7 research outputs found

    Nilai Pendidikan Dalam Novel Merahnya Merah Karya Iwan Simatupang: Pendekatan Sosiologi Sastra Dan Implementasinya Sebagai Bahan Ajar Sastra Di Sma

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the structure of the novel Merahnya Merah Iwan Simatupang, values education in the novel Merahnya Merah Iwan Simatupang, the implementation of the results of the research work of novel Merahnya Merah Iwan Simatupang for literature teaching materials in the secondary schools. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The object in this research is the educational values contained in the novel Merahnya Merah Iwan Simatupang. The data used in the form of sentences and paragraphs contained in the novel Merahnya Merah Iwan Simatupang. The primary data sources in the novel is a novel Merahnya Merah Iwan Simatupang, published by the PT. Gunung Agung, Jakarta in 1987, thick book 124 pages. Secondary data sources in this study is in the form of relevant articles. Engineering data collection using the technique references, refer to the technique, take note, interview, field transcript, and document. The validity of the data used is the triangulation theory and triangulation resources. Technique of data analysis in this study uses the data analysis techniques in dialectic. The results of the study based on structural analysis: themes in the novel Merahnya Merah is the life of a people battered by all the love and life problems. Homeless life experienced by the main character that is our character. The Groove that was used in the novel Merahnya Merah is the plot forward. The figures analysed was Tokoh Kita, Mr. Centeng, Maria, and Fifi. Setting the story in the novel Merahnya Merah background consists of a place, time, and social background. Educational value contained in the novel Merahnya Merah is the value of peace, the values of humility, honesty, responsibility, value is the value of love, and the value of cooperation. Implementation of Competency Standards and Basic Competence of the novel material can be seen in SK 7. understand the various tales, Indonesia novels or translations, and KD 7.2 that is analyzing the elements of intrinsic and extrinsic Indonesia novels or translations

    Kritik Sosial Dalam Naskah Drama Rt 0 Rw 0 Karya Iwan Simatupang: Tinjauan Sosiologi Sastra Dan Implementasinya Sebagai Bahan Ajar Sastra Indonesia Di SMA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1)mendeskripsikan struktur yang membangun naskah drama RT 0 RW 0 karyaIwanSimatupang, (2) mendeskripsikanaspekkritiksosial yang terkandung dalam naskah drama RT 0 RW 0, (3) dan memaparkan implementasi hasil penelitian naskah drama RT 0 RW 0 sebagai bahan ajar sastra di SMA. Jenis penelitian yang digunakandalampenelitianini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Objek penelitian ini adalah kritiksosial yang terdapat dalam naskah drama RT 0 RW 0. Sumber datapenelitian ini adalah naskah drama RT 0 RW 0. Data yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini berupakalimatdanwacanadalam naskah drama RT 0 RW 0. Teknik pustaka dan simak catat merupakan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Teknik validitas data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik trianggulasi data.Teknikdialektika digunakan untuk menganalisis data-data dalampenelitianini.Hasil daripenelitianiniberupa (1) struktur yang membangun naskah drama RT 0 RW 0 terdiri dari tema dan amanat. Tema yang terkandung dalam naskah drama RT 0 RW 0 ini adalah perjuanganhidup orang pinggiran di bawahkolongjembatan yang keberadaanyaingindiakuioleh Negara denganmemilikisebuahkartutandapenduduk (KTP).Amanat yang terkandungdalamnaskah drama RT 0 RW 0 adalah (1) perlakukanlahsemua orang layaknyamanusiapadaumumnya. (2) janganmemandangseseorangdarisudutpandang. Tokoh dalam naskah drama RT 0 RW 0 dibagimenjaditigayaituprotagonis, antagonisdantirtagonis. Tokohprotagonis adalahKakek.TokohantagonisialahPincang, Ani, Ina, danBopeng, TokohtirtagonisialahAti. Alur yang digunakanadalah alur maju. Latar tempat yang mendominasi dalam naskah drama ini adalah di kolongjembatan. Cerita ini berlangsung selama satumalam. (2) Kritiksosial yang terkandung dalam naskah drama RT 0 RW 0 terbagi menjadi limayaitukritiksosialterhadappermasalahan moral danetika, ekonomi, logikadannalar, hedonisme, danpengetahuan. (3) Hasil penelitian ini diimplementasikansebagaibahansastra di tingkat SMA kelas XII berdasarkan SK 13. Memahamipembacaanteks drama dan KD 13.1 Menemukanunsur-unsur intrinsik dan ekstrinsik naskah drama yang didengarmelaluipembacaan. 13.2 menyimpulkanisi drama melaluipembacaanteks drama. Kata Kunci: Kritiksosial, naskah drama RT 0 RW 0, sosiologi sastra, implementas


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    ABSTRACT Intan Pandini Widyastuti/A310120261. MAIN CHARACTER’S JAVANSSE LEADERSHIP IN KEN AROK KEN DEDES: SEBUAH ROMAN EPIK CINTA PENUH DARAHNOVEL BY WAWAN SUSETYA ANF MAIN CHARACTER IN “GUNUNG KEMUKUS IN SRAGEN” MYTH: LITERATURE EQUIVALENT REVIEW AND THE IMPLEMENTATION AS LITERATURE LEARNING MATERIAL IN SMK BINA TARUNA MASARAN. Skripsi. Indonesia Language Education, Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. October, 2016. This research aims to (1) describe the structur which builds Ken Arok Ken Dedes: Sebuah Roman Epik Cinta Penuh Darahnovel by Wawan Susetya and “Gunung Kemukus” in Sragen myth”, (2) review the similariry and the differences of ken arok’s javanesse leadership in Ken Arok Ken Dedes: Sebuah Roman Epik Cinta Penuh Darahnovel by Wawan Susetya with Prince Samoedra in “Gunung Kemukus” in Sragen myth”, (3) analyze the research outcome implementation of Ken Arok Ken Dedes: Sebuah Roman Epik Cinta Penuh Darah novel by Wawan Susetya with Prince Samoedra in “Gunung Kemukus” in Sragen myth” as litarature learning material in SMK Bina Taruna. This research use descriptive qualitatif method. The data collecting technique in this research are documentation, observation, and interview.the data velidity use triangulation of the data. Data analysis technique use equivalent litarature analysis. Based on the research, it can be conclude that (1) the stucture which build Ken Arok Ken Dedes: Sebuah Roman Epik Cinta Penuh Darahnovel and myth of “Gunung Kemukus” are theme, character, plot, bacground. (2) the similarity and the differences of javanesse leadership in Ken Arok Ken Dedes: Sebuah Roman Epik Cinta Penuh Darahnovel and the myth of “Gunung Kemukus” is the characteristic of the leadership they are monocentrum, metafysis and sincretis, on the leadership value i.e. jujur, wani dan temen. (3) the result of this research can be implemnted on literature learning in XI grades of senior high school based on KD 7.2 to analyze instrinsic and extrinsic unures of Indonesian novel/translated novel. Beside that, in literature learning in X grades of senior high school based on KD 13.1 to find an interesting things about the characters directly or through recording. Keyword : equivalent literature, javanesse leadership, Ken Arok Ken Dedesnovel, Gunung Kemuku

    Aspek Motivasi Dalam Lirik Lagu Pada Album Tak Hanya Diam Karya Padi: Tinjauan Psikologi Sastra Dan Implementasinya Sebagai Bahan Ajar Di Sma

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    ABSTRAK ASPEK MOTIVASI DALAM LIRIK LAGU PADA ALBUM TAK HANYA DIAM KARYA PADI TINJAUAN PSIKOLOGI SASTRA DAN IMPLEMENTASINYA SEBAGAI BAHAN AJAR DI SMA HIMAWAN DWI NUGROHO, A310100197, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Sastra Indonesia Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. 2015 Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan (1) struktur yang membangun lirik lagu pada album Tak Hanya Diam karya Padi, (2) aspek motivasi dalam lirik lagu pada album Tak Hanya Diam karya Padi, dan (3) implementasi hasil penelitian ini dalam pembelajaran sastra di SMA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Objek penelitian ini adalah aspek motivasi dalam lirik lagu pada album Tak Hanya Diam karya Padi. Data penelitian ini berupa frasa pada baris dan bait dalam lirik lagu album Tak Hanya Diam karya Padi. Sumber data primer penelitian ini adalah album Tak Hanya Diam karya Padi. Sumber data sekunder berupa artikel di internet dan kurikulum 2006. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara menggunakan teknik pustaka dan teknik catat. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini teknik dialektika. Hasil dari penelitian ini antara lain (1) Struktur puisi yang meliputi (1) metode puisi (a) Diksi yang digunakan pada album ini sederhana dan tepat untuk mengungkapkan aspek motivasi. (b) Pengimajian meliputi imaji gerak, penglihatan, pendengaran, pencecap, dan intelektual. (c) Kata-kata konkrit memperjelas gambaran motivasi. (d) Bahasa figuratif menggunakan majas hiperbola, polisidenton, klimaks, repetisi, asosiasi, antithesis, simbolik, litotes, dan personifikasi. (e) Versivikasi berupa rima terus, rima patah, dan rima berselang. (f) Tipografi pada album ini yaitu tipografi konvensional. (2) Hakikat puisi (a) Tema yang diangkat meliputi masalah percintaan, kemanusiaan, dan lingkungan. (b) Nada dan suasana yang muncul yaitu sedih, resah, mengajak, semangat, dan optimis. (c) Perasaan yang melatari meliputi perasaan kecewa, resah, sedih, gelisah, optimis, dan penuh energi. (d) Amanat yang disampaikan yaitu mendorong dan mengajak untuk menciptakan kehidupan yang lebih baik. (2) Aspek motivasi yang ditemukan meliputi (1) aspek motivasi pasif (statis) terdapat pada lagu Jika Engkau Bersedih, Teruslah Bernyanyi, Harmoni, Sang Penghibur, dan Ode. (2) aspek motivasi aktif (dinamis) terdapat pada lagu Terluka, Sang Penghibur, Teruslah Bernyanyi. (3) Hasil penelitian ini dapat diimplementasikan dalam pembelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia di SMA kelas X berdasarkan kurikulum 2006 dan 2013. Kata kunci: Motivasi, Psikologi sastra, Lirik Pad

    Nilai-Nilai Edukatif Dalam Novel Tirani Dedaunan Karya Chairul Al-Attar: Tinjauan Sosiologi Sastra Dan Implementasinya Sebagai Bahan Ajar Sastra Indonesia Di SMA

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    The purpose of this study is (1) to describe the structure of the building novel Tyranny Foliage works Chairul al-Attar, (2) describe the educational values that exist in the novel Tyranny Foliage works Chairul al-Attar, (3) describe the implementation of novel Tyranny Foliage works Chairul al-Attar as teaching materials Indonesian literature at the high school. The method used is qualitative descriptive. The object of this research is the educational values embodied in the novel Tyranny Foliage works Chairul al-Attar. The data used are sentences, and paragraphs that contain educational values in the novel Tyranny Foliage works Chairul al-Attar. Sources of primary data in this study is novel Tyranny Foliage works Chairul al-Attar. As for the secondary data in this study is the article, the reviewer novel related to novel Tyranny Foliage works Chairul al-Attar. Data collection techniques using literature techniques and see-note technique. The validity of the technique used in this research is data triangulation. Based on the structural analysis, the theme of the novel Tyranny of the foliage is three companions migrated to Jogja: Fatah, Zaenal, and Rian. All three underwent full days of battle of life. Flow used in novel Tyranny foliage is advanced groove. Figures analyzed are Fatah, Zaenal, Rian, Indra and Mbak Endang, Ningsi, Nita, Goddess, Lisda. Background of the novel consists of a background TiraniDedaunan place, time setting, and social background. The results of the analysis of educational values found five educational value contained in the novel Tyranny of the foliage. Five educational value is 1) the value of honesty, 2) the value of responsibility, 3) the value of cooperation or mutual help, 4) the value of happiness, 5) the value of love and affection that includes (a) the value of the family, (b) love against God, (c) a love for others. The results of the study novel Tyranny Foliage works Chairul Al-attar can be implemented in the teaching of literature in high school, in accordance with the Standards of Competence 7 "understand the various tales, novels Indonesia / novels in translation" and the basic competencies 7.2 "to analyze the elements of intrinsic and extrinsic novel Indonesia / translation ". In the novel Tyranny Leaves are builders novel elements that can be analyzed by learners


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    This study aimed to describe (1) the background of socio-history Oka Rusmini, (2) the structure of the novel Tarian Bumi by Oka Rusmini, (3) the Balinese sub-alternity in Oka Rusmini's novel Tarian Bumi, and (4) the implementation of Oka Rusmini's novel Tarian Bumi as a literary teaching material in High school. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The object of this research is the Balinese women's sub-alternity in Oka Rusmini's novel Tarian Bumi. The data in this study are in the form of words, sentences and paragraphs related to the Balinese women's sub-alternity contained in Oka Rusmini's novel Tarian Bumi. The primary data source in this research is Oka Rusmini's novel Tarian Bumiand a secondary data source limited to books, journals and articles related to this research.Data collection techniques in this study are library techniques, see, and note. Data validity techniques in this study use data triangulation. The data analysis technique used is a heuristic reading method, followed by a hermeneutic reading. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that (1) Oka Rusmini's socio-history setting. (2) The building structure in the novel Tarian Bumi by Oka Rusmini contains the themes and facts of the story. The theme in the novel Tarian Bumi is the oppression of women as a result of the literary system. Story facts in the novel Tarian Bumi include (a) characterizations: Lake Ayu Pidada, Jero Kenanga, Ida Ayu Sagra Pidada, Ida Bagus Ngurah Pidada, Ida Bagus Tugur, Wayan Sasmitha, Luh Gumbreg, Sadri, Luh Kenten, and Luh Kambren (b) the plot in the novel is flashbak, and (c) the background is divided into three, namely places covering Jakarta, Sanur, Bali. The timeframe occurs in the range of 1965. The social background is the practice of literary culture and patriarchal culture. (3) Balinese women's sub-alternity in the novel are (a) sub-alternity because culture (customs) occur in the form of inter-caste marriages, (b) sub-alternity in the social sphere, occur in the form of social construction and oppression of fellow women (c) deep sub-alternity political sphere, and (d) sub-alternity in the economic sphere occurs in the form of severe workload discrimination by women. (4) The results of Oka Rusmini's novel Tarian Bumi research can be implemented in literary learning in the second semester of class XII according to Core Competencies 3 and Basic Competencies 3.9 to analyze the content and language of the novel. This is in accordance with the three criteria of teaching materials, namely language, psychology and cultural setting

    Aspek Sosial Dalam Novel Bulan Di Langit Athena Karya Zhaenal Fanani: Tinjauan Sosiologi Sastra dan Implementasinya Pada Pembelajaran Sastra Di SMA

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    This study aims to (1) describe the structure that builds novel Moon on the Sky Athens Zhaenal Fanani work. (2) describe the social aspect to the Moon in the Sky Athens novel approach sociology of literature. (3) and describe an implementation of novel Moon on the sky of Athens on learning literature at the high school. Research using qualitative descriptive method with the social aspects of research objects contained in this novel. This research data is a phrase, sentence, and discourse contained in the novel Moon in the Sky Athens. Source data can be divided into two, namely primary and secondary data sources. The primary data source is the novel Moon in the Sky Athens and secondary data sources are literary and biographical data source Zhaenal Fanani, internet. Engineering literature, see, and record are used as data collection techniques in this study. Data validation techniques in this study using data triangulation. Data analysis techniques in this study using analytical techniques dealektika. Based on the results of research conducted, it can be seen that (1) the structure of the building novel Moon in the Sky Athens consists of a theme and the fact the story. The theme in the novel is the power of the love of a young girl living with HIV / AIDS. The main character in the novel Moon on the sky of Athens is Amiq Queen Shobo and some additional characters family, friends, and lovers. Grooves contained in this novel is the flow of the mixture. Background place on the Moon in the Sky Athens novel is Indonesia, France, and the city of Athens, Greece. The story in this novel lasted for twenty-one years. Social background in the novel is the atmosphere of life in rural and urban contrast. (2) social aspects contained within the novel Moon on the Sky Athens in terms of sociology of literature is divided into four factors: economic factors, cultural factors, biological factors and psychological factors. (3) the results of this study can be implemented on learning in high school literature class XI 1st half