25 research outputs found

    A macroanatomical study on coronary veins in southern Karaman sheep

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    This study aimed to reveal the coronary veins and the branches that join it to provide venous drainage of the heart in Southern Karaman sheep. Material-Method: Eight Southern Karaman sheep’s heart tissues were used in the study. Latex injection techniques were used to determine the coronary veins and the branches that join it for providing venous drainage of the heart. Result: In the study, vena cordis magna, vena cordis media, and vv. cordis dextra was observed as venous drainage providing vessels. The vena cordis magna began in the lower third of the sulcus interventricularis paraconalis, called vena interventricularis paraconalis. This vein reached the sulcus coronarius and continued as vena circumflexus sinister. Vena cordis media was named as vena interventricularis subsinosus in sulcus interventricularis subsinosus. The vv. cordis dextra was responsible for the venous drainage of the facies atrialis of the heart. Conclusion: In the evaluation of the study findings, it was determined that the coronary veins and the branches joined it of Southern Karaman sheep were mainly similar to other sheep breeds in the literature. Still, there were some anatomical differences, for example; vena distalis ventriculi sinistri was opening into vena circumflexus sinister, vena apicis cordis was absent, vena semicircumflexa dextri was present

    Güney Karaman Koyunlarında Koroner Arterler ve dalları Üüerine makroanatomik bir çalışma: Korozyon Kast tekniği ve Lateks yöntemi

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    This study was carried out to reveal the coronary arteries and their branches that provide vascularization of the heart in Southern Karaman sheep. Eight Southern Karaman sheep were used in the study. The coronary arteries and their branches providing arterial vascularization of the heart were determined using latex injection and corrosion casting technique. Arteria coronaria sinistra and its branches were observed to be more dominant than arteria coronaria dextra. It was determined that after the origin of arteria coronaria sinistra, it splits into two main branches as ramus interventricularis paraconalis and ramus circumflexus sinister. It was determined that arteria coronaria dextra continued on its way as ramus circumflexus dexter after reaching the sulcus coronarius and gave branches to ensure the vascularization of the region tissues. This study aimed to reveal the coronary arteries and their branches in Southern Karaman of Turkey's domestic sheep breeds, and it is thought that it will contribute to new studies on this breed.Bu çalışma Güney Karaman koyununda kalbin vaskularizasyonunu sağlayan koroner arterler ve dallarının ortaya çıkarılması amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışmada 8 adet Güney Karaman ırkı koyun kullanıldı. Lateks enjeksiyon ve korozyon kast teknikleri kullanılarak kalbin arteriyel vaskularizasyonunu sağlayan koroner arterler ve dalları belirlendi. Arteria coronaria sinistra ve dallarının arteria coronaria dextra’ya göre daha dominant olduğu gözlendi. Arteria coronaria sinistra’nın orijininden sonra ramus interventricularis paraconalis ve ramus circumflexus sinister olarak 2 ana dala ayrıldığı belirlendi. Arteria coronaria dextra’nın ise sulcus coronarius’a vardıktan sonra yoluna ramus circumflexus dexter olarak devam ettiği ve seyri esnasında bölge vaskularizasyonunu sağlamak üzere dallar verdiği tespit edildi. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin yerli koyun ırklarından biri olan Güney Karaman koyununda koroner arterler ve dalları ortaya konulmaya çalışılmış olup, çalışmanın bu ırk üzerine yapılacak olan yeni çalışmalara katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir

    A macroanatomic study on Broncho-Pulmonary segmentation in Hasak Sheep

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    Araştırmada Konya Bahri Dağdaş Uluslararası Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, DeneyHayvanları Ünitesi Biriminden temin edilen ortalama 43-62 kg ağırlığında 10 adet Hasak koyunakciğeri kullanıldı. Materyallere korozyon kast metodu uygulandı. Korozyon kast uygulananmateryaller bir gece suda bekletildikten sonra 24 saat süre ile de %20’lik KOH solüsyonu içerisinde37°C’de etüvde bekletilerek kastları elde edildi. Kastları çıkarılan ve diseke edilen akciğerlerfotoğraflanarak çalışmada sunuldu. Akciğerlerin cavum thoracis içinde pleura visceralis (pleurapulmonalis) ile sarılmış olarak bulundu. Hasak koyununda sağ akciğerin lobus cranialis (parscranialis ve pars caudalis), lobus medius, lobus caudalis, lobus accessorius olmak üzere 5 loptan, solakciğerin ise lobus cranialis (pars cranialis ve pars caudalis), lobus caudalis olmak üzere 3 loptanoluştuğu tespit edildi. Bu lopları şekillendiren bronchus’larında trachea’nın bifurcatio trachea’yaayrılmadan ortalama 48,53 mm önce sağ yüzünün lateralinden bronchus lobaris cranialis dexter’i(bronchus trachealis) verdiği ve daha sonra bronchus pirincipalis dexter ve sinister’e ayrıldığıbelirlendi. Yapılan çalışmada Hasak koyunlarının broncho-pulmonar segmentasyon’unun anatomiközellikleri ve diğer türler ile benzerlik ve farklılıkları ortaya konmuştur.In this study, 10 Hasak sheep lungs from Konya Bahri Dağdaş International Agricultural Research Institute, Unit of Experimental Animals Unit were used. Corrosion casting technique were applied to the materials. The corrosion cured materials were stored in water for one night. It was then incubated at 37 ° C in a 20% KOH solution for 24 hours. Corrosion casting technique and latex injection materials were photographed and presented in the study. The lungs were found to be wrapped with pleura visceralis (pleura pulmonalis) in the cavum thoracis. It was determined that the right lung was consisted of lobe cranialis (pars cranialis and pars caudalis), lobus medius, lobus caudalis and lobus accessorius. The left lung was composed of lobe cranialis (pars cranialis and pars caudalis) and lobe caudal. In the bronchus that shaped these lobes, it was determined that tacheae gave bronchus lobaris cranialis dexter (bronchus trachealis) mean 48.53 mm before the bifurcatio trachea, and later on it was divided into bronchus pirincipalis dexter and sinister. In this study, anatomical features of broncho-pulmonary segmentation and similarities and differences with other species were revealed

    Macroanatomical investigations on renal arteries of southern Karaman sheep

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    *Özüdoğru, Zekeriya ( Aksaray, Yazar )In this study, it was aimed to investigate the arterial vascularization of the kidneys in the South Karaman sheep breed. Twelve South Karamansheep kidneys were used in the study. The course of the renal arteries in the kidney was examined by means of dissection and corrosion cast techniques.The kidneys were vascularized with right renal artery and left renal artery to the arteries originatingfrom the abdominal aorta. Right renal artery was seen to be slightly more prominent than the left renal artery. Left renal artery was measured longer and thicker than the right renal artery. The renal artery entering the renal hilus, dorsal and ventral part of the renal artery were detected. However, in several materials, the left renal artery was shown to have a third branch. The dorsal and ventral branches gave interlobar artery with numbers ranging from 2-5.Each interlobar artery had multiple arcuateartery. These arteries ended by giving the interlobular artery. Anastomosis was not observed between the renal arteries. Although there were some important variations in thedistribution of renal arteries of South Karaman sheep, similar findings were reported in the literature

    İvesi koyununda koroner arterler ve kalp kas köprüleri üzerinde makroanatomik bir araştırma

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    The purpose of the study was to reveal the course of coronaryarteries and localization of myocardial bridges.Materials and Methods: It was used 10 mature Awassi sheepof both sex. The color latex injection method was applied to thematerials.Results: The subepicardial adipose tissue was found to extendup to approximately the middle of the paraconal interventricularand subsinuosal interventricular grooves. Coronary arterieshad partially an intramyocardial course. A third coronary arterysprang almost from the aorta on the right side of right coronaryartery in 4 of the hearts. The left proximal atrial branch directlyoriginated from the left coronary artery in 9 hearts. The paraconalinterventricular branch coursed up to the middle of thesubsinuosal interventricular groove in 2 hearts. The left distalventricular branch was not formed in 1 heart. The myocardialbridges were observed at the beginning of the paraconal interventriculargroove and on, both the paraconal interventricularand subsinuosal interventricular grooves in 8 and 2 hearts, respectively.In 1 heart, the myocardial bridge was also seen on thecoronary groove. There was no myocardial bridge on the rightcoronary artery and its branches.Conclusion: Some researchers have suggested the humanheart's resemblance to the sheep heart and sheep heart can beused as a model in human cardiovascular surgeon. Therefore,the presented study can give an idea of both the identification ofthe heart in the Awassi sheep and whether sheep heart can beused as a model in human medicine.Çalışmada, koroner arterlerin seyrini ve kalp kas köprülerinin lokalizasyonlarını ortaya koymak amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Her iki cinsiyetten 10 ergin İvesi koyunu kullanıldı. Materyallere renkli lateks enjeksiyon metodu uygulandı. Bulgular: Subepicardial yağ dokusunun parakonal ve subsinuosal interventrikular olukların yaklaşık ortalarına kadar uzandığı belirlendi. Sağ ve sol koroner arterlerin kısmen intramyokardial seyrettiği görüldü. Dört koyun kalbinde sağ koroner arterin hemen sağ tarafında aorta’dan üçüncü bir koroner arterin orijinlendiği tespit edildi. R. proximalis atrii sinistri’nin 9 kalpte doğrudan a. coronaria sinistra’dan başlangıç aldığı görüldü. R. interventricularis paraconalis’in 2 kalpte sulcus interventricularis subsinuosus’un ortalarına kadar ilerlediği saptandı. R. distalis ventriculi sinistri’nin 1 materyalde şekillenmediği gözlendi. Myokardial köprülerin 8 kalpte parakonal interventrikular olukta, 2 kalpte hem parakonal interventrikular hem de subsinuosal interventrikular olukta lokalize olduğu belirlendi. Bu köprülerin 1 kalpte koroner olukta da sekillendiği tespit edildi. Myokardial köprülerin sağ koroner arter ve dalları üzerinde oluşmadığı görüldü. Öneri: Bazı araştırıcılar, insan kalbinin koyun kalbine benzerliğini ileri sürmüşler ve koyun kalbinin insan kardiyovaskuler cerrahisinde bir model olarak kullanılabileceğini ifade etmişlerdir. Bu nedenle yapılan çalışma, konu üzerinde literatür bulunmayan hem İvesi koyununda kalbin tanınması hem de koyun kalbinin insan kardiyovaskuler cerrahisinde model olarak kullanılıp kullanılamayacağı konusunda bir fikir verebilir

    A Macroanatomic and Morphometric Study on the Hasak Sheep Mandible

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    The study was carried out to reveal some macroanatomical and morphometric values on the Hasak sheep mandible. In the study, eight reformed dead Hasak sheep mandibles from Konya Bahri Dagdas International Agricultural Research Institute were used. The length between 19 different points in the mandible of Hasak sheep was measured and the values obtained were compared with other sheep breeds. As a result of this comparison, it has been determined that the mandible length and mandible height values of Hasak sheep are higher than Hemsin, Morkaraman, Tuj, Mehraban, Iranian domestic sheep breeds and lower than that of Konya merino sheep, Hasmer, Yankasa, Barbados Black Belly sheep. These results are of clinical importance to assist in regional anesthesia of the mandibular and mental nerves, especially during surgical operation, archaeological studies, tooth extraction and treatment in the mandible.Çalışma Hasak koyunu mandibulası üzerinde bazı makroanatomik ve morfometrik değerleri ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmada Konya Bahri Dağdaş Uluslararası Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü’nden temin edilen 8 adet Hasak koyun mandibulası kullanıldı. Hasak koyununun mandibula’sında 19 farklı noktalar arası uzunluk ölçülmüş ve elde edilen değerler diğer koyun ırklarıyla karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu karşılaştırma sonucunda Hasak koyununun mandibula uzunluk ve mandibula yükseklik değerlerinin Hemşin, Morkaraman, Tuj, Mehraban ve İran yerli koyun ırklarından daha yüksek Konya merinosu, Hasmer, Yankasa ve Barbados Black Belly koyunlarındakinden ise daha düşük olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu sonuçlar, özellikle mandibula da yapılacak olan cerrahi operasyon, arkeolojik çalışmalar, diş çekimi ve tedavisi sırasında, mandibular ve mental sinirlerin bölgesel anestezisine yardımcı olacak klinik öneme sahiptir

    Investigations of macroanatomical and morphometric on the Mandible in Hasmer Sheep

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    Çalışma Hasmer koyunu mandibula’sı üzerinde bazı morfometrik değerleri ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır.Çalışmada Bahri Dağdaş Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü’nden temin edilen reforme erişkin 8 adet Hasmer koyunu mandibula’sıkullanıldı. Hasmer koyununun mandibula’sı 19 noktadan ölçülmüş ve elde edilen değerler diğer koyun ırklarıylakarşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırmada mandibula’nın morfometrik incelemeleri dijital kumpas yardımıyla ölçülerek incelemeyeait veriler aritmetik ortalama ve standart hata ile belirlenmiştir. Hasmer koyununun mandibula uzunluğu 186.30±9.30mm., mandibula yüksekliği ise 108.68±2.36 mm. olarak ölçülmüştür. Ölçülen bu değerler diğer koyun ırklarıyla bazıfarklılıklar gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada ayrıca, klinik açıdan önemli olan nervus mentalis ve n. mandibularis’iniçinden geçtiği for. mentale ve for. mandibula’nın topografik olarak yerleri belirlenmiştir. Hasmer koyununda yapılanuzunluk korelasyon analizi bulgularına göre uzunluk U1 ve U3 arasında, uzunluk U1 ve U12 arasında uzunluk U2ve U5 arasında, uzunluk U3 ve U6 arasında ve uzunluk U5 ve U6 arasında pozitif yönde güçlü korelasyon mevcut iken,uzunluk U7 ve U18 arasında negatif yönde güçlü bir korelasyon olduğu tespit edildi. Bu çalışma Hasmer koyunu ile ilgiliyapılacak çalışmalar için kaynak bir araştırma olacağı düşünülmektedir.The study was carried out to reveal some morphometric values on Hasmer sheep mandible. In this study, reformed eight adult Hasmer mandibles which were obtained from Bahri Dagdas Agricultural Research Institute were used. The mandible of the Hasmer sheep was measured at 19 points and the obtained values were compared with the other sheep breeds. Morphometric analysis of the mandible was measured with digital caliper and the data of the study were determined by arithmetic mean and standard error. The height of the mandible was 108.68±2.36 mm. and the length of the mandible was 186.30±9.30 mm. according to these measurements. These measured values showed some differences with other sheep breeds. In this study, the topographic locations of the mental and mandible foramen through which the clinically important mental and the mandible nerve pass are determined. According to the results of length correlation analysis in Hasmer sheep, there was strong positive correlation between length U1 and U3, length U1 and U12 between length U2 and U5, length U3 and U6, and length U5 and U6, while length U7 and U18 had a strong negative correlation. There was a strong correlation. This study is thought to be a source research for the studies on Hasmer sheep

    A morphological and histological investigation of the sinus interdigitalis in Konya Merino sheep

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    In the study, it was aimed to reveal the morphological, morphometric and histological characteristics of sinus interdigitalis found in the fore and hind feet of Konya merino sheep. For this purpose, the fore and hind feet of 10 Konya merino sheep, weighing between 44-79 kg, were used. Sinus interdigitalis were dissected out from the feet, and after morphometric measurements were made, morphological examinations were performed and photographed. The shape of the sinus interdigitalis, present in all the forefeet and hind feet, resembled a pipe consisting of neck and body. It was determined that the neck part was longer than the body at all feet. The inner surface of the gland was covered with hair, and there was more hair on the neck than on the body. The weight of the gland, body length and diameter, flexura, canal length and diameter were measured morphometrically. In the measurements made, it was determined that all the values of the forefeet were higher than the hind feet. In histological examination, it was found that the wall of the sinus interdigitalis consists of three layers: epidermis, dermis and fibrous capsule, and in the dermis, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, m. arrector pili and sweat glands were found

    Hasak Koyunu Mandibula’sı üzerinde morfometrik bir çalışma

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    The study was carried out to reveal some macroanatomical and morphometric values on the Hasak sheep mandible. In the study, eight reformed dead Hasak sheep mandibles from Konya Bahri Dagdas International Agricultural Research Institute were used. The length between 19 different points in the mandible of Hasak sheep was measured and the values obtained were compared with other sheep breeds. As a result of this comparison, it has been determined that the mandible length and mandible height values of Hasak sheep are higher than Hemsin, Morkaraman, Tuj, Mehraban, Iranian domestic sheep breeds and lower than that of Konya merino sheep, Hasmer, Yankasa, Barbados Black Belly sheep. These results are of clinical importance to assist in regional anesthesia of the mandibular and mental nerves, especially during surgical operation, archaeological studies, tooth extraction and treatment in the mandible.Çalışma Hasak koyunu mandibulası üzerinde bazı makroanatomik ve morfometrik değerleri ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmada Konya Bahri Dağdaş Uluslararası Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü’nden temin edilen 8 adet Hasak koyun mandibulası kullanıldı. Hasak koyununun mandibula’sında 19 farklı noktalar arası uzunluk ölçülmüş ve elde edilen değerler diğer koyun ırklarıyla karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu karşılaştırma sonucunda Hasak koyununun mandibula uzunluk ve mandibula yükseklik değerlerinin Hemşin, Morkaraman, Tuj, Mehraban ve İran yerli koyun ırklarından daha yüksek Konya merinosu, Hasmer, Yankasa ve Barbados Black Belly koyunlarındakinden ise daha düşük olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu sonuçlar, özellikle mandibula da yapılacak olan cerrahi operasyon, arkeolojik çalışmalar, diş çekimi ve tedavisi sırasında, mandibular ve mental sinirlerin bölgesel anestezisine yardımcı olacak klinik öneme sahiptir

    Arterial vascularization of kidneys in the hasmer sheep

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    The study was conducted to investigate the variations of renal arteries in Hasmer sheep. Six animals were used in the study. Renal artery and its segments were prepared using standard corrosion cast techniques and examined. An electronic calibrator was used to measure the length and diameter of the renal arteries. Renal arteries were originating from the abdominal artery, right and left. The left renal artery was longer than the right. Renal arteries were also divided into dorsal and ventral branches. Dorsal and ventral branches respectively; interlobar, arcuate and interlobuler arteries were separated. An interlobar artery originating from the ventral branch of both kidneys fed both the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the kidney. None of the materials had anastomosis. As a result; Such studies May shed light on research such as renal transplantations, surgical operations of the kidneys and urinary diseases. © 2018 Ataturk Universitesi.All Rights Reserved