293 research outputs found
A look ahead approach to secure multi-party protocols
Secure multi-party protocols have been proposed to enable non-colluding parties to cooperate without a trusted server. Even though such protocols prevent information disclosure other than the objective function, they are quite costly
in computation and communication. Therefore, the high overhead makes it necessary for parties to estimate the utility that can be achieved as a result of the protocol beforehand. In this paper, we propose a look ahead approach, specifically for secure multi-party protocols to achieve distributed
k-anonymity, which helps parties to decide if the utility benefit from the protocol is within an acceptable range before initiating the protocol. Look ahead operation is highly localized and its accuracy depends on the amount of information the parties are willing to share. Experimental results show
the effectiveness of the proposed methods
Gillnets Selection of Alburnus chalcoides (Güldenstädt, 1772) in Almus Dam Lake (Tokat, Turkey)
In this study gill-net selectivity for Alburnus chalcoides inhabiting the Almus Dam Lake was estimated. Experimental gill-net fishing was conducted using gill-net with 15 mm and 20 mm mesh-size, during October 2002 and September 2003. A total of 254 and 198 specimens of A. chalcoides were caught by gill-net with 15 mm and 198 with the 20 mm mesh-size, respectively. The total length of the fish ranged from 10.5 cm to 21.5 cm for 15 mm mesh-size and 13.6 cm to 25.6 cm for 20 mm mesh-size. Mean total lengths were calculated as 14.34 ± 1.52 cm and 17.85 ± 1.97 cm for 15 mm and 20 mm mesh-size, respectively. Selectivity analysis indicated an optimum length (100% probability of retention) of 14.77 cm for the 15 mm mesh size and 19.69 cm for the 20 mm mesh size gill-nets. Selectivity Factor was calculated as 0.9846. The vast majority (81%) of fish caught by 15 mm mesh size and 20 mm mesh size were mature. Therefore, both the 15 mm and 20 mm mesh size were suitable for the sustainable fisheries of A. chalcoides in the Almus Dam Lake
Pregoreksiya: Gebelikte yeme bozukluğu
Pregorexia, the eating disorder observed during pregnancy, is a condition that negatively affects the health of the
mother and the baby. The frequency of thin body perception, which has entered our lives with popular culture, is
increasing. Pregorexia negatively affects both the health of the mother and the development of the baby.
Pregnancy is a complex physiological and spiritual period for the mother. First of all, clinicians should be careful
about eating disorders during pregnancy. Pregnant women may be unnoticed in terms of eating disorders in the
outpatient clinic. In the treatment duration, it is very important to inform the mother about the importance of
nutrition during pregnancy. The mother should be informed about nutrition and psychiatric treatment support
should be provided. It is important for clinicians to know about pregorexia, which is an important health problem
for both mother and baby.Pregoreksiya, gebelikte gözlenen yeme bozukluğu annenin ve bebeğin sağlığını olumsuz etkileyen bir tablodur.
Artan popüler kültürle birlikte hayatımıza giren ince beden algısı ile birlikte giderek sıklığı artmaktadır.
Pregoreksiya hem annenin sağlığını hem de bebeğin gelişimini olumsuz etkilemektedir. Gebelik anne için karmaşık
fizyolojik ve ruhsal bir süreçtir. Klinisyenler öncelikle gebelikte yeme bozukluğu açısından dikkatli olmalıdır.
Gebeler poliklinikte yeme bozukluğu açısından gözden kaçabilmektedir. Tedavi sürecinde ise annenin gebelikte
beslenmenin önemi konusunda bilgilendirilmesi çok önemlidir. Anneye hem beslenme konusunda bilgi verilmeli
hem de ruhsal destek sağlanmalıdır. Anne ve bebek için her yönden sağlık sorunu teşkil edecek olan
pregoreksiyanın klinisyenler tarafından bilinmesi önemlidi
Fahreddîn er-Râzî’nin Câmi‘u’l-‘Ulûm’unda Tefsir İlmi
İslam düşüncesinde ilim tasnifine yönelik birçok çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmalar farklı tarz ve üslupları barındırabilmektedir. Bunlardan biri numuneler/örnekler olarak ifade edebileceğimiz enmûzec/unmûzec türü eserlerdir. Meseleler merkezinde oluşturulan enmûzeclerin erken dönem örneklerinden biri de Fahreddîn er-Râzî’ye ait Ḥadâiḳu’l-envâr fî haḳāiḳi’l-esrâr veya meşhur ismiyle Câmi‘u’l-‘ulûm adlı Farsça eserdir. Müellif bu eserde naklî ve aklî ilimler şeklinde toplam altmış ilmi incelemiştir. Biz bu makalede eserin sekizinci ilmi olan tefsir ilmini inceleyeceğiz. Râzî, tefsir ilmini açık-kapalı meseleler ve imtihan şeklinde üç kısımda ele almıştır. Her bir kısımda üç mesele olmak üzere toplam dokuz meseleyi konu edinmiştir. Buna göre açık meseleler başlığında besmele, hurûf-ı mukatta‘a ve elif ifadesinin hemze’ye karşılık gelmesini incelemiştir. Kapalı meseleler kısmında bir takım müşkilleri barındırdığını düşündüğü Tâhâ sûresi 63. âyet, el-A‘râf sûresi 190. âyet ve el-Ahzâb sûresi 37. âyete dair problemleri ve bunlara dair cevapları işlemiştir. Son olarak imtihan kısmında âyet merkezli üç soru sorup cevaplarını vermiştir
Relationships between childhood trauma and dissociative, psychotic symptoms in patients with schizophrenia: a case control study
Background Childhood trauma (CT) is an important risk factor in the emergence and clinical course of psychiatric disorders. In the latest literature, an association exists between CT and patients with schizophrenia. There is also a strong relationship between the dissociative symptoms of schizophrenia and the presence of CT.
Aims The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between CT and dissociative, positive and negative symptoms in patients with schizophrenia.
Methods One hundred patients with schizophrenia and 100 healthy volunteers were included in the study. The Sociodemographic Data Form, Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES), Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), and Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) were administered to all participants.
Results The CTQ and DES scores of the schizophrenia group were significantly higher than those of the control group. In patients with schizophrenia, a positive association was found between positive symptoms and DES scores. In terms of negative symptoms, a positive association was found between apathetic social withdrawal and CIO-emotional neglect (EN), CTQ-physical neglect (PN) and CTQ total scores. There was a significant positive correlation between CTQ-EN scores and negative symptoms and PANSS scores. No significant relationship was found between negative symptoms and DES scores.
Conclusions High rates of CT and dissociative symptoms are seen in patients with schizophrenia. In addition, the findings of the relationship between CT and dissociative, positive and negative symptoms are also noteworthy. Therefore, it may be important for clinicians to assess trauma history during the psychiatric evaluation of patients with schizophrenia
Catch Composition of the bottom trawl fishery along the Coasts of Karataş-Adana (Northeastern Mediterranean Sea)
The catch composition of the bottom trawl fishery along the coasts of Karataş was evaluated in the 2002-2003 fishing season. A total of 110 species were registered, the fishes showed the highest diversity (90 species) followed by 15 crustaceans species and 5 species of cephalopods. The highest catch per unit effort (CPUE) value (66.8 kg h-1) was recorded in September when the fishing season was opened and decreased to the lowest value in March (12.5 kg h-1). The average CPUE was 26.3 ± 18.9 kg h-1. The result showed that catch of fish decrease with increasing depth. The highest fish catch (47.42%) was found in 0-20 m depth range. 35.58 percent of the catch was between 20-50 m, and 17.00% between 50-100 m depth. Lessepsian fish comprise 18.90% of all fish in terms of the number of species and 26.66% of the total fish catch
Liderlere ve Organizasyonlara Değer Temelli Yaklaşım: Değer Merkezli Liderlik ve Etik İklim İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma1 Values-Based Approach to Leaders and Organizations: A Research on Value-Centered Leadership and Ethical Climate Relationship
Bu çalışmada, değer merkezli liderlik ve etik iklimin birbirleriyle olan ilişkisinin
ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda değer merkezli liderlik ve etik iklim
kavramlarının farklı kültürlerde kazandıkları anlam, birbirlerini etkileme ve farklı
değişkenlere bağlı olarak gösterdikleri gelişim ve değişimi belirlemek için Türkiye’de
ve Almanya’da eş zamanlı olarak bir anket uygulanmıştır. Anketin ölçekleri, Garg ve
Krishnan tarafından geliştirilen ve 20 ifadeden oluşan “Değer Merkezli Liderlik Ölçeği”
ve Schwepker tarafından geliştirilen ve 7 ifadeden oluşan “Etik İklim Ölçeği”dir.
Araştırmaya Türkiye’den ve Almanya’dan katılan çalışan ve yöneticilerden elde edilen
verilere göre; değer merkezli liderliğin etik iklimi etkilediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
In this study, it is aimed to reveal the relationship between values-centered
leadership and ethical climate. In this context a questionnaire was applied
simultaneously in Turkey and Germany in order to define the meaning of valuescentered leadership and ethical climate in different cultures, interaction in-between,
and development and change therein resulted from different variables. Scales employed
in this questionnaire are 20-item “Values-Based Leadership Scale” developed by Garg
and Krishnan and 7-item “Ethical Climate Scale” developed by Schwepker. According
to data gathered from employees and managers participated in the research from
Turkey and Germany, it was concluded that values-centered leadership affects ethical
Expressing emotions, rejection sensitivity, and attachment in patients with fibromyalgia
Objectives: This study aimed to examine emotional awareness, control of emotions, and the childhood attachment process in fibromyalgia
Patients and methods: The observational study was conducted with 117 participants (14 males, 103 females; mean age: 43.9±9.0 years;
range, 22 to 64 years) between February 20, 2022, and May 20, 2022. Sixty-one patients and 56 healthy control subjects filled out a
form including sociodemographic data, such as age, sex, occupation, and educational status. In addition, the participants answered the
Expressing Emotions Scale, Rejection Sensitivity Scale, and Experiences in Close Relationships Scale.
Results: In our study, Expressing Emotions Scale scores are significantly higher in the healthy control group than in the patient group
(p<0.05). Rejection Sensitivity Scale scores are significantly higher in the patient group than in the healthy control group (p<0.05). In the
Experiences in Close Relationships Scale, a significant difference was determined between the patient and control groups in the avoidant
attachment subdimension (p<0.05). Similarly, a significant difference was observed between both groups in terms of the anxiety attachment
subdimension (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The ability to express emotions is lower and avoidant and anxious attachment rates are higher in fibromyalgia patients
Suriyeli göçmenlerin suça eklemlenme algısı: Kilis örneği
Türkiye’de Suriyeli göçmenlerin suçla ilişkilendirilmesi, önemli bir sorunsal olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, İçişleri Bakanlığı Göç İdaresi Başkanlığı’nın Aralık 2021 verilerine göre, kayıtlı geçici koruma altındaki Suriyeli göçmenlerin il nüfusuna oranının %75,59 yani yerli nüfusa oranla en fazla olduğu Kilis’te, görev yapan kamu personelinin Suriyelileri suç ile ilişkilendirme algısı inceleme konusu yapılmıştır. Bu bağlamda, Kilis İl Emniyet Müdürlüğü, İl Jandarma Komutanlığı, Adli Tıp, Denetimli Serbestlik Müdürlüğü, İl Göç Müdürlüğü ve Aile Sosyal Politikalar İl Müdürlüğü (ŞÖNİM)’den uzman personelden örneklem grubu seçilmiştir. Sayılan kurumlardan 18 farklı görev ve pozisyondaki personel ile görüşme yapılmıştır. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak görüşme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Görüşmelerde, nitel veri toplama tekniklerinden yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme sorularından yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, Suriyelilerin suç ile ilişkili olduğu algısı yalnızca yerel halk tarafından değil mesleki nedenlerle Suriyeliler ile yakın ilişki içinde olan emniyet ve jandarma kolluk görevlileri dışındaki kamu personeli tarafından da geliştirdiği tespit edilmiştir. Emniyet ve jandarma kolluk personeli suç ile ilgili istatistiklere doğrudan erişebilmektedir. Başka bir ifadeyle doğrudan Suriyeli göçmen ve suç verileri hakkında bilgi sahibi olmaktadır. Bu da personelin hatalı bir algı geliştirmesini engellemektedir. Bu bağlamda, özellikle kamu personelinin eldeki verileri de içeren hizmet içi eğitimlerden geçirilmesi gerekmektedir
H1N1 virüs enfeksiyon nedeniyle meydana gelen myokardit
A 25-year-old male patient, applied to emergency department with complaints of fever lasting for 3 days, non-productive cough and tachycardia. Troponin I level was 18 ng/ml. The patient had no previously known disease and was hospitalized in coronary intensive care unit. We presented a case of acute myopericarditis occurred after an acute influenza infection, caused by H1N1 virus that recently led to pandemics worldwide
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