10 research outputs found
Keefektifan Metode Fitoremidiasi Dengan Pemanfaatan Tanaman Kayu Apu Untuk Menurunkan Kadar Amoniak Pada Limbah Cair Rumah Sakit Umum PKU Muhammadiyah Delanggu
Liquid waste containing ammonia subtances can affect human health and the enviroment. Ammonia levels based on preliminary test result will be undertaken at the Public Hospital of PKU Muhammadiyah Delanggu of 0,483 mg/l, the result exceeded the water quality standar of waste. One of the ways that can be done to reduce levels of ammonia with fitoremidiasi method using the apu wood plant. This research study design was a true experiment with pretes and posttest with control grup. Location of researc at the Hospital of PKU Muhammadiyah Delanggu. Phytoremidiation variation uses 4 plants, 6 plants, and 8 plants apu wood done for 7 days in 15 liters of waste water. The average yield of the activity level of ammonia after the treatments is 80,565%, 85,256%, and 97,323%. The statistical test used is the One Way Anova. The result of the study obtained plants water hyacinth effectiveto reduce the ammonia on the water waste debgab doses effevtie 8 plant (p-value 0,001)
Evaluasi Penerapan Sistem Lock Out Tag Out Try Out (Lototo) Pada Engineering Department PT. Frisian Flag Indonesia Ciracas, Jakarta Timur
LOTOTO is a dangerous energy source control system while doing the work. This
system shall be applied to the company in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR
1910.147 standards.This study aims to evaluate the application of the engineering
department LOTOTO PT. Frisian Flag Indonesia. This type of research is a
qualitative research study design Incidents critical. Data collection techniques by
observation and interviews of 17 informants representing the mechanical
supervisor, mechanic, electrician, calibration and technicians. The results showed
that the program implemented by the company was in accordance with OSHA 29
CFR 1910.147 standard as a minimum standard for the company in organizing
the control of dangerous energy sources. The development of LOTO into
LOTOTO is based on international standard and modified field condition so as to
facilitate the worker in understanding. Hardware LOTOTO the form of a padlock,
tag, isolation form, and equipment log out are already available in each work
area and meets the standards but the application LOTOTO by
mechanic/ electrician is still not optimal because the understanding of workers
less, engine components that can not be implemented LOTO, and type His
job. LOTOTO-related refreshment is required every month to improve worker
understanding and inspection of LOTOTO equipment
Analisis Kandungan Pewarna Alami dan Sintetis pada Jajanan yang dijual Di Pasar Gede Surakarta
In 2016, the Central Java Provincial Health Office found that snacks containing synthetic dyes were not permitted for sale at Pasar Gede Surakarta. Preliminary test conducted at the Laboratory of Microbiology, Faculty of Health, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, on five snacks samples. These snacks are: rainbow sponge, dried coconut, rainbow crepe, balado stick, and gethuk. The results of the preliminary tests showed that the five samples studied contained synthetic food coloring permitted. The study aimed to determine the type of coloring agent used in snacks sold at Pasar Gede Surakarta. This type of quantitative descriptive research, that is, researchers conduct testing in the laboratory then the results of the test are analyzed. The research population is all snacks sold in Pasar Gede that have color. The snacks numbered 15 types that have color. The study used a purposive random sampling technique that is sampling technique by taking randomly at several traders. The results of the research that have been carried out show that of the 15 snacks samples with different types studied, it was found that 13 (86.67%) samples contained synthetic food coloring, and two (13.33%) samples contained natural food coloring. Next of the 13 samples containing synthetic food coloring, 12 (92.31%) of them included permissible synthetic food coloring, and one (7.69%) including food coloring was not permitted
Kajian Literatur Hubungan Waktu Tunggu Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit
In modern times, patient satisfaction is included in one of the indicators of the success of health services in hospitals. One of the causes of dissatisfied patients is waiting a long time to get service, so the way to increase patient satisfaction is by reducing waiting time. The purpose of this study is to examine the literature that explains the relationship between waiting time and satisfaction of outpatients in hospitals. The method in this study is to use a literature review with the Google Scholar, Garuda, and PubMed databases whose literature was published in 2014-2021. The independent variable in this study is service waiting time, and the dependent variable in this study is outpatient satisfaction. The results of the study of several literature studies on the waiting time variable, namely two journals, showed that the service waiting time was included in the category according to the waiting time standard. In the outpatient satisfaction variable, namely six journals, it shows that patient satisfaction is included in the satisfied category. For the results of the analysis of the relationship between waiting time and satisfaction of outpatients in hospitals, it shows that there is a relationship between waiting time and satisfaction of outpatients in hospitals. The factors that affect the waiting time for outpatient services according to the standard waiting time are the registration time which is open 24 hours and the poly is open in the morning and evening according to the practice schedule of each doctor. Factors that affect patient satisfaction are the fast registration process, skilled staff according to their expertise, doctors come on time according to schedule. Suggestions for further researchers are to conduct further research and for hospitals it is advisable to shorten the waiting time for health services so as to increase outpatient satisfaction
Keefektifan Metode Fitoremidiasi Menggunakan Tanaman Eceng Gondok Untuk Menurunkan Kadar COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) Limbah Rumah Sakit
Liquid waste containing COD substances can affect human health and the environment. COD levels based on preliminary test results will be undertaken at the Hospital of PKU Muhammadiyah Delanggu of 199.3 mg/l, the results exceeded the water quality standard of waste. One way to do is to use the method fitoremidiasi with water hyacinth plants. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the water hyacinth plant to reduce COD levels in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Delanggu. This type of research study design true experiment with pretest and posttest with control group. Location of research at the Hospital of PKU Muhammadiyah Delanggu. Phytoremediation uses plants 4,6, and 8 plants hyacinth done for 7 days in 15 liters of waste water. Average yield- average effectiveness of COD levels after treatment are 46,15 %; 57,30%; 64,07%. The statistical test used is the One Way Anova. The results of the study obtained plants water hyacinth effective to reduce the COD on the water waste debgab doses effective 8 plant ( p-value 0,001)
Evaluasi Sistem Tanggap Darurat Kebakaran Dengan Metode Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA) Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Dan Penanggulangan Bencana Di RS Islam Klaten
Minister of Health Regulation no. 66 year 2016 on Hospital Health and Safety (K3RS) in Article 16 paragraph (1) requires every hospital to implement fire prevention and control. Fires in hospitals in Indonesia have occurred in 2009 and 2015. Klaten Hospital is one of the hospitals that experienced a fire incident in 2009 in pharmaceutical units. The purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of fire emergency response system with PDCA method as an effort to prevent and control fire disaster in RSI Klaten. The method used in this research is observation with the type of research used is qualitative research by using critical incident approach. Subject of this research consist of 5 main informant and 1 informant triangulation with purposive sampling technique. The result of this research is the effectiveness of PDCA method as a measuring tool of fire prevention and control effort found non-conformity to K3 policy and commitment and function of gathering point. Based on the identification of potential risk of fire hazard in 7 hospital units it is known that pharmacy unit and laboratory unit have high risk compared to 5 other units. Conclusion in this research is still there are 2 point which have not fulfilled that is socialization of policy and commitment of K3 and switch function of point gathering area. Therefore, the management of Klaten Islamic Hospital is expected to disseminate policies and commitments related to fire emergency response system. Socialization is done in the form of pictures, pamphlets, appeal and restore function of the point area gathered as a means of evacuation of life saving
Analisis Ergonomi Terhadap Sarana Dan Layout Pada Ruang Kuliah Untuk Kenyamanan Proses Belajar Mengajar Di Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Quality teaching and learning process will produce quality learners as well. One that supports it is the good cilities and layout of a lecture room. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the ergonomics of facilities and layout in the lecture room for the comfort of teaching and learning process in Public Health Studies Faculty of Health Sciences Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. This research is a descriptive research with evaluation research method. The object in this research is the facilities and layout in lecture room of Public Health Studies Faculty of Health Sciences Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta that is lecture room of RD205, RD206 and RD312. Informants in this study are 2 lecturers and 8 students. Data collection in this research is done by literature study, observation and interview. Research results show that the facilities and layout of the lecture room is ergonomic and comfortable for the user. However, there are some things that need to be fixed like a college chair, seat capacity and lighting
Hubungan Risiko Manual Handling dan Karakteristik Individu dengan Keluhan Muskuloskeletal pada Petani Pembudidaya Ikan Lele Bangun Mina Sejahtera Kec. Sawit Kab. Boyolali
Musculoskeletal Disorders is a pain on the parts of muscle skeletal when that pain starting from a very mild complaint until the very sick. If this condition occurs in a long time can reduce productivity and work efficiency. Preliminary study had been showed that 100% Bangun Mina Sejahtera catfish cultivating farmers have musculoskeletal disorders. This study aims to determine manual handling risks relevance with musculoskeletal complaints in catfish cultivating farmers Bangun Mina Sejahtera Kec. Sawit Kab. Boyolali. The type of this research is observational quantitative using cross sectional approach. The sample of this research are 32 catfish cultivating farmers with exhausted sampling technique. Measurements of manual handling work posture using REBA calculated excel method and measurement of musculoskeletal disorders using Nordic Body Map (NBM) table. Bivariate analysis using Rank Spearman with significant level (α≤0.050). Results for work posture with musculoskeletal disorders were obtained (p-value = 0.006) r=0.474 and results for individual characteristics with musculoskeletal complaints were (1) age (p-value = 0.011) r=0.446; (2) exercise habits (p-value = 0.157); (3) work period (p-value = 0.002) r=0.526; (4) BMI (p-value = 0.031) r=0.381 and (5) smoking habit (p-value = 0.002) r=0.526. Conclusion in this study there is a significant correlation between work posture, age, work period, BMI and smoking habits with musculoskeletal disorders and there is no significant correlation between exercise habits with musculoskeletal disorders. In recomended catfish cultivating farmers to warm up before starting work activities as well as the wholesaler provides manual handling tools and perform engineering addition of pads on containers that used during work activities occur
Kajian Literatur tentang Hubungan antara Jenis Lantai Rumah dan Kepadatan Lalat dengan Kejadian Diare pada Balita
Diarrhea is a condition in defecates with a soft or liquid consistency and the frequency is more than three times a day. Diarrhea disease is the second leading cause of death in children under five years old, there are nearly 1.7 billion cases every year and it kills around 525,000. This study aims to examine various articles regarding the relationship between the type of house floor and the fly density and the incidence of diarrhea in children under five years old. The method used is a literature review with the published articles from Google Scholar and Garuda in the period 2010-2020. The selection of literature was carried out based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria determined by the researcher. The results showed that in the variable type of house floor there were five research articles which stated that there was a relationship between the type of house floor and the incidence of diarrhea in children under five years old. Of the five articles, it can be said that the highest OR value ever recorded is 5,614. Then in the variable fly density, there are three research articles which state that there is a relationship between fly density and the incidence of diarrhea in children under five years old. From the three articles, it can be said that the highest OR value ever recorded was 26.571. Diarrhea can also be caused by other factors such as clean water sources, availability of latrines, socio-economic conditions, toddler age, hand washing habits, and exclusive breastfeeding. There are several differences between the articles studied, namely in the presentation of the demographic characteristics respondents, analysis of OR and 95% CI values, sampling techniques, statistical tests, and data collection instruments. Therefore, further researchers are advised to conduct further research and health institutions are advised to increase efforts to prevent and control diarrheal diseases, especially those related to the type of house floor and fly density
Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Penilaian Risiko Muskuloskeletal (rula,reba dan nbm) Berbasis Web
The increasingly rapid industrial development provides employment opportunities in various business sectors, where each job has the risk of a work accident. Work
accident risk prevention can be done from various aspects, one of which is ergonomic aspects that prevent the occurrence of work related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). The breakdown of WMSDs can be done by various methods such as RULA, REBA and NBM, In the implementation of risk assessments carried out in HSE students of FIK UMS, most of them still use manuals which can take approximately 10 minutes and allow miscalculation in carrying out risk assessments. This study aims to develop a WEB-based musculoskeletal risk assessment application which can be integrated and improve the time efficiency and accuracy of risk assessment. This type of research is Research and Development (R & D) with a system development method for Extreme Programming (XP) which consists of four stages, namely planning, design, coding, and testing. Time efficiency testing is done by user interviews and comparison of manual and system time. Accuracy testing and recommendations using a confusion matrix giude. The results of this study indicate that the development of web-based systems can improve time efficiency 3 times faster than manual and the accuracy test get a success rate of 100% which mean that this systems can be implemented to musculoskeletal assessments