869 research outputs found

    L'expérience des étudiants postsecondaires qui participent aux ateliers KORSA

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    Afin de promouvoir le mieux-être et la santé mentale des étudiants collégiaux et universitaires, un nombre grandissant d’établissements offre dorénavant des interventions comportementales et cognitives de troisième vague telles que l’approche d’acceptation et d’engagement (ACT). Or, si plusieurs études quantitatives soutiennent l’efficacité de l’ACT, peu d’études qualitatives ont été menées afin de mieux comprendre l’expérience des étudiants qui y participent. L’objectif de la présente étude est de décrire l’expérience subjective des étudiants qui ont pris part aux ateliers KORSA, soit une intervention de groupe basée sur l’ACT. Vingt étudiants (n=20) ont raconté leur expérience lors d’un entretien semi-structuré au terme de leur participation aux ateliers. L’analyse thématique utilisée pour interpréter leurs réponses suggèrent que les étudiants ont fait des apprentissages significatifs durant les ateliers (p. ex., apprendre à observer leur expérience sans chercher à la contrôler et apprendre à cultiver une relation à soi plus amicale). En outre, la dimension relationnelle semble avoir joué un rôle déterminant dans l’expérience des étudiants (p. ex., se sentir en sécurité dans le groupe et avoir l’impression de partager un vécu commun). Pris dans leur ensemble, les résultats de cette étude permettent de mieux comprendre ce que vivent les étudiants postsecondaires qui participent à des interventions de type ACT en groupe et ce qu’ils en retirent

    Mémoire collective au sein d’une institution L’expérience du Livre de vies du Home Juliette Herman

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    Notre article analyse l’expérience de collecte de mémoires initiée par un groupe de professionnelles du Home Juliette Herman, une institution d’aide à la jeunesse située à Bruxelles. Intitulée Livre de vies, plus d’un siècle d’accueil de l’enfance à Bruxelles, ce projet s’est clôturé par une exposition et un catalogue. Son originalité réside essentiellement dans l'implication dynamique des professionnels et des jeunes hébergés au Home, tant anciens qu'actuels. À notre connaissance, cette collecte de mémoire représente, pour l’aide à la jeunesse en Belgique francophone, une expérience collective inédite et aboutie de participation et de recherche historique, menée dans une dynamique intergénérationnelle et interdisciplinaire.This article analyses the experience of gathering memories initiated by professionals from the Home Juliette Herman (HJH), a youth welfare centre in Brussels, on the occasion of its anniversary. Titled Livre de vies. Plus d’un siècle d’accueil de l’enfance à Bruxelles, it was turned into an exhibition with its catalogue. The original feature of this piece of work resides essentially in the dynamic involvement of both professionals and youth hosted at the HJH (current and former hosts), two groups traditionally less sensitive to a historical approach. To the best of our knowledge, this project represents, at least for childcare in French-speaking Belgium, a new collective and accomplished experience of participation and historic research, enhanced by cross-generational and multidisciplinary exchanges

    Electroencephalogram approximate entropy influenced by both age and sleep

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    The use of information-based measures to assess changes in conscious state is an increasingly popular topic. Though recent results have seemed to justify the merits of such methods, little has been done to investigate the applicability of such measures to children. For our work, we used the approximate entropy (ApEn), a measure previously shown to correlate with changes in conscious state when applied to the electroencephalogram (EEG), and sought to confirm whether previously reported trends in adult ApEn values across wake and sleep were present in children. Besides validating the prior findings that ApEn decreases from wake to sleep (including wake, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and non-REM sleep) in adults, we found that previously reported ApEn decreases across vigilance states in adults were also present in children (ApEn trends for both age groups: wake > REM sleep > non-REM sleep). When comparing ApEn values between age groups, adults had significantly larger ApEn values than children during wakefulness. After the application of an 8 Hz high-pass filter to the EEG signal, ApEn values were recalculated. The number of electrodes with significant vigilance state effects dropped from all 109 electrodes with the original 1 Hz filter to 1 electrode with the 8 Hz filter. The number of electrodes with significant age effects dropped from 10 to 4. Our results support the notion that ApEn can reliably distinguish between vigilance states, with low-frequency sleep-related oscillations implicated as the driver of changes between vigilance states. We suggest that the observed differences between adult and child ApEn values during wake may reflect differences in connectivity between age groups, a factor which may be important in the use of EEG to measure consciousness

    DORIF-CLP, Centres de Langues et Plurilinguisme: un groupe de recherche associatif, un espace de mutualisation

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    The present paper aims to describe the recently created DORIF associated research task force (Centro di Documentazione e di Ricerca per la Didattica del Francese nell\u2019Universit\ue0 italiana), working on the project entitled: "Centres of Language and Plurilingualism (CLP): Institutional Research, Action, Didactics and Issues." The group constitutes a "community of intentional practice" (Wenger, 2005). It is currently made up of 8 teachers in the LANSAD departments of 6 different universities, including the University of Grenoble, France, which has been included with a view to comparing how Italian is taught in France to how French is taught in Italy. In order to facilitate a synergetic reflection on our professional practices, DORIF-CLP has launched an online space for teachers where they can discuss and share resources and information. The Moodle page of the CLP, hosted on the platform of the language centre at the University of P\ue9rouse (http://ecla.unipg.it/) , is co-managed by our inter-university team. At present the group is focused on two themes which will be the topic of the current paper : the resources available for the renewal of didactics through TICE and the training of secondary school teachers in Italy in the 2014-15 TFA session

    On the statistical assessment of small sample classification

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    Classifiers start to be used in medical application to infer diagnosis. Their results are assessed through either a binomial or a permutation test. Distributions built from classification of random data with cross-validation, did not follow the theoretical binomial distribution, showing that binomial test was not conservative enough. A permutation test is thus recommended.Peer reviewe
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