35 research outputs found

    A dynamic approach to rebalancing bike-sharing systems

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    Bike-sharing services are flourishing in Smart Cities worldwide. They provide a low-cost and environment-friendly transportation alternative and help reduce traffic congestion. However, these new services are still under development, and several challenges need to be solved. A major problem is the management of rebalancing trucks in order to ensure that bikes and stalls in the docking stations are always available when needed, despite the fluctuations in the service demand. In this work, we propose a dynamic rebalancing strategy that exploits historical data to predict the network conditions and promptly act in case of necessity. We use Birth-Death Processes to model the stations' occupancy and decide when to redistribute bikes, and graph theory to select the rebalancing path and the stations involved. We validate the proposed framework on the data provided by New York City's bike-sharing system. The numerical simulations show that a dynamic strategy able to adapt to the fluctuating nature of the network outperforms rebalancing schemes based on a static schedule

    Joint Optimization of Energy Efficiency and Data Compression in TDMA-Based Medium Access Control for the IoT - Extended Version

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    Energy efficiency is a key requirement for the Internet of Things, as many sensors are expected to be completely stand-alone and able to run for years without battery replacement. Data compression aims at saving some energy by reducing the volume of data sent over the network, but also affects the quality of the received information. In this work, we formulate an optimization problem to jointly design the source coding and transmission strategies for time-varying channels and sources, with the twofold goal of extending the network lifetime and granting low distortion levels. We propose a scalable offline optimal policy that allocates both energy and transmission parameters (i.e., times and powers) in a network with a dynamic Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)-based access scheme.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, revised and extended version of a paper that was accepted for presentation at IEEE Int. Workshop on Low-Layer Implementation and Protocol Design for IoT Applications (IoT-LINK), GLOBECOM 201

    Platforms and Protocols for the Internet of Things

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    Building a general architecture for the Internet of Things (IoT) is a very complex task, exacerbated by the extremely large variety of devices, link layer technologies, and services that may be involved in such a system. In this paper, we identify the main blocks of a generic IoT architecture, describing their features and requirements, and analyze the most common approaches proposed in the literature for each block. In particular, we compare three of the most important communication technologies for IoT purposes, i.e., REST, MQTT, and AMQP, and we also analyze three IoT platforms: openHAB, Sentilo, and Parse. The analysis will prove the importance of adopting an integrated approach that jointly addresses several issues and is able to flexibly accommodate the requirements of the various elements of the system. We also discuss a use case which illustrates the design challenges and the choices to make when selecting which protocols and technologies to use

    EC-CENTRIC: An Energy- and Context-Centric Perspective on IoT Systems and Protocol Design

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    The radio transceiver of an IoT device is often where most of the energy is consumed. For this reason, most research so far has focused on low power circuit and energy efficient physical layer designs, with the goal of reducing the average energy per information bit required for communication. While these efforts are valuable per se, their actual effectiveness can be partially neutralized by ill-designed network, processing and resource management solutions, which can become a primary factor of performance degradation, in terms of throughput, responsiveness and energy efficiency. The objective of this paper is to describe an energy-centric and context-aware optimization framework that accounts for the energy impact of the fundamental functionalities of an IoT system and that proceeds along three main technical thrusts: 1) balancing signal-dependent processing techniques (compression and feature extraction) and communication tasks; 2) jointly designing channel access and routing protocols to maximize the network lifetime; 3) providing self-adaptability to different operating conditions through the adoption of suitable learning architectures and of flexible/reconfigurable algorithms and protocols. After discussing this framework, we present some preliminary results that validate the effectiveness of our proposed line of action, and show how the use of adaptive signal processing and channel access techniques allows an IoT network to dynamically tune lifetime for signal distortion, according to the requirements dictated by the application

    3D Chocolate Printer Dropper

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    The Mechanical Engineering Department at Washington University in St. Louis is working to stimulate interest in the fields of fluid dynamics and thermal sciences, as students are not typically exposed to these topics within the first two years of school. Dr. Okamoto, Jeff Krampf, and Dr. Weisensee of the Mechanical Engineering Department would like to remedy this situation by developing a laboratory experiment for first year students that utilizes a 3D chocolate printer to teach thermal-fluid concepts in a fun and engaging manner. The goal of this project is to build a chocolate droplet dispensing system, which is a part of the 3D chocolate printing machine. The device must be able to melt chocolate and generate droplets in consistent and adjustable time intervals. The dispensing height of the nozzle should be manually changeable so that the students can understand how height and frequency influence the droplet impact. While the primary function of this device is to help students learn thermal-fluids in a fun yet educational environment, it is also imperative that the device is safe for students to use

    Channel Access in Wireless Networks: Protocol Design of Energy-Aware Schemes for the IoT and Analysis of Existing Technologies

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    The design of channel access policies has been an object of study since the deployment of the first wireless networks, as the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer is responsible for coordinating transmissions to a shared channel and plays a key role in the network performance. While the original target was the system throughput, over the years the focus switched to communication latency, Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees, energy consumption, spectrum efficiency, and any combination of such goals. The basic mechanisms to use a shared channel, such as ALOHA, TDMA- and FDMA-based policies, have been introduced decades ago. Nonetheless, the continuous evolution of wireless networks and the emergence of new communication paradigms demand the development of new strategies to adapt and optimize the standard approaches so as to satisfy the requirements of applications and devices. This thesis proposes several channel access schemes for novel wireless technologies, in particular Internet of Things (IoT) networks, the Long-Term Evolution (LTE) cellular standard, and mmWave communication with the IEEE802.11ad standard. The first part of the thesis concerns energy-aware channel access policies for IoT networks, which typically include several battery-powered sensors. In scenarios with energy restrictions, traditional protocols that do not consider the energy consumption may lead to the premature death of the network and unreliable performance expectations. The proposed schemes show the importance of accurately characterizing all the sources of energy consumption (and inflow, in the case of energy harvesting), which need to be included in the protocol design. In particular, the schemes presented in this thesis exploit data processing and compression techniques to trade off QoS for lifetime. We investigate contention-free and contention-based chanel access policies for different scenarios and application requirements. While the energy-aware schemes proposed for IoT networks are based on a clean-slate approach that is agnostic of the communication technology used, the second part of the thesis is focused on the LTE and IEEE802.11ad standards. As regards LTE, the study proposed in this thesis shows how to use machine-learning techniques to infer the collision multiplicity in the channel access phase, information that can be used to understand when the network is congested and improve the contention resolution mechanism. This is especially useful for massive access scenarios; in the last years, in fact, the research community has been investigating on the use of LTE for Machine-Type Communication (MTC). As regards the standard IEEE802.11ad, instead, it provides a hybrid MAC layer with contention-based and contention-free scheduled allocations, and a dynamic channel time allocation mechanism built on top of such schedule. Although this hybrid scheme is expected to meet heterogeneous requirements, it is still not clear how to develop a schedule based on the various traffic flows and their demands. A mathematical model is necessary to understand the performance and limits of the possible types of allocations and guide the scheduling process. In this thesis, we propose a model for the contention-based access periods which is aware of the interleaving of the available channel time with contention-free allocations

    Enabling LTE RACH Collision Multiplicity Detection via Machine Learning

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    The collision resolution mechanism in the Random Access Channel (RACH) procedure of the Long-Term Evolution (LTE) standard is known to represent a serious bottleneck in case of machine-type traffic. Its main drawbacks are seen in the facts that Base Stations (eNBs) typically cannot infer the number of collided User Equipments (UEs) and that collided UEs learn about the collision only implicitly, through the lack of the feedback in the later stage of the RACH procedure. The collided UEs then restart the procedure, thereby increasing the RACH load and making the system more prone to collisions. In this paper, we leverage machine learning techniques to design a system that outperforms the state-of-the-art schemes in preamble detection for the LTE RACH procedure. Most importantly, our scheme can also estimate the collision multiplicity, and thus gather information about how many devices chose the same preamble. This data can be used by the eNB to resolve collisions, increase the supported system load and reduce transmission latency. The presented approach is applicable to novel 3GPP standards that target massive IoT, e.g., LTE-M and NB-IoT.Comment: Submitted to IEEE GLOBECOM 201

    Phase preĢcoce des troubles psychotiques :Etude de correĢlation entre l'eĢvaluation neurocognitive et les donneĢes meĢtaboliques.

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    Introduction : La schizophreĢnie est une maladie reĢcurrente dans notre socieĢteĢ et touche preĢ€s d'1% de la population. Le premier acceĢ€s de psychose survient en geĢneĢral entre 18 et 25 ans chez les hommes et entre 24 et 35 ans chez les femmes. Les symptoĢ‚mes sont classeĢs en quatre sous- groupes, (1) les symptoĢ‚mes positifs comprenant les hallucinations, deĢlires, troubles de perception, troubles de la penseĢe et (2) les symptoĢ‚mes neĢgatifs qui sont les affects aplatis, l'apathie et le retrait social, (3) les symptoĢ‚mes de base qui consistent en troubles perceptifs, moteurs et des eĢmotions et enfin (4) les symptoĢ‚mes cognitifs tels que des troubles de l'attention, de la meĢmoire et des fonctions exeĢcutives, qui surviennent dans 60 aĢ€ 80% des cas. La maladie est freĢquemment accompagneĢe de co-morbiditeĢs (deĢpression, abus de substances, troubles obsessionnels compulsifs, anxieĢteĢ). L'eĢvolution aĢ€ long terme diffeĢ€re selon les patients, 35% eĢvolueront de manieĢ€re chronique et avec une aggravation progressive du deĢficit, 35% eĢvolueront vers une chroniciteĢ de la maladie mais sans atteinte reĢsiduelle, 8% eĢvolueront de manieĢ€re chronique avec la persistance de symptoĢ‚mes reĢsiduels et enfin on observera une reĢmission compleĢ€te apreĢ€s le premier eĢpisode psychotique sans handicap reĢsiduel chez 22% des patients. Les recherches concernant la schizophreĢnie ont fait une avanceĢe consideĢrable ces vingt dernieĢ€res anneĢes, que cela soit par la deĢfinition plus preĢcise des troubles cognitifs ou encore par la mise en eĢvidence de certaines substances neurobiologiques, qui se trouvent deĢreĢguleĢes chez les patients atteints de la maladie. C'est le cas du glutathion (GSH) ainsi que des enzymes et proteĢines intervenant dans son meĢtabolisme. Il persiste cependant encore beaucoup d'inconnues, et une meilleure connaissance des meĢcanismes biologiques opeĢrant dans la phase preĢcoce des psychoses contribuerait de facĢ§on certaine aĢ€ une ameĢlioration de l'identification et de la prise en charge des patients pendant la phase prodromique de la maladie et permettrait le deĢveloppement de cibles pharmacologiques plus preĢcises. Objectifs : Ce travail consiste en une analyse de donneĢes reĢcolteĢes par deux axes de recherche de l'eĢtude sur les bio-marqueurs dans la phase preĢcoce des troubles psychotiques effectueĢe actuellement au Centre de Neurosciences Psychiatriques, aĢ€ savoir d'une part l'identification de marqueurs neurocognitifs preĢcoces sur la base d'une seĢrie de tests neurocognitifs eĢvaluant (1) la vitesse de traitement de l'information, (2) l'attention et la vigilance, (3) la meĢmoire de travail, (4) l'apprentissage verbal, (5) l'apprentissage visuel et (6) le raisonnement et la reĢsolution de probleĢ€meet d'autre part l'identification de bio-marqueurs meĢtaboliques associeĢs aux phases preĢcoces de la maladie. Dans cette eĢtude, les patients sont compareĢs aĢ€ un groupe d'individus controĢ‚les et les questions suivantes sont poseĢes : Ā« Ā« Dans une population de patients en premier eĢpisode psychotique, les performances neurocognitives sont-elles significativement amoindries compareĢ aĢ€ un groupe d'individus controĢ‚les ? Ā» et Ā« Dans cette meĢ‚me population, les deĢficits neurocognitifs survenant dans la phase de psychose deĢbutante sont-ils en correĢlation avec des variations de biomarqueurs meĢtaboliques ? Ā». MeĢthodes : Dans cette eĢtude, nous comparons un eĢchantillon de 30 patients provenant d'une cohorte de patients souffrant de psychose eĢmergente (Programme TIPP, Lausanne) aĢ€ un eĢchantillon de 30 sujets controĢ‚les. L'eĢvaluation neurocognitive des patients et des sujets controĢ‚les a eĢteĢ reĢaliseĢe par des tests neuropsychologiques s'inspirant de la batterie cognitive MATRICS (Measurement and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia). Les donneĢes biologiques proviennent (1) de la culture de fibroblastes deĢriveĢs de biopsies de peau preĢleveĢes aupreĢ€s de chaque patient et individu controĢ‚le, dont le meĢtabolisme cellulaire a eĢteĢ caracteĢriseĢ dans des conditions basales, ou apreĢ€s l'ajout de tert-butylhydroquinone (t-BHQ) qui induit un stress oxydatif ; (2) de l'analyse meĢtabolique de preĢleĢ€vements sanguins eĢgalement effectueĢs aupreĢ€s de chaque patient et controĢ‚le et enfin (3) du taux de glutathion mesureĢ par imagerie par reĢsonance magneĢtique spectroscopique (MRS). L'analyse et le croisement de ces bases de donneĢes ont eĢteĢ faite aĢ€ l'aide du logiciel SPSS. ReĢsultats et conclusion : Les performances neurocognitives de l'eĢchantillon de patients sont significativement diminueĢes par rapport au groupe d'individus controĢ‚les, et pour chacun des domaines neurocognitifs. La diffeĢrence est la plus grande pour les tests HVLT-R (apprentissage verbal) et les tests BACS-SC et TMT-A (vitesse de traitement). Concernant la deuxieĢ€me partie du travail, (1) un deĢficit dans les domaines neurocognitifs de l'attention/vigilance (CPT-IP) et la meĢmoire de travail verbale (WMS-III) est correĢleĢ avec un taux de glutathion sanguin total eĢleveĢ (p-value = 0.03 et 0.02) ; (2) un deĢficit dans la vitesse de traitement (TMT-A) est correĢleĢ aĢ€ un taux de GSH ceĢreĢbral diminueĢ (p-value=0.047) et (3) un deĢficit dans le domaine du raisonnement et de la reĢsolution de probleĢ€me (NAB lab) est correĢleĢ avec une augmentation de l'ARN messager codant pour la proteĢine Nrf2 au niveau cellulaire (p=0.022). Selon ces reĢsultats, le GSH sanguin total, le GSH ceĢreĢbral et le Nrf2 pourraient eĢ‚tre des bio-marqueurs permettant d'identifier les patients dans la phase preĢcoce de la maladie et leurs meĢcanismes biologiques pourraient constituer des cibles speĢcifiques dans le deĢveloppement de traitements futurs