24 research outputs found

    The seropositivity of Hepatitis A in children aged between 0-18 years in Kars province and around

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    Objective: The aims of this study are to determine the rate of hepatitis A seropositivity in pediatric patient not studied before in Kars, assess the relation of hepatitis A seropositivity with seasons, compare the seropositivity rate with the other parts of our country and contribute to epidemiological studies. Methods: The study was performed between 01.01.2012 – 31.06.2014 on children aged between 0-18 years old, tested for anti-HAV IgG with different complaints and tested for HAV IgM due to suspected hepatitis A, who had admitted to Kafkas University Faculty of Medicine and Kars State Hospital by ELISA method. 1065 patients tested HAV IgG and 1481 patients tested HAV IgM were studied retrospectively. The results were analyzed by using chi-square trend analysis according to the age groups, gender, and seasons. Results: The anti-HAV Ig G and anti-HAV IgM seropositivity rates were found to be 66.3% (706/1065) and 42.7% (633/1481), respectively. Seasonal anti-HAV IgM positive rates were detected as 2.4% in December-February, 3% in March-May, 8.5% in June-August, and 21% in September-November. Conclusion: There is no previous study showing hepatitis A seropositivity in Kars and it’s around. In our region, HAV seropositivity has seasonal differences and is detected highly

    Mirror Imaginary Movement Disorder and Pachygyria Association: Case Report

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    Mirror imaginary movement disorders are a group of syndromes characterized by automatic reflex mimicking of voluntary movements on the contralateral side. Two hypotheses for these symptoms are currently accepted: abnormal development of the ipsilateral corticospinal tract and transcallosal inhibition deficiency. Pachygyria refers to a decreased number of gyri divided with flat and superficial cerebral cortex sulci. We found pachygyria on cranial imaging of a boy aged 8 years who made similar movements with the one hand while writing with the other hand at presentation. Hence, pachygyria may play a role in mirror imaginary movement disorder

    Hot Water Epilepsy: Presentation of Three Cases

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    Hot water epilepsy (HWE) is a reflex epilepsy that develops after pouring hot water on the head; seizures are induced through tactile and temperature-related stimuli. The number of cases reported worldwide is low, with most cases in Turkey and India. The exact pathophysiology of HWE is unknown but patients are thought to have abnormal thermoregulation systems with seizures that emerge due to the stimulation of a particular region in the brain cortex via contact of hot water on the skin of the head. We investigated the pathogenesis of this disorder through a literature review and by presenting the clinical and laboratory findings of three patients with HWE. Fortunately, HWE can largely be prevented; however, if non-reflexive seizures co-occur with HWE, proper medical treatment can be added to ensure seizure-free follow-up

    Mirror Imaginary Movement Disorder and Pachygyria Association: Case Report

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    Mirror imaginary movement disorders are a group of syndromes characterized by automatic reflex mimicking of voluntary movements on the contralateral side. Two hypotheses for these symptoms are currently accepted: abnormal development of the ipsilateral corticospinal tract and transcallosal inhibition deficiency. Pachygyria refers to a decreased number of gyri divided with flat and superficial cerebral cortex sulci. We found pachygyria on cranial imaging of a boy aged 8 years who made similar movements with the one hand while writing with the other hand at presentation. Hence, pachygyria may play a role in mirror imaginary movement disorder

    Boy kısalığı olan çocukların serum ürotensin 2 düzeylerinin igf-1 ile ilişkisi

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    Amaç: Çalışmamızda boy kısalığı olan çocuklardaki Ürotensin 2’nin serum düzeylerini araştırarak İGF-1 ve İGFBP-3 gibi büyümeden sorumlu olan endojen maddeler arasındaki korelasyonu değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda 150 hasta ve 30 sağlıklı çocuk değerlendirmeye alındı. Bunlar kontrol, ailevi boy kısalığı, yapısal boy kısalığı, malnütrisyon ve çölyak olacak şekilde 5 gruba ayrıldı. Bunlarda kendi içinde İGF-1 ve İGFBP-3 düzeyleri düşük yada normal olacak şekilde gruplandırıldı. Bulgular: İGF-1 düzeyi normal olan ailevi boy kısalığı olan çocukların, düşük İGF-1 düzeyi olan yapısal boy kısalığı, malnütrisyonlu ve çölyak grubundaki çocukların serum Ürotensin 2 düzeyleri kontrol grubuna göre yüksek bulunmuştur. İGFBP-3 düzeylerine göre ise tüm gruplarda Ürotensin 2 düzeyi kontrole göre yüksek bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda Ürotensin 2’nin çocuklarda büyüme gelişme geriliği ve boy kısalığı fizyopatolojisinderol alabileceği düşünülmektedi

    A rare dual pathology: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension presenting with isolated unilateral facial nerve palsy

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    Objective: We aimed to present the association of idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) and peripheral facial nerve palsy in a pediatric patient followed up in our clinic. Method: The clinical, laboratory and imaging characteristics of the patient diagnosed with idiopathic intracranial hypertension were examined. Results: A 17-year-old female patient with a history of obesity was admitted with complaints of headache and blurred vision that started two weeks ago. She had findings related to left-sided facial nerve palsy that started three days ago. Neurological examination including other cranial nerves was normal. Fundus examination revealed bilateral grade III papilledema. Neuroimaging was normal, except for the findings of a tortuous appearance in the bilateral optic nerves and flattening on the posterior surface of the globe. CSF opening pressure at lumbar puncture was 53 cmH2O, and CSF biochemical and cytological examinations were normal. The diagnosis of IIH was made according to the Modified Dandy Criteria. Acetazolamide and methylprednisolone treatments were started. In three days, there was a dramatic improvement in her complaints and facial nerve palsy. A diet with appropriate calories was arranged for her obesity. Conclusion: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension is a diagnosis of exclusion. Peripheral facial palsy is an extremely rare condition in IHH. Addition of corticosteroids to initial treatment with acetazolamide should be considered before intracranial hypertension or ophthalmologic findings worsen.Keywords:&nbsp;IIH, peripheral, facial nerve palsy, papilledema</p