209 research outputs found

    森田療法的アプローチによる心理教育 : 日記療法の手法を用いて(2)

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    The author made an exercise based on Morita psychotherapy and reviewed diary entries, the Morita neurosis scale, and free style compositions concerning the exercise. The comments were classified into five categories, generalization of feeling, the transition from anxiety to desire, the empathic response, awareness of the vicious circle, promote behaviors toward a goal. The results showed that the basic attitude of Morita therapy had been understood. Results from the Morita neurosis scale and the compositions provided a new viewpoint for thinking about anxiety, and the exercise of writing comments contributed to a practical learning of Morita psychotherapy. Some students found it difficult to write comments, especially about replacing anxiety with desire. Future research needs to make improvements on the configuration of the diary and exercise


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    本研究では自己理解研究に役立つ知見を得るために、(1)他者理解尺度の作成と(2)活用実践を行った。その結果、(1)33項目からなる他者理解尺度が作成された。因子分析の結果、「現状の他者理解度」「他者理解欲求」「他者受容度」「他者分析欲求」の 4因子が抽出され、信頼性と妥当性がおおむね確認された。(2)自己理解尺度(青木、2009)と他者理解尺度の活用実践を行った。自己-他者理解プログラムを用いて、実験群と統制群について t検定を行った結果、両群間に有意差が見られ、尺度はともに自己理解と他者理解を測定するものであることが示された。今後は、これらの尺度を用いて自己理解および他者理解を多角的に把握し、学生の発達支援に有効に活用することが望まれる。This study discusses the development of the Understanding Others scale and its practical usefulness for further research in self-understanding. First, a 33-item Understanding Others scale was constructed for determining some key aspects. Factor analysis indicated four important factors: "degree of present understanding of others", "need for understanding others", "degree of acceptance of others", and "need to analyze others". The reliability and validity of the scale were satisfactorily confirmed. Second, the Self-Understanding scale (Aoki, 2009) and the Understanding Others scale were studied together in a program for self-other understanding. The difference between the experimental and control groups in the results of a t-test was significant and suggested that the scales were valid for measuring self-understanding and the understanding of others. In the future, the self-understanding of students and the understanding of others need to be developed multilaterally; in addition, there is a need to contribute to developmental support for college students

    森田療法的アプローチによる心理教育 -日記療法の手法を用いて-

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    森田療法の技法にある日記療法に着目した演習を作成し、 その実施において心理教育効果を検討した。 演習前後に実施した森田神経質に関する尺度の検定結果からは、 全 8 項目のうち 5 項目において有意差または有意傾向が認められた。 日記のコメントを書く演習では、 答えの正否にとらわれて不安になる学生もいたが、 段階を踏みながらコメントをしていく構成やグループで分かち合いを行うことで、 自らの考え方・捉え方の見直しがなされ、 不安の軽減に繋がったことが示唆された。 今後は、 データ数を増やすことをはじめ、 学生に森田療法の考えを分かりやすく伝え理解してもらい、 日常生活に活用してゆけるように演習内容を改善してゆくことが課題である。The author examined the effect of psycho-education using the diary therapy method based on Morita psychotherapy. The pre-post results of the Morita neurosis scale yielded significant differences or significant tendency for five of eight items. Some students who had the idea that there must be a correct way to write the diary were anxious about the process. However, by teaching the steps gradually and allowing time for sharing this mistaken idea was corrected and their anxiety alleviated. Future research should include more subjects, better exposition of Morita Therapy, and psycho-education contents more closely connected with daily life


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    相談に役立つ考え方の提供と、 青年期の発達支援を目的に心理教育を実施した。 演習前後に実施した森田神経質に関連する質問紙の t 検定結果からは、 全8項目のうち 5項目において有意差が認められた。 これらの結果と学生からの感想を分析した結果、 1) グループワークの効果、 2) とらわれに焦点をあてた事例検討の効果、 3) 学生自身の事例への同一化が達成感や満足感、 自己肯定感を引き出したことが考察された。今回の演習は、 問題の明確化、 森田療法の理解、 学生の意識の変化と性格理解をもたらしたが、 今後も心理教育のより一層の改善と工夫が求められる。The author used psycho-education as an adjunct approach for consultation and as a help development support in adolescence. Using a t-test on the results of the Morita neurosis scale yielded significant differences for five of eight items. Reflection on these results and the comments of the students the author could affirm the following.1) The effectiveness of group work, 2) The effectiveness of focusing on "being stuck" with the case studies, 3) Feelings of accomplishment, satisfaction, and self-affirmation that were evident in the students themselves as they reflected on themselves in the case studies.These results brought about a clarification of problems, an understanding of Morita psychotherapy, and a change in college students\u27 consciousness and character understanding. In the future, more improvements to psycho-education are needed


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    Modified-Prior PLDA Based Speaker Recognition System

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    为减弱注册语音与测试语音时长不一致对说话人识别性能的负面影响,提出一个概率修正PldA建模方法.根据语音时长自适应改变传统PldA模型中I-VECTOr的概率分布函数,提高PldA对每个说话人每段语音的时长表征能力,以增强说话人类别的区分度.为验证基于概率修正PldA模型的有效性,进行了nIST SrE10 COrECOrE测试集在3种不同时长的评测实验,以及nIST 2014 I-VECTOr MACHInE lEArnIng CHAllEngE测试任务.结果表明,相较于传统的PldA训练模型,通过语音时长的约束提高了说话人识别性能.To reduce the negative impact on the performance of speaker recognition systems due to the duration mismatch between enrollment utterance and test utterance,a modified-prior PLDA method is proposed.The probability distribution function of i-vector was modified by incorporating the covariance matrix with duration of each utterance of each speaker during the PLDA training,which further improved the discriminant capability of speaker classification.To evaluate the robustness of the proposed modified-prior PLDA method,extensive experiments were performed on NIST SRE10 core-core task(female part)in duration mismatch conditions and NIST 2014 i-vector machine learning challenge.Experimental results demonstrated that the duration-based modified-prior PLDA method achieved better performance compared with the traditional PLDA.国家自然科学基金资助项目(61105026


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