire C1b projection and resulted in an abnormal vortex motion of cilia. Loss of either Cfap246 or Adgb caused only minor alterations in ciliary motility. Comparative analyses of wild-type and C1b-deficient mutant ciliomes revealed that the levels of subunits forming the adjacent C2b projection but not C1d projection are greatly reduced, indicating that C1b stabilizes C2b. Moreover, the levels of several IFT and BBS proteins, HSP70, and enzymes that catalyze the final steps of the glycolytic pathway: enolase ENO1 and pyruvate kinase PYK1, are also reduced in the C1b-less mutants

    Early postovulatory aging reveals the first proteomic markers of egg quality in pikeperch

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    This study explored the molecular mechanisms underlying egg quality deterioration due to in vivo postovulatory aging in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca L.), a key species in aquaculture. We employed tandem mass tag (TMT) peptide labeling coupled with LC–MS/MS quantitative proteomics to analyze eggs collected at various postovulation intervals. Our research revealed four distinct proteomic markers (Gins4, Atrx, DnaJB14, and Mrpl10) that are differentially expressed in response to early aging, shedding light on their potential roles in DNA replication, chromatin organization, protein folding, and mitochondrial function. The study confirmed that eggs maintain morphological integrity up to 5 h postovulation but exhibit compromised fertilization capacity, underscoring the importance of timely egg utilization in aquaculture practices. These findings enhance the understanding of egg aging at the molecular level, offering insights for improving reproductive success and larval quality in pikeperch aquaculture. The data are available via ProteomeXchange with the identifier PXD048349

    Proteomic analysis of pikeperch seminal plasma provides novel insight into the testicular development of domesticated fish stocks

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    Control of the reproduction of domesticated stocks is considered a prerequisite for aquaculture development of pikeperch. However, knowledge about the physiology of the captive pikeperch male reproductive system and the biology of semen is very limited, especially regarding protein characteristics. The aims of our study were to characterize pikeperch sperm quantity and quality parameters and to analyze changes in the proteome of the same males spawned for the first and second times. Moreover, attempts were made to generate the first proteomic library of seminal plasma proteins. Semen collected during the first spawning season were was characterized by lower sperm concentration and volume than for the second season. Using mass spectrometry-based label-free quantitative proteomics, we identified 850 proteins in the seminal plasma of pikeperch from both spawning seasons, and 65 seminal proteins were found to be differentially abundant between the first and second spawning seasons. The majority of differentially abundant proteins were involved in stress and immune responses, developmental processes, cofactor metabolic processes, proteolysis, cellular oxidant detoxification and organization of the extracellular matrix (ECM). In addition, several proteins unique to pikeperch seminal plasma were identified, including antifreeze proteins, hibernation-specific plasma proteins, lectins and vitellogenin. In summary, our results indicate that males that spawned for the first time were characterized by incompletely mature gonads and the expression of proteins associated with the early phase of spermatogenesis and ECM organization. On the other hand, males that spawned for the second time exhibited advanced gonadal maturation and expression of proteins related to the late stage of spermatogenesis and sperm maturation, including regulation of reactive oxygen species generation, bicarbonate production, sperm elongation and separation. The identification of a large number of seminal plasma proteins provides a valuable resource for understanding the functions of seminal plasma and the molecular mechanisms involved in testicular development and maturation in domesticated fish, which is a prerequisite for better control of reproduction in captivity

    Visfatin impact on the proteome of porcine luteal cells during implantation

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    Visfatin (VIS) is a hormone belonging to the adipokines’ group secreted mainly by the adipose tissue. VIS plays a crucial role in the control of energy homeostasis, inflammation, cell differentiation, and angiogenesis. VIS expression was confirmed in the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis structures, as well as in the uterus, placenta, and conceptuses. We hypothesised that VIS may affect the abundance of proteins involved in the regulation of key processes occurring in the corpus luteum (CL) during the implantation process in pigs. In the present study, we performed the high-throughput proteomic analysis (liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry, LC–MS/MS) to examine the in vitro influence of VIS (100 ng/mL) on differentially regulated proteins (DRPs) in the porcine luteal cells (LCs) on days 15–16 of pregnancy (implantation period). We have identified 511 DRPs, 276 of them were up-regulated, and 235 down-regulated in the presence of VIS. Revealed DRPs were assigned to 162 gene ontology terms. Western blot analysis of five chosen DRPs, ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 1 (ADAMTS1), lanosterol 14-α demethylase (CYP51A1), inhibin subunit beta A (INHBA), notch receptor 3 (NOTCH3), and prostaglandin E synthase 2 (mPGES2) confirmed the veracity and accuracy of LC–MS/MS method. We indicated that VIS modulates the expression of proteins connected with the regulation of lipogenesis and cholesterologenesis, and, in consequence, may be involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones, as well as prostaglandins’ metabolism. Moreover, we revealed that VIS affects the abundance of protein associated with ovarian cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis, as well as CL new vessel formation and tissue remodelling. Our results suggest important roles for VIS in the regulation of ovarian functions during the peri-implantation period

    Proteomic analysis of carp seminal plasma provides insights into the immune response to bacterial infection of the male reproductive system

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    Aeromonas salmonicida is recognized as a significant bacterial pathogen in ulcerative disease of cyprinid fish. However, the mechanism of immunity to these bacteria in common carp is still not well understood, especially the immune regulation in the gonad to bacterial infection. The aims of our study were to analyze changes in the seminal plasma proteome following A. salmonicida infection in carp males. The observed pathological changes in the tissue (liver, spleen, kidney and testis) morphology and upregulation of immune-related genes (tnfa2, il6a) confirmed the successful infection challenge. Using mass spectrometry-based label-free quantitative proteomics, we identified 1402 seminal plasma proteins, and 44 proteins (20 up- and 24 downregulated) were found to be differentially abundant between infected and control males. Most differentially abundant proteins were involved in the immune response mechanisms, such as acute phase response, complement activation and coagulation, inflammation, lipid metabolism, cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion, creatine-phosphate biosynthesis and germ cell-Sertoli cell junction signaling. Bacterial infection also caused profound changes in expression of selected genes in the testis and hematopoietic organs, which contributed to changes in seminal proteins. The altered seminal proteins and bacterial proteins in seminal plasma may serve as valuable markers of infection in the testis

    PD-L1 Overexpression, SWI/SNF Complex Deregulation, and Profound Transcriptomic Changes Characterize Cancer-Dependent Exhaustion of Persistently Activated CD4+ T Cells

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    Growing tumors avoid recognition and destruction by the immune system. During continuous stimulation of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) by tumors, TILs become functionally exhausted; thus, they become unable to kill tumor cells and to produce certain cytokines and lose their ability to proliferate. This collectively results in the immune escape of cancer cells. Here, we show that breast cancer cells expressing PD-L1 can accelerate exhaustion of persistently activated human effector CD4+ T cells, manifesting in high PD-1 and PD-L1 expression level son T cell surfaces, decreased glucose metabolism genes, strong downregulation of SWI/SNF chromatin remodelingcomplex subunits, and p21 cell cycle inhibitor upregulation. This results in inhibition of T cell proliferation and reduction of T cell numbers. The RNAseq analysis on exhausted CD4+ T cells indicated strong overexpression of IDO1 and genes encoding pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Some interleukins were also detected in media from CD4+ T cells co-cultured with cancer cells. The PD-L1 overexpression was also observed in CD4+ T cells after co-cultivation with other cell lines overexpressing PD-L1, which suggested the existence of a general mechanism of CD4+ T cell exhaustion induced by cancer cells. The ChIP analysis on the PD-L1 promoter region indicated that the BRM recruitment in control CD4+ T cells was replaced by BRG1 and EZH2 in CD4+ T cells strongly exhausted by cancer cells. These findings suggest that epi-drugs such as EZH2 inhibitors may be used as immunomodulators in cancer treatment