1 research outputs found

    Colonial Contact and Interacting Ethnic Groups: Danshui and Jilong in the Early 17th Century

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    欧洋安(OLLÉ RODRÍGUEZ, Manel),西班牙庞培法布拉大学人文系教授。【中文摘要】17世纪西班牙在台湾北部地区殖民活动留下的文件资料显示,当时生活在该地区的南岛语族原住民不同族群具有不同的生活方式、社会及地方组织等族群特征。这些资料清楚地表明,当时北台湾原住民族群的一个突出特点是,他们通过贸易活动与岛内其他地区的原住民建立了密切的联系。西班牙人殖民台湾的历史过程,同时也是这一时期台湾原住民与新的移居者(西班牙人、中国大陆汉人、荷兰人)之间相互认知、冲突、领土控制、共生合作等等互动的过程。 【Abstract】 Through the documentation generated by the Spanish presence in northern Taiwan in the 17th century, we can find the aboriginal ethnic groups of Austronesian descent who lived in the area had different ethnic characteristics in terms of lifestyle, society and local organization. It is remarkable especially in this documentation as it clearly identifies some distinguishing features of these peoples in relation to aborigines in other areas of Taiwan that they had built close relations through trading. The historical process of the Spanish colonial operation in Taiwan could be regarded as the process of the interaction between Taiwanese aborigines and the new settlers, including the Spaniard, Han people from mainland China, and the Dutch