30 research outputs found


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    Privately owned forest in mostly village of Java is built upon homegarden and dry-field land. Homegarden and dry-field are two common terminologies, has been exist for a long time periods and still found until nowadays, including at community who live in Menoreh Hill of Kulon Progo District. The existence of those types of land which still managed indicates an ability of community to agree with various changes during their lifetime. This ability is predicted because of local knowledge owned by the community in the area. Research is aimed to study deeply and to construct local knowledge of homegarden and dry-field management doing by community of Menoreh Hill, Kulon Progo District. Method used in this research is phenomenology, conducted at Menoreh Hill of Kulon Pogo District for six months. Villages are selected by multistage sampling base on different height above sea level, that is low area (<300 asl in Giripeni and Bumirejo village), middle area (300-600 asl in Giripurwo and Hargotirto village) and hill area (>600 asl in Purwosari and Jatimulyo village). Data are collected through interview with snowball model, field observation and documents study which are analyzed by tabulation technique and phenomenology analysis descriptively. Homegarden and dry-field land in low area are managed by the community extensively, most species grow naturally and only small part are planted, main species produce fruits, wood for timber and energy, grass for livestock and cultivated small-scale of cow. Its products are used to complement and to add yields from paddy field. In middle area, community manage homegarden and dryfield land intensively, most plant and tree species are planted, grown and cultivated, main species produce fruits, wood for timber and energy, medicinal plant, grass and fodder, seasonal crops as food function, coconut sugar made from sap of coconut and also cultivated cow and local goat species. In hill area, community manage homegarden and dry-field land intensively with main species produce fruits, wood for timber and energy, medicinal plant, fodder, coconut sugar and also cultivated PE goat species. The yields of those tree, plant and livestock in middle and hill area are used as main source of income to meet their need. Those management of homegarden and dry-field land are resulted by local knowledge which is formed in Kebun Campur (Mixed Garden) that categorized as knowledge and scientific knowledge in system knowledge consisting input, process, output and outcome. Kebun Campur is also a result of social construction created by community in research area through dialectic process (internalization, objectivation, externalization) in their intersubjective world


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    Since determining the Nipa-nipa Mountain Area as Forest Park, the management of specific block that is manage land for society located around forest park face the problem. The aims of this research are to gather data and explanation concerning society�s socioeconomic condition, factors influencing the opportunity for collaboration and formulate the management strategy of specific block of Nipa-nipa forest park. Method used on this research is survey method by collecting data use census on KTPH Tumbuh Subur and KTPH Subur Makmur and purposive sampling for other stakeholder informant. The collecting data technique is conducted through semi-structured interview and directly observation on field. Further data is analyzed descriptively and as SWOT analysis. The analysis result obtained that for KTPH Tumbuh Subur the availability of productive force was 94,74%, education level was low (68.42%), 94.75% having profession in service sector and 5.26% in governmental sector, the domination of number of family responsibilities was range from three to four peoples, 57.63% household income was under the UMR of Kendari City, and group organization was inactive and did not developed. While for KTPH Subur Makmur the availability of force was 100%, education level was high (86.20%), having profession on service sector was 44.38% and 55.17% was on governmental sector, domination of number of family responsibilities was range from four to five people, 96.55% having income upper than UMR of Kendari City with actively organization and developed. The management collaboration of specific block was highly influenced by internal (society and manager) and external (other parties beside society and manager) factors. Strategy applied was legality of society managing right, mutual commitment concerning management criteria and model, distribution of result discussion, improving good human resource capacity either society or manager parties, applying technology with agro forestry and coordination and regular communication between society and UPTD Nipa-nipa forest park�s party


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    The Objectives of this research were : (1) to describe the management process of community rubber plantations in Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu (GSK-BB) Reserve Transition Area, (2) to describe the economic benefit of community rubber plantation in GSK-BB Biosphere Reserve Transition Area, (3) to compare the vegetation biodiversity of community rubber plantations among several locations in GSK-BB Biosphere Reserve Transition Area. Location of this research was in Temiang village, Bukit Batu sub district, Bengkalis district, Riau Province. This study used survey method (for objectives 1 and 2) and biodiversity measurement (for objective 3). Survey was conducted by interviewing 30 respondents, whereas biodiversity measurement was collected from 20mx20m quadrat of measuring plots in 9 locations of rubber plantations. The results of this study were: (1a) most of the rubber plantation management process was conducted by following stages: slashing, making firebreaks, burning, rubber planting which started by rice planting, weeding periodically by herbicides, tapping which conducted in the morning and selling to intermediate trader


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    Conditions of poverty that occurs in the farming community and the development of private forests is relatively rapid in Java, provides an overview interesting to see how is strategies that the farmers done where vastland ownership continues to decline, a result of the increasing number of family members in the household farmers. How big change happens, how much minimum land of area required for subsistence farming households, as well as how the farmers responding the limitations of private forest, are the things that will be studied and researched. This study used ethnographic research methods, in order to produce a description of the contents of social culture composed of expressions and behavior of the communities studied. Research sites in the Menoreh Hills in KulonProgo Regency, DIY by reason: (1) The phenomenon of changing patterns of land use from agriculture to private forest. (2) KulonProgo declared as areas that have relatively high poverty rates. The results of this research were occurs involution private forests in the Menoreh hills particular Hargorejo village, with the understanding retardation / stagnation private forest farmers caused by the tendency of the farmers who continually changing landless of the farm into a private forest (50-100% of the land area owned), without followed by knowledge of private forest management, so that the results of the private forests are not different from the results of the farm, and even tended to decline and threaten the food security of their private forest can not be the livelihood of subsistence farming households due to the landless. Land area at least for households private forests at subsistence level seen in the farming community which has a land area > 5000 m2. Strategies of farmers in overcoming the limitations of private forest land to meet subsistence needs is to plant perennials/wood in agricultural land, with the aim to be left to work in the non-agricultural sector (the informal sector)


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    Conditions of poverty and the participation of forest communities still remains a major concern in forestry development in Indonesia. Forest management in Java is held by Perhutani office also followed by the number of poor people who live around the state forest. Through Collaboration Forest Management System with Community (Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat = PHBM), Perhutani trying to improve the welfare of communities around the forest. This study aims to obtain data and information about the socio-economic conditions and participation of PHBM and seek explanations socio-economic relations with the community participation of PHBM participants in Donorejo village, district of Purworejo. This study was used a survey method with random sampling techniques. The collection of data through observation, interviews and documentation. Socioeconomic study is approached with an income per capita, expenditure per capita, land area owned, PHBM land area, ownership of livestock, poverty and the Gini Ratio (GR) stratification. Socio-economic relations with the participation calculated by non parametric statistical tests spearman rank correlation. Results showed that income per capita per year to reach Rp. 1,744,334 and expenditure per capita per year is Rp. 1,787,862. GR reveneu, expenditure, tenure, ownership of cattle, plantation, forestry, farms and fertilizer are at a low level of inequality. Activities of the agriculture business and labor has a value above 0.3 GR namely 0.36 and 0.37 are included in the moderate inequality. The score of community participation of PHBM participant is 1038 (moderate category). For the relation between socio-economic participation by spearman rank correlation test result spearman correlation coefficient (rs) as follows: income (0.74), expenditure (0.72), ownership of livestock (0.74) and PHBM area (0.54). Can be concluded that, the higher the income, expenditure, ownership of livestock and PHBM land holdings, the higher participation and have a strong relationship. For the vast holdings of land itself does not significantly associated with participation characterized by the value of rs = 0.37


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    One effort to handle cause of climatic change in the earth is to reduce glasshouse gas emission. In terms of forestry, mechanism of REDD (Reduction Emission from Deforestation and Degradation) is changed into REDD+ by adding conservational zone management, conservative forest management, and increasing carbon reserves. Implementation of REDD+ requires certainty to zone and beneficiaries of mechanism. Currently, management of buffer zone of Danau Sentarum National Park Lake has not been understood on who are involved and how REDD+ is implemented. A study needs to do to find who are stakeholders and what is form of Tenurial existing in this zone. This study was conducted by survey method through qualitative and quantitative approach. Study location was determined purposively, namely in village with direct limit and existing in buffer zone of Danau Sentarum National Park. Then, descriptive-qualitative analysis was conducted by analysis of stakeholders and Tenurial by using RaTA (Rapid Land Tenure Assessment) method. Trade-off analysis was conducted for form of buffer zone management of National Park of Sentarum Lake by multiple criteria analysis. Results of analysis indicate that the buffer zone had 15 stakeholders who played a role, but its implementation was not coordinated well yet. In terms of tenurial condition, this zone has status which is state forest zone with production forest form and other areal uses. Form of management was based on trade-off analysis conducted in coping with REDD+ implementation which was done by societal management in village forest form or public forest. As effort of pre-condition before REDD+ implementation was conducted in this zone, some efforts needed to make such as establishment of forest zone and formation of forest management institution