47 research outputs found
Analisis Pemberitaan Tentang Penolakan Terhadap Pencalonan Ahok Dalam Pemilukada Dki Jakarta Pada Media Tempo.Co Dan Kompas.Com Periode 1 Agustus – 30 September 2016
Technological developments today require a change in the presentation of news by the media and this is evidenced by the emergence of online news from major media in Indonesia, such as by Kompas and Tempo that form Kompas.Com and Tempo.co. Seeing this phenomenon of course is interesting to see how the two media are presenting news on the same issue. The issue that raised in this research is about the rejection of Ahok's candidacy in Jakarta 2017 election. This research uses discourse analysis method which focuses in studying the texts contained in the news. This research takes 3 (three) news in same issue from each media. The results show that here both media either from Kompas.com or Tempo.co show their respective views on the same issue but with different tendencies of alignments. Tendency of alignment here seen from every text that appears in news and pros cons also analyzed systemically and thematically according to structure of news writing
Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Program Talkshow Mata Najwa Di Metro Tv (Study Deskriptif Kuantitatif Pada Mahasiswa Lpm Pabelan Ums Terhadap Mata Najwa Periode 18 November 2015 - 15 Maret 2016)
Mata Najwa is a talk show on Metro TV program hosted Najwa Shihab aired prime time on Wednesday at 8.05 pm were the speakers news value with abundance themes. After the presidential election of 2014 this program influenced political elements. There is a change in attitude and supported programs of government policy. Therefore public perception especially students who often follow the news that happened in Indonesia, tend to have a critical perception. The purpose of this research to find out the student perceptions LPM Pabelan UMS against Mata Najwa talk show program on Metro TV the period Nov 18, 2015 - March 15, 2016. This research used a descriptive quantitative approach to collect the questionnaire as a data collection instrument. The sampling technique using total sampling technique that is the number of samples studied is the whole of the members of the population there were 30 students LPM Pabelan UMS. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. The results of the study LPM Pabelan UMS student perception towards Mata Najwa was positive with mean 3.22. Moreover, Mata Najwa is a good talkshow program bacause not affected to critical political element before or after the presidential election of 2014. Mata Najwa upholds the roles of the media are impartial on one side, although the media owner Surya Paloh joins with Jokowi government.
Keywords : Descriptive quantitative, LPM Pabelan, Mata Najwa, Perception
Peran Perempuan Dalam Partai Politik (Analisis Komparatif Strategi Komunikasi Politik Partai Demokrasi Indonesia (PDI) Perjuangan dan Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) Kota Surakarta dalam Rekrutmen Perempuan
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui bagaimana strategi komunikasi politik
partai politik dalam rekrutmen perempuan. Untuk mengetahui peran perempuan
dalam partai politik dengan membandingkan (komparatif) kedua partai yaitu, PDI
Perjuangan dan PKS Kota Surakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian
deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan purposive sampling dan snowball
sampling untuk menentukan subjek penelitian. Pengumpulan data dilakukan
dengan teknik wawancara mendalam, arsip, dan observasi langsung. Setelah
dilakukan analisis diperoleh kesimpulan: 1) strategi komunikasi politik.
Komunikasi internal dalam PDI Perjuangan dan PKS Kota Surakarta dengan
melakukan rapat inti pengurus sebagai bentuk komunikasi ke atas. Penyebaran
informasi kebijakan-kebijakan partai hingga ke tingkat paling rendah dalam
tatanan struktur kepartaian melalui koordinator di tiap-tiap wilayah sebagai bentuk
komunikasi ke bawah. 2)Strategi Komunikasi politik eksternal partai politik
dengan masyarakat menggunakan program-program yang dikeluarkan oleh partai.
PDI Perjuangan melalui program Pemeliharan Kesehatan Masyarakat Solo
(PKMS) dan Bantuan Pendidikan Masyarakat Kota Solo (BPMKS). Sedangkan
PKS membentuk enam program unggulan partai, yaitu Pos Wanita Keadilan
(PWK), Sejahtera Study Club (bimbingan belajar gratis), Cluster Business
(kelompok bisnis), Pembinaan Remaja Masjid, Senam Nusantara dan komunitas
hobi. 3) Dalam proses rekrutmen calon legeslatif PDI Perjuangan melakukan
penelitian yang berupa penilaian, survei dan riset kelayakan bagi tiap-tiap calon
yang diajukan oleh masyarakat. Calon legeslatif terpilih melalui pertimbangan
dari pengabdian anggota kepada partai. Sedangkan PKS menggunakan pemilihan
umum internal kader disetiap daerah pemilihan untuk menentukan calon legelatif.
Hal ini diyakini bahwa setiap kader pada daerah pemilihan telah mengetahui
dengan baik kinerja kader lainnya yang berada dalam satu wilayah
Manajemen Krisis Panitia SIPA 2015(Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Peran Humas dalam Mengembalikan Citra Negatif SIPA di Kalangan Media)
This study aimed to describe the role of public relations in SIPA restore the negative image in the media. This study is a descriptive analysis with qualitative approach. The focus of this research is the role of PR in return the SIPA negative image in the media. To obtain the accurate information needed valid data sorted and used interview and documentation. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis, means of data obtained from the field will be presented for what then analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the role of PR in return the negative image SIPA Among Media is consulting with senior journalists, consultation with the Tourism Office of Surakarta, on approach anjangsana and Gathering Editorial Office and apologized terbut in forum press conference.
Keywords: Public Relations, Image, Media
Pengaruh Media Sosial Instagram terhadap Gaya Hidup Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Angkatan 2021 Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
The development of communication technology, increasingly rapidly. Likewise on social media Instagram. This social media has a lot of impact on students, not only positive impacts, but also negative impacts appear in it. There are several negative impacts from using Instagram, one of which is the emergence of consumptive behavior. This behavior arises because students use Instagram to access online store accounts or see someone's excessive lifestyle. This study aims to examine and measure the effect of Instagram Social Media on the Lifestyles of Communication Studies Students Class of 2021 Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. This type of research is explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The quantitative descriptive research method instrument that researchers use is a questionnaire (questionnaire). then the analysis technique used in this study using simple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that there is an influence of Instagram Social Media on the Lifestyle of Communication Studies Students Class of 2021 Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. This is evidenced by the sig (2-tailed) value obtained at 0.000. Because the magnitude of the sig (2-tailed) value is less than 0.01 (0.000 <0.01), then Ho is rejected, which means that there is an influence of Instagram Social Media on the Lifestyle of Communication Studies Students Class of 2021 Muhammadiyah University Surakarta
Representasi Budaya Multikultural pada Konten Meme Channel Youtube Eno Bening
Multicultural culture in the meme content in the meme content which shows how habits, language, emotions, and humor between the two cultures that are on the same island in this study are Javanese and Sundanese cultures, in the youtube content entitled Meme Yang Hanya Akan Dimengerti Orang Jawa, Belajar Kayanya Kebudayaan Jawa Dari Meme, Seblak Dalam Bahasa Sunda Adalah, Apakah Orang Sunda Bisa Bikin Meme, Orang Sunda Pasti Ketawa Liat Meme Ini. The researcher uses Roland Barthes' semiotics to look for markers that make up the signs of the memes taken for samples in the search for data. Of the three signs that are searched for in memes, they form denotations, connotations, and myths. The researcher's findings show that someone tries to describe something from shapes, lines, colors, as well as additional anecdotal text, to convey a message or cultural identity with a meme
Analisis Framing Terorisme Dalam Pemberitaan Kelompok Abu Sayyaf Di Koran Solopos Dan Joglosemar Edisi Juni-September 2016
Nowdays, reporting about crime in news paper is more than before, especially in terorissm. One of the case is hostage by Abu Sayyaf group to Indonesian sailer in Philippine marine. And extrication hostages also be media interest in Indonesia and Philippine. However, the viewpoint one media is diferrent from other media because each mass media has subjectivity to the case,And this study aims to know about viewpoint two mass media in Surakarta, Solo Pos and Joglosemar to reporting this case. Sample in this study are Solo Pos and Joglosemar newspapers in period Juni until September. The type of research is qualitative methods with Robert Entman model Framing analysis. In this method, Entman divides the analysis into four elements that consist of identifying problems, determining the source of problems, moral decisions and problem solving. And the result of this study showing that Solo Pos emphasize to the issue of hostage by Abu Sayyaf groupAnd its diferent from Joglosemar. Not only that both of two newspapers has diferent framing for this case. For Solo Pos, they framed case by extrication Indonesian hostages by Indonesian Navy, And Joglosemar has point that Philippine cause the problem because they violate agreement with Indonesian government
Pola Komunikasi Yayasan Mta Keturunan Arab Dengan Warga Semanggi, Pasar Kliwon, Surakarta
The purpose of this research is to learn about the pattern of communication that occurs between the foundations of Arabian descent in MTA with citizens of Semanggi village, Pasar Kliwon district, Surakarta city. Because the majority of Arab descendants in the city of Surakarta live in Pasar Kliwon. While Semanggi is the first place the establishment of the MTA Foundation. Various kind of Islam existed in that area for a long time. The MTA Foundation is a kind of new sect in Islam that emerged in 1972. MTA Foundation is hard to be accepted by the people around the time of its establishment because it does not agree with the people who live around. Though that foundations is the same as another Islamic but little difference in his amaliyah, or cultural differences. So it needs to be research how the patterns of communication are involved with local people so that it can survive until now. This study used descriptive qualitative method. While the right sampling for this study is snowball sampling. Because the information obtained continues to grow and will stop when there is repetition of information. Interviews and observations are obtained from reliable sources of information. So this research can get maximum result.
Keywords : Communication patterns, Foundatio
Pola Komunikasi Kelompok Pada Komunitas Scooter “Vespa” Dalam Menjalin Hubungan Solidaritas (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Pada Kelompok Komunitas Ikatan Scooter Wonogiri di Wonogiri)
An group can be formed because it has a vision, mission and objectives are the same. Scooter bond Wonogiri is a place for lovers of Scooter with different brands. In a mutual group of an exchange of messages, and the message exchange is done through communication patterns. The purpose of this study was to determine the pattern of communication Scooter Association Wonogiri community in strengthening the ties of solidarity among its members.The subject of research in this study is a community member Association of Scooter Wonogiri.Adapun this study using qualitative data analysis performed interactively Miles and Huberman.
The results showed that the communication patterns of community bonding Scooter Wonogiri in strengthening the ties of solidarity among its members is to introduce to the public that the Association Scooter Wonogiri (ISWI) has a positive role for the community, campaigning Association Scooter Wonogiri (ISWI) for the creation of Wonogiri safe and peaceful, eliminate the bad image and convey to the public in some social activities. Scooter bond Wonogiri (ISWI) is committed to always appear to be the leader in all sectors as a contribution to our beloved Indonesia
Strategi Komunikasi Pelatih Renang National Paralympic Committee di Surakarta
There are several strategies used by NPC swimming coaches to build closeness and trust to motivate athletes with disabilities. NPC swimming coaches are required to understand athletes with disabilities in depth because they are different from general athletes. This research is a qualitative research with purposive sampling technique and five informants, namely NPC swimming coaches and athletes with disabilities. Data collection techniques were carried out by direct interviews. The results of the study show that in building the motivation of athletes with disabilities a personal approach is needed. The closeness that was carried out by the first NPC swimming coach by carrying out orientation stages was by sharing non-personal information. The two stages of the exchange of affective exploratory by conducting a chat about the training. The three stages of affective exchange here are the NPC swimming coaches starting to take an approach by bringing up personal things. The four stable stages where the athlete and the NPC swimming coach trust each other so that the motivation given by the NPC swimming coach can be heard and gives encouragement to the athlete