9 research outputs found

    Apoptosis induced by a HIPK2 full-length-specific siRNA is due to off-target effects rather than prevalence of HIPK2-Δe8 isoform.

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    Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are widely used to study gene function and extensively exploited for their potential therapeutic applications. HIPK2 is an evolutionary conserved kinase that binds and phosphorylates several proteins directly or indirectly related to apoptosis. Recently, an alternatively spliced isoform skipping 81 nucleotides of exon 8 (Hipk2-∆e8) has been described. Selective depletion of Hipk2 full-length (Hipk2-FL) with a speci c siRNA that spares the Hipk2-∆e8 isoform has been shown to strongly induce apoptosis, suggesting an unpredicted dominant- negative effect of Hipk2-FL over the ∆e8 isoform. From this observation, we sought to take advantage and assessed the therapeutic potential of generating Hipk2 isoform unbalance in tumor-initiating cells derived from colorectal cancer patients. Strong reduction of cell viability was induced in vitro and in vivo by the originally described exon 8-speci c siRNA, supporting a potential therapeutic application. However, validation analyses performed with additional exon8-speci c siRNAs with different stabilities showed that all exon8-targeting siRNAs can induce comparable Hipk2 isoform unbalance but only the originally reported e8-siRNA promotes cell death. These data show that loss of viability does not depend on the prevalence of Hipk2- ∆e8 isoform but it is rather due to microRNA-like off-target effects

    Linee Guida per il superamento delle barriere architettoniche nei luoghi di interesse culturale

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    Seconda edizione rivista e notevolmente ampliata del volume omonimo pubblicato dallo stesso editore nel 2008

    Guidelines to overcome architectural barriers in cultural heritage sites

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    Il volume costituisce l'esito del lavoro svolto dal gruppo di studio, del quale Andrea Pane ha fatto attivamente parte, nell’ambito della “Commissione per l’analisi delle problematiche relative alla disabilità nello specifico settore dei beni e delle attività culturali” istituita dal MiBAC nel febbraio 2007. Come specificato a pagina 2 e pagina 16, Andrea Pane ù autore dell’intero volume, di cui ha curato anche la redazione, in collaborazione con F. Vescovo, M. Agostiano, L. Baracco, E. Virdia. Egli ù inoltre autore, con esclusivo apporto individuale, dei seguenti capitoli: 1.1, Conservation and accessibility; 2.3.2, Overcoming distances; e 2.3.3, Overcoming differences in levels

    Body Self-Perception and Sense of Agency: a systematic review of literature

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    INTRODUCTION: The sense of agency concerns the experience of controlling our actions, referring both to superior and lower levels of psychological functioning that are also related to the physical dimension of agency. Diverse clinical conditions affect the awareness of being a bodily and agentive self. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this systematic review was to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the relationship between individual sense of agency and body perception. METHODS: PsycINFO, Psycharticle, Medline, Web of Science and Scopus were systematically searched for articles published until 19/10/2020. RESULTS: After removing duplicates, a total of 2.556 records was screened. Fifteen articles were selected based on the inclusion criteria fixed for the systematic review. CONCLUSIONS: In the last decades, this line of research seems to attract a growing number of studies. However, these studies are affected by a great heterogeneity in the investigation of both constructs. Body perception and sense agency were operationalized across research in diverse ways, making the evaluation of the relationship between them very difficult. In addition, there is a paucity of studies investigating the relationship between body perception and agency among individuals suffering from specific psychopathology or physical diseases. According to literature review, the main objective for future research is to develop more robust approaches to estimate the variability of these constructs such as their relationship. DISCLOSURE: No significant relationships

    Potential agricultural and environmental benefits of mulches—a review

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