70 research outputs found

    Making the Right Impression: An Exploratory Study of Job Applicants\u27 Social Networking Sites

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate whether job applicants manipulated their Facebook pages for employment purposes and the specific characteristics on their pages that were purposely altered to attract potential employers. A total of 50 interviewees participated in the study. Results indicated that job applicants did manipulate their Facebook pages for employment purposes for various reasons with the most common reason being to avoid misperceptions by potential employers. Another goal of this study was to examine job applicant beliefs on employer and job applicant use of Facebook for employment purposes. The study results indicated that job applicants supported as well as opposed employers\u27 use of Facebook to make employment decisions. Conversely, the majority of the job applicants who were interviewed were in support of job applicants manipulating Facebook pages for employment purposes because they were trying to present the best image to potential employers. Given the findings of the study, organizations need to be aware that the information they find on Facebook might not be accurate representations of job applicants and they should not rely on Facebook to determine whether job applicants are qualified to perform a job

    Trends in the Production, Trade, and Consumption of Food-Legume Crops in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Food legumes in Sub-Saharan Africa play a vital role by being a source of livelihood for millions of people; and offer tremendous potential to contribute to the alleviation of malnutrition among resource-poor farmers. They contribute to the sustainability of cropping systems and soil fertility. Cowpea and dry beans are the two main food legume crops grown in Sub-Saharan Africa. Area harvested under all food legumes was more than 20 million ha in 2006-08, representing 28% of the global food legume area harvested. Yields are low compared to other developing and developed countries; however they have increased at an annual rate of 1.6% with an increase in production of 3.9% per year. The region has stayed a net importer over the period. Price has increased 5% in real terms from mid 1990s to 2006-08. Per capita availability for consumption has increased at an annual rate of 1.7% and is estimated to be 12.3 kg in 2006-08, which is about 35% higher than the average for developing countries. The future of the legume crop sector remains positive in Sub-Saharan Africa if these crops get the required policy attention in terms of research and institutional infrastructure. However, factors such as scientific breakthroughs and policies regarding competing crops for land use (such as biofuels) or protein sources are highly unpredictable and could rapidly change this positive outlook.Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Security, Poverty, International Development, Marketing, Production Economics, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Food Security and Poverty, International Development, Marketing, Production Economics,

    Les cirques d'érosion dans la région de Pointe-Noire (Congo) : étude géomorphologique

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    Champ ecole paysan, une approche participative pour l’amelioration du rendement du niebe: resultats d’experiences pilotes conduites dans les regions de Maradi et Zinder au Niger

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    En vue de favoriser les interactions entre groupes de producteurs pour résoudre les problèmes de production et diffuser les technologies éprouvées, en culture du niébé, trente champs écoles ont été mis en place de 2013 à 2014 au centre sud du Niger avec 600 producteurs dans les départements de Guidan Roumdji, Madarounfa, Magarria, Tanout et la commune de Droum. La fumure organique (5tha-1) et l’engrais minéral NPK, 15 - 15 - 15 (60kg ha-1). Et la combinaison des deux ont été appliqués pour améliorer la fertilité des sols. La protection des cultures contre les ravageurs a été assurée par des extraits aqueux de graines de neem (Azadirecta indica) appuyé par certains composés chimiques. Pour les essais variétaux, le rendement moyen en grains le plus important (1074 kg ha-1) a été obtenu avec la variété améliorée IT90K 372 - 1- 2 sur les deux années d’essais. Les génotypes IT99K 573 - 1 - 1 ; IT89KD 374 - 57 ; TN 5 - 78 ; IT97 K 499 - 38 ; KVX 30 - 309 - 6G ont donné des rendements moyens (entre 649 et 812 kg ha-1). La combinaison fumure organique et minérale a entrainé une augmentation du rendement moyen du niébé de 323 %, par rapport au témoin. Les extraits aqueux de graines de neem ont permis de réduire des attaques des ravageurs tels que : Clavigralla tomentosicollis (Stal.), Aphis craccivora Koch et Maruca vitrata Geyer avec une augmentation de rendement de 258 %. L’itinéraire technique combinant : variétés améliorées, respect des écartements, protection des cultures et apport fertilisants minéraux a permis d’augmenter le rendement de niébé de 113 %.Mots clés : Niébé Vigna unguiculata, insecticide, variété locale, variété améliorée, biopesticide

    從 法相唯識 論《牡丹亭》和《南柯記》

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    Beyond Materiality, Towards Craftsmanship

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    This paper describes the design process UNStudio undertook in the redevelopment of the C&A Building on 18 Septemberplein in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The design brief primarily called for the rebranding of the building while maintaining the building’s façade historic value and aesthetic. Secondarily, the design is meant to activate the urban context where the building is located without competing with the neighboring landmarks. UNStudio saw an opportunity to rethink the transparent layer – the glass window – of the building as a tool to enhance its identity minimizing the aesthetic impact on its historic facade.   This case study outlines opportunities to innovate while designing with glass through two often polarized perspectives: contemporary architecture and historic preservation. Architects constantly negotiate the value of private versus public space, transparency versus opacity, and building energy performance in our built environment through the use of glass. Emerging integrated technologies such as LED, photovoltaic, lamination, and touch sensitive layer are enabling new ways of rethinking the roles and applications of glass: as an architectural element, an information layering surface, and an agent for light and transparency. New opportunities are thus arising for glass in digital media facades and parametric façade design. On the other hand, architects’ role in historic preservation requires a diligent approach to glass application due to the constraints of local zoning and aesthetic regulations (governed in the Netherlands by the Welstandscommissie) that seek to protect certain historic values in existing buildings. The objective of this paper is to apply UNStudio’s design thinking sensibilities towards – and understanding of – glass as a system, to contemporary themes of community, social branding, and the environmental impact of architects’ interventions on the built environment

    Analyse structurelle des systèmes agroforestiers à base de Moringa oleifera Lam. dans les vallées du fleuve Niger et du Goulbi de Maradi (Niger)

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    Les structures des systèmes agroforestiers à base de Moringa oleifera ont fait l’objet de suivi et d’analyses approfondies sur les sites de la vallée du fleuve Niger et du Goulbi de Maradi. Le suivi a porté sur la détermination des cultures maraîchères associées au M. oleifera, la durée ainsi que l’arrangement spatial des composantes de cette association. Les données ont été collectées à l’aide d’une fiche qui renseigne sur les paramètres à étudier. Aussi, des interviews semi-structurées ont été organisées avec les exploitants pour appréhender les motivations qui sous-tendent leur choix d’associer telle ou telle culture au M. oleifera. Il ressort de cette étude que sur les deux (2) sites, l’agrosylviculture domine avec plusieurs formes d’association du M. oleifera avec les cultures maraichères notamment Solanum melongena (24% des cultures associées au M. oleifera dans la vallée du fleuve) et Lycopersicon lycopersicum L (50% des cultures associées au M. oleifera dans le Goulbi de Maradi). Les raisons avancées par les exploitants pour choisir les cultures associées au M. oleifera sont d’ordre édaphique ou socioéconomique. Les superficies moyennes exploitées représentent 0,1915 ± 0,1707 ha/exploitant et 0,185 ± 0,0766 ha/exploitant respectivement dans la vallée du fleuve Niger et le Goulbi de Maradi.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Analyse structurelle, systèmes agroforestiers, M. oleifera, cultures maraîchères, Vallée du fleuve Niger, Goulbi de MaradiEnglish Title: Structural analysis of agroforestry systems of Moringa oleifera Lam. in the valleys of the Niger River and Goulbi Maradi (Niger)English AbstractThe structures of agroforestry systems of Moringa oleifera were monitored and analyzed on the sites of the valley of the River Niger and Goulbi Maradi. Monitoring focused on the determination of vegetable crops associated with M. oleifera, duration and spatial arrangement of the components of this combination. Data were collected using a card which provides information on the parameters studied. Also, semi-structured interviews were held with operators to understand the motivations underlying their choice to associate a particular culture with M. oleifera. It appears from this study that among the two (2) sites, agroforestry dominates with several forms of association of M. oleifera with vegetable crops including Solanum melongena (24% of the cultures associated with M. oleifera in the river valley) and Lycopersicon lycopersicum L (50% of the cultures associated with M. oleifera in Goulbi Maradi). The reasons given by farmers to choose crops associated with M. oleifera are edaphic or socioeconomic. The average area exploited represent 0.1915 ± 0.1707 ha/operator and 0.185 ± 0.0766 ha/operator respectively in the valley of the River Niger and Goulbi Maradi.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Structural analysis, agroforestry system, M. oleifera, vegetable crops, Niger River valley, Goulbi Marad