186 research outputs found

    ÖKONVER: Fazit und Ausblick

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    Die PrĂ€sentation fasst die ÖKONVER-Abschlusskonferenz in Form eines Fazits zusammen und gibt einen Ausblick auf ÖKONVER-2

    Aviation in EU emissions trading - Advantages and challenges -

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    On the European Parliament Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) workshop on 26 May, 2021, Janina Scheelhaase explained in a short presentation and related Q&A session to Members of the European Parliament the possibilities for reviewing the Emissions Trading System (ETS) for aviation in the upcoming legislative package of proposals in July 2021. Especially the competitive implications of an extended EU ETS in a world where CORSIA (ICAO’s Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation) has now been established as a global market-based measure for aviation have been discussed. Auf dem Workshop des ENVI-Ausschusses des EuropĂ€ischen Parlaments am 26. Mai 2021 erlĂ€uterte Janina Scheelhaase in einer kurzen PrĂ€sentation und einer damit verbundenen Frage-und-Antwort-Runde den Mitgliedern des EuropĂ€ischen Parlaments die Möglichkeiten fĂŒr eine Überarbeitung des EU Emissionshandelssystems fĂŒr den Luftverkehr im Rahmen des Reviews des Systems durch die EU-Kommission im Juli 2021. Insbesondere die wettbewerblichen Auswirkungen eines erweiterten EU-ETS in einer Welt, in der CORSIA (ICAO’s Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation) mittlerweile als globale marktbasierte Maßnahme fĂŒr die Luftfahrt etabliert ist, wurden erlĂ€utert und diskutiert

    How to improve the global ‘Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation’ (CORSIA)?

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    This paper investigates CORSIA’s environmental benefits as well as options for improving the scheme’s environmental impact. Based on our emission modelling results for the global airline schedules, recommendations for technical experts and policymakers are provided. Our results indicate that an effective option for improving the scope of CORSIA would be a voluntary inclusion of domestic CO2 emissions of the ten largest domestic aviation markets (USA, China, Japan, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Russia, Australia and Canada, as well as the EU,). Domestic flights are those within a country including overseas territories, if applicable. This way, in the long run, an additional 50% of CO2 p.a. could be compensated, without significant added bureaucracy for most airlines, and CORSIA’s environmental performance would be improved massively. This approach could be realized relatively easily since the decision on a voluntary inclusion of domestic aviation in CORSIA is at the sovereignty of each state

    Der deutsche Fernbusmarkt – mittelfristig wieder auf ursprĂŒnglichem Niveau?

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, long-distance bus transport in Germany came to an almost complete standstill. Since its liberalisation in 2013, long-distance bus transport has not only provided low-cost mobility, it has also contributed to income and employment in Germany. This article estimates the value added and employment created by the sector for the pre-COVID-19 year 2018. Our analysis suggests that the sector will reach pre-crisis levels relatively quickly as it mainly serves private travellers, especially VFR (visiting friends and relatives) travellers whose behavioural changes are less likely than those of business travellers

    Neue Klimaschutzregeln fĂŒr den europaeischen Luftverkehr – Chancen und Risiken

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    Die EU-Kommission, das EU-Parlament und der EU-Rat haben sich auf neue Klimaschutzregeln fĂŒr den europĂ€ischen Luftverkehr geeinigt. Ausgehend vom Fit-for-55-Vorschlag der EU-Kommission wird der europĂ€ische Luftverkehr in Zukunft stĂ€rker zum Klimaschutz beitragen, da die Regelungen des EU-Emissionshandels verschĂ€rft und gleichzeitig Anreize zur zunehmenden Nutzung von nachhaltigen Kraftstoffen (Sustainable Aviation Fuels) gesetzt werden. Es wird gezeigt, welche neuen Klimaschutzregeln auf den europĂ€ischen Luftverkehr zukommen und welche Chancen und Risiken sich aus ökologischer und ökonomischer Sicht hierdurch ergeben

    Options for improving the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) for aviation

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    The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) for air transport has been in force since 2012. Since 2013, CO2 emissions from flights within the EEA (European Economic Area = EU27 plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) have been regulated by the European ETS. In July 2021, a first proposal by the European Commission for a review of the current EU ETS has been published, as part of its ‘Fit for 55 package’, which shall then go through the legislative process. This revision of the EU ETS is likely to strengthen the existing scope and rules for aviation – also considering its interplay with the CORSIA (Carbon offsetting and reduction scheme for international aviation), the first global CO2 offsetting scheme for civil aviation. The challenges to be addressed by the revised EU ETS for aviation are manifold: the inclusion of aviation’s non-CO2 species (NOx, H2O, SOx, aerosols, contrails and contrail cirrus), the relationship between the EU-ETS and CORSIA, the contribution of air transport to the 2030 EU GHG reduction target and to the commitment to EU climate neutrality in 2050 (European Green Deal), the introduction of incentives for the use of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), and its interplay with a potential taxation of kerosene. This paper discusses the pros and cons of different options for revising the current EU ETS for aviation. On this basis, recommendations for a revised EU ETS for air transport will be provided

    Factors determining airlines' costs for climate protecting market-based measures

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    This paper investigates the factors influencing airline’s costs for climate protecting market-based measures. It is based on selected results of the interdisciplinary research project AviClim (Including Aviation in International Protocols for Climate Protection). AviClim has investigated how to limit aviation’s full climate impact best from an environmental and economic point of view. In this research project, both long-lived CO2 and short-lived non-CO2 effects of aviation have been addressed simultaneously and climate protecting scenarios for aviation in the timeframe 2010-2030 have been developed. On this basis, the factors determining aviation’s costs for climate protecting measures have been analysed. Results indicate that the choice of the market-based measure, it’s regional scope, the metric chosen for the translation of the non-CO2 impacts into equivalent CO2 and the prices for equivalent CO2 are important factors for airline’s costs. An analysis for single flights reveals remarkable differences in specific emissions (tons CO2 equivalent/flight kilometre). An investigation for groups of airlines differentiated by business model and country of origin indicates that the world regions served by the airlines, the business model, the length and the emission characteristics of the flights are further important factors for the costs of the regulating measure

    Economic and Environmental Aspects of Aircraft Recycling

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    Aircraft recycling can be considered as an important step on the path to sustainable aviation, as valuable resources used in aircraft construction can be returned for use in a circular economy by these activities. Our results have shown that the market for aircraft recycling is emerging with great future relevance due to the increasing number of aircraft retirements expected in the future. The costs of recycling per aircraft vary by aircraft class and number of engines. The costs range from USD 109,000 for a twin-engine regional jet to USD 268,000 for a four-engine widebody jet. The costs for a twin-engine narrowbody jet lie in between at USD 138,000. In this paper, we investigated the economic efficiency of aircraft recycling expressed as the ratio of average dismantling and recycling costs per aircraft and engine in USD compared with the achieved environmental benefit in average tons recycled material or re-used parts. This ratio revealed that aircraft recycling leads to notable environmental benefits as a large share (60%) of the total structural weight is being re-used at given costs. The average economic efficiency is estimated at 1,666 USD/ton for a widebody aircraft, 3,531 USD/ton for a narrowbody jet and 6,693 USD per ton for a regional jet. In future, aircraft recycling will be facing a number of major challenges as the number of retired aircraft will increase and the share of composite material to be recycled will rise significantly in the medium and long term - for which material no satisfying technological recycling solution exists today. In addition, the environmental pressure from politics and society is expected to be increasing in future. Against this background, we recommend to effectively enforce ambitious recycling standards for retired aircraft on a global level. Furthermore, as recycling technologies for aircraft composite materials are not mature currently, significant R&D investments are needed for these technologies

    Klimaschutz im Luftverkehr: vom EU-Emissionshandel zu CORSIA

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    Als ein Baustein zur Erreichung des Ziels eines CO2-freien Wachstums des internationalen Luftverkehrs hat die Generalversammlung der Internationalen Zivilluftfahrtorganisation die EinfĂŒhrung der marktbasierten Klimaschutzmaßnahme CORSIA ab 2020 beschlossen. CORSIA wird auch im Vergleich zum bislang in Europa auf den Luftverkehr angewendeten Emissionshandelssystem EU-ETS vorgestellt. Das neue umweltpolitische Instrument wird anschließend sowohl aus umwelt- als auch aus transaktionskosten-ökonomischer und wettbewerbspolitischer Sicht fĂŒr den Passagierluftverkehr kritisch gewĂŒrdigt
