184 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Nursing Faculty Stress and Gratitude Journaling

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    “The relationship between nursing faculty stress and gratitude journaling” Kathleen L. Whalen, MS RN – Regis University The National League for Nursing (NLN) has reported a national shortage of nursing faculty. Some of the factors involved are limited qualified faculty, schools’ inability to offer competitive wages, and faculty leaving due to stress or retiring. A quality improvement project was developed for full-time faculty in a university nursing program in dealing with stress, which could aid in retention. A quasi-experiment with a pre-test and post-test design was used to measure participants’ stress using the Perceived Stress Scale–10 (PSS-10) before and after using a gratitude journal for six weeks. A paired samples t-test showed that the mean total scores of the PSS-10 from the pre-aggregate to the post-aggregate data were not significantly different. The data was noteworthy in that the full-time faculty did not complete the journal on average of once a week. A comparison of the mean total score of the pre-intervention and post-intervention PSS-10 total scores was not statistically significant but trending in the right direction. This also showed that most of the participants were in the medium stress level category. The data lend support to the evidence that faculty have heavy workloads and are not able to complete the journals. More research needs to be completed on gratitude journaling and finding ways to decrease nursing faculty stress

    A Development Evaluation Study of a Professional Development Initiative to Strengthen Organizational Conditions in Early Education Settings

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    High quality instruction is essential to producing developmental gains for young children and can mitigate risk factors such as family poverty and low parental education. Even in programs with highly qualified teachers, teacher-child interactions often do not provide the level of instructional support that children need to be well-prepared for success in kindergarten. In order to improve instructional quality, an emerging focus on early childhood professional development involves supporting leaders in creating a web of supports for teacher learning and child growth. The purpose of the 3-year evaluation study was to assess the effectiveness of an Early Childhood Education Professional Development Initiative (ECE PDI) in advancing the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of community-based early childhood leaders and teachers in relation to creating the conditions for superior developmental outcomes for low-income students served by these community-based centers. Findings from the implementation and impact studies are reported

    Impulsive, Disinhibited Behavior—Dining in a Restaurant

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    Dining in a restaurant with a loved one who has dementia can be an ordeal, especially if the expectations of the caregiver do not match those of the patient and the restaurant environment is not suitable for patients with dementia. The size of the dining area, lighting, background music or noise, décor of the room, number of customers, variety of the items on the menu, number of plates and cutlery on the table, in addition to flowers, candles, and other decorations on the table are all potent distractors. There are so many stimuli; the patient can be overwhelmed with information overload and not able to focus on the main purpose of the event: have dinner and especially enjoy the other person’s company. In this case scenario, we present a 62-year-old man diagnosed with behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD). His daughter “invited” him to have dinner with her at a very fancy restaurant to celebrate her promotion at work. Unfortunately, whereas the evening started very well, it had a catastrophic ending. We discuss what went wrong in the patient/daughter interaction and how the catastrophic ending could have been avoided or averted

    Fronto-Temporal Dementia, Diabetes Mellitus and Excessive Eating

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    Diabetes mellitus is common among older people. Hypoglycemia is a sign of poorly controlled diabetes mellitus and may lead to irritability, agitation, anxiety, hunger, and an excessive food intake, which in turn may make the control of diabetes more difficult. Excessive, inappropriate food intake is also a sign of Fronto-Temporal Dementia (behavioral variant: bvFTD). In this case study, we describe the events leading to an altercation that developed between an older diabetic patient with bvFTD and the staff in an Assisted Living Facility. His first dose of insulin was given early that morning while he was still asleep. He, subsequently, woke up feeling hungry, agitated, and irritable. This, in turn, exacerbated the hyperorality associated with bvFTD. We examine what went wrong in the patient/caregiver interaction and how this potentially catastrophic situation could have been avoided or defused

    Patients with Dementia Are Easily Distracted

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    Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is the middle ground between normal, age-appropriate memory impairment, and dementia. Whereas patients with MCI are able to cope with the memory deficit, those with dementia are not: Their memory impairment and other cognitive deficits are of sufficient magnitude to interfere with the patients’ ability to cope independently with daily activities. In both MCI and dementia, there is evidence of declining cognitive functions from a previously higher level of functioning. In both the conditions, there is also an evidence of dysfunction in one or more cognitive domains. There are two subtypes of MCI depending on whether memory is predominantly affected: amnestic type and nonamnestic/behavioral type. Not all patients with MCI transition to dementia, some recover. In this case scenario, we present a 68-year-old man with MCI who lives with his wife. They are getting ready to host dinner. His wife asks him to vacuum the dining room while she runs an urgent errand. We describe how this simple task vacuuming a room ended in a catastrophe with the patient spending the night in jail and his wife hospitalized. We discuss what went wrong in the patient/wife interaction and how the catastrophic ending could have been avoided

    Visual Hallucinations and Paranoid Delusions

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    Visual well-formed hallucinations, fluctuations in the level of cognition, and alertness and extrapyramidal signs are core features of dementia with Lewy bodies. Some patients realize that what they are seeing or hearing are just hallucinations and learn to accept them. Others, however experience these hallucinations as quite real and cannot be dissuaded from the firm belief that they are. In fact, efforts to dissuade them often serve only to confirm the often associated paranoid delusions and this may lead to a catastrophic ending. Hence, it is best not to contradict the patient. Instead, attempts should be made to distract the patient and change the focus of her or his attention. In this case scenario, we present a 68-year-old man who has been diagnosed with dementia with Lewy bodies. He lives with his daughter. He has visual hallucinations and paranoid delusions that worsen at night: He thinks there are people outside the house plotting to kill him. We discuss what went wrong in the patient/caregiver interaction and how the catastrophic ending could have been avoided or averted

    Insomnia and Mild Cognitive Impairment

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    Insomnia is a common problem in older people, especially in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) whose circadian rhythm is often compromised. Insomnia exerts such a toll on caregivers that it is frequently the primary reason for seeking to institutionalize their loved ones. Three different types of insomnia are recognized: sleep-onset or initial insomnia, sleep maintenance or middle insomnia, and early morning awakening or late insomnia. Nocturnal hypoglycemia, as a cause of middle insomnia, is the main focus of this case study. Other types of insomnia are also briefly reviewed. The management of insomnia is then discussed including sleep hygiene, the usefulness and potential drawbacks of dietary supplements, nonprescription over-the-counter preparations and prescription hypnotics. Sleep architecture is then briefly reviewed, emphasizing the importance of its integrity and the role of each sleep stage

    Agnosia Interferes With Daily Hygiene in Patients With Dementia

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    Patients with dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease, may not recognize that their clothes are dirty. They may see the food stains and discoloration of the clothes and yet because of their agnosia are unable to integrate these observations and deduce that their clothes are dirty and need to be changed. They will, therefore, resist attempts to get them to change clothes, especially if these clothes happen to be their favorite ones. This often causes caregivers to become frustrated, especially, if it represents a change in the patient’s previous habits of only wearing clean clothes. In this case study, we present a 72-year-old woman with moderate Alzheimer’s disease who lives with her daughter, who adamantly refuses to change the clothes she has been wearing for a few days and which are now clearly dirty. We report the interaction, highlight what went wrong in the patient–daughter interaction, and discuss how the catastrophic ending could have been avoided or averted

    Repetitive Questioning II

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    Repetitive questioning is a major problem for caregivers, particularly taxing if they are unable to recognize and understand the reasons why their loved one keeps asking the same question over and over again. Caregivers may be tempted to believe that the patient does not even try to remember the answer given or is just getting obnoxious. This is incorrect. Repetitive questioning is due to the underlying disease: The patient’s short term memory is impaired and he is unable to register, encode, retain and retrieve the answer. If he is concerned about a particular topic, he will keep asking the same question over and over again. To the patient each time she asks the question, it is as if she asked it for the first time. Just answering repetitive questioning by providing repeatedly the same answer is not sufficient. Caregivers should try to identify the underlying cause for this repetitive questioning. In an earlier case study, the patient was concerned about her and her family’s safety and kept asking whether the doors are locked. In this present case study, the patient does not know how to handle the awkward situation he finds himself in. He just does not know what to do. He is not able to adjust to the new unexpected situation. So he repeatedly wants to reassure himself that he is not intruding by asking the same question over and over again. We discuss how the patient’s son-in-law could have avoided this situation and averted the catastrophic ending
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