26 research outputs found

    Non-linear soil behavior analysis of collapsed building after the Samos Earthquake (30.10.2020 Mw=6.9)

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    Samos Earthquake(30.10.2020, Mw =6.9) had catastrophic effects on theBayraklı district (withinBornova Plain) of Izmir. 17 buildings completely collapsed, almost thousand building were heavily damaged due to the earthquake.Bornova Plain isan east-west trending tectonic depression developed within thehorst-graben system ofWestern Anatolia. TheBornova Plain was filled with the alluvium brought by the short, seasonal streams that reach the plain from the surrounding high masses. Seasonal changes in the flow regimes of these streams have created an inhomogeneous accumulation in horizontal and vertical directions. This thick accumulation of low S-wave velocity and intensity will amplify the earthquake waves. However, it should be noted that the basin topography of the plain will also have unwanted effects on earthquake waves.3513 strong ground motion station located in theBayraklı district and on the coast of Izmir Bay measured the peak acceleration value(PGA) of the earthquake as0.108 g. Although the building stock ofİzmir does not differ from place to place, various analyzes have been made in the areas where the buildings collapsed after the earthquake was located to investigate the reasons for the collecting of demolitions in asingle area. In this context, an earthquake simulation was carried out for the soil under a collapsed building. In designing this earthquake simulation; Earthquake dataof 3513 strong-motion station, soil-bedrockmodel of 3513 strong-motion

    Indoor radon measurements in the granodiorite area of Bergama (Pergamon)-Kozak, Turkey

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    WOS: 000302299800007PubMed ID: 21636559Indoor radon levels in 20 dwellings of rural areas at the Kozak-Bergama (Pergamon) granodiorite area in Turkey were measured by the alpha track etch integrated method. These dwellings were monitored for eight successive months. Results show that the radon levels varied widely in the area ranging from 111 to 72711 Bq m(3) and the geometric mean was found to be 63 Bq m(3) with a geometric standard deviation of 2 Bq m(3). A lognormal distribution of the radon concentration was obtained for the studied area. Estimated annual effective doses due to the indoor radon ranged from 0.27 to 18.34 mSv y(1) with a mean value of 1.95 mSv y(1), which is lower than the effective dose values 310 mSv given as the range of action levels recommended by International Commission on Radiation Protection. All dosimetric calculations were performed based on the guidance of the UNSCEAR 2000 report.Dokuz Eylul UniversityDokuz Eylul University [2009.KB.FEN.039]This work was supported by Dokuz Eylul University Scientific Research Project (Project no: 2009.KB.FEN.039)