226 research outputs found

    Integration of the processes of strategic and crisis management in the conditions of crisis

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    The aim of the article is to study the relationship between the processes of strategic management and crisis management and their integration into strategic crisis management. The study is based on a study of a large number of literature sources clarifying the relationship between the two processes. A comparative analysis was made between the two processes. The place and role of strategic crisis management in the historical transformation of the traditional management process is sought. The thesis is accepted that crisis management is inextricably linked to strategic management and both processes must be integrated into one process of strategic crisis management

    Impact of changes in the environment on the strategic aspects of crisis management

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    The aim of the article is to study the impact of changes in the environment leading to organizational crisis and their impact on its strategic aspects. The strategic crisis as a form of manifestation of organizational crises and the reasons for its occurrence are clarified. The impact of changes in the environment on the strategic aspects of crisis management has been studied and discussed. The main mistakes and problems in these processes are systematized. The thesis is accepted that the changes in the environment that have a negative effect on the activities of the organization lead to organizational crises and the reasons may be related to some mistakes in management, incl. and in the strategic, which lead to serious problems

    Factors Of Psychological Functioning Of Overweight Men

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    The steadily growing number of overweight people and the increase in chronic diseases associated with elevated BMI pose a multitude of issues related to the overall functioning of these people. Resolving such issues is a process of increasing relevance, and the conceptualization of research patterns capturing specific issues ensures the importance of development. This study is an attempt to evoke specific factors related to psychological functioning and the emergence of empirical indicators for their subsequent research.Aim: The purpose of this study is based on a literature review and a critical analysis to outline the factors of the psychological functioning of overweight men. To accomplish the goal of the study, we focus on the following tasks: defining the concept of mental functioning; analysis of psychological factors that may affect functioning. The target group consists of males from 30 to 45 years of age.Material and Methods: Critical review and literature analysis.Results: Psychological and social factors have been identified that are relevant and can describe the dynamics of psychological functioning in overweight men for the purpose of their operationalization and their subsequent empirical study.Conclusion: The psychological functioning of overweight men is a current topic. There are many studies in the literature about women, but empirical data are missing for men. We have deferred to two concepts that contain the necessary theory and measuring scale needed to conduct an empirical study. These are the theories of Self-efficacy and Psychological wellbeing

    Strategic decisions in the crisis stages of the organization

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    The paper describes the main theoretical essence and stages of development of organizational crises. Based on the concept of strategic crisis management and practice in its application are outlined and systematized strategic alternatives for organizations depending on the stage of the crisis in which they are located

    Occurrence of organizational crises: Cause and effect relationships in process technology

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    The paper`s  objective is to investigate the reasons to organizational crises and the factors influencing these processes. System, process and holistic approaches are applied to the study. The reason-and-effect links have been clarified in the process of organizational crises. A critical analysis of the specialized literature and practice in the field has been made. The determination of all the elements, units and links in it will help in the process of its management. This research will assist the managers in taking the proper decisions for the future development of the organization   and ignore the reasons for crisis situations

    Forecasting organizational crises with probability of bankruptcy

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    The aim of the publication is to study the two approaches (quantitative and qualitative) in the specialized literature that are used to determine the likelihood of bankruptcy of organizations in crisis. This will allow the management to make the right strategic decisions for the future development of the organization. The most well-known models of world-known scientists, as well as their modifications, applied in practice in the field

    Alternatives for maintaining the viability of the enterprise in post-crisis phase

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    The purpose of this article is to investigate the alternatives for getting out of the crisis in each enterprise to maintain its viability. Different approaches in the specialized literature in the field of management are explored. The legal aspects of these alternatives and good international practices in the field have been explored. A sufficient number of literature sources describing the theory and practice of organizational crises have been studied and systematized. The results will help business management to make the right choice to overcome the crisis

    Genetic Mechanisms of Selenium Resistance in Fungi

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    Microbial communities have important effects on nutrient levels and contamination within soils. Both fungi and bacteria are present in soils that contain significantly high concentrations of selenium. Polluted soils contaminated with selenium cause stress for organisms living in these communities. Fungi respond to this environmental stressor through mechanisms that have not been studied previously. Various species of bacteria are known to reduce selenate and selenite to elemental selenium. Several selenium reduction genes have been identified in bacteria, but less is known about fungal selenium tolerance. I hypothesized that fungi would show tolerance to selenium, and this will vary based on selenium content of the soil site. Additionally, I hypothesized that fungi will also employ genetic mechanisms to process selenium. A library of fungal isolates was collected from paired high and low concentration selenium sites located in the Western Rocky Mountain region. Each isolate was grown on PDA-V8 agar plates with increasing concentrations of selenate ranging from 0 ppm to 500 ppm. Fungal colony size was measured for each sample. We have defined the community composition of the fungi in our sites. Analysis of fungi from our library showed variation in tolerance across sites. Our data suggests that fungi are able to utilize two mechanisms to tolerate high levels of selenium. Adapted fungi showed constant or increasing growth with increasing selenium concentrations. Non-adapted fungi showed decreasing growth with increasing selenium concentrations. Adapted fungi are likely able to metabolize selenium efficiently. Additionally, previous selenium exposure within the sample sites affected the tolerance strategies present. Further study is needed to investigate the details of the mechanisms suggested by our results. More research is required to fully understand the effect of selenium on microbial communities and how they respond to stress.Arts and Sciences Honors Committee Undergraduate Research ScholarshipNo embargoAcademic Major: Biochemistr