25 research outputs found

    Dynamic thiol/disulphide balance in patients undergoing hypotensive anesthesia in elective septoplasties

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    Objective We aimed to investigate the effects of hypotensive anaesthesia on oxidative stress with serum thiol/disulphide balance in patients undergoing elective septoplasty procedures under general anaesthesia. Methods Seventy-two patients between the ages of 18-60, with a physical condition I -II, according to the American Society of Anesthesiologists, were included in this prospective observational study. Septoplasty was chosen for standard surgical stress. According to the maintenance of anaesthesia, patients were divided into the groups as Hypotensive Anaesthesia (n = 40) and Normotensive Anaesthesia (n = 32). Serum thiol/disulphide levels were measured by the method developed by Erel & Neselioglu. Results The native thiol and total thiol values of both groups measured at the 60th min intraoperatively were significantly lower than the preoperative values (both P 40 years and female gender were found to have a significant effect on dynamic oxidative stress (P = .002 and .001, respectively). Conclusion This pilot study has found that hypotensive anaesthesia had no adverse effect on dynamic thiol/disulphide balance in elective surgeries

    Screening of lower extremity artery disease

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    Blood Group Types O and Non-O Are Associated With Coronary Collateral Circulation Development

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    Blood group types are associated with coronary artery disease. However, data are scarce about the impact of blood group types on coronary collateral circulation. In this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between the blood group types and coronary collateral circulation. Two hundred and twelve patients who underwent coronary angiography in our department and had a stenosis of ? 90% in at least one major epicardial vessel were included in our study. Collateral degree was graded according to Rentrop-Cohen classification. After grading, patients were divided into poor coronary collateral circulation (Rentrop grade 0 and 1) and good coronary collateral circulation (Rentrop 2 and 3) groups. The ABO blood type of all participants was determined. The incidence rates of O blood group type were significantly higher in the good coronary collateral group compared to the poor collateral group (37.9% vs 17.1%, P <.001). The O type blood group was an independent predictor of good coronary collateral circulation (odds ratio = 1.83, 95% confidence interval = 1.56-6.18, P =.015). Coronary collateral circulation is associated with blood group types. The O blood group predicts good coronary collateral development among patients with coronary artery disease

    Comparison of Effectiveness of Short and Long Term Maintenance AmiodaroneTreatment in The Maintenance of Sinus Rhythm for The Patients With PersistentAtrial Fibrillation Having Been Restored Sinus Rhythm by Electrical Cardioversion

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    Objective: Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia in clinical practice and responsible for the 1/3 of the atrial fibrillation rela-ted hospitalizations. It has been estimated that approximately 2.2 million people have paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrillation in USA.The initial management decision involves primarily a rate control or rhythm-control strategy. Antiarrhythmic therapy is started after res-torating sinusal rhythm to prevent the recurrence of atrial fibrillation in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation. Amiodarone is themost effective therapeutic option which is administrated for this proposes. However, side effects of this agent limit its use. In this studywe compared the effectiveness of long and short term amiodarone therapies in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation after restora-ting sinusal rhythm. Material and Method: Patients, undergoing cardioversion with the diagnosis of persistent atrial fibrillation included. Patients in whomsinusal rhythm was restorated separated into two groups. In the first group, amiodarone therapy stopped after 2 months, in the secondgroup therapy is continued for 12 months. Results:12 months after the cardioversion, recurrence of atrial fibrillation occurred in 28 patients (45.2%) in the group 1 and in 30 pa-tients (45.5%) in the group 2 (p=0.56). Conclusion: In this study, we determined that amiodarone therapy for 2 months had similar effectiveness and fewer side effects afterrestorating sinusal rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation compared with long lasting amiodarone therapy.Amaç:Atriyal fibrilasyon klinik pratikte en sık rastlanılan ritim bozukluğudur ve kardiyak ritim bozuklukları nedeniyle hastaneye yatışla-rın üçte birinden sorumludur. Atriyal fibrilasyon tedavisinde ana basamak kalp hızı kontrolünün sağlanması veya sinüs ritminin sağlana-rak devam ettirilmesidir. Atriyal fibrilasyonlu olgularda, sinüs ritmi sağlanmasını takiben atriyal fibrilasyon nüksünü önlemek için antia-ritmik ilaç tedavisi başlanmaktadır. Bu amaçla uygulanan antiaritmik ilaçlardan en etkin olanı amiodarondur. Ancak yan etkileri nede-niyle kullanımı kısıtlıdır. Biz bu çalışmada kardiyoversiyonla sinüs ritmi sağlanan persistan atriyal fibrilasyonlu hastalarda uzun ve kısadönem amiodaron tedavilerinin etkinliklerini karşılaştırdık. Gereç ve Yöntem :Çalışmaya persistan atriyal fibrilasyon tanısıyla elektriksel kardiyoversiyon planlanan 137 hasta alındı. Kardiyo -versiyonla sinüs ritmi sağlanan hastalara amiodaron başlandı ve hastalar iki gruba ayrıldı. Birinci grupta tedavi 2 ayın sonunda kesilir-ken ikinci grupta 12 ay süresince devam edildi. Bulgular :On iki ay sonunda, 8 hafta oral amiodaron tedavisi kullanan hastalardan 28’inde (%45,2) ve 12 ay oral amiodaron tedavisikul lanan hastaların 30’unda (%45,5) atriyal fibrilasyon nüksü saptandı. Her iki grup arasında atriyal fibrilasyon nüks oranı benzerdi (p=0,56). Sonuç:Sonuç olarak bu çalışmada, persistan atrial fibrilasyonlu olgularda, elektriksel kardiyoversiyon sonrası amiodaronun 2 ay sürey-le uygulanmasının, 12 ay uygulanması ile karşılaştırmasında sinüs ritminin idamesinde benzer etkinlikte iken, yan etkiler açısından da-ha güvenilir olduğu tespit edilmiştir

    Our Results of Under Knee Percutaneous Balloon Angioplasty in Patients with Critical Leg Ischemia

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    Objective: Percutaneous endovascular interventions has become an effective treatment in supra popliteal atherosclerotic disease. However there is stil no gold standart treatment in infrapopliteal atherosclerotic disease with critical limb ischemia. In this study we aimed to present the outcomes of patients with critical limb ischemia underwent percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty. Material and Method: We included 67 patients (mean age 62.4, 82% male). Procedural success was defined as <20% residual vessel stenosis. Clinical success was defined as the relieve of rest pain, prevention of amputation and achievement of wound healing. Results: Procedural success was achieved in 92.5%. Clinical success was achieved in 92.5%, 89.5% and 85.0% in 1.3 and 12 months fol- low-up, respectively. There were no procedure related death, acute thrombosis, distal embolization or need for urgent surgical inter- vention. Conclusion: Our results show that percutaneous balon angioplasty procedure has with low complication and high success rates in pa- tients with critical limb ischemia