3 research outputs found

    The investigation of frequency of asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnants

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    Bu çalışmada gebelerde ve gebe olmayan kadınlarda asemptomatik bakteriüri (ASB) sıklığının araştırılması ve karşılaştırılması, her iki grupta ASB etkenlerinin tesbit edilmesi ve ASB etkenlerinin antibiyotik duyarlılıklarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla Erbaa Devlet Hastanesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum polikliniğine başvuran 323 gebe ve 75 gebe olmayan kadın çalışma kapsamına alınmıştır. Gebelerin 22’sinde (%6,8) gebe olmayanların ise 4’ünde (%5,3) ASB saptanmıştır. Aralarında istatistiki bir fark yoktur. ASB saptanan gebeler bakterilerin antibiyotik duyarlıklıklarına göre tedavi edilmiştir. Akut pyelonefrit sıklığını azaltmak ve ASB ile ilişkili maternal ve fetal komplikasyonları (erken doğum, erken membran rüptürü, düşük doğum ağırlıklı bebek doğurma) önlemek için, gebelerde ASB araştırması yapılmalı ve ASB saptanan olgular uygun antibiyotiklerle tedavi edilmelidir.The aims of this study were to establish and compare asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) in pregnant and non-pregnant women, to determine the agents of ASB in both groups and to investigate antibiotic sensitivity to agents of ASB. 323 pregnant and 75 non-pregnant women who were admitted to Erbaa State Hospital, Department of Obstetric and Gynecology Unit were included to the study. ASB was diagnosed in 22 pregnant (6.8%) and 4 (5.3%) non-pregnant women. It was not statistically significant. All pregnant women with ASB were treated according to antibiotic sensitivity of bacteria. To decrease acute pyelonephritis in pregnant women and to avoid maternal and fetal risks ascociated with ASB (premature delivery, premature rupture of membrane, delivery of low-birth weight fetus), all pregnant women should be investigated about ASB and all pregnant women with ASB should be treated with appropriate antibiotics

    Gebelerde asemptomatik bakteriüri sıklı?ının araştırılması

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    The aims of this study were to establish and compare asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) in pregnant and non-pregnant women, to determine the agents of ASB in both groups and to investigate antibiotic sensitivity to agents of ASB. 323 pregnant and 75 non-pregnant women who were admitted to Erbaa State Hospital, Department of Obstetric and Gynecology Unit were included to the study. ASB was diagnosed in 22 pregnant (6.8%) and 4 (5.3%) non-pregnant women. It was not statistically significant. All pregnant women with ASB were treated according to antibiotic sensitivity of bacteria. To decrease acute pyelonephritis in pregnant women and to avoid maternal and fetal risks ascociated with ASB (premature delivery, premature rupture of membrane, delivery of low-birth weight fetus), all pregnant women should be investigated about ASB and all pregnant women with ASB should be treated with appropriate antibiotics. © 2012 Düzce Medical Journal

    Case Reports Presentations

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