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    ピロプラズマ原虫は,赤血球に寄生するアピコンプレックス門に属する原虫で,溶血性貧血などを引き起こすダニ媒介性の原虫である。近年,ピロプラズマ目原虫は以前では分離できなかった野生動物やマダニ類からの原虫の検出が可能となり,新種の発見につながっている。本研究では我が国のアライグマにおけるピロプラズマ目原虫感染の状況を把握するために,北海道および関西地域で捕獲された野生のアライグマ44 検体についてnested PCR 法によってスクリーニングを行い,アライグマが保有する原虫の種類とそれぞれの感染率を調査,遺伝子解析およびその進化系統解析を行った。このことは野生動物から家畜や愛玩動物などへの感染拡大を防止し,その予防対策を講じるために重要である


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    Because the policy of agriculture development practiced earlier on the slopeland in Taiwan, the agroforestry had been common phenomenon on the low elevation hill and marginal lands. Since forest lands cannot be leased, farmers have illegally utilized the slopeland to maintain their livelihoods. This has become a problem that the government urgently needs to resolve. In order to clarify the concerns of land conservation and exceeding limitation from the public and environmental organizations, this study evaluate the case of planning actual implementation of setting up the Fruit Special Agricultural Area (FSAA) at Ding-Yen-Wan, Taitung County. The delineation process and assessment methods of FSAA was discussed on basics of view points regarding the policy for the release of protection forests, land lease and reforestation policy.International trends, domestic forestland management policy, rules for delineation, soil and water conservation view points are discussed. The land use status and lands as suitable for forestry, agriculture or animal husbandry was overlaid by GIS, and the degree of soil erosion was analyzed by soil loss equation and Greenery Coverage Index (GCI). The results showed that the greenery coverage is high and the soil erosivity is low at study area and no relative with the recent events of sediment disaster. The study suggested that the government can review the release suitability of protection forests on the slopeland with low elevation and without soil and water loss under consideration of the environmental changes factors such as society, economy, humanity and landscapes. The government should established the “community-based agroforestry” to take care of people's livelihood and reasonable utilization on the slopeland and create a new landscape with beautiful mountain villages in Taiwan.臺灣因早期農業上山政策,淺山及較邊際土地之混農林業早已普遍存在,隨著林地停止放 租,墾民為維持生計,造成違規使用現象嚴重,為政府亟待解決的問題。為釐清社會大眾及環 保團體對國土保育及超限利用的疑慮,本研究選定臺東縣頂岩灣規劃設置果樹專區之案例,針 對果樹專區的劃入過程及評估方式,從保安林政策、租地造林政策、國際潮流與國內林地管理 政策、果樹專區劃入規定、水土保持等面向探討。運用 GIS 套疊宜林、宜農牧地之分類及土地 利用情形,並以土壤流失公式及綠覆率指標分析方法,分析土壤沖蝕程度。研究發現該區土壤 綠覆率高、土壤流蝕率小,與近年發生之土石災害無關。建議政府對於低海拔且無水土流失之 虞的山坡地,考量社會、經濟及人文地景等環境變遷因素,檢討淺山坡地保安林解編之適宜性, 推展淺山坡地「社區型混農林業」,兼顧住民生計及坡地合理利用與發展,營造臺灣新的山村 美麗風貌與地景