67 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Suku Bunga Acuan, Jumlah Uang Beredar, Nilai Tukar, Dan Harga Minyak Dunia Terhadap Laju Inflasi Di Indonesia Periode Oktober 2014-Desember 2016

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    The purposes of this research was to analyze the influence of the BI Rate, money supply (M2), exchange rates (exchange rate), world oil prices against inflation in Indonesia that measured by the consumer price index and how much influence the given each variable against inflation in Indonesia. By using secondary data (time series) monthly from the period October 2014 through December 2016. The tools of data analysis using the method of estimation of the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) with the method of Partial Adjusment Model (PAM) and test the assumptions made using the Classical Quantitative Micro Software E-Views version. From a classic Assumption test results conducted this research revealed passes all tests. The study showed there was a simultaneous influence of BI Rate, money supply (M2), exchange rates (exchange rate), world oil prices against inflation in Indonesia that measured by the consumer price index. Partially two macroeconomic variables that influence significantly to the inflation rate in Indonesia, namely the money supply (M2) which has a significant positive influence, and world oil prices has a significant negative influence

    Analisis Makroekonomi Dalam Pasar Modal Di Indonesia Tahun 2008 – 2016 Melalui Error Correction Model (ECM)

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    Capital market is one of the driving tools of the economy in a country, because the capital market is a means of capital formation and the accumulation of long-term funds directed to increase public participation in the mobilization of funds to support the financing of national development. In addition, the capital market is also a representation to assess the condition of companies in a country, because almost all industries in all countries are represented by the capital market. To measure stock performance on the stock exchange used Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI). This study was conducted to analyze the variables affecting the Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI). Movement Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI). Very volatile. A country's macroeconomic change is one of the factors affecting the movement of Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI)), this research focuses on macro economy fariabel. The macro variables used are inflation, interest rate, exchange rate, and money supply. This study uses a quantitative approach. The analysis tool used is error correction model (ECM). 2 The type of data used is quarterly data from 2008 - 2016. The sites used in this study are www.bi.go.id, www.bps.go.id, and www.finance.yahoo.com, kemenda

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kemiskinan Kota Bogor Tahun 2002 – 2013

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    This research entitled “Analysis of the Factors that Influence the Poverty of Bogor City in 2002–2013”. This research aims to analyze and determine how much the influence of economic growth, unemployment, education, household consumption, household saving, against poverty of Bogor City in 2002–2013. This research uses secondary data such as time series data in 2002 – 2013, that is data on poverty, economic growth, unemployment, education, household consumption, and household saving. The analytical method used is Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Based on the analysis, showed that economic growth impact negative and significant effect on the poverty. At the same time, education impact negative and not significant effect on poverty. For employment and household saving, affect positive and not significant effect on poverty. Here after, household consumption impact positive and significant effect on poverty. Therefore, the government should expand employment opportunities followed by an increasing number of labor force. Waive education fees in any form

    Analisis Daya Saing dan Faktor – Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Ekspor Tekstil Indonesia ke Pasar Korea Selatan Tahun 1992 - 2016

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    International trade is a common trade activity where almost all nations in the world are involved. This research aims to analyse the competitiveness of Indonesian textile exports and to analyse the effect of inflation, the competitiveness of textile export and exchange rate on the quantity of Indonesian textile export to South Korean market. The analysis tools used in the study is Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Partial Adjustment Model (PAM) regression. The data used are time series from 1992 – 2016, extracted from UNCOMTRADE and World Bank websites. The RCA analysis showed the RCA score in 1992-1998 is of low competitiveness level (<1), but in 1999-2016 showed a high competitiveness level (>1). The result of PAM analysis showed that inflation variable has no significant effect on Indonesian textile exports both in the short run and in the long run. While the other two variables of competitiveness and exchange rate both have a significant and positive effect on textile exports in the long and short run

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (Pdrb) Di Kawasan Subosukowonosraten Surakarta, Boyolali, Sukoharjo,Karanganyar, Wonogiri, Sragen, Klaten) Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Local economic development in the era of regional autonomy facing both internal and external challenges such as climate inequalities and globalization. Gaps and globalization has implications for the region to implement the acceleration of regional economic development is focused through the region and its flagship product. Subosukowonosraten in Central Java region is an area that has a Gross Domestic Income which is always a good relative naik.Kerjasama between regions alone is expected to create equitable growth so that the regional economic growth in the region could be more advanced Subosukowonosraten and evenly. This study aimed to determine the effect of regional revenue to GDP in Region Subosukowonosraten, determine the effect of local expenditure to GDP in Subosukowonosraten Region, and determine the effect of Labor to GDP in Subosukowonosraten Region. The method in this research using panel data regression analysis using a model of REM (Random Effect Method). From the results of the study showed that the variable PAD positive and significant impact to the GDP Regency / City in Region Subosukowonosraten, variable local expenditure has positive effect but not significantly to the GDP in Region Subosukowonosraten, while the variable Labor positive effect but not significantly to the GDP Regency / City in Region Subosukowonosraten

    Analisis Kausalitas Antara Inflasi Dan Pengangguran Di Indonesia Tahun 1987-2015

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    This study entitled "analysis of Causality between inflation and unemployment in Indonesia 1987-2015". This research aims to analyze the effect of economic variables between inflation and unemployment in Indonesia. Using analysis tools the analysis of causality Granger. The data used is the time series starting in 1987- 2015 in Indonesia- with 29 observation. The results showed that the unemployment rate causes inflation in Indonesia 1987 – 2015 at a level significance of 0.01 with a probability value of 0.0002. While the unemployment rate does not cause inflation in Indonesia at a level of significance of 0.01 with a probability value of 0.6501

    Analisis Pengaruh Variabel Yang Mempengaruhi Impor di Indonesia

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    International trade should always be developed to gain opportunities and gain profit. International trade should be developed in order to seize opportunities and gain profit. On the other hand, international trade can create challenges and obstacles for every developing country, one of which is Indonesia. International trade consists of two types of activities, namely export and import. With the existence of good production activities in the country, it is expected to be the basis for export procurement that plays an important role in the economic activity of a country in the addition of foreign exchange, balance of payments position and strengthening of currency value. The study uses three independent variables namely exchange rate, inflation and GDP. The analytical tool used in this study is a partial adjustment regression model data type used is annual data from year 1980-2016 which sourced from Badan Pusat Statistika (BPS) and Wolrd Bank.Based on the test result Partial Adjustment Model (PAM) indicates that the inflatoin variabel in the short and long term does not affect the import. While the exchange rate variable and GDP variable in the sort and long term have positive significant effect ti the import in Indonesia

    Analisis Kebijakan Moneter Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Indonesia Tahun 1993-2016 Aplikasi Hukum Okun

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    His study entitle impact of monetary policy on economic growth in Indonesia in 1993-2016 Okun law application. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of inflation, SBI rate, money supply, unemployment on economic growth and also to test the compliance of Okun law applied in Indonesia in 1993-2016. This study used time series secondary data in period 1993- 2016 from the Bank Indonesia, the Central Statistics Agency and Word Bank. The analytical method used descriptive analysis with model PAM (Partial Adjustment Model).The result of this research show in the short and long inflation have positive effect and signifikan to economic growth, SBI rate in the short and long have negative effect and signifikan to economic growth, money supply in the short and long have positive effect and signifikan to economic growth and unemployment in the short and long have negative effect and signifikan to economic growth. Okun law applies in Indonesia

    Analisis Efisiensi Teknis Penginapan di Kecamatan Grogol Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    This research is entitled "Analysis of the Efficiency of Innovative Lodging in Grogol Sub-District of Sukoharjo Regency. This study aims to analyze the production function and technical efficiency analysis of lodging in Grogol District Sukoharjo District. Types of data used in this research are primary data and secondary data that is the number of guest, the number of visitors of the inn, the number of workers at the lodging in District Grogol Sukoharjo District. The analytical method used in this research is Data Analysis Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to analyze technical technical efficiency in lodging in Grogol District Sukoharjo Regency with output variable of number of guest, while variable of input of labor quantity and number of rooms in the inn. Reserch shows lodging results that is Hotel Fave and Hotel Tosan has an efficiency level 1, Hotel Brothers, Best Western Hotel, Grand Soba Hotel, and Hotel Brothers Inn in Grogol District Sukoharjo District less meet the technical efficiency leve

    Analisis Determinan Tingkat Pengangguran Se Eks Karesidenan Surakarta Di Jawa Tengah Tahun 1999- 2013

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    This research aimed to analyze the effect of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP), inflation, the minimum of wage, population and unemployment rates throughout the year 1999-2013 in Surakarta Residency. The analysis technique used in this study is a panel data regression. It used to determine the factors that affect the level of unemployment in Surakarta Residency along 1999-2013. Data panel is a combination of cross section that includes seven in Surakarta and time series during 15 years from 1999-2013. The results showed that the Fixed Effects Model (FEM) is a panel data regression model is most appropriate. Based on simultaneous test, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation, the minimum of wage, and the number of population simultaneously have an impact on the unemployment rate. Based on the effect validity test, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) significant negative effect on the unemployment rate, the minimum wage and population has a significant positive effect on the unemployment rate, while inflation does not have a significant effect on the unemployment rate in Surakarta Residency from 1999-2013