98 research outputs found

    Towards Imaginary Studies: New European Bauhaus and Postpandemic Plannersā€™ Education

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    Cities development and landscape transformation are under the constant influence of numerous challenges that need to be addressed through the planning process. The COVID-19 pandemic has opened completely new perspectives of research in various scientific fields and has put before planners a serious task of rethinking the post-pandemic city, it also opens the horizon of plannersā€™ education in the context of the dynamics of the pandemic towards recovering cities and pandemic control. This paper aims to critically re-examine the state-of-the-art of existing curricula and to build on these foundationsā€™ visionary ideas for learning about a post-pandemic city. The paper starts from the thesis that studies on the post-pandemic city should be interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary (IMT), problem-based and future-oriented. At the methodological level, the research will engage the case study method, particularly the University of Belgrade, Serbia. The master level book of courses from 31 faculties in 4 scientific fields will be analysed in relation to the sustainable, beautiful, and inclusive city, highlighted as fundamentals of the New European Bauhaus initiative. The tendency is that the research results in the study program concept note at the master level, perceived as an IMT platform for plannersā€™ education on post-COVID urban planning and design. Given that the Bauhaus as a movement was primarily oriented towards state school, the visionaryoriented approach will be used to define new studies for learning about the post-pandemic city. In line with the initial diagram of the Bauhaus curriculum developed by Walter Gropius in 1922, research output will be presented through a thematic diagram of the study program

    Cultural Landscape Of Former Yugoslavia And Mediteranian Cities ā€“ Planning On Edges And Crossroads

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    This research aims to open up a discussion about Mediterranean cities in the former Yugoslaviaā€™s republics: Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia and Montenegro. Although located in different states, it is possible to trace historical underpins and cultural landscape that have shaped those cities for years ā€“ the tradition of a fortified city, the urban matrix, city structure, street proportions and local materials. The challenges that are set ahead planners are how to define universalities and similarities between those cities and yet to pertain authenticity and uniqueness of the very place when introducing new urban form into the urban matrix. Sensitive geopolitical situation and sociopolitical history on one side, and unique landscape and cityscape on the other, present main starting point for the research. The paper will briefly review the history of the development of several cities and consider its impact on planning and design practice. Those cities, although different in its scale and located on the edge of their own countries, are significantly closer to each other and banded by the Mediterranean sea. The focus of the project will be on researching how these various states treat its cultural heritage and on which goals and values they direct urban development. Analysis of above-stated relations could provide comprehensive insights into changes and challenges of the Mediterranean cities developmentā€™s trajectories and contradictions. This paper will argue for the value of understanding cross border understanding of cities, faced with various social and political contexts by recognizing their effects and benefits on urban development

    Heritage and Urban Design Competitions: Global Challenges and Local Experiences from Serbia

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    This research aims to open up a discussion about urban design competitions as a tool for collecting in-depth considerations and solutions for sites relevant to the local government unit. Research starts from the hypothesis that competitions are used as a part of an institutional and professional effort to maintain and provide sustainable use of heritage. The challenges that are set ahead planners are how to assure unique and site-specific solutions and still protect tangible and intangible heritage yet answer to the demands of sustainable urban development and reduce negative effects of globalization and neoliberal pressures perceivable in heritage degradation through marginalization, inadequate use, gradual decline due to unresolved ownership statuses and even overshadowing by and multiplication of identical patterns and forms. The paper will briefly review the Serbian planning context in relation to urban design competitions and consider its impact on urban development practice. The focus of the paper will be on researching the practice of initiation, evaluation, presentation, and implementation of several urban design competitions carried out for small and medium sized cities. Analysis of the above-stated stages of urban design competition could provide comprehensive insights into understanding the way how heritage is treated in different stages of planning and urban development process by different actors and institutions. This paper will argue for the value of urban competitions for a wider understanding of urban heritage, faced with various social and political pressures by recognizing specific values, their interpretation and providing a new lifespan for the inherited elements

    Stabilnost hemijskog sastava semena soje

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    Stability of protein and oil content of 13 soybean varieties were examined using linear model across seven locations and during six years. Due to heterogeneity of environments all year/locations was distributed in to two groups, based on achieved yield. Stability of protein content differed in the low and high yielding environments, while average values show only minor differences. In contrast, oil content stability was slightly changed in the low and high yielding environments, while the average oil content were significantly higher in the low yielding environments. Environmental factors influenced the correlation between oil and protein content in soybeans. Negative correlation between protein and oil content was observed only in the high yielding environments, while varieties in low yielding environments lack this well known inverse relation.Ispitivanja stabilnosti hemijskog sastava zrna soje sprovedena su na 13 genotipova soje, Å”est lokaliteta, tokom Å”est godina, koriŔćenjem linearnog modela. Usled heterogenosti uslova uspevanja, svi lokaliteti/godine podeljeni su u dve grupe, u zavisnosti od prinosa. Stabilnost sadržaja proteina u semenu razlikovala se u zavisnosti od visine prinosa, dok kod prosečnih vrednosti nisu zabeležene veće razlike. Nasuprot tome, stabilnost sadržaja ulja u semenu nije se značajnije razlikovala u zavisnosti od prinosa, dok je prosečan sadržaj ulja bio veći na lokalitetima/godinama kada su zabeleženi niži prinosi soje. Uslovi spoljaÅ”nje sredine utiču na korelaciju između sadržaja ulja i proteina. Negativna korelacija između sadržaja ulja i proteina uočena je samo pri visokim prinosima, dok pri niskim prinosima ova negativna veza nije dobijena

    Seed viability of oil crops depending on storage conditions

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    Changes occurring in seed during aging are significant as far as seed quality and longevity are concerned and are a consequence of the effects of different storage conditions. The chemical composition of seed with high oil content is related to specific processes occurring in seed during storage. In this trial, sunflower and soybean genotypes developed in Novi Sad were submitted to accelerated aging for three and five days, and natural aging for six and twelve months, under controlled and conventional (non-controlled) conditions. The obtained results showed that preservation of seed viability depended on storage condition and duration, as well as plant species. Accelerated aging test can be used to predict the length of storage life of sunflower and soybean seed. In comparison to sunflower seed, soybean seed is more sensitive to damage and reduced germination during storage

    Vigor of sunflower and soybean aging seed

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    Seed aging and deterioration affect seed vigor and viability. The characteristics of the chemical composition of oil crops seed are related to specific processes occurring in the seed during storage. This study was performed to examine the changes in seed vigor of different sunflower and soybean genotypes under controlled and conventional (uncontrolled) conditions of natural aging for six and twelve months. Obtained results show that the degree of seed damage and the ability of seed to resist the negative effects of aging were influenced by duration and type of storage, as well as seed characteristics of the tested genotypes. The most valuable vigor test for both sunflower and soybean was cold test

    Land use impact on soil structure of Pseudogleys in southern Mačva and Pocerina, Serbia

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    The impact of various types of uses of Pseudogley soils in southern Mačva and Pocerina on theiraggregate distributionand stability was studied on soil samples collected from profiles under forest, meadow and arable land, at three localities. The aggregate composition and stability were determined by Savinovā€™smethod. The soil structure was assessed by using Revutā€™s coefficient of soil structure (Ks) and Vershininā€™s coefficient of soil aggregate structure (KA). The results show that the studied Pseudogley soils are characterized by an unfavorable structure, while the type of land use has a significant impact on the aggregate composition and stability, especially in surface Ah and Ahp horizons, where these differences are the most pronounced. The most favorable aggregate composition and highest wet-stability are found in Pseudogley profiles under forest vegetation. The aggregate distribution of meadow profiles was intermediate and of arable land the poorest. Statistical analysis of the collected data shows that Ks values, determined by dry sieving, were the highest in forest profiles (2.261.21 on average), while the values for meadow were 1.591.09 and of arable land 1.140.62. The values of KA, used to assess the aggregate stability to water, also show that forest Pseudogleys have the highest average values (2.051.03), followed by meadow (1.96 0.99) and cultivated soils (1.931.22). The results of correlation analysis indicate that Ks is negatively correlated with clay, pH value and base saturation, but positively correlated with soil humus (r=-0.77, -0.70, -0.81 and 0.79, respectively, p<0.01). Conversely, KA is negatively correlated with humus and positively correlated with clay, pH value and base saturation (r=-0.21, 0.82, 0.69 and 0.69, respectively, p<0.01)

    Tracing the Roots of Urban Morphology Through Academic Engagement in the Field of Architecture in Serbia

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    Even though the Serbian Network of Urban Morphology (SNUM) is one of the youngest networks within the International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF), it is believed that each of the networks is grounded and developed on the knowledge coming from the synthesis of science, practice, and education. This research aims to trace the origins of urban morphology in the context of Serbia by assessing the academic engagement of key scholars over time. The research builds on previous findings concerning the origins and genesis of teaching urban morphology in Serbia and a review of academic and practical thoughts and actions in Belgrade. Using data collection, content analysis of annual Faculty books and programs, retrospective faculty books, internal documents, accreditation documents, lecture notes, books, and editions in the subject field and by diagramming and visualization, research tends to establish a broad and detailed framework for creating timelines and identifying clusters. Periodization identifies four different periods that are metaphorically named according to plant growth - formation of Fertile ground, Suitable climate, Sprouts, and Shoots while the clustering enables the detection of the continuity of urban morphology in three scientific fields in the faculty ā€“ architecture, urbanism, and history. The metaphor with plant growth is significant for underlining that the roots of any field of study are of immense importance, both for understanding its origin, starting ground, and intellectual heritage, and for its proper growth

    Mehaničke osobine semena soje različitih frakcija

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    Knowledge of mechanical properties of agricultural materials is important for designing and exploitation of agricultural machines and equipment, as well as for successful preservation of biological values of seed during drying, processing and storage. As the shape of soybean seeds is generally round, they can be graded by a simple procedure, using different sieve settings. In this study we assessed the impact of seed grade on the mechanical properties of seed of the soybean varieties which differed in seed size. The initial tangent modulus of elasticity and maximum rupture force were used as indices of mechanical properties of seed, and they were discussed in detail in the paper. The values of the initial tangent modulus of elasticity went down as seed size increased. The lowest value, 9.26 N/mm2, was recorded for grade 6.0 to 6.5 mm in the variety Balkan. The highest value, 18.84 N/mm2, was recorded for grade 4.0 to 4.5 mm in the variety Victoria. Unlike the values of the initial tangent modulus of elasticity, the values of maximum rupture force increased in proportion with increase in seed size. The highest value, 176.18 N, was recorded for grade 5.5 to 6.0 mm in the variety Victoria, and the lowest value, 92.15 N, was recorded for grade 4.0 to 4.5 mm in the variety Balkan. .Poznavanje mehaničkih osobina poljoprivrednih materijala je veoma važno prilikom konstruisanja i eksploatacije poljoprivrednih maÅ”ina i opreme ali je neophodno i za očuvanje bioloÅ”kih vrednosti semena prilikom suÅ”enja, skladiÅ”tenja i procesa dorade. Seme soje na osnovu fizičkih osobina ima okruglast oblik pa je moguće kalibraciju uraditi jednostavnim postupkom pomoću sita raznih dimenzija i otvora. U radu je ispitan uticaj frakcija na mehaničke osobine semena soje za sorte koje se karakteriÅ”u različitom krupnoćom zrna. Kao pokazatelji mehaničkih osobina semena koriŔćeni su početni tangentni modul elastičnosti i maksimalna sila razaranja koji su detaljno prikazani u radu. Vrednosti početnog tangentnog modula elastičnosti su sa povećanjem dimenzije zrna imale manje vrednosti. Tako je najmanja vrednost zabeležena kod sorte Balkan za frakciju 6,0-6,5 mm od 9,26 N/mm2, dok je najveća vrednost zabeležena kod sorte Victoria za frakciju 4,0-4,5 mm od 18,84 N/mm2.Za razliku od početnog tangentnog modula elastičnosti, vrednosti maksimalne sile razaranja su se povećavale sa povećanjem dimenzija semena, tako da je najveća vrednost zabeležena kod sorte Victoria za frakciju 5,5-6,0 mm od 176,18 N dok je najmanja vrednost zabeležena kod sorte Balkan za frakciju 4,0-4,5mm od 92,15 N.

    Student Questionnaire Study Results - Serbia

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    The studentsā€™ questionnaires involved 506 students (176 completed and 330 uncompleted questionnaires) from UB-FA and other Architectural Schools in Serbia. The questionnaire was attended by students of all targeted levels of study, as well as alumni, with the largest share of respondents from the master level of study. UB-FA analysis of the survey data identifies following key points about the State-of-the-Art in the field of heritage and sustainability education: (1) an almost invisible number of courses which involve sustainability and heritage as umbrella concepts in curriculum design have been identified within existing masterā€™s and specialist-level study programs, (2) students are not sufficiently aware of the impact of practice-based and ICT approaches in strengthening their comprehension of principles related to the nexus of sustainability and heritage, (3) the mismatch in understanding the key concepts of sustainability and heritage in line within different scales of design practice is recognized, as well as the need for developing integral, multiscale approach, and finally (4) a gap is recognized between what students have identified in evaluating their skills and knowledge, and identifying what they consider relevant for employability and practice arena
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