293 research outputs found

    An axiomatic approach to the measurement of envy

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    We characterize a class of envy-as-inequity measures. There are three key axioms. Decomposability requires that overall envy is the sum of the envy within and between subgroups. The other two axioms deal with the two-individual setting and specify how the envy measure should react to simple changes in the individuals’ commodity bundles. The characterized class measures how much one individual envies another individual by the relative utility difference (using the envious’ utility function) between the bundle of the envied and the bundle of the envious, where the utility function that must be used to represent the ordinal preferences is the ‘ray’ utility function. The class measures overall envy by the sum of these (transformed) relative utility differences. We discuss our results in the light of previous contributions to envy measurement and multidimensional inequality measurement

    Investigation of IL-18 and MCP-1 levels in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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    23rd IFCC-EFLM European Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EuroMedLab) Location: Barcelona, SPAIN Date: MAY 19-23, 2019Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects 4–8% of pre-meno-pausal women and it is the most common endocrine disorder duringchildbearing age.Although many diagnostic criteria have beenestablished for PCOS within the past century and no consensus hasyet been reached, it has been found that PCOS in the long term doesnot only affect reproductive health, but also insulin resistance andinflammation are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, metabolicsyndrome and diabetes.The aim of this study was to investigate thecytokine levels and the progress of the proinflammation process.Sponsor(s):Int Federat Clin Chem & Lab Med; European Federat Clin Chem & Lab Me

    Meyerson Phenomenon as a Component of Melanoma in situ

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    No abstract available</p

    Class hate into sexual hate in Look Back in Anger

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    Ankara : The Faculty of Letters and the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent Univ., 1993.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1993.Includes bibliographical references leaves 73-75.The purpose of this thesis is to consider John Osborne's Look Back in Anger from the point of view of the function of gender. This involves the playwright's depiction of gender contradiction which results from the need for the family members to re-adjust to the public and private roles they had before the war. In the play the male character's dilenmna lies in the fulfilment of expected social and sexual roles. He is the main focus of the play in a domestic setting where he can sublimate his sense of class hatred into sexual hatred. He is allowed enough space and tools to destroy his 'faninine' wife in an effort to rediscover his own potency. Thus, this thesis mainly focuses on the question of 'virility' along with the play's fundamental mysogynist and patriarchal nature which reflects the sexual hatred of the Angries generation and Osborne's sense of his time as a transition period, MLA style sheet has been followed throughout the thesis.Öztürk, EmelM.S

    Cloning-proof social choice correspondences

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    Ankara : The Department of Economics, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, 2011.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2011.Includes bibliographical references leaves 27-28.In this thesis study, we provide axiomatic characterizations of the well-known Condorcet and Plurality rules via consistency axioms when the alternative set is endogeneous, namely hereditariness and cloning-proofness. Cloningproofness is the requirement that the social choice rule be insensitive to the replication of alternatives, whereas hereditariness requires insensitivity to withdrawal of alternatives.Öztürk, Zeliha EmelM.S

    Laissez-faire versus Pareto

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    AbstractConsider two principles for social evaluation. The first, “laissez-faire”, says that mean-preserving redistribution away from laissez-faire incomes should be regarded as a social worsening. This principle captures a key aspect of libertarian political philosophy. The second, weak Pareto, states that an increase in the disposable income of each individual should be regarded as a social improvement. We show that the combination of the two principles implies that total disposable income ought to be maximized. Strikingly, the relationship between disposable incomes and laissez-faire incomes must therefore be ignored, leaving little room for libertarian values


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    İleri teknolojik sistemlerin kullanıldığı günümüz dünyasında işletmelerin rekabet ortamında yer alabilmeleri, müşterilerin taleplerini optimum düzeyde karşılamalarına bağlıdır. Ürün ve hizmetlerin talep edilen zaman ve miktarda karşılanması, kalite beklentisinin karşılanması kadar önemlidir. İşletme süreçlerinin doğru yapılandırılması ve yönetilmesinin yanında, işletme dışı etkenler de ürün ve hizmet kalitesini etkilemektedir. Sistemdeki önemli süreçlerden biri olan tedarik süreci,  diğer süreçlerin başarısını doğrudan etkilemektedir. Mobilya endüstrisi, ürün ve bileşenlerin çeşitliliği, parça sayısının çok fazla olması, geniş bir aralıkta değişen temin süreleri, fazla envanter bulundurması gibi karmaşık yapısal özellikleri dolayısıyla fazla sayıda tedarikçi ile iletişim içinde bulunmakta ve çeşitli problemler ile karşı karşıya kalmaktadır.  Çalışmada Türkiye’nin farklı bölgelerinden 61 mobilya işletme örneğinde tedarik süreçleri değerlendirilerek, sektörün sorunlarına yönelik çözüm önerileri tartışılmıştır.

    Pigmented Bowen’s Disease of the Genitalia Masquerading as Malignant Melanoma

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    Abstract Pigmented Bowen’s disease is a rare subtype of in situ squamous cell carcinoma of the skin and mucosa, with a potential risk of invasion and metastasis. It is universally accepted that human papillomavirus (HPV) is the cause of genital Bowen’s disease. Herein we report an unusual case of pigmented Bowen’s disease of the genital area that clinically simulated malignant melanoma. Accurate diagnosis could only be established after histological examination. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis showed that the lesion harbored HPV 16 DNA. Although pigmented Bowen’s disease is rare, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of all pigmented lesions of the genitalia. This case report highlights the necessity of biopsy and histopathological examination for every suspicious cutaneous lesion.  Key words: pigmented Bowen’s disease; human papillomavirus </p