48 research outputs found


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    [[abstract]]本研究旨在探討自我教導策略對注意力不足過動兒童的不注意行為及閱讀效果之影響。研究採用單一受試實驗設計模式中跨個人的多基線設計,針對三名國小五年級注意力不足過動兒童,分三個時期五個階段進行實驗教學與評量。基線期時,只由教學者實施評量,處理期時,S1、S2、S3分別先後接受自我教導策略的教學,並於每次教學後接受評量,間隔六週後進入保留期,撤除教學,只實施評量。本研研自變項為自我教導策略的教學,依變項為自我教導策略的教學,依變項為自我教導策略的習得分數、不注意行為的次數、閱讀理解與自我回憶的分數。所得資料以目視分析與C統計分析進行處理,綜合研究結果如下:自我教導策略對注意力不足過動兒童在自我教導策略的習得分數、不注意行為次數與自由回憶分數上,均有顯著效果,且其效果至保留期仍持續維持;但對注意力不足過動兒童的閱讀理解分析未能產生顯著效果。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of self-instructional training on ADHD children's inattentive behavior and reading. A multiple-baseline design across subjects was employed in the study, which included baseline, treatment, and maintenance phase. Three fifth-grade subjects were taught through self-instruction to focus their attention and to enhance their reading comprehension and free recall. The data were analyzed with visual inspection and C statistic. The results indicated: the self-instructional training succeeded in facilitating the ADHD children's scores of reading comprehension


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    [[abstract]]本研究旨在探討我國啟智教師教師之人力結構、異動狀況及影響異動的因素。研究者以自編之問卷為研究工具,該問卷計含:(1)填答者基本資料及接受啟智教師資訓練的原因;(2)取得啟智教師資格後的服務狀況;(3)資深啟智教育教師持續服務的原因等三部分。 研究對象包括服務於臺灣地區各國民中小學、特殊學校及教育行政單位,並曾取得啟智教育教師力結構外,並指出取得啟智教師資格人員,總計接受調查的人數為2852人。研究結果資了從人口變項及學術背景呈現啟智教師的人力結構外,並指出取得啟智教師資格後服矛於啟智育界的教師比率會隨著服務時間的延長而降低,這個比率最初約65%,而後穩定的維持在50%上下。具備啟智教師資格而未擔任啟智教育工作的主要原因是:「學校無啟智班」、「轉任行政工作」、「任教其他類別的特教班」、「專業知識不足」、「家庭因素」、及「無成就感」。其中「專業知識不足」是最初三年未任教啟智班的重要原因;「無成就感」是第四年之後離開啟智教育界的主要因素。依調查結果,研究者針對啟智教師的培育、任用、在職進修等方面提出若干建議,以供有關單位參考。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of demographic structure, attrition rate, and factors in turnover among teachers of the mentally retarded students in Taiwan. A self-developed survey, which consisted of the demographic information such as gender, age, length of current employment, highest degree earned, type of training received, and number of past teaching experience, was sent to the participants. 2,852 certified teachers of the mentally retarded from regular elementary and junior high school, special schools, and administrative organizations participated in this study. Data showed that the attrition rate for these personnel is 65%. The turnover is such high, repoetedly due to no special class for mentally retarded students in regular school, transfering to administrative work, teaching other kinds of special class, lack of professional knowledge, family reasons, and no achievement. Results also showed senior teacher are likely to be interested in teaching students with mental retardation. They are more likely to be satisfied teachers and are more immune to burnout and turnover. To solve the problem of turnover, or at least to lower the turnover rate to something more acceptable, will necessitate a complex strategy, as well as both hard work and long-term commitment. Some suggestions are offered in order to improve our personnel preparation efforts and effectiveness


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    [[abstract]]本研究旨在探討國小數學學習障礙學生,在數學應用問題解題的表現,及與其智力相仿、性別相同的正常學生之差異情形。樣本取自中部地區國小三、四年級,數學學習障礙學生 120 人,正常學生 120 人,樣本共計為 240 人。 以自編之「數學應用問題解題測驗」為資料蒐集工具,採取量的研究方法。 本研究結果發現:1. 不論三年級或四年級,正常學生的數學解題能力,皆顯著優於數學學習障礙學生。 2. 三、四年級正常學生的數學解題能力無明顯異。 3. 除問題整合分項外,四年級數學學習障礙學生的數學解題能力優於三年數學學習障礙學生。 4. 較高國語文程度之數學學習障礙學生的數學解題能力優於較低國語文程度的數學學習障礙學生。5. 不同性別的正常學生,數學解題能力無明顯差異。6. 除問題整合分項外,不同性別之數學學習障礙學生的數學解題能力無明顯差異。 7. 高國語文程度的數學學習障礙女生在問題整合分項的數學解題能力,優於高國語文程度的數學學習障礙學生。 The purposes of this study were (a) to investigate the math problem solving abilities of students with math disability, (b) to examine whether there were significant differences between math disabled and normal students in math problem solving. The participants of this study were 240 thrid and fourth grade math disabled and normal students in elementary schools in Taichung and Changhua. "Math Problem Solving Test" (MPST) developed by the investigator was employed to used to assess the math problem solving process of the students. There were 20 problems in the MPST. Each problem included four items:(a)understanding the problem, (b) consolidating problem, (c) divisinig a plan, and (d) carrying out the plan. All of the items were presented in multiple choice forms. Two-way ANOVA was used to test the hypotheses of the study. The conclusions and implications were discussed according to the findings of this study. The main findings were as following:1. All the third and fourth grade normal students' performance in MPST was better than that of students with math disability.2. There were no signicant differences between the third and fourth grade normal students' performance in MPST.3. The fourth grade math disabled students' performance in MPST was better than that of third grade math disabled students except for scores in consolidating problem items.4. MPST performance of higher language abilities math disabled students was better than lower language abilities math disabled students. 5. There were no significant differences in terms of gender normal students in MPST. 6. There were no significant differences in terms of gender among math disabled students in MPST except for scores in consolidating problem items.7. Performance in consolidating problem items of the higher language abilities math disabled girls was better than the higher language abilities math disabled boys


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    [[abstract]]本研究乃接續前兩年之研究計畫,主要以年級間縱貫面與年級內橫斷面的比較,探討閱讀障礙與高閱讀能力學生閱讀理解策略的使用情形。以台中市南屯國小四、五、六年級之閱讀障礙與高閱讀能力學生各三名,共十八名學生為本研究之樣本,採克漏字閱讀理解材料之閱讀實作情境,配合閱讀理解策略晤談方式,錄音騰為逐字稿資料之後進行各項策略的歸類與分析比較,結果如下: 1.所有學生使用的閱讀理解策略共歸為十大類,依使用次數的多寡依序為:(1)前後文線索(forward and backward cues)、(2)上下關鍵字(neighboring key words)、(3)先前經驗(prior experience)、(4)文意合理化(reasoning meaning)、(5)注意標題(noticing title)、(6)參照文章用字(imitate words)、(7)上下詞意(neighboring phrases)、(8)文章組織(text texture)、(9)精緻化(elaboration)、(10)擬物化(involving role)。2.閱讀障礙學生在各年級間的閱讀理解的策略使用上並無明顯的差異且沒有因年級的增加而在策略使用上有明顯的改變。3.高閱讀能力學生在各年級間的策略使用類別上同質性相當高,且較低年級的高閱讀能力學生在文章難度增加時,其策略使用方式與較高年級的高閱讀能力學生並無明顯差異。4.閱讀障礙學生最常使用的策略類別為上下關鍵字策略,其次為文意合理化、前後文線索策略與先前經驗等策略類別。文意合理化策略中以改變文意此小類居使用多數;前後文線索策略則主要以前文線索為使用多數。5.高閱讀能力學生最常使用的策略類別為前後文線索,其次則為先前經驗、上下關鍵字、注意標題等策略類別,而前後文線索主要集中於前文線索此小類;先前經驗則以語言經驗的使用居多數。6.高閱讀能力學生在前後文線索及先前經驗兩項策略使用次數明顯較高於閱讀障礙學生;而在上下關鍵字與文意合理化兩項策略的使用上則明顯較低於閱讀障礙學生。7.有效的閱讀理解策略使用必須配合策略知識、內容知識、及相關的後設認知知識。 The purpose of this study for the third year was to compare the reading comprehension strategies used by students with reading disabilities and students with proficient reading abilities. The subjects were eighteen forth, fifth, and sixth-grade elementary students, including three students with reading disabilities and three students with proficient reading abilities for each grade. A qualitative research method was employed to study the differences of reading strategies used between students with/without reading disabilities, including the students of different grades but with the same reading abilities and the students of same grades but with different reading abilities. The qualitative data collected during the individual reading narrative texts in Cloze procedure and interview were analyzed by using modified analysis and constant comparative analysis. The main findings were summarized as follows: (1) The reading comprehension strategies used by the subjects were grouped in order into ten categories, including: (a) forward and backward cues, (b) neighboring key words, (c) prior experience, (d) reasoning meaning, (e) noticing title, (f) imitate words, (g) neighboring phrases, (h) text texture, (i) elaboration, and (j) involving role. (2) There was no difference of reading comprehension strategies used by the students with reading disabilities among three grades. (3) There was no difference of reading comprehension strategies used by the students with proficient reading abilities among three grades. (4) The most frequently used reading comprehension strategies by students with reading disabilities were (a) neighboring key words, (b) reasoning meaning, (c) forward and backward cues, and (d) prior experience. (5) The most frequently used reading comprehension strategies by students with proficient reading disabilities were (a) forward and backward cues, (b) prior experience, (c) neighboring key words, and (d) noticing title. (6) The students with proficient reading abilities tended to use forward and backward cues and prior experience strategies more frequently then students with reading disabilities, and tended to use neighboring key words and reasoning meaning less frequently then students with reading disability. (7) The knowledge of strategy, knowledge of content, and metacognition skills should be applied when students employed effective reading comprehension strategies


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    [[abstract]]本研究的主要目的在探討圖片預測、預測、圖片對國中輕度智能不足學生閱讀文章之後測和保留效果。研究樣本選自中部地區國中輕度智能不足學生,其智商介於魏氏或比西智力量表得分50至70之間,具有閱文章之能力。 實驗材料為研究者自編之六篇故事,其中兩篇作為編製閱讀測驗甲本,以考驗受試者閱讀能力,兩篇編製預測性問題,作為策略教學使用;另兩篇編製閱讀測驗乙本,作為考驗實驗處理後之後測和保留效果。研究材料編製成兩套,一套為配合文章內容描繪成圖片,另一套僅有文章而沒有圖畫。評量方式為實驗處理後,給予受試者後測和一週後給予重測取得保留成績。本研究之自變項為組別,依變項為閱讀測驗乙本的成績。本研究採用混合設計二因子變異數分析、t事前比較、卡方檢定等統計方法考驗本研究之虛無假設。將60名受試者分為四組,每組15人,分配於以下的實驗處理:(1)圖片預測組;(2)預測組;(3)圖片組;(4)控制組。 本研究的結果敘述如後: (一) 圖片配合預測策略對國中輕度智能不足學生在閱讀文章之後測和保留成績上均有顯著效果。 (二) 提供預測策略對於國中輕度智能不足學生在閱讀文章之後測和保留成績上均有顯著效果。 (三) 提供圖片對於國中輕度智能不足學生在閱讀文章之後測和保留成上有顯著效果。 (四) 綜合圖片和預測策略的實驗組在閱讀文章之後測和保留成績上有顯著效果。 (五) 圖片預測、預測、圖片和控制組各組的後測和保留成之間有顯著差異,且後測成績高於保留成績。 The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of using pictures and prediction strategies to increase the reading ability of the mildly mentally retarded students in junior high schools. Sixty mildly mentally retarded students varied in IQ scores from 50 to 70 on Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children or Standford-Binet Intelligence Scale. All subjects had second grade level reading ability and were equally assigned to the following groups: (a)picture-prediction group, (b)prediction group, (c)picture group, and (d)control group. Six proses were edited by the researcher. Multiple-choice items were developed to test the subjects after reading the passage. A retest was administered for each subjects one week later. Mixed design two-way analysis of variance, t-priori comparisons and Chi-square were used to test the null hypotheses. The results of this study were as follows: 1. There were significant effects of using pictures with prediction strategies on prose content acquisition and retention. 2. There were significant effects of using prediction only on prose content acquisition and retention. 3. There were significant effects of using pictures only on prose content acquisition and retention. 4. There were significant effects of treatment group on prose content acquisition and retention. 5. There were significant differences between prose content acquisition and retention. The acquisition scores were better than retention


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    [[abstract]]本研究旨在探討不同閱讀能力學生在不同文體(故事、說明)及不同年級(二、三、四)難度材料之閱讀理解方式。研究對象為台中市僑孝國小四年級學生,其中包括三名高閱讀能力學生及三名閱讀障礙學生,以研究者自編之克漏字測驗為工具,蒐集學生之閱讀理解得分及漏列詞填答理由晤談資料,進行量與質性資料分析,所得之研究結果如下:(1)全體學生在故事體與說明體間的閱讀理解表現,並無顯著差異。(2)全體學生在二、三、四年級難度文章間的閱讀理解表現,並無顯著差異。(3)不論是在不同年級難度文章中及不同文體中,高閱讀能力學生的閱讀理解表現皆優於閱讀障礙學生。(4)不同能力的學生在閱讀時,使用的閱讀理解方式並不一致,高閱讀能力學生所使用的理解方式類別,較多利用前後文線索和上下詞意;而閱讀障礙學生使用較多的類別則是文意合理化和上下關鍵字。 The purposes of this study were to understand the reading comprehension strategies of students with good reading abilities and students with reading disabilities, and to compare the differences between these two groups of students on reading comprehension strategies used. The subjects were six fourth grade students at Taichung Municipal Chyaushiaw Elementary School, including three students with good reading abilities and three students with reading disabilities. The quantitative data collected during the individual readings of different literary styles (narrative and expository text) and different grade reading levels (second, third, and fourth grade) in Cloze procedures were analyzed by using mixed-effects ANOVA model. The qualitative data collected during the individual interview were analyzed by using modified analysis and constant comparative analysis. The results were summarized as follows: (1) There was no significant difference between the scores of the narrative and expository text on readings of different literary styles. (2) There was no significant difference among the scores of the second, third, and fourth grade reading levels on readings of different grade reading levels. (3) The reading comprehension abilities of students with good reading abilities were better than the students with reading disabilities both on the different literary styles and different grade reading levels